diff --git a/MigrateTo1.0.5.sql b/MigrateTo1.0.5.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21f9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MigrateTo1.0.5.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ALTER TABLE `banlist` ADD `liveid` varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `license`;
+ALTER TABLE `banlist` ADD `xblid` varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `liveid`;
+ALTER TABLE `banlist` ADD `discord` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `xblid`;
+ALTER TABLE `banlisthistory` ADD `liveid` varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `license`;
+ALTER TABLE `banlisthistory` ADD `xblid` varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `liveid`;
+ALTER TABLE `banlisthistory` ADD `discord` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL AFTER `xblid`;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__resource.lua b/__resource.lua
index bd773c2..aa29346 100644
--- a/__resource.lua
+++ b/__resource.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 resource_manifest_version "44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937"
-version '1.0.3'
+version '1.0.5'
 server_scripts {
diff --git a/database.sql b/database.sql
index ba7715d..7da4126 100644
--- a/database.sql
+++ b/database.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-  identifier varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin PRIMARY KEY,
+  identifier varchar(25) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin PRIMARY KEY,
   license varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
-  playerip varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  liveid varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  xblid varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  discord varchar(30) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  playerip varchar(25) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
   targetplayername varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
   sourceplayername varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
   reason varchar(255) NOT NULL,
@@ -11,11 +15,15 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banlist (
   permanent int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS banlisthistory;
 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banlisthistory (
-  identifier varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+  identifier varchar(25) NOT NULL,
   license varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
-  playerip varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  liveid varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  xblid varchar(21) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  discord varchar(30) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
+  playerip varchar(25) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
   targetplayername varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
   sourceplayername varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
   reason varchar(255) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/server.lua b/server.lua
index 7da3d9f..c238e17 100644
--- a/server.lua
+++ b/server.lua
@@ -122,10 +122,16 @@ TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'unban', Config.permission, function (source,
 TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'ban', Config.permission, function (source, args, user)
-		local target    = tonumber(args[1])
-		local duree     = tonumber(args[2])
-		local reason    = table.concat(args, " ",3)
-		local permanent = 0
+	local identifier
+	local license
+	local liveid
+	local xblid
+	local discord
+	local playerip
+	local target    = tonumber(args[1])
+	local duree     = tonumber(args[2])
+	local reason    = table.concat(args, " ",3)
+	local permanent = 0
 		if reason == "" then
 			reason = Text.noreason
@@ -137,16 +143,28 @@ TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'ban', Config.permission, function (source, a
 				if duree ~= nil and duree < 365 then
 					local sourceplayername = GetPlayerName(source)
 					local targetplayername = GetPlayerName(target)
-					local identifier 	   = GetPlayerIdentifiers(target)[1]
-					local license          = GetPlayerIdentifiers(target)[2]
-					local playerip         = GetPlayerIdentifiers(target)[3]
+						for k,v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(target))do
+							if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("steam:")) == "steam:" then
+								identifier = v
+							elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("license:")) == "license:" then
+								license = v
+							elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("live:")) == "live:" then
+								liveid = v
+							elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("xbl:")) == "xbl:" then
+								xblid  = v
+							elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then
+								discord = v
+							elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("ip:")) == "ip:" then
+								playerip = v
+							end
+						end
 					if duree > 0 then
-						ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
+						ban(source,identifier,license,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
 						DropPlayer(target, Text.yourban .. reason)
 						local permanent = 1
-						ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
+						ban(source,identifier,license,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
 						DropPlayer(target, Text.yourpermban .. reason)
@@ -187,6 +205,9 @@ TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'reason', Config.permission, function (source
 		local reason     = table.concat(args, " ",1)
 		local permanent  = 0
 		local playerip   = ""
+		local liveid     = "offlineban"
+		local xblid      = "offlineban"
+		local discord    = "offlineban"
 		if Config.esx then
 			MySQL.Async.fetchScalar('SELECT identifier FROM users WHERE name=@name',
@@ -216,12 +237,12 @@ TriggerEvent('es:addGroupCommand', 'reason', Config.permission, function (source
 										local sourceplayername = GetPlayerName(source)
 										if duree > 0 then
-											ban(source,steamID,fivemID,playerip,name,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
+											ban(source,steamID,fivemID,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,name,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
 											lastduree  = ""
 											lasttarget = ""
 											local permanent = 1
-											ban(source,steamID,fivemID,playerip,name,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
+											ban(source,steamID,fivemID,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,name,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
 											lastduree  = ""
 											lasttarget = ""
@@ -269,7 +290,7 @@ local embeds = {
   PerformHttpRequest(DiscordWebHook, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({ username = name,embeds = embeds}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
-function ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
+function ban(source,identifier,license,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,duree,reason,permanent)
 --calcul total expiration (en secondes)
 	local expiration = duree * 86400
 	local timeat     = os.time()
@@ -281,6 +302,9 @@ function ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayernam
 		table.insert(BanList, {
 			identifier = identifier,
 			license    = license,
+			liveid     = liveid,
+			xblid      = xblid,
+			discord    = discord,
 			playerip   = playerip,
 			reason     = reason,
 			expiration = expiration,
@@ -288,15 +312,18 @@ function ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayernam
 		if Config.EnableDiscordLink then
-			local message = (identifier .." ".. license .." ".. playerip .." ".. targetplayername .. Text.isban .." ".. duree .. Text.forr .. reason .." ".. Text.by .." ".. sourceplayername)
+			local message = (identifier .." ".. license .." ".. liveid .." ".. xblid .." ".. discord .." ".. playerip .." ".. targetplayername .. Text.isban .." ".. duree .. Text.forr .. reason .." ".. Text.by .." ".. sourceplayername)
 			sendToDiscord(Config.webhookban, "BanSql", message, Config.red)
-                'INSERT INTO banlist (identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,reason,expiration,timeat,permanent) VALUES (@identifier,@license,@playerip,@targetplayername,@sourceplayername,@reason,@expiration,@timeat,@permanent)',
+                'INSERT INTO banlist (identifier,license,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,reason,expiration,timeat,permanent) VALUES (@identifier,@license,@liveid,@xblid,@discord,@playerip,@targetplayername,@sourceplayername,@reason,@expiration,@timeat,@permanent)',
 				['@identifier']       = identifier,
 				['@license']          = license,
+				['@liveid']           = liveid,
+				['@xblid']            = xblid,
+				['@discord']          = discord,
 				['@playerip']         = playerip,
 				['@targetplayername'] = targetplayername,
 				['@sourceplayername'] = sourceplayername,
@@ -311,10 +338,13 @@ function ban(source,identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayernam
 		TriggerEvent('bansql:sendMessage', source, (Text.youban .. targetplayername .. Text.during .. duree .. Text.forr .. reason))
-                'INSERT INTO banlisthistory (identifier,license,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,reason,expiration,timeat,permanent) VALUES (@identifier,@license,@playerip,@targetplayername,@sourceplayername,@reason,@expiration,@timeat,@permanent)',
+                'INSERT INTO banlisthistory (identifier,license,liveid,xblid,discord,playerip,targetplayername,sourceplayername,reason,expiration,timeat,permanent) VALUES (@identifier,@license,@liveid,@xblid,@discord,@playerip,@targetplayername,@sourceplayername,@reason,@expiration,@timeat,@permanent)',
 				['@identifier']       = identifier,
 				['@license']          = license,
+				['@liveid']           = liveid,
+				['@xblid']            = xblid,
+				['@discord']          = discord,
 				['@playerip']         = playerip,
 				['@targetplayername'] = targetplayername,
 				['@sourceplayername'] = sourceplayername,
@@ -333,17 +363,20 @@ function loadBanList()
     'SELECT * FROM banlist',
-    function (identifiers)
+    function (data)
       BanList = {}
-      for i=1, #identifiers, 1 do
+      for i=1, #data, 1 do
         table.insert(BanList, {
-			identifier = identifiers[i].identifier,
-			license    = identifiers[i].license,
-			playerip   = identifiers[i].playerip,
-			reason     = identifiers[i].reason,
-			expiration = identifiers[i].expiration,
-			permanent  = identifiers[i].permanent
+			identifier = data[i].identifier,
+			license    = data[i].license,
+			liveid     = data[i].liveid,
+			xblid      = data[i].xblid,
+			discord    = data[i].discord,
+			playerip   = data[i].playerip,
+			reason     = data[i].reason,
+			expiration = data[i].expiration,
+			permanent  = data[i].permanent
@@ -354,20 +387,23 @@ function loadBanListHistory()
     'SELECT * FROM banlisthistory',
-    function (identifiers)
+    function (data)
       BanListHistory = {}
-      for i=1, #identifiers, 1 do
+      for i=1, #data, 1 do
         table.insert(BanListHistory, {
-			identifier       = identifiers[i].identifier,
-			license          = identifiers[i].license,
-			playerip         = identifiers[i].playerip,
-			targetplayername = identifiers[i].targetplayername,
-			sourceplayername = identifiers[i].sourceplayername,
-			reason           = identifiers[i].reason,
-			expiration       = identifiers[i].expiration,
-			permanent        = identifiers[i].permanent,
-			timeat           = identifiers[i].timeat
+			identifier       = data[i].identifier,
+			license          = data[i].license,
+			liveid           = data[i].liveid,
+			xblid            = data[i].xblid,
+			discord          = data[i].discord,
+			playerip         = data[i].playerip,
+			targetplayername = data[i].targetplayername,
+			sourceplayername = data[i].sourceplayername,
+			reason           = data[i].reason,
+			expiration       = data[i].expiration,
+			permanent        = data[i].permanent,
+			timeat           = data[i].timeat
@@ -390,10 +426,28 @@ end
 AddEventHandler('playerConnecting', function (playerName,setKickReason)
-    local steamID  = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]
-	local license  = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[2]
-	local playerip = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[3]
+	local steamID  = "no info"
+	local license  = "no info"
+	local liveid   = "no info"
+	local xblid    = "no info"
+	local discord  = "no info"
+	local playerip = "no info"
+	for k,v in ipairs(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source))do
+		if string.sub(v, 1, string.len("steam:")) == "steam:" then
+			steamID = v
+		elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("license:")) == "license:" then
+			license = v
+		elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("live:")) == "live:" then
+			liveid = v
+		elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("xbl:")) == "xbl:" then
+			xblid  = v
+		elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("discord:")) == "discord:" then
+			discord = v
+		elseif string.sub(v, 1, string.len("ip:")) == "ip:" then
+			playerip = v
+		end
+	end
 	--Si Banlist pas chargée
 	if (Banlist == {}) then
@@ -406,7 +460,15 @@ AddEventHandler('playerConnecting', function (playerName,setKickReason)
 	for i = 1, #BanList, 1 do
-		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) and (tonumber(BanList[i].expiration)) > os.time() and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 0 then
+		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].liveid)) == tostring(liveid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].xblid)) == tostring(xblid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].discord)) == tostring(discord) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) 
+			and (tonumber(BanList[i].expiration)) > os.time() 
+			and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 0 then
 			local tempsrestant     = (((tonumber(BanList[i].expiration)) - os.time())/60)
 				if tempsrestant >= 1440 then
 					local day        = (tempsrestant / 60) / 24
@@ -435,13 +497,26 @@ AddEventHandler('playerConnecting', function (playerName,setKickReason)
-		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 1 then
-			setKickReason(Text.yourpermban .. BanList[i].reason)
-			CancelEvent()
+		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].liveid)) == tostring(liveid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].xblid)) == tostring(xblid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].discord)) == tostring(discord) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) 
+			and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 1 then
+				setKickReason(Text.yourpermban .. BanList[i].reason)
+				CancelEvent()
-		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) and (tonumber(BanList[i].expiration)) < os.time() and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 0 then
-			deletebanned(steamID)
+		if ((tostring(BanList[i].identifier)) == tostring(steamID) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].license)) == tostring(license) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].liveid)) == tostring(liveid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].xblid)) == tostring(xblid) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].discord)) == tostring(discord) 
+			or (tostring(BanList[i].playerip)) == tostring(playerip)) 
+			and (tonumber(BanList[i].expiration)) < os.time() 
+			and (tonumber(BanList[i].permanent)) == 0 then
+				deletebanned(steamID)