This repository dedicated to Hacktoberfest 2021. Hacktoberfest is a month long open source contribution program held in October every year by Digital Ocean. This is a beginner-friendly open source event where anyone can participate from anywhere across the globe.
- Don't spam with unnecessery files, those will be considered as invalid pull requests.
- Maintain the flow of this repository.
- Contribute your own seperately. Don't need to change anything what other has contributed here.
- Respect other contributors here.
- Add comment to your pull requests.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a folder of your name.
- Add file/files with valid program(s), written in any language except Hello World!. Comment the output below the program. (It's mandatory). For reference Click here.
- Also add you name as comment.
- Update the Contributors-2021.txt file with your details (Click to know the format). (Mandatory)
- Create pull request.
- Wait for the review.
- If it is found valid, it will be accepted as
Try to do more...
Here is another repository if you want to contribute: Hacktober-Repo
For Hacktoberfest FAQ click here...
Rajdeep Das Maintainer |
Rajdeep Das Contributor++ |
Anwesha Pal Contributor |
Dipanshu Das Contributor |
Mohit Kadwe Contributor |
Chirag Bajaj Contributor |
Khusi Contributor |
Abhirup Bhattacharya Contributor |
WhiteDevil Contributor |
Tauqeer Ahmad Contributor |
Prathiksha Kini Contributor |
Prachi Balodia Contributor |
Mohit Pawar Contributor |
Uniocto Contributor |
Octo Iron Contributor |
Mehul Raj Contributor |
Shuvam Contributor |
Ace117MC Contributor |
Ayushi Contributor |
Uswah Saeed Contributor |
TanviN Contributor |
Shreya Joshi Contributor |
Yash Contributor |
Saksham Garg Contributor |
Sanjay Sanjel Contributor |
Vibha Contributor |
Apara Biswas Contributor |
Pratish Shrivastava Contributor |
Sparsh Garg Contributor |
Nayan Vishwakarma Contributor |
Shivam Chopra Contributor |
Urwashi Kumrawat Contributor |
Harsh Paliwal Contributor |
Mohit Kumar Saini Contributor |
Archit Gupta Contributor |
Joseph Jennings Contributor |
Kartikeya Rawat Contributor |
Tanmay Sharma Contributor |
Ayush Tiwari Contributor |
Noor Fatima Contributor |
Naman Jain Contributor |
Ayush Anand Contributor |
Zuber Rahman Contributor |
Death84L Contributor |
Akanksha Singh Contributor |
Mohd Abdul Subhan Contributor |
Aditya Singh Contributor |
Patricia Felix Contributor |
Sneh Shah Contributor |
Abhinav Kumar Gupta Contributor |
HarshitSrma Contributor |
Yodi Fakhri Contributor |
Naman754 Contributor |
VINIL RATHOD Contributor |
Sayan Sikder Contributor |
Palash Motwani Contributor |
Himanshu Sharma Contributor |
Ankit Saurabh Contributor |
Tarun Kumar Contributor |
Saurabh Siddharth Contributor |
Abhishek Bhatt Contributor |
Manav Naharwal Contributor |
Aravindha Hariharan Contributor |
Moizza Azhar Contributor |
Ludovico Contributor |
Rehmat-E-Mustafa Contributor |
Sourajita Chanda Contributor |
Yash Raj Mani Contributor |
Tanish Chugh Contributor |
Noor Fatima Contributor |
** If you see someone's profile link is not working or not found, then he/she has changed username or deleted account.
Dont forget to star this repo and follow me!
Made for Hacktoberfest!
© Rajdeep Das.