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📁 Minimal example - OpenCV Camera capture
📁 Minimal example - Camera capture (
📁 Minimal example - OpenCV Camera capture and release
is only supported on linux:
Pygame currently supports only Linux and v4l2 cameras.
An alternative solution is to use the OpenCV VideoCapture
. Install OpenCV for Python (cv2) (see opencv-python).
Opens a camera for video capturing:
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
Grabs a camera frame:
success, camera_image =
Convert the camera frame to a pygame.Surface
object using pygame.image.frombuffer
camera_surf = pygame.image.frombuffer(camera_image.tobytes(), camera_image.shape[1::-1], "BGR")
Related Stack Overflow questions:
📁 Minimal example - Play video with MoviePy
📁 Minimal example - Play video
is deprecated and not longer supported.
If you only want to show the video you can use MoviePy (see also How to be efficient with MoviePy):
import pygame
import moviepy.editor
video = moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip("video.mp4")
An alternative solution is to use the OpenCV VideoCapture
. Install OpenCV for Python (cv2) (see opencv-python). However, it should be mentioned that cv2.VideoCapture
does not provide a way to read the audio from the video file. This is only a solution to view the video but no audio is played.
Opens a camera for video capturing:
video = cv2.VideoCapture("video.mp4")
Get the frames per second form the VideoCapture
fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
Create a pygame.time.Clock
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
Grabs a video frame and limit the frames per second in the application loop:
success, video_image =
Convert the camera frame to a pygame.Surface
object using pygame.image.frombuffer
video_surf = pygame.image.frombuffer(video_image.tobytes(), video_image.shape[1::-1], "BGR")