diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index 9b3e451c2..fd10b2015 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -21,7 +21,14 @@ makedocs(;
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description = "Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing",
footer = "Created in [BIASlab](https://biaslab.github.io/), maintained by [ReactiveBayes](https://github.com/ReactiveBayes), powered by [Documenter.jl](https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl) and the [Julia Programming Language](https://julialang.org/)."
@@ -37,12 +44,7 @@ makedocs(;
"Inference customization" => ["Defining a custom node and rules" => "manuals/customization/custom-node.md", "Inference results postprocessing" => "manuals/customization/postprocess.md"],
"Debugging" => "manuals/debugging.md",
"Migration from v2 to v3" => "manuals/migration-guide-v2-v3.md",
- "Sharp bits of RxInfer" => [
- "Overview" => "manuals/sharpbits/overview.md",
- "Rule Not Found Error" => "manuals/sharpbits/rule-not-found.md",
- "Stack Overflow in Message Computations" => "manuals/sharpbits/stack-overflow-inference.md",
- "Using `=` instead of `:=` for deterministic nodes" => "manuals/sharpbits/usage-colon-equality.md"
- ]
+ "Sharp bits of RxInfer" => ["Overview" => "manuals/sharpbits/overview.md", "Rule Not Found Error" => "manuals/sharpbits/rule-not-found.md", "Stack Overflow in Message Computations" => "manuals/sharpbits/stack-overflow-inference.md", "Using `=` instead of `:=` for deterministic nodes" => "manuals/sharpbits/usage-colon-equality.md"]
"Library" => [
"Model construction" => "library/model-construction.md",
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--- /dev/null
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+ Ask questions about RxInfer Documentation
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+ footerText.innerHTML = `
+ Responses are automatically generated and may not be accurate.
+ Please open an issue if you find any inaccuracies.
+ Powered by Gemini.
+ Sponsored by Lazy Dynamics.
+ `;
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/ld-rxinfer.png differ