Note: The changelog is severely out of date, and will be updated later.
These changes have been made since the current 2.2.0 release. If you build the project as-is, it will include all of them.
What's the point of going through all the trouble of the debug process if you're going to go and fiddle with the game afterwards…?
— Satoru Iwata, "Iwata Asks – Pokémon HeartGold Version & SoulSilver Version"
Add: Medicine and Berry pockets in the Bag.
Add: Store up to 30 phone numbers in Pokégear.
Add: Always keep the option to Teleport away from Indigo Plateau.
Add: Portrait for the meteorite in Pewter Museum.
Add: Special sprite for Red's Pikachu.
Add: Johto and Kanto forms for Arbok.
Add: Drain Kiss drains 75% HP.
Add: Update Pokémon, move, and item attributes to Gen VII:
- Super Potion heals 60 HP.
- Hyper Potion heals 120 HP and costs ¥1500.
- Fresh Water heals 30 HP.
- Soda Pop heals 50 HP.
- Lemonade heals 70 HP and costs ¥400.
- X items sharply raise stats and cost twice as much.
- Tackle has 40 power.
- Sucker Punch has 70 power.
- Leech Life has 80 power and 10 PP.
- Thunder Wave has 90% accuracy.
- Swagger has 85% accuracy.
- Paralysis halves (not quarters) Speed.
- Burn does 1/16 (not 1/8) damage per turn.
- Confusion has a 33% chance (not 50%) to hit self.
- Gengar has the ability Cursed Body. (Can also have Levitate in non-Faithful.)
- Raikou, Entei, and Suicune have the hidden ability Inner Focus. (Faithful only.)
- New item: Protect Pads (abbreviated "Protective Pads"). "Protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target."
- Timer Ball catch rate multiplier is 1 + (turns passed × 3) / 10.
- Nest Ball catch rate multiplier is (41 − enemy mon level) / 5.
Add: Flash is required to return Falkner to the Gym.
Add: Replace Spike Cannon with Icicle Spear.
Add: Replace Twineedle with U-turn.
Add: Replace Whirlwind with Sucker Punch.
Add: Replace Vital Throw with Aura Sphere.
Add: Replace Nightmare with Facade.
Add: Replace Submission with Close Combat.
Add: Replace Sand-Attack with Toxic Spikes.
Add: Replace Fairy Wind with Bulldoze.
Add: Replace Metal Sound with Roost.
Add: Replace Sky Attack with Brave Bird.
Add: Replace Twister with Aqua Jet.
Add: Replace Sludge with Venoshock.
Add: Replace Egg Bomb with Skill Swap.
Add: Replace Mist with Amnesia.
Add: Replace Fury Cutter with Bug Bite.
Add: Replace Harden with Rock Blast.
Add: Replace Triple Kick with Drain Punch.
Add: Replace Lock-On with Power Whip.
Add: Replace Flail with Gyro Ball.
Add: Replace Flame Wheel with Flame Charge.
Add: Replace Moonlight and Morning Sun with Knock Off and "HealingLight".
Add: Replace Fury Attack and Fury Cutter with Trick and "Fury Strikes".
Add: Giga Impact.
Add: NPC trainers can have nicknamed Pokémon.
Add: NPC trainers can have custom EVs.
Add: Accuracy and evasion work like in Gen VI.
Add: Substitute blocks sound-based moves.
Add: Gen III critical hit mechanics (ignore -Atk and +Def stat changes, don't ignore burn).
Add: Grass-type Pokémon are immune to PoisonPowder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, and Spore.
Add: Marowak is Ground/Ghost.
Add: Charizard is Fire/Dragon.
Add: Yanmega is Bug/Dragon.
Add: Ampharos is Electric/Dragon.
Add: Noctowl is Ghost/Flying.
Add: Bellossom is Grass/Fairy.
Add: Celebi is Grass/Fairy.
Add: Rapidash is Fire/Fairy.
Add: Octillery is Water/Fire.
Add: Politoed can learn Energy Ball.
Add: Pidgeot can learn Focus Blast.
Add: Misdreavus can learn Disarm Voice.
Add: Espeon can learn Power Gem.
Add: Dig has 90 BP.
Add: Give in-game trades good natures.
Add: TM prices from OR/AS.
Add: Show quantity in Bag in marts.
Add: Fancier Bag interface with color-coded pockets.
Add: Get a free Premier Ball with every 10 Balls bought.
Add: Show Pokémon portraits when using field moves (thanks to TPP:AC).
Add: Time boundaries from HG/SS (day lasts until 8 PM, not 6 PM).
Add: Use DVs to vary Pokémon colors like in Stadium.
Add: Update random Wonder Trade OT names.
Add: Teleport switches in trainer battles, like Let's Go.
Add: Rock Smash has 60 power (non-Faithful).
Add: Strength is Fighting-type (non-Faithful).
Add: Submission has 120 power (non-Faithful).
Add: Trainers have max happiness for Return.
Add: 1/2048 chance for Wonder Traded Pokémon to have Pokérus.
Add: Buy 12 Moomoo Milk at once.
Add: Show TM names before buying them and when picking them up.
Add: Say which pocket is full if an item can't be picked up.
Add: Use Yellow's encounter music for Jessie & James.
Add: Large red Gyarados sprite.
Add: Route 23 between Pokémon League Gate and Victory Road.
Add: Oak's lab looks different from Elm's lab.
Add: Grass-green for Faraway Island.
Add: TM prices from OR/AS.
Add: Update random Wonder Trade OT names.
Add: Respawn roaming beasts when released.
Add: You can nickname a traded Pokémon once if it has no nickname yet.
Add: Mr. Pokémon gives you a non-OT Ditto, not an Egg, for the Masuda breeding method.
Add: Use original Jynx sprite.
Add: Make overworld sprites darker at night.
Add: Goldenrod Dept. Store and Celadon Mansion roofs have a dark sky at night.
Add: Olivine Gym has its two trainers from HGSS.
Add: Unlock frame type 9.
Add: Choose a typeface/font.
Add: XY Bicycle music for Cycling Road.
Add: Prof.Oak gives you the Oval Charm for seeing all 254 Pokémon, and the Shiny Charm for catching all 254.
Add: Prof.Elm is in the intro.
Add: Cosplayer, Bug Maniac, Ruin Maniac, Lady, Baker, Tamer, Artist, Aroma Lady, Sightseer♂, and Sightseer♀ trainer classes.
Add: New Trainer Card based on the Name Cards from the Mobile Adapter system.
Add: Show PC box quantity.
Add: Pokémon stats show caught Poké Ball.
Add: Nest, Net, Dive, Luxury, and Heal Balls.
Add: Cerulean Bike Shop from HGSS.
Add: Elite 4 rooms have floor arenas.
Add: Confirm gender selection.
Add: Colored party Pokémon icons.
Add: Magikarp Jump patterns.
Add: Headbutt trees to get Silver and Gold Leaves.
Add: Smash rocks to get various items.
Add: Item maniacs from B/W.
Add: Fish to get items based on the Rod (Bottle Caps with Super Rod).
Add: Mulch regrows Berries.
Add: Three battle styles: set, switch, and predict.
Add: Battle Scene → Battle Effects.
Add: Final Lyra battle.
Add: Use a Ball on an already-caught Pokémon to change its Ball.
Add: Kurt makes Balls right away.
Add: Bug-Catching Contest prizes from HGSS.
Add: Hidden Grottoes.
Add: Unown ! and ?.
Add: In-battle symbol to show that Nuzlocke mode prevents capture.
Add: More Grass-type Pokémon can learn Earth Power and Earthquake.
Add: Status icons in battle.
Add: You can Wonder Trade Eggs.
Add: Hidden Power guru finds your Pokémon's Hidden Power.
Add: Hidden Power can be Fairy-type in non-Faithful.
Add: Reset initial options by pressing Left+B at the title screen.
Add: Music resumes where it left off after a battle (from TPP).
Add: Use a proper menu for resurrecting Fossils.
Add: Press B in the battle menu to move the cursor to Run.
Add: Music player with piano roll by Sanqui.
Add: Instant text option.
Add: Imperial or metric units.
Add: 12-hour or 24-hour clock.
Add: ABC or QWERTY keyboard.
Add: Item icons in the Bag.
Add: Thrown Balls use individual icons.
Add: Pokédex shows shiny palettes after getting the Shiny Charm.
Add: New Game+ preserves your money, Battle Points, and PC Pokémon.
Add: Phone call trainers ask automatically for your number.
Add: Replace Jigglypuff Poster with Marill Poster.
Add: Briefly beep to warn of low HP.
Add: Play B/W final Pokémon music for Gym Leaders and Elite 4.
Add: New title music after beating the Elite 4.
Add: Larger Kanto routes, like in RBY.
Add: Proper inverted colors in battle (by MeroMero).
Add: Evolution moves from Gen VII.
Add: Move Reminder supports pre-evolution and evolution moves.
Add: Dark battle intro at night.
Add: Evening as a time of day (shares wild Pokémon with night).
Add: Trainer battles can be forfeited.
Add: Show genders in party menu.
Add: Show weather icons during battle like Gen 5+.
Add: Vending machines have a 1/32 chance of giving an extra item.
Add: Cross whirlpools, don't remove them (like HGSS).
Add: Rename RageCandyBar to Cake of Rage.
Add: Rename Guard Spec. to Guard Stats.
Add: Rename Kay to Carrie (from Pokémon Stadium 2).
Add: Rename Slowbro to the Squatter Pokémon.
Fix: Lt. Surge's electric fence color does not override speech bubbles.
Fix: Zap Cannon has 120 power.
Fix: Pay Day pays 5 times the user's level, not 2.
Fix: Explosion and Self-Destruct do not halve Defense.
Fix: Quick Ball catch rate multiplier is 5 on the first turn.
Fix: Minimize raises evasion by two stages.
Fix: Gen 7 critical hit chances (1/24, 1/8, 1/2, 1/1)
Fix: Munchlax, Magnezone, and Tangrowth have their relatives' cries.
Fix: Game console names in room.
Fix: Yellow Forest gate clerk does not face you.
Fix: Read hidden Ruins of Alph tablet from one direction.
Fix: Ice Rock tile collision data.
Fix: Adjust some trainer levels and rosters.
Fix: Move a trainer in Viridian Gym to prevent getting stuck on spinners.
Fix: Fix some sprites.
Fix: Sandstorm and Hail double, not halve, Special Defense and Defense.
Fix: Enemy Psystrike uses player's Defense.
Fix: TMs do not refresh PP.
Fix: Sketch fails if user is transformed.
Fix: Wild encounter battle transitions correctly depend on relative levels.
Fix: Dig and Fly prevent capture.
Fix: Yellow Carpet is buyable.
Fix: Tangrowth can learn Curse.
Fix: Lyra's Bag is the female version.
Fix: Incorrect Cowgirl and Misty sprites.
Fix: Pokémon caught during the Bug-Catching Contest are recorded as caught in Goldenrod Harbor.
Fix: Magnet Train tracks were missing tiles.
Fix: Shiny icon is the star from Gen 3+.
Fix: SPRITE_DRAGONITE uses Dragonite's side view.
Remove: Rebattling Breeders like in B2/W2.