diff --git a/docs/core-concepts/recording-gameplay.mdx b/docs/core-concepts/recording-gameplay.mdx index cad3fe6..5a1a317 100644 --- a/docs/core-concepts/recording-gameplay.mdx +++ b/docs/core-concepts/recording-gameplay.mdx @@ -60,17 +60,16 @@ Gameplay Sessions unlock access to more features through the Regression Games we ### Recorded Data Formats -The SDK saves recordings to your user's home directory under `unity_videos` on your local device. -Beneath the root directory, the SDK gives each Unity project its own subdirectory matching the project's `Application.productName`. -Recordings are saved under these project subdirectories as a folders named `recording_{MM-dd-yyyy_HH.mm}_{sessionId}`. +The SDK saves recordings to the temporary path on your local device specified by `Application.persistentDataPath`/RegressionGames/recordings. +Recordings are saved in these project specific directories as a folders named `recording_{MM-dd-yyyy_HH.mm.ss}_{sessionId}`. Here is an example of a recording's location for a project named "MyGame": ```bash # macOS & Linux -~/unity_videos/MyGame/recording_08-30-2024_14.34_0b8551 +~/Library/Application Support/Unity/MyGame/RegressionGames/recordings/recording_08-30-2024_14.34.13_0b8551 # Windows -C:\Users\{MyUser}\unity_videos\MyGame\recording_08-30-2024_14.34_0b8551 +C:\Users\{MyUser}\AppData\LocalNow\Unity\MyGame\RegressionGames\recordings\recording_08-30-2024_14.34.13_0b8551 ``` A recording folder contains multiple files that provide important context about the game's state.