Name | Type | Description | Notes |
issuer_url | Option<String> | URL of the provider which allows the API server to discover public signing keys. Only URLs which use the https:// scheme are accepted. This is typically the provider's discovery URL without a path, for example "\" or "\". This URL should point to the level below .well-known/openid-configuration. |
[optional] |
client_id | Option<String> | A client id that all tokens must be issued for | [optional] |
username_claim | Option<String> | JWT claim to use as the user name. By default sub , which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. Admins can choose other claims, such as email or name , depending on their provider. However, claims other than email will be prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming clashes with other plugins. |
[optional] |
username_prefix | Option<String> | Prefix prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing names (such as system: users). For example, the value oidc: will create usernames like oidc:jane.doe . If this flag isn't provided and username_claim is a value other than email the prefix defaults to ( Issuer URL )# where ( Issuer URL ) is the value of issuer_url . The value - can be used to disable all prefixing. |
[optional] |
groups_claim | Option<Vec> | JWT claim to use as the user's group | [optional] |
groups_prefix | Option<String> | Prefix prepended to group claims to prevent clashes with existing names (such as system: groups). For example, the value oidc: will create group names like oidc:engineering and oidc:infra . |
[optional] |
required_claim | Option<Vec> | Multiple key=value pairs that describes a required claim in the ID Token. If set, the claims are verified to be present in the ID Token with a matching value. | [optional] |