Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | Option<String> | This field allows to update the external name of the cluster. The internal name (used for instance in hostname) won't change. | [optional] |
description | Option<String> | The new description of the cluster | [optional] |
tags | Option<Vec> | The new tags associated with the cluster | [optional] |
autoscaler_config | Option<crate::models::UpdateClusterRequestAutoscalerConfig> | [optional] | |
enable_dashboard | Option<bool> | The new value of the Kubernetes Dashboard enablement | [optional] |
ingress | Option<String> | The new Ingress Controller for the cluster | [optional][default to UnknownIngress] |
auto_upgrade | Option<crate::models::UpdateClusterRequestAutoUpgrade> | [optional] | |
feature_gates | Option<Vec> | List of feature gates to enable | [optional] |
admission_plugins | Option<Vec> | List of admission plugins to enable | [optional] |
open_id_connect_config | Option<crate::models::UpdateClusterRequestOpenIdConnectConfig> | [optional] | |
apiserver_cert_sans | Option<Vec> | Additional Subject Alternative Names for the Kubernetes API server certificate | [optional] |