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Dotnet Algorand SDK

大家期待的.Net版的Algorand SDK终于上线了,大家和我一起来尝尝鲜吧。

  1. 依赖

本类库依赖于.net core 2.0,所以理论上大家可以在任何支持平台.net core的平台上使用该类库。

  1. 如何引用


Install-Package Algorand
  1. 快速开始
string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "your algod api address";
//string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "";  //hackathon
string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "your algod api token"; //find in the algod.token
//string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "ef920e2e7e002953f4b29a8af720efe8e4ecc75ff102b165e0472834b25832c1";
AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);


    Supply supply = algodApiInstance.GetSupply();
    Console.WriteLine("Total Algorand Supply: " + supply.TotalMoney);
    Console.WriteLine("Online Algorand Supply: " + supply.OnlineMoney);
catch (ApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#getSupply: " + e.Message);
ulong? feePerByte;
string genesisID;
Digest genesisHash;
ulong? firstRound = 301;
    TransactionParams transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
    feePerByte = transParams.Fee;
    genesisHash = new Digest(Convert.FromBase64String(transParams.Genesishashb64));
    genesisID = transParams.GenesisID;
    Console.WriteLine("Suggested Fee: " + feePerByte);
    NodeStatus s = algodApiInstance.GetStatus();
    firstRound = s.LastRound;
    Console.WriteLine("Current Round: " + firstRound);
catch (ApiException e)
    throw new Exception("Could not get params", e);

为了做更多的事,你必须有一个账号。你可以用Account acc = new Account();来创建一个随机的账号,也可以用Mnemonic来创建帐户,下面的例子使用Mnemonic来创建一个账户,并向另一个帐号发送一定量的Algo:

ulong? amount = 100000;
ulong? lastRound = firstRound + 1000; // 1000 is the max tx window
string SRC_ACCOUNT = "typical permit hurdle hat song detail cattle merge oxygen crowd arctic cargo smooth fly rice vacuum lounge yard frown predict west wife latin absent cup";
Account src = new Account(SRC_ACCOUNT);
Console.WriteLine("My account address is:" + src.Address.ToString());
Transaction tx = new Transaction(src.Address, new Address(DEST_ADDR), amount, firstRound, lastRound, genesisID, genesisHash);
SignedTransaction signedTx = src.SignTransactionWithFeePerByte(tx, feePerByte);
Console.WriteLine("Signed transaction with txid: " + signedTx.transactionID);
// send the transaction to the network
    var encodedMsg = Algorand.Encoder.EncodeToMsgPack(signedTx);    
    TransactionID id = algodApiInstance.RawTransaction(encodedMsg);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent tx with id: " + id.TxId);
catch (ApiException e)
    // This is generally expected, but should give us an informative error message.
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#rawTransaction: " + e.Message);
