- Some updates to EquationEffect, may or may not change behavior (sorry!)
- Fixes for the item_crack particle effect disconnecting clients
- Add support for 1.10
- Update to 1.9 sound names, now only fully compatible with 1.9 and up
- Add cycle parameter to EquationEffect
- Fix API, add back Effect.setLocation, setEntity, setTargetLocation, setTargetEntity
- Add EquationEffect, for making custom effects using math equations
- Add new particles from 1.9
- 1.9 Compatibility
- Add relativeOffset parameter (thanks, SexyToad!)
- Dropped support for 1.7. It's no longer easy/possible to have backwards compatibility due to 1.9 dropping the old signature of getOnlinePlayers.
- Add relativeOffset parameter (thanks, SexyToad!)
- Dropped support for 1.7. It's no longer easy/possible to have backwards compatibility due to 1.9 dropping the old signature of getOnlinePlayers.
- Add material and materialData parameters to all effects, for customizing block_crack and item_crack particle types
- Add support for particle counts and offsets
- Turn Effect.autoOrient off by default
- Add updateLocations and updateDirections parameters, can be used to turn off Entity location tracking
- Changed Cone and Vortex effects to better react to changes in direction
- Fix BigBang (can't spawn Fireworks async!)
- Config-driven effect classes may omit the "Effect" portion of the class name when using builtin effects
- Effect "type" (instant, repeating, delayed) can now be set via configs
- Fix LineEffect, broken in 3.5
- Add "duration" parameter, a value in ms that can convert to period/iterations for you.
- Add KCauldron support (Thank you, tpnils1!)
- Add setParticleRange method to set default particle visibility range
- Particles now use the "long range" flag when range is greater that 16 blocks
- The old range of 256 seemed way too high, particles appear to vanish after 16 blocks if not long-range
- Add generalized parameter support for Configuration-driven effects You can put variable names that start with "$" in the configuration, e.g. "$radius" Then when starting an effect, you can set $radius to a value in the parameterMap to automatically replace the variables in the config.
- Add a DynamicLocation class to encapsulate an Entity or Location. This can be used to create a virtual entity, by controlling the location while the effect is runnning.
- Effects now track an Entity relative to the given starting Location
- Added some simpler versions of EffectManager.start()
- Removed references to Apache Commons classes
- Update particle names to match current ParticleEffect lib- please check code and configs!
- Added colorizeable spell_mob, spell_mob_ambient and redstone particles
- Full 1.8 support
- Better error handling, config options for turning on/off log messages
- Add MC 1.8 particle FX (will work even on Spigot protocol hack- avoid on Craftbukkit 1.7!)
- Add displayTo methods for showing a particle to only one player.
- Refactored Effect system. Most Effect class names have changed!
- Combined Entity and Location Effects.
- Last backward-compatible version of EffectLib.