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deploy a new version of your application"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},Object(r.b)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Qovery CLI")," - check the status of your application"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},Object(r.b)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Qovery CLI")," - debug your application"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},"Repeat")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"first-usage"},"First usage"),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"install"},"Install"),Object(r.b)(l.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"linux",placeholder:"Select your OS",select:!1,size:null,values:[{group:"Platforms",label:"Linux",value:"linux"},{group:"Platforms",label:"MacOS",value:"macos"},{group:"Platforms",label:"Windows",value:"windows"},{group:"Platforms",label:"Docker",value:"docker"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"linux",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)(l.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"universal",values:[{label:"*nix",value:"universal"},{label:"Arch Linux",value:"arch"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"universal",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"To download and install Qovery CLI on any Linux distribution:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash\n"))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"arch",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Qovery is part of ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://aur.archlinux.org/packages"}),"AUR")," packages, so you can install it with ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Jguer/yay"}),"yay"),":"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ yay qovery-cli\n"))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Linux manually by downloading the ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to a folder into your shell ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"PATH"),".")))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"macos",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)(l.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"homebrew",values:[{label:"Homebrew",value:"homebrew"},{label:"Script",value:"script"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"homebrew",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"The common solution to install a command line binary on the MacOS is to use ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://brew.sh/"}),"Homebrew"),"."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Add Qovery brew repository\n$ brew tap Qovery/qovery-cli\n\n# Install the CLI\n$ brew install qovery-cli\n"))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"script",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"To download and install Qovery CLI from the command line:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash\n"))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Mac OS manually by downloading the ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to a folder into your shell ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"PATH"),".")))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"windows",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)(l.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"scoop",values:[{label:"Scoop",value:"scoop"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"scoop",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"The classic way to install binaries on Windows is to use ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://scoop.sh/"}),"Scoop"),"."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Add Qovery bucket\n$ scoop bucket add qovery https://github.com/Qovery/scoop-qovery-cli\n\n# Install the CLI\n$ scoop install qovery-cli\n"))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Windows manually by downloading the ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to\n",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"C:\\Windows"),".")))),Object(r.b)(c.a,{value:"docker",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Install Docker on your local machine and run the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Pull and Run the latest Qovery CLI\n$ docker run ghcr.io/qovery/qovery-cli:latest help\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Change ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"latest")," by the version you want to use. For example, to use the version 0.58.4, run:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ docker run ghcr.io/qovery/qovery-cli:0.58.4 help\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Note: ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"ghcr.io")," is the ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/pkgs/container/qovery-cli"}),"GitHub Container Registry"),"."))),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"sign-up"},"Sign up"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Sign up and sign in command\n$ qovery auth\n")),Object(r.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"If you are using an environment without access to GUI or a browser, you can use headless authentication instead:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Sign up and sign in command\n$ qovery auth --headless\n"))),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Your browser window with sign-in options will open."),Object(r.b)("p",{align:"center"},Object(r.b)("img",{src:"/img/qovery_signup.svg",alt:"Qovery Sign-up page"})),Object(r.b)("p",null,Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/apps/qovery/installations/new"}),"Click here")," to authorize Qovery to clone and build your applications."),Object(r.b)("p",{align:"center"},Object(r.b)("img",{src:"/img/github_signup.svg",alt:"Connect Github"})),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Congratulations, you are logged-in."),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"help"},"Help"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can see all the commands available by executing:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery help\n")),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash",metastring:'title="Help output"',title:'"Help','output"':!0}),'$ qovery help\nA Command-line Interface of the Qovery platform\n\nUsage:\n qovery [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n application Manage applications\n auth Log in to Qovery\n completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell\n console Opens the application in Qovery Console in your browser\n container Manage containers\n context Manage CLI context\n cronjob Manage cronjobs\n database Manage databases\n env Manage Environment Variables and Secrets\n environment Manage environments\n help Help about any command\n lifecycle Manage lifecycle jobs\n log Print your application logs\n service Manage services\n shell Connect to an application container\n status Print the status of your application\n token Generate an API token\n upgrade Upgrade Qovery CLI to latest version\n version Print installed version of the Qovery CLI\n\nFlags:\n -h, --help help for qovery\n\nUse "qovery [command] --help" for more information about a command.\n')),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"context"},"Context"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Context command lets you configure the CLI to work with your chosen application. Before executing other commands, you need first to set up the context.\nThe context is then remembered and used by the CLI. You can configure a new context anytime by running the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery context set")," command."),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Most of the commands support an inline context set allowing you to directly pass the URL of the application you wants to interact with."),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Example:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell https://console.qovery.com/organization/51927012-8377-4e0f-84cf-7f5f38a0154b/project/a6545d50-69a3-4966-89cc-4c0bfb6d3448/environment/c9ac549b-a855-4d3b-b652-d68d5f1fea11/application/820ca0a3-08bf-42c1-8ad2-540714ad657f/general\n# this is the url of my back-end application\n\nOrganization | My orga\nProject | R&D / Backend\nEnvironment | prod\nServiceLevel | back-end\nServiceType | application\n\n$ ls\n...\n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"set-new-context"},"Set New Context"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To set a new context, type ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery context set"),":"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery context set\nQovery: Current context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | test\nEnvironment | development\nApplication | website\n\nQovery: Select new context\nOrganization:\n\u2714 Qovery\nProject:\n\u2714 admin\nEnvironment:\n\u2714 main\nApplication:\n\u2714 app\n\nQovery: New context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | admin\nEnvironment | main\nApplication | app\n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"print-current-context"},"Print Current Context"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery context\nQovery: Current context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | admin\nEnvironment | main\nApplication | app\n\nQovery: You can set a new context using 'qovery context set'.\n")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"log"},"Log"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Log command allows you to display the application logs."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery log\n TIME MESSAGE\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019717 at /usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:17:16\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019721 at Array.forEach ()\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019724 at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:15:14)\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019728 at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)\n # ... the rest of logs\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"By default, the last 1000 logs is displayed."),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"follow-logs"},"Follow Logs"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To make the CLI follow your logs, use ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-f")," flag:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery log -f\n TIME MESSAGE\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019717 at /usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:17:16\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019721 at Array.forEach ()\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019724 at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:15:14)\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019728 at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)\n # ... the rest of logs\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"This will make the CLI follow your application logs and append any new logs till you use ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"CTRL+C"),"."),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"status"},"Status"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Status command lets you print the basic status of your application."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery status\n15 Jul 21 10:55 CEST\nApplication | Backend\nStatus | RUNNING\n")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"console"},"Console"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Console command quickly opens the Qovery Console in your browser to let you display more information about your application."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery console\nQovery: Opening https://console.qovery.com/platform/organization/your-org/projects/your-proj/environments/your-env/applications/your-app/summary\n")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"shell"},"Shell"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Shell command allows you to open a connection and execute commands directly on the container running application."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell\n/ # ls\nbin media srv\ndev mnt sys\ndocker-entrypoint.d opt tmp\ndocker-entrypoint.sh proc usr\netc root var\nhome run www\nlib sbin\n")),Object(r.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},"Keep in mind these limitations when using this feature:",Object(r.b)("ul",null,Object(r.b)("li",null,"Install a process reaper as pid one in your container (i.e: dumb-init), as you may leave zoombie process in your container if your shell terminate unproperly (i.e: ctrl+c, cnx restart). This is a known issue with kubernetes exec to leave process alive after attach is closed;"),Object(r.b)("li",null,"shell is force closed after [1 hour, 1GB transmitted];"),Object(r.b)("li",null,"we use SH by default. To have auto-completion, start bash."))),Object(r.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},"The width of the terminal is limited to 80 characters. But you can resize it once you are inside the application with one of these commands:",Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"COLUMNS=200 tput init\nstty cols 200\n"))),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"pass-a-command"},"Pass a command"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To pass a command, you can use the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--command")," or ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-c")," argument followed by your command."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --command ls\nbin media srv\ndev mnt sys\ndocker-entrypoint.d opt tmp\ndocker-entrypoint.sh proc usr\netc root var\nhome run www\nlib sbin\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To pass several arguments, you can separate them with a comma or send different ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--command"),"."),Object(r.b)("p",null,Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell --command ls --command -l"),"\n",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell --command ls,-l"),"\n",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell -c ls,-l")),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --command ls --command -l\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 30 09:32 bin\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 360 Dec 21 09:46 dev\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 41 Dec 20 20:13 docker-entrypoint.d\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1620 Dec 20 20:13 docker-entrypoint.sh\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 25 Dec 21 09:46 etc\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 home\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 61 Dec 20 22:11 lib\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 44 Nov 30 09:32 media\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 mnt\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 opt\ndr-xr-xr-x 209 root root 0 Dec 21 09:46 proc\ndrwx------ 1 root root 26 Dec 21 10:38 root\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23 Dec 21 09:46 run\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 30 09:32 sbin\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 srv\ndr-xr-xr-x 13 root root 0 Dec 21 09:46 sys\ndrwxrwxrwt 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 tmp\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 66 Nov 30 09:32 usr\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 19 Nov 30 09:32 var\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 59 Dec 21 09:45 www\n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"shell-in-a-dedicated-pod"},"Shell in a dedicated pod"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"If your application is running on several pods, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--pod")," or ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-p")," argument followed by your pod name."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --pod app-5f65fb5c4-frontend-5f65db5c4b-q4w11\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"NOTE: you can get the list of pods by running the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery list-pods")," command."),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"shell-in-a-dedicated-container"},"Shell in a dedicated container"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"If you have several containers in your pod, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--container")," argument followed by your container name."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --container app-5f65fb5c4-frontend\n")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"port-forward"},"Port-forward"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Port-forward command allows you to port-forward all the traffic on your local machine to a remote resource available on a Qovery environment. This mechanism allows developers to create a secure, encrypted tunnel from their local machine to the application or databases hosted in the cloud. "),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),'$ qovery port-forward -p 8000:80 #your_local_port:your_remote_port\nInfo: Current context:\nOrganization | Qovery Prod\nProject | R&D / Frontend\nEnvironment | prod\nService | console\nType | application\n\nInfo: Continue with port-forward command using this context ?\nPlease type "yes" to validate context: yes\n\nListening on => 80\n')),Object(r.b)("p",null,"The port-forward feature works with any ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"application"),", ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"Cronjob"),", ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"Lifecycle job")," or ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"database")," (Container or Managed) deployed with Qovery. For ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"Managed database")," instances on AWS, once the port-forwarded is activated, you must specify ~ ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--tls")," and ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--tls-insecure")," in your database connection command since localhost is not the valid hostname."),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"port-forward-a-dedicated-pod"},"Port-forward a dedicated pod"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"If your application is running on several pods, you can port-forward to a dedicated one by using the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--pod")," argument followed by your pod name."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery port-forward -p 8000:80 -pod app-5f65fb5c4-frontend-5f65db5c4b-q4w11\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"NOTE: you can get the list of pods by running the ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery list-pods")," command."),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"generate-api-token"},"Generate API token"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To use the Qovery API you will need to generate an authentication token. To generate an API token you can install the CLI and type"),Object(r.b)(i.a,{type:"warning",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"Never share your API token with anyone.")),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery token\n\nQovery: Select organization\nOrganization:\n\u2714 My Organization\nChoose a token name\nToken name: Romaric\nChoose a token description\nToken description: used for Github Actions\nQovery: ---- Never share this authentication token and keep it secure ----\nQovery: qov_4LnEg2wFxxxxxHObGSQ22rjBZZyyyySgyR6Y_2500882691\nQovery: ---- Never share this authentication token and keep it secure ----\n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"To use your token and list your organizations."),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-shell"}),"curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token qov_4LnEg2wFxxxxxHObGSQ22rjBZZyyyySgyR6Y_2500882691' https://api.qovery.com/organization\n")),Object(r.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(r.b)("p",null,"The token can be used to interact programmatically with our API (directly, via our Terraform Provider etc..).\nIf you get a 424 error while trying to create new applications from one of your git repository, please make sure that the Organization Owner has access to the repository you are configuring for your app.")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Check out our ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://api-doc.qovery.com"}),"API documentation")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"managing-services-and-environments"},"Managing services and environments"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"The CLI allows you to manage and deploy the environment and services within your organization"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"###\xa0application, container, lifecycle, cronjob\nThese commands allow you to manage all these services via the CLI. You can run the following actions on these services:"),Object(r.b)("ul",null,Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"cancel: Cancel the service deployment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"delete: Delete a service"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"deploy: Deploy a service"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"list: List the service of the specified type"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"redeploy: Redeploy a service (already deployed before)"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stop: Stop a service")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Each action allows you to specify additional parameters to define the service you want to modify (you can find them via the --help command) "),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Example: Listing applications and triggering a deployment"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),'$ qovery application list\nName | Type | Status | Last Update \nbackend | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-02 14:48:05.339652 +0000 UTC\nfront-end | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-09 14:04:38.079792 +0000 UTC\n\n$ qovery application deploy -n "backend"\nDeploying application backend in progress..\n\n$ qovery application list\nName | Type | Status | Last Update \nbackend | Application | RUNNING | 2023-02-13 12:59:23.228231 +0000 UTC\nfront-end | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-09 14:04:38.079792 +0000 UTC\n')),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"environment"},"Environment"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"The command ",Object(r.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"environment")," allow you to manage a specific environment via the CLI. You can run the following actions on environments:"),Object(r.b)("ul",null,Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"cancel: Cancel an environment deployment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"clone: Clone an environment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"delete: Delete an environment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"deploy: Deploy an environment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"list: List environments"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"redeploy: Redeploy an environment"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stage: Manage deployment stages"),Object(r.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stop: Stop an environment")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Each action allows you to specify additional parameters to define the service you want to modify (you can find them via the --help command)"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Example: Manage deployment stages and triggering deployment"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),'~ $ qovery environment stage list\n\n# deployment stage 1: "DATABASE DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nDATABASE | Redis\nDATABASE | DB\n\n\n# deployment stage 2: "JOB DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\n\n\n\n# deployment stage 3: "CONTAINER DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nCONTAINER | Rabbitmq\n\n\n# deployment stage 4: "APPLICATION DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nAPPLICATION | Backend\nAPPLICATION | Frontend\nAPPLICATION | Pablo Backend App\nAPPLICATION | API gateway\n\n~ $ qovery environment deploy\nEnvironment is deploying!\n')),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"managing-the-deployment-pipeline"},"Managing the Deployment Pipeline"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"In the following sections we will describe how to modify the Deployment Pipeline. "),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"list-stages"},"List stages"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can list all the stages of your environment by using the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage list\n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"add-a-stage"},"Add a stage"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can add a new stage by using the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage create -n -d \n")),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Note that the stage will be added at the end of the pipeline (the highest number)"),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"modify-a-stage"},"Modify a stage"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can modify a stage by using the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage edit -n --new-name --new-description \n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"delete-a-stage"},"Delete a stage"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can modify a stage by using the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage delete -n \n")),Object(r.b)("h3",{id:"change-stage-for-a-service"},"Change stage for a service"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"You can modify the stage associated to a service by using the following command:"),Object(r.b)("pre",null,Object(r.b)("code",Object(t.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage move -n --stage \n")),Object(r.b)("h2",{id:"support"},"Support"),Object(r.b)("p",null,"Do you have any issues with Qovery CLI? ",Object(r.b)("a",Object(t.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/issues"}),"Open an issue"),"."))}u.isMDXComponent=!0},439:function(e,n,a){"use strict";a(441);var t=a(0),o=a.n(t),r=a(438),l=a.n(r);a(132);n.a=function(e){var n=e.children,a=e.classNames,t=e.fill,r=e.icon,c=e.type,i=null;switch(c){case"danger":i="alert-triangle";break;case"success":i="check-circle";break;case"warning":i="alert-triangle";break;default:i="info"}return o.a.createElement("div",{className:l()(a,"alert","alert--"+c,{"alert--fill":t,"alert--icon":!1!==r}),role:"alert"},!1!==r&&o.a.createElement("i",{className:l()("feather","icon-"+(r||i))}),n)}},452:function(e,n,a){"use strict";var t=a(1),o=(a(457),a(454),a(52),a(29),a(22),a(21),a(0)),r=a.n(o),l=a(462),c=a(438),i=a.n(c),s=a(446),b=a.n(s),p=a(461),d=37,u=39;function m(e){var n=e.block,a=e.centered,t=e.changeSelectedValue,o=e.className,l=e.handleKeydown,c=e.style,s=e.values,b=e.selectedValue,p=e.tabRefs;return r.a.createElement("div",{className:a?"tabs--centered":null},r.a.createElement("ul",{role:"tablist","aria-orientation":"horizontal",className:i()("tabs",o,{"tabs--block":n}),style:c},s.map((function(e){var n=e.value,a=e.label;return r.a.createElement("li",{role:"tab",tabIndex:"0","aria-selected":b===n,className:i()("tab-item",{"tab-item--active":b===n}),key:n,ref:function(e){return p.push(e)},onKeyDown:function(e){return l(p,e.target,e)},onFocus:function(){return t(n)},onClick:function(){return t(n)}},a)}))))}function h(e){var n=e.placeholder,a=e.selectedValue,t=e.changeSelectedValue,o=e.size,c=e.values,i=c;if(i[0].group){var s=_.groupBy(i,"group");i=Object.keys(s).map((function(e){return{label:e,options:s[e]}}))}return r.a.createElement(l.a,{className:"react-select-container react-select--"+o,classNamePrefix:"react-select",options:i,isClearable:a,placeholder:n,value:c.find((function(e){return e.value==a})),onChange:function(e){return t(e?e.value:null)}})}n.a=function(e){e.block,e.centered;var n=e.children,a=e.defaultValue,l=e.groupId,c=e.label,i=e.placeholder,s=e.select,y=e.size,g=(e.style,e.values),v=e.urlKey,O=Object(p.a)(),j=O.tabGroupChoices,f=O.setTabGroupChoices,w=Object(o.useState)(a),N=w[0],x=w[1];if(null!=l){var C=j[l];null!=C&&C!==N&&x(C)}var T=function(e){x(e),null!=l&&f(l,e)},I=[],k=function(e,n,a){switch(a.keyCode){case u:!function(e,n){var a=e.indexOf(n)+1;e[a]?e[a].focus():e[0].focus()}(e,n);break;case d:!function(e,n){var a=e.indexOf(n)-1;e[a]?e[a].focus():e[e.length-1].focus()}(e,n)}};return Object(o.useEffect)((function(){if("undefined"!=typeof window&&window.location&&v){var e=b.a.parse(window.location.search);e[v]&&x(e[v])}}),[]),r.a.createElement(r.a.Fragment,null,r.a.createElement("div",{className:"margin-bottom--"+(y||"md")},c&&r.a.createElement("div",{className:"margin-vert--sm"},c),g.length>1&&(s?r.a.createElement(h,Object(t.a)({changeSelectedValue:T,handleKeydown:k,placeholder:i,selectedValue:N,size:y,tabRefs:I},e)):r.a.createElement(m,Object(t.a)({changeSelectedValue:T,handleKeydown:k,selectedValue:N,tabRefs:I},e)))),o.Children.toArray(n).filter((function(e){return e.props.value===N}))[0])}},458:function(e,n,a){"use strict";var t=a(0),o=a.n(t);n.a=function(e){return o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment,null,e.children)}}}]);
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deploy a new version of your application"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},Object(l.b)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Qovery CLI")," - check the status of your application"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},Object(l.b)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Qovery CLI")," - debug your application"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ol"},"Repeat")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"first-usage"},"First usage"),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"install"},"Install"),Object(l.b)(r.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"linux",placeholder:"Select your OS",select:!1,size:null,values:[{group:"Platforms",label:"Linux",value:"linux"},{group:"Platforms",label:"MacOS",value:"macos"},{group:"Platforms",label:"Windows",value:"windows"},{group:"Platforms",label:"Docker",value:"docker"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"linux",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)(r.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"universal",values:[{label:"*nix",value:"universal"},{label:"Arch Linux",value:"arch"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"universal",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"To download and install Qovery CLI on any Linux distribution:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash\n"))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"arch",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Qovery is part of ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://aur.archlinux.org/packages"}),"AUR")," packages, so you can install it with ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Jguer/yay"}),"yay"),":"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ yay qovery-cli\n"))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Linux manually by downloading the ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to a folder into your shell ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"PATH"),".")))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"macos",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)(r.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"homebrew",values:[{label:"Homebrew",value:"homebrew"},{label:"Script",value:"script"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"homebrew",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"The common solution to install a command line binary on the MacOS is to use ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://brew.sh/"}),"Homebrew"),"."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Add Qovery brew repository\n$ brew tap Qovery/qovery-cli\n\n# Install the CLI\n$ brew install qovery-cli\n"))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"script",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"To download and install Qovery CLI from the command line:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash\n"))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Mac OS manually by downloading the ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to a folder into your shell ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"PATH"),".")))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"windows",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)(r.a,{centered:!0,className:"rounded",defaultValue:"scoop",values:[{label:"Scoop",value:"scoop"},{label:"Manual",value:"manual"}],mdxType:"Tabs"},Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"scoop",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"The classic way to install binaries on Windows is to use ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://scoop.sh/"}),"Scoop"),"."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Add Qovery bucket\n$ scoop bucket add qovery https://github.com/Qovery/scoop-qovery-cli\n\n# Install the CLI\n$ scoop install qovery-cli\n"))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"manual",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Install the Qovery CLI on Windows manually by downloading the ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/releases"}),"latest release"),", and uncompress its content to\n",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"C:\\Windows"),".")))),Object(l.b)(c.a,{value:"docker",mdxType:"TabItem"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Install Docker on your local machine and run the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Pull and Run the latest Qovery CLI\n$ docker run ghcr.io/qovery/qovery-cli:latest help\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Change ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"latest")," by the version you want to use. For example, to use the version 0.58.4, run:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ docker run ghcr.io/qovery/qovery-cli:0.58.4 help\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Note: ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"ghcr.io")," is the ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/pkgs/container/qovery-cli"}),"GitHub Container Registry"),"."))),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"sign-up"},"Sign up"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Sign up and sign in command\n$ qovery auth\n")),Object(l.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"If you are using an environment without access to GUI or a browser, you can use headless authentication instead:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"# Sign up and sign in command\n$ qovery auth --headless\n"))),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Your browser window with sign-in options will open."),Object(l.b)("p",{align:"center"},Object(l.b)("img",{src:"/img/qovery_signup.svg",alt:"Qovery Sign-up page"})),Object(l.b)("p",null,Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/apps/qovery/installations/new"}),"Click here")," to authorize Qovery to clone and build your applications."),Object(l.b)("p",{align:"center"},Object(l.b)("img",{src:"/img/github_signup.svg",alt:"Connect Github"})),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Congratulations, you are logged-in."),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"help"},"Help"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can see all the commands available by executing:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery help\n")),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash",metastring:'title="Help output"',title:'"Help','output"':!0}),'$ qovery help\nA Command-line Interface of the Qovery platform\n\nUsage:\n qovery [command]\n\nAvailable Commands:\n application Manage applications\n auth Log in to Qovery\n completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell\n console Opens the application in Qovery Console in your browser\n container Manage containers\n context Manage CLI context\n cronjob Manage cronjobs\n database Manage databases\n env Manage Environment Variables and Secrets\n environment Manage environments\n help Help about any command\n lifecycle Manage lifecycle jobs\n log Print your application logs\n service Manage services\n shell Connect to an application container\n status Print the status of your application\n token Generate an API token\n upgrade Upgrade Qovery CLI to latest version\n version Print installed version of the Qovery CLI\n\nFlags:\n -h, --help help for qovery\n\nUse "qovery [command] --help" for more information about a command.\n')),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"context"},"Context"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Context command lets you configure the CLI to work with your chosen application. Before executing other commands, you need first to set up the context.\nThe context is then remembered and used by the CLI. You can configure a new context anytime by running the ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery context set")," command."),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"set-new-context"},"Set New Context"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To set a new context, type ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery context set"),":"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery context set\nQovery: Current context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | test\nEnvironment | development\nApplication | website\n\nQovery: Select new context\nOrganization:\n\u2714 Qovery\nProject:\n\u2714 admin\nEnvironment:\n\u2714 main\nApplication:\n\u2714 app\n\nQovery: New context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | admin\nEnvironment | main\nApplication | app\n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"print-current-context"},"Print Current Context"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery context\nQovery: Current context:\nOrganization | Qovery\nProject | admin\nEnvironment | main\nApplication | app\n\nQovery: You can set a new context using 'qovery context set'.\n")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"log"},"Log"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Log command allows you to display the application logs."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery log\n TIME MESSAGE\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019717 at /usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:17:16\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019721 at Array.forEach ()\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019724 at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:15:14)\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019728 at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)\n # ... the rest of logs\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"By default, the last 1000 logs is displayed."),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"follow-logs"},"Follow Logs"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To make the CLI follow your logs, use ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-f")," flag:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery log -f\n TIME MESSAGE\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019717 at /usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:17:16\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019721 at Array.forEach ()\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019724 at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/src/app/autoFunctions/levels.js:15:14)\n Jul 15 08:46:13.019728 at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)\n # ... the rest of logs\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"This will make the CLI follow your application logs and append any new logs till you use ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"CTRL+C"),"."),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"status"},"Status"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Status command lets you print the basic status of your application."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery status\n15 Jul 21 10:55 CEST\nApplication | Backend\nStatus | RUNNING\n")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"console"},"Console"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Console command quickly opens the Qovery Console in your browser to let you display more information about your application."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery console\nQovery: Opening https://console.qovery.com/platform/organization/your-org/projects/your-proj/environments/your-env/applications/your-app/summary\n")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"shell"},"Shell"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Shell command allows you to open a connection and execute commands directly on the container running application."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell\n/ # ls\nbin media srv\ndev mnt sys\ndocker-entrypoint.d opt tmp\ndocker-entrypoint.sh proc usr\netc root var\nhome run www\nlib sbin\n")),Object(l.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},"Keep in mind these limitations when using this feature:",Object(l.b)("ul",null,Object(l.b)("li",null,"Install a process reaper as pid one in your container (i.e: dumb-init), as you may leave zoombie process in your container if your shell terminate unproperly (i.e: ctrl+c, cnx restart). This is a known issue with kubernetes exec to leave process alive after attach is closed;"),Object(l.b)("li",null,"shell is force closed after [1 hour, 1GB transmitted];"),Object(l.b)("li",null,"we use SH by default. To have auto-completion, start bash."))),Object(l.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},"The width of the terminal is limited to 80 characters. But you can resize it once you are inside the application with one of these commands:",Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"COLUMNS=200 tput init\nstty cols 200\n"))),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"pass-a-command"},"Pass a command"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To pass a command, you can use the ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--command")," or ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-c")," argument followed by your command."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --command ls\nbin media srv\ndev mnt sys\ndocker-entrypoint.d opt tmp\ndocker-entrypoint.sh proc usr\netc root var\nhome run www\nlib sbin\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To pass several arguments, you can separate them with a comma or send different ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--command"),"."),Object(l.b)("p",null,Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell --command ls --command -l"),"\n",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell --command ls,-l"),"\n",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"qovery shell -c ls,-l")),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --command ls --command -l\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 30 09:32 bin\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 360 Dec 21 09:46 dev\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 41 Dec 20 20:13 docker-entrypoint.d\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1620 Dec 20 20:13 docker-entrypoint.sh\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 25 Dec 21 09:46 etc\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 home\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 61 Dec 20 22:11 lib\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 44 Nov 30 09:32 media\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 mnt\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 opt\ndr-xr-xr-x 209 root root 0 Dec 21 09:46 proc\ndrwx------ 1 root root 26 Dec 21 10:38 root\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23 Dec 21 09:46 run\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 30 09:32 sbin\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 srv\ndr-xr-xr-x 13 root root 0 Dec 21 09:46 sys\ndrwxrwxrwt 2 root root 6 Nov 30 09:32 tmp\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 66 Nov 30 09:32 usr\ndrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 19 Nov 30 09:32 var\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 59 Dec 21 09:45 www\n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"shell-in-a-dedicated-pod"},"Shell in a dedicated pod"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"If your application is running on several pods, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--pod")," or ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"-p")," argument followed by your pod name."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --pod app-5f65fb5c4-frontend-5f65db5c4b-q4w11\n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"shell-in-a-dedicated-container"},"Shell in a dedicated container"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"If you have several containers in your pod, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"--container")," argument followed by your container name."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery shell --container app-5f65fb5c4-frontend\n")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"generate-api-token"},"Generate API token"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To use the Qovery API you will need to generate an authentication token. To generate an API token you can install the CLI and type"),Object(l.b)(i.a,{type:"warning",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"Never share your API token with anyone.")),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"$ qovery token\n\nQovery: Select organization\nOrganization:\n\u2714 My Organization\nChoose a token name\nToken name: Romaric\nChoose a token description\nToken description: used for Github Actions\nQovery: ---- Never share this authentication token and keep it secure ----\nQovery: qov_4LnEg2wFxxxxxHObGSQ22rjBZZyyyySgyR6Y_2500882691\nQovery: ---- Never share this authentication token and keep it secure ----\n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"To use your token and list your organizations."),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-shell"}),"curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token qov_4LnEg2wFxxxxxHObGSQ22rjBZZyyyySgyR6Y_2500882691' https://api.qovery.com/organization\n")),Object(l.b)(i.a,{type:"info",mdxType:"Alert"},Object(l.b)("p",null,"The token can be used to interact programmatically with our API (directly, via our Terraform Provider etc..).\nIf you get a 424 error while trying to create new applications from one of your git repository, please make sure that the Organization Owner has access to the repository you are configuring for your app.")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Check out our ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://api-doc.qovery.com"}),"API documentation")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"managing-services-and-environments"},"Managing services and environments"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"The CLI allows you to manage and deploy the environment and services within your organization"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"###\xa0application, container, lifecycle, cronjob\nThese commands allow you to manage all these services via the CLI. You can run the following actions on these services:"),Object(l.b)("ul",null,Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"cancel: Cancel the service deployment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"delete: Delete a service"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"deploy: Deploy a service"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"list: List the service of the specified type"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"redeploy: Redeploy a service (already deployed before)"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stop: Stop a service")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Each action allows you to specify additional parameters to define the service you want to modify (you can find them via the --help command) "),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Example: Listing applications and triggering a deployment"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),'$ qovery application list\nName | Type | Status | Last Update \nbackend | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-02 14:48:05.339652 +0000 UTC\nfront-end | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-09 14:04:38.079792 +0000 UTC\n\n$ qovery application deploy -n "backend"\nDeploying application backend in progress..\n\n$ qovery application list\nName | Type | Status | Last Update \nbackend | Application | RUNNING | 2023-02-13 12:59:23.228231 +0000 UTC\nfront-end | Application | STOPPED | 2023-02-09 14:04:38.079792 +0000 UTC\n')),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"environment"},"Environment"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"The command ",Object(l.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"environment")," allow you to manage a specific environment via the CLI. You can run the following actions on environments:"),Object(l.b)("ul",null,Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"cancel: Cancel an environment deployment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"clone: Clone an environment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"delete: Delete an environment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"deploy: Deploy an environment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"list: List environments"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"redeploy: Redeploy an environment"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stage: Manage deployment stages"),Object(l.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"stop: Stop an environment")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Each action allows you to specify additional parameters to define the service you want to modify (you can find them via the --help command)"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Example: Manage deployment stages and triggering deployment"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),'~ $ qovery environment stage list\n\n# deployment stage 1: "DATABASE DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nDATABASE | Redis\nDATABASE | DB\n\n\n# deployment stage 2: "JOB DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\n\n\n\n# deployment stage 3: "CONTAINER DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nCONTAINER | Rabbitmq\n\n\n# deployment stage 4: "APPLICATION DEFAULT"\nRename me to avoid default/legacy ordering\n\nType | Name\nAPPLICATION | Backend\nAPPLICATION | Frontend\nAPPLICATION | Pablo Backend App\nAPPLICATION | API gateway\n\n~ $ qovery environment deploy\nEnvironment is deploying!\n')),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"managing-the-deployment-pipeline"},"Managing the Deployment Pipeline"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"In the following sections we will describe how to modify the Deployment Pipeline. "),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"list-stages"},"List stages"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can list all the stages of your environment by using the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage list\n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"add-a-stage"},"Add a stage"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can add a new stage by using the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage create -n -d \n")),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Note that the stage will be added at the end of the pipeline (the highest number)"),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"modify-a-stage"},"Modify a stage"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can modify a stage by using the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage edit -n --new-name --new-description \n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"delete-a-stage"},"Delete a stage"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can modify a stage by using the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage delete -n \n")),Object(l.b)("h3",{id:"change-stage-for-a-service"},"Change stage for a service"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"You can modify the stage associated to a service by using the following command:"),Object(l.b)("pre",null,Object(l.b)("code",Object(a.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-bash"}),"qovery environment stage move -n --stage \n")),Object(l.b)("h2",{id:"support"},"Support"),Object(l.b)("p",null,"Do you have any issues with Qovery CLI? ",Object(l.b)("a",Object(a.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/Qovery/qovery-cli/issues"}),"Open an issue"),"."))}d.isMDXComponent=!0},439:function(e,n,t){"use strict";t(441);var a=t(0),o=t.n(a),l=t(438),r=t.n(l);t(132);n.a=function(e){var n=e.children,t=e.classNames,a=e.fill,l=e.icon,c=e.type,i=null;switch(c){case"danger":i="alert-triangle";break;case"success":i="check-circle";break;case"warning":i="alert-triangle";break;default:i="info"}return o.a.createElement("div",{className:r()(t,"alert","alert--"+c,{"alert--fill":a,"alert--icon":!1!==l}),role:"alert"},!1!==l&&o.a.createElement("i",{className:r()("feather","icon-"+(l||i))}),n)}},452:function(e,n,t){"use strict";var a=t(1),o=(t(457),t(454),t(52),t(29),t(22),t(21),t(0)),l=t.n(o),r=t(462),c=t(438),i=t.n(c),s=t(446),b=t.n(s),p=t(461),u=37,d=39;function m(e){var n=e.block,t=e.centered,a=e.changeSelectedValue,o=e.className,r=e.handleKeydown,c=e.style,s=e.values,b=e.selectedValue,p=e.tabRefs;return l.a.createElement("div",{className:t?"tabs--centered":null},l.a.createElement("ul",{role:"tablist","aria-orientation":"horizontal",className:i()("tabs",o,{"tabs--block":n}),style:c},s.map((function(e){var n=e.value,t=e.label;return l.a.createElement("li",{role:"tab",tabIndex:"0","aria-selected":b===n,className:i()("tab-item",{"tab-item--active":b===n}),key:n,ref:function(e){return p.push(e)},onKeyDown:function(e){return r(p,e.target,e)},onFocus:function(){return a(n)},onClick:function(){return a(n)}},t)}))))}function h(e){var n=e.placeholder,t=e.selectedValue,a=e.changeSelectedValue,o=e.size,c=e.values,i=c;if(i[0].group){var s=_.groupBy(i,"group");i=Object.keys(s).map((function(e){return{label:e,options:s[e]}}))}return l.a.createElement(r.a,{className:"react-select-container react-select--"+o,classNamePrefix:"react-select",options:i,isClearable:t,placeholder:n,value:c.find((function(e){return e.value==t})),onChange:function(e){return a(e?e.value:null)}})}n.a=function(e){e.block,e.centered;var n=e.children,t=e.defaultValue,r=e.groupId,c=e.label,i=e.placeholder,s=e.select,y=e.size,g=(e.style,e.values),v=e.urlKey,O=Object(p.a)(),j=O.tabGroupChoices,f=O.setTabGroupChoices,N=Object(o.useState)(t),w=N[0],x=N[1];if(null!=r){var C=j[r];null!=C&&C!==w&&x(C)}var T=function(e){x(e),null!=r&&f(r,e)},I=[],k=function(e,n,t){switch(t.keyCode){case d:!function(e,n){var t=e.indexOf(n)+1;e[t]?e[t].focus():e[0].focus()}(e,n);break;case u:!function(e,n){var t=e.indexOf(n)-1;e[t]?e[t].focus():e[e.length-1].focus()}(e,n)}};return Object(o.useEffect)((function(){if("undefined"!=typeof window&&window.location&&v){var e=b.a.parse(window.location.search);e[v]&&x(e[v])}}),[]),l.a.createElement(l.a.Fragment,null,l.a.createElement("div",{className:"margin-bottom--"+(y||"md")},c&&l.a.createElement("div",{className:"margin-vert--sm"},c),g.length>1&&(s?l.a.createElement(h,Object(a.a)({changeSelectedValue:T,handleKeydown:k,placeholder:i,selectedValue:w,size:y,tabRefs:I},e)):l.a.createElement(m,Object(a.a)({changeSelectedValue:T,handleKeydown:k,selectedValue:w,tabRefs:I},e)))),o.Children.toArray(n).filter((function(e){return e.props.value===w}))[0])}},458:function(e,n,t){"use strict";var a=t(0),o=t.n(a);n.a=function(e){return o.a.createElement(o.a.Fragment,null,e.children)}}}]);
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An Organization is the workspace where devops and developers can collaborate across many projects at once and it usually corresponds to your company. A user can have access to one or more organizations and have different roles & permissions assigned within it thanks to our RBAC system.
At Qovery, when we refer to Cluster, we mean Kubernetes cluster. A Kubernetes cluster is a collection of node machines that allows you to run containerized applications.
A Managed Cluster is a Kubernetes cluster managed by Qovery. It means that Qovery will create the cluster for you and will take care of the cluster lifecycle (creation, upgrade, deletion etc..). Zero maintenance for you.
A Self-Managed Cluster is a Kubernetes cluster managed by you. It means that you have to create the cluster yourself and you have to take care of the cluster lifecycle (creation, upgrade, deletion etc..). You can install Qovery on your cluster to let Qovery manage the deployment of your applications on your cluster.
A Project allows you to group together a set of services interacting between each other to serve a common purpose. For example, you can have one project to run your main application (composed by a front-end, back-end and a db) and another project to manage your internal tools.
Services can be then organized into environments so that you can have different versions of the same service running within your project (production, staging, fix for issue X etc..)
One organization can have more than one project and you can customize the access to your project thanks to our RBAC system.
An Environment allows you to group together a set of services having a specific version, usually based on a branch of your repository. For example, you can have one Production environment (all the services pointing to the main branch), one Staging environment (all services pointing to the staging branch) etc..
Your production environment runs 24/7 while your other environments may not need to run all day long. By setting a Deployment Rule on your environment you can automatically start/stop your non-production environments and thus reduce your cloud provider bill.
Environments let's you chose on which cluster your services should be deployed.
A Preview Environment is an ephemeral environment allowing you to get early feedback on your application changes before the changes are merged into production. A dedicated preview environment can be automatically created at each new PR on your repository to validate the change. The environment is automatically deleted once the PR is merged or closed.
A Service is the basic unit that you can add to an environment. Each service has an associated git repository (or registry) and a commit (or image_name:tag) that will be used to deploy the service on the cluster.
Five types of services exists:
Application: it allows you to run your long-running workloads. We usually call them "Containers" when the source code is stored on an image registry. More information about Applications here
Database: it allows you to deploy a database. Qovery allows you to deploy a container and a cloud provider managed version. More information about Databases here
CronJob: it allows you to deploy a cronjob on your cluster and execute it based on the selected schedule. More information about Cronjob here
Lifecycle: it allows you to execute your code based on the events happening on your environment (Start, Stop, Delete etc..). With the right code, it can be used to seed your database when the environment is created or manage the lifecycle of any external resource (via a terraform file, pulumi code etc..). More information about Lifecycle here
Helm: it allows you to deploy a helm chart on your cluster. More information about Helm here
A Deployment is the operation allowing you to gather your code and make it runs on your cluster. Qovery can pull your repository, generate a docker image and spawn the necessary resources on your clusters to make your application run. You can find more information within this section.
You can monitor the execution of the deployment via the Deployment Logs while you can monitor the execution of your application thanks to the streamed Live Logs directly from the Qovery interface.
An Organization is the workspace where devops and developers can collaborate across many projects at once and it usually corresponds to your company. A user can have access to one or more organizations and have different roles & permissions assigned within it thanks to our RBAC system.
At Qovery, when we refer to Cluster, we mean Kubernetes cluster. A Kubernetes cluster is a collection of node machines that allows you to run containerized applications.
A Managed Cluster is a Kubernetes cluster managed by Qovery. It means that Qovery will create the cluster for you and will take care of the cluster lifecycle (creation, upgrade, deletion etc..). Zero maintenance for you.
A Self-Managed Cluster is a Kubernetes cluster managed by you. It means that you have to create the cluster yourself and you have to take care of the cluster lifecycle (creation, upgrade, deletion etc..). You can install Qovery on your cluster to let Qovery manage the deployment of your applications on your cluster.
A Project allows you to group together a set of services interacting between each other to serve a common purpose. For example, you can have one project to run your main application (composed by a front-end, back-end and a db) and another project to manage your internal tools.
Services can be then organized into environments so that you can have different versions of the same service running within your project (production, staging, fix for issue X etc..)
One organization can have more than one project and you can customize the access to your project thanks to our RBAC system.
An Environment allows you to group together a set of services having a specific version, usually based on a branch of your repository. For example, you can have one Production environment (all the services pointing to the main branch), one Staging environment (all services pointing to the staging branch) etc..
Your production environment runs 24/7 while your other environments may not need to run all day long. By setting a Deployment Rule on your environment you can automatically start/stop your non-production environments and thus reduce your cloud provider bill.
Environments let's you chose on which cluster your services should be deployed.
A Preview Environment is an ephemeral environment allowing you to get early feedback on your application changes before the changes are merged into production. A dedicated preview environment can be automatically created at each new PR on your repository to validate the change. The environment is automatically deleted once the PR is merged or closed.
A Service is the basic unit that you can add to an environment. Each service has an associated git repository (or registry) and a commit (or image_name:tag) that will be used to deploy the service on the cluster.
Five types of services exists:
Application: it allows you to run your long-running workloads. We usually call them "Containers" when the source code is stored on an image registry. More information about Applications here
Database: it allows you to deploy a database. Qovery allows you to deploy a container and a cloud provider managed version. More information about Databases here
CronJob: it allows you to deploy a cronjob on your cluster and execute it based on the selected schedule. More information about Cronjob here
Lifecycle: it allows you to execute your code based on the events happening on your environment (Start, Stop, Delete etc..). With the right code, it can be used to seed your database when the environment is created or manage the lifecycle of any external resource (via a terraform file, pulumi code etc..). More information about Lifecycle here
Helm: it allows you to deploy a helm chart on your cluster. More information about Helm here
A Deployment is the operation allowing you to gather your code and make it runs on your cluster. Qovery can pull your repository, generate a docker image and spawn the necessary resources on your clusters to make your application run. You can find more information within this section.
You can monitor the execution of the deployment via the Deployment Logs while you can monitor the execution of your application thanks to the streamed Live Logs directly from the Qovery interface.
This guide will help you to create your Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials for Qovery. Those credentials will be used to create a Kubernetes cluster, a dedicated VPC and a few services on your AWS account. Refer to our Infrastructure page to learn more about the infrastructure created by Qovery.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
The default name required by Qovery is Admins. If you want to use another name, you have to change the cluster advanced settings aws.iam.admin_group BEFORE launching the cluster installation process
Well done!! You now have your AWS access key id and secret access key and your permissions are setups; It is time to connect Qovery to your AWS account.
You will be able to use the credentials you just generated when creating a cluster via the Qovery console. This cluster will be linked to your Qovery organization.
-Follow this documentation to create a new cluster on your organization.
Qovery is an abstraction layer on top of AWS and Kubernetes. Qovery manages the configuration of AWS account, and helps you to deploy production ready apps in seconds.
-To make it works, Qovery rely on Kubernetes for stateless apps (containers), and AWS for stateful apps (databases, storage...).
The first time you set up your AWS account, Qovery creates a Kubernetes cluster in your chosen region. Qovery managed it for you - no action required. It takes ~15 minutes to configure and bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. Once bootstrapped, your Kubernetes cluster runs the Qovery app and is ready to deploy your applications.
AWS provides managed services for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB. Qovery gives you access to those services when you set the environment mode to Production. In Development mode, Qovery provides containers equivalent, which is cheaper and faster to start.
Different datacenters are located in different geographic areas, and you may want to keep your site physically close to the bulk of your user base for reduced latency.
The first time you set up your AWS account, Qovery creates a Kubernetes cluster in your chosen region. Qovery managed it for you - no action required. It takes ~15 minutes to configure and bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. Once bootstrapped, your Kubernetes cluster runs the Qovery app and is ready to deploy your applications.
AWS provides managed services for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB. Qovery gives you access to those services when you set the environment mode to Production. In Development mode, Qovery provides containers equivalent, which is cheaper and faster to start.
Different datacenters are located in different geographic areas, and you may want to keep your site physically close to the bulk of your user base for reduced latency.
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by yourself by following the guide "I don't have Qovery access anymore, how could I delete Qovery deployed resources on my AWS account?"
in this section.
Qovery required IAM permissions to create, update and managed the infrastructure.
IAM is used to create IAM roles
S3 is used to store our generated configuration files
Cloudwatch, for creating a group stream for each Kubernetes clusters
Autoscaling for RDS and autoscaling rules for the Kubernetes cluster
Elastic load-balancing for ELB / ALB / NLB.
DynamoDB to have a distributed lock on infrastructure deployment.
ECR for managing the container registry, create/update/delete repository.
KMS to load and store keys (RDS, SSH, …)
EKS to create and update the Kubernetes cluster.
Minimum IAM permission set
Last update: 2023-06-08
This is purely informative and we strongly recommend you to NOT use this configuration within your IAM permissions since it might not
reflect the latest product update. Please use the one provided in the section above.
Below you can find the minimum permission set required by Qovery to run and deploy your applications.
Policies lengths are limited regarding which object they’re attached to but the one Qovery needs represent more than the maximum (~6000
In order to setup it up, you need to create two IAM groups, each one with one of the following policies.
Then we must create a user added to each of the previously created groups.
Once it’s done, the user’s access key and secret key can be used in Qovery.
Install Qovery on your AWS account in less than 30 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same AWS account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different AWS accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
Install Qovery on your AWS account in less than 30 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same AWS account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different AWS accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
You will be able to use the credentials you just generated when creating a cluster via the Qovery console. This cluster will be linked to your Qovery organization.
-Follow this documentation to create a new cluster on your organization.
Install Qovery on your GCP account in less than 20 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same GCP account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different GCP accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
Install Qovery on your GCP account in less than 20 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same GCP account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different GCP accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
#Managed Cluster by Qovery vs. Self-Managed - What to choose?
Qovery offers two distinct approaches to cluster management: Cluster Managed by Qovery and Self-managed Cluster.
-Choose Cluster Managed by Qovery if you are not familiar with Kubernetes or you don't want to bother with it and delegate infrastructure management to Qovery. Choose Self-Managed otherwise.
Here is a table to help you to choose between both:
Cluster Managed by Qovery (recommended)
Self-Managed Cluster (advanced)
Fully managed by Qovery
Self-managed by the organization
Limited control over Kubernetes infrastructure
Full control over Kubernetes setup
Supported Cloud Service Providers
AWS, GCP, Scaleway
Standard Qovery configuration
High customization and configuration freedom
Expertise Required
Requires Kubernetes expertise
Qovery is responsible for maintenance
Organization is responsible for maintenance
Developer Experience
Streamlined and simplified
Streamlined and simplified (no difference)
Setup Complexity
Just a AWS, GCP or Scaleway account
Requires infrastructure and Kubernetes knowledge
Flexibility in Usage
Standardized to Qovery's environment
Flexible to meet specific organizational needs
Ideal Use Case
Organizations preferring a hands-off approach
Organizations with specific Kubernetes needs
Managed Services
Cf. list below
Self-Managed Cluster is also known as Bring Your Own Kubernetes (BYOK).
Managed Services
Here is the list of managed services provided by Qovery with the Kubernetes Managed by Qovery approach:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler
Cluster Autoscaler
Cert-manager Qovery Webhook
Nginx Ingress
Metrics Server
External DNS
AWS EBS Driver
AWS Kubeproxy
IAM EKS User Mapper
AWS Node Term Handler
A more detailed comparison is available on our blog
+Choose Cluster Managed by Qovery if you are not familiar with Kubernetes or you don't want to bother with it and delegate infrastructure management to Qovery. Choose Self-Managed otherwise.
Here is a table to help you to choose between both:
Cluster Managed by Qovery (recommended)
Self-Managed Cluster (advanced)
Fully managed by Qovery
Self-managed by the organization
Limited control over Kubernetes infrastructure
Full control over Kubernetes setup
Supported Cloud Service Providers
AWS, GCP, Scaleway
Standard Qovery configuration
High customization and configuration freedom
Expertise Required
Requires Kubernetes expertise
Qovery is responsible for maintenance
Organization is responsible for maintenance
Developer Experience
Streamlined and simplified
Streamlined and simplified (no difference)
Setup Complexity
Just a AWS, GCP or Scaleway account
Requires infrastructure and Kubernetes knowledge
Flexibility in Usage
Standardized to Qovery's environment
Flexible to meet specific organizational needs
Ideal Use Case
Organizations preferring a hands-off approach
Organizations with specific Kubernetes needs
Managed Services
Cf. list below
Self-Managed Cluster is also known as Bring Your Own Kubernetes (BYOK).
Managed Services
Here is the list of managed services provided by Qovery with the Kubernetes Managed by Qovery approach:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler
Cluster Autoscaler
Cert-manager Qovery Webhook
Nginx Ingress
Metrics Server
External DNS
AWS EBS Driver
AWS Kubeproxy
IAM EKS User Mapper
AWS Node Term Handler
A more detailed comparison is available on our blog
Used to easily reach your applications with DNS records, even on private network
If missing
You will have easy access with dns names to your services, you'll have to use IPs
Qovery uses External DNS to automatically configure DNS records for your applications.
If you don't want or can't add your own DNS provider, Qovery proposes it's own managed sub-domain DNS provider for free.
-You'll then be able to later add your custom DNS record (no matter the provider) to point to your Qovery DNS sub-domain.
Well done!! You now have your Scaleway access key id, secret access key, organization_id and project id; It is time to connect Qovery to your Scaleway account.
Well done!! You now have your Scaleway access key id, secret access key, organization_id and project id; It is time to connect Qovery to your Scaleway account.
Qovery is an abstraction layer on top of Scaleway and Kubernetes. Qovery manages the configuration of Scaleway account, and helps you to deploy production ready apps in seconds.
-To make it works, Qovery rely on Kubernetes for stateless apps (containers), and Scaleway for stateful apps (databases, storage...).
The first time you set up your Scaleway account, Qovery creates a Kubernetes cluster in your chosen region. Qovery managed it for you - no action required. It takes ~15 minutes to configure and bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. Once bootstrapped, your Kubernetes cluster runs the Qovery app and is ready to deploy your applications.
Scaleway provides managed services for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB. Qovery gives you access to those services when you set the environment mode to Production. In Development mode, Qovery provides containers equivalent, which is cheaper and faster to start.
Different datacenters are located in different geographic areas, and you may want to keep your site physically close to the bulk of your user base for reduced latency.
#I don't find a region that is provided by Scaleway
We are probably testing the support of this region, please contact us to know what's the status
The first time you set up your Scaleway account, Qovery creates a Kubernetes cluster in your chosen region. Qovery managed it for you - no action required. It takes ~15 minutes to configure and bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster. Once bootstrapped, your Kubernetes cluster runs the Qovery app and is ready to deploy your applications.
Scaleway provides managed services for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB. Qovery gives you access to those services when you set the environment mode to Production. In Development mode, Qovery provides containers equivalent, which is cheaper and faster to start.
Different datacenters are located in different geographic areas, and you may want to keep your site physically close to the bulk of your user base for reduced latency.
#I don't find a region that is provided by Scaleway
We are probably testing the support of this region, please contact us to know what's the status
Install Qovery on your Scaleway account in less than 20 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same Scaleway account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different Scaleway accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
Install Qovery on your Scaleway account in less than 20 minutes. Qovery will create a Kubernetes cluster for you and manage it for you. To install Qovery on an existing Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Now you can create your Kubernetes cluster. Follow this guide to create your Kubernetes cluster.
Note that you can create multiple clusters on the same Scaleway account with different VPCs. You can also create multiple clusters on different Scaleway accounts. Qovery will manage them for you.
Qovery is the Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that cuts noise for developers with paved paths to production. Testing, ephemeral environments, and drive action to improve software.
By using Qovery, Platform Engineering teams can provide an outstanding platform to their developers in less than a hour. Then Platform Engineering teams can tailor the experience of Qovery and even build on top of it to fit their own golden path. They keep the control and can audit what developers do.
By using Qovery, developers are autonomous in deploying their applications, debugging, and scaling. They don't need any infrastructure knowledge. They can connect their git repository, pushing and deploying their apps.
Qovery focus on providing an outstanding Developer Experience and never assume that developers know how underlying infrastructure work.
Qovery is the Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that cuts noise for developers with paved paths to production. Testing, ephemeral environments, and drive action to improve software.
By using Qovery, Platform Engineering teams can provide an outstanding platform to their developers in less than a hour. Then Platform Engineering teams can tailor the experience of Qovery and even build on top of it to fit their own golden path. They keep the control and can audit what developers do.
By using Qovery, developers are autonomous in deploying their applications, debugging, and scaling. They don't need any infrastructure knowledge. They can connect their git repository, pushing and deploying their apps.
Qovery focus on providing an outstanding Developer Experience and never assume that developers know how underlying infrastructure work.
Backups and restore are frequently a nightmare to setup. Especially for databases. Qovery helps you to get this part always automatically managed by the Cloud provider.
Backups and restore are frequently a nightmare to setup. Especially for databases. Qovery helps you to get this part always automatically managed by the Cloud provider.
Data in transit between the World and Qovery is always encrypted, as all of the services which Qovery supports. Services include the Qovery CLI, management console, Documentation, Landing Page, and Back Office.
Data in transit between the World and customer applications is encrypted. By default, HTTPS connections use an automatically generated Let's Encrypt certificate, or users may provide their own TLS certificate (Enterprise only).
Data in transit on Qovery controlled networks (e.g., between the application and a database) use end-to-end encryption and private networking rules.
All application data is encrypted by using encrypted storage (typically using an AES-256 block cipher). If you have specific audit requirements surrounding data at rest encryption, please contact us.
Data in transit between the World and Qovery is always encrypted, as all of the services which Qovery supports. Services include the Qovery CLI, management console, Documentation, Landing Page, and Back Office.
Data in transit between the World and customer applications is encrypted. By default, HTTPS connections use an automatically generated Let's Encrypt certificate, or users may provide their own TLS certificate (Enterprise only).
Data in transit on Qovery controlled networks (e.g., between the application and a database) use end-to-end encryption and private networking rules.
All application data is encrypted by using encrypted storage (typically using an AES-256 block cipher). If you have specific audit requirements surrounding data at rest encryption, please contact us.
We've implemented policies in the company to ensure all of our employees follow the necessary training and protocols around security. Besides, privacy protection is part of every project during instantiation.
We've confirmed that all of our customer communication, both business-related and marketing-related, is opt-in, and no information is shared with us without a customer's consent.
The GDPR provides rights to individuals, such as the right to portability, right of rectification, and the right to be forgotten. We've made sure we comply with these rights. Nearly all information can be edited through a user's account, and we can delete accounts upon request.
We've implemented policies in the company to ensure all of our employees follow the necessary training and protocols around security. Besides, privacy protection is part of every project during instantiation.
We've confirmed that all of our customer communication, both business-related and marketing-related, is opt-in, and no information is shared with us without a customer's consent.
The GDPR provides rights to individuals, such as the right to portability, right of rectification, and the right to be forgotten. We've made sure we comply with these rights. Nearly all information can be edited through a user's account, and we can delete accounts upon request.
Qovery infrastructure and process comply with SOC2 (Systems and Organizations Controls 2) best practices. Qovery also brings by default many security features to your applications, clusters, and databases to comply with the most stringent security standards of SOC2.
-You can find additional information on the Qovery trust page.
All customers using Qovery, requiring to be SOC2 compliant, save a lot of time as the deployed infrastructure is SOC2 ready!
In this documentation, you will find settings to update to comply with SOC2 and even more.
In the cluster advanced settings, you will find several options to update based on your wishes and to comply with SOC2. Here are the most important ones:
In the cluster advanced settings, you will find several options to update based on your wishes and to comply with SOC2. Here are the most important ones:
#What is the difference between a Project, an Application, and an Environment?
A project is the site that you're working on. Each project can contain multiple applications and be deployed in multiple environments. An environment is a standalone copy of your site, including apps, databases, storage, data, and all other services. By default, main branch is the production environment, while all other branches can be set up as identical copies of the prod environment for testing purposes.
Qovery provides managed and container modes for your databases. Basically, managed mode relies on the managed database provided by the cloud provider. E.g. if you choose Postgres with the managed mode while your environment is running on AWS, then Qovery provides an AWS RDS instance. Please check out our database section for further details.
Behind the scene, Qovery uses Kubernetes. Qovery extends Kubernetes to make it accessible to any developer teams.
Important: Qovery does not modify Kubernetes. It only deploys his services in a qovery Kubernetes namespace.
#Which IP address does my cluster use to communicate externally over the Internet?
There isn't just one public cluster IP adress dedicated to external communication. However, worker nodes inside your cluster each have a public IP automatically attached to them. You can view those default public IPs in the details of your worker nodes (EC2 instances for AWS users) which belong to the node group in your cluster.
For improved security and control, the Static IP feature allows you to ensure that outbound traffic from your cluster uses specific IP addresses. For more information on the Static IP feature and how to enable it at cluster creation, see Static IP.
#If I have N custom domains under the same root domain, do I need to create N CNAME records, or just creating one for the root domain is enough ?
The Qovery team manages your Kubernetes cluster's upgrade, and you don't have to think about it. Upgrades from one minor Kubernetes version to another require a good amount of tests to make sure everything goes smoothly with zero interruptions for your app. This is why Qovery always provides 1 or 2 minor versions below the last one offered by the cloud provider. Our goal is to guarantee you the maximum uptime.
Under the hood, Qovery uses containers and Kubernetes to run applications. With us, your applications scale accordingly to your traffic and needs. We rely on major cloud providers to provide reliable infrastructure to make your applications highly available.
What's more, we took on our shoulders the complexity of providing and managing other infrastructure requirements you need (like databases or message brokers), so you can focus merely on developing business features.
With Qovery, the cloud is simple again. Get all the benefits of using cloud and Kubernetes without dealing with its complexity. You don't need to hire infrastructure experts - configuring continuous integration, deployment, databases, message brokers, storage, DNS, SSL/TLS, VPCs, and many others - we do it all for you. On Qovery, you can spin up a set of microservices, databases, and other cloud services in minutes with a single Git push!
Qovery is designed by developers for developers. Our goal is to make your life easier and allow you to move faster. Developer experience is at our heart. Building cloud-native applications was never that fast and simple!
#Fully customizable for advanced business use cases
Create teams, split responsibilities, manage privileges, enforce company-wide rules, deploy to multiple clouds, plug in your own CI solutions. Qovery Business allows you to bring your organization to the next level with ease.
An Active User is someone who made a code change on git or deployed an application in the last 30 days. We do not count contributions to public (open-source) repositories.
Under the hood, Qovery uses containers and Kubernetes to run applications. With us, your applications scale accordingly to your traffic and needs. We rely on major cloud providers to provide reliable infrastructure to make your applications highly available.
What's more, we took on our shoulders the complexity of providing and managing other infrastructure requirements you need (like databases or message brokers), so you can focus merely on developing business features.
With Qovery, the cloud is simple again. Get all the benefits of using cloud and Kubernetes without dealing with its complexity. You don't need to hire infrastructure experts - configuring continuous integration, deployment, databases, message brokers, storage, DNS, SSL/TLS, VPCs, and many others - we do it all for you. On Qovery, you can spin up a set of microservices, databases, and other cloud services in minutes with a single Git push!
Qovery is designed by developers for developers. Our goal is to make your life easier and allow you to move faster. Developer experience is at our heart. Building cloud-native applications was never that fast and simple!
#Fully customizable for advanced business use cases
Create teams, split responsibilities, manage privileges, enforce company-wide rules, deploy to multiple clouds, plug in your own CI solutions. Qovery Business allows you to bring your organization to the next level with ease.
An Active User is someone who made a code change on git or deployed an application in the last 30 days. We do not count contributions to public (open-source) repositories.
Qovery is responsible for deployed elements on your cloud provider made and maintained by Qovery. We are not responsible for the cloud provider itself.
Qovery strongly advises you to take a support plan with your cloud provider. When outages occur, Qovery is limited to the elements given by the cloud provider, and sometimes does not have enough information to diagnose a service failure.
In those cases, you will need to contact your cloud provider support. for investigation.
Qovery is responsible for deployed elements on your cloud provider made and maintained by Qovery. We are not responsible for the cloud provider itself.
Qovery strongly advises you to take a support plan with your cloud provider. When outages occur, Qovery is limited to the elements given by the cloud provider, and sometimes does not have enough information to diagnose a service failure.
In those cases, you will need to contact your cloud provider support. for investigation.
This feature is available in public beta. Access and functionalities might change in the future based on your Qovery Plan.
Qovery allows you to monitor any action happened within your organization thanks to the audit logs section. This section provides you with a complete view on any change happened within your organization configuration, providing you the answer to "who did what, where, and when?".
This is extremely useful when debugging complex issues and trying to understand what happened in a specific timeframe or monitor the actions done by your users within your organization.
You can access this section by opening the Audit logs section from the nav bar on the left
Once entered this section, you will find here the list of events happened within your organization over the past 30 days (this is the maximum retention time).
From a technical point of view, Qovery tracks in the audit logs any call happening on our API for your organization. Example: if you modify the configuration of an application via the Qovery console, Qovery will track the call to the api endpoint /application and log an UPDATE event.
Each event in the list is composed by the following information:
Timestamp: it tells you when the event happened
Event Type: it describe the type of event (Create, Update, Delete, Trigger Deployment etc..)
Target Type: it defines the type of object that has been modified (Environment, Cluster, Role, Image registry etc..)
Target: it defines the object that has been modified. You can get additional information on the target by hovering on it.
Change: it describes what has been modified (high level information: its config, a deployment rule etc..)
User: it describes who modified the object. If the change has been done via API, you will find the API token name that has changed it.
Tool: it describes how the object has been changed (via the console, the qovery terraform provider, via a git push etc..)
Since the audit logs are based on the calls done on our API, Qovery provides you with the JSON sent in the API response for each API call (and thus, for each event). This JSON represents the status of the target object after the event has happened. You can access the JSON by clicking on the event and might be useful to get a more granular information of what has changed between two events of the same type by comparing their JSON.
Example: if an update happened on the configuration of an application , the stored UPDATE event will provide you access to the JSON returned by the API when the /application endpoint was called. This JSON will thus contain the configuration of the application after the update.
To simplify the research within the audit logs, you can filter the events by:
Time range
Target: you will have to specify a target type (cluster, environment, service etc..) and then specify the name of the target. For example, if you want to look for the changes happened on the cluster Production, you will have to select Cluster as Target type and then you will have to select Production from within the cluster list.
While navigating within the console, a few quick filters allow you to jump on the audit logs and get the events happened on that specific object. For example, you can quickly get the events happened on a specific environment, by clicking on the See Events button available within the 3 dots sub-menu
This feature is available in public beta. Access and functionalities might change in the future based on your Qovery Plan.
Qovery allows you to monitor any action happened within your organization thanks to the audit logs section. This section provides you with a complete view on any change happened within your organization configuration, providing you the answer to "who did what, where, and when?".
This is extremely useful when debugging complex issues and trying to understand what happened in a specific timeframe or monitor the actions done by your users within your organization.
You can access this section by opening the Audit logs section from the nav bar on the left
Once entered this section, you will find here the list of events happened within your organization over the past 30 days (this is the maximum retention time).
From a technical point of view, Qovery tracks in the audit logs any call happening on our API for your organization. Example: if you modify the configuration of an application via the Qovery console, Qovery will track the call to the api endpoint /application and log an UPDATE event.
Each event in the list is composed by the following information:
Timestamp: it tells you when the event happened
Event Type: it describe the type of event (Create, Update, Delete, Trigger Deployment etc..)
Target Type: it defines the type of object that has been modified (Environment, Cluster, Role, Image registry etc..)
Target: it defines the object that has been modified. You can get additional information on the target by hovering on it.
Change: it describes what has been modified (high level information: its config, a deployment rule etc..)
User: it describes who modified the object. If the change has been done via API, you will find the API token name that has changed it.
Tool: it describes how the object has been changed (via the console, the qovery terraform provider, via a git push etc..)
Since the audit logs are based on the calls done on our API, Qovery provides you with the JSON sent in the API response for each API call (and thus, for each event). This JSON represents the status of the target object after the event has happened. You can access the JSON by clicking on the event and might be useful to get a more granular information of what has changed between two events of the same type by comparing their JSON.
Example: if an update happened on the configuration of an application , the stored UPDATE event will provide you access to the JSON returned by the API when the /application endpoint was called. This JSON will thus contain the configuration of the application after the update.
To simplify the research within the audit logs, you can filter the events by:
Time range
Target: you will have to specify a target type (cluster, environment, service etc..) and then specify the name of the target. For example, if you want to look for the changes happened on the cluster Production, you will have to select Cluster as Target type and then you will have to select Production from within the cluster list.
While navigating within the console, a few quick filters allow you to jump on the audit logs and get the events happened on that specific object. For example, you can quickly get the events happened on a specific environment, by clicking on the See Events button available within the 3 dots sub-menu
Qovery allows you to set custom domains for your applications through the addition of a CNAME record to your domain's DNS settings. By default, when an application is deployed, Qovery checks that the CNAME record is set up correctly. This advanced setting allows you to disable this check.
If you are using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), checking the CNAME setup for any custom domains you may have set up is likely to stall the deployment of your application.
Therefore, if you are using a CDN behind your application, we recommend disabling this feature to save time during your application deployments.
Decide how many times in seconds the application is supposed to stop at maximum. After this time, the application will be forced to stop (killed)
An application requiring several tasks to be stopped properly should have a higher grace period. If the application finishes early, then it will not wait until the end of the grace period
Define how you want pods affinity to behave. • Preferred: allows, but does not require, pods of a given service are not co-located (or co-hosted) on a single node • Required: ensures that the pods of a given service are not co-located (or co-hosted) on a single node (safer in term of availability but can be expensive depending on the number of replicas)
Set deployment strategy type (RollingUpdate or Recreate)
Rolling update strategy will gracefully rollout new versions, while Recreate will stop all current versions and create new ones once all old ones have been shutdown (more info)
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which set of headers can be present in the client request.
For security purposes, you can indicate which HTTP headers can be used during a CORS preflight request which includes the Access-Control-Request-Headers request header. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which set of methods can be used for the client request.
For security purposes, you can indicate which HTTP methods are permitted while accessing a resource in response to cross-origin requests. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which origin(s) (domain, scheme, port) can access a resource.
For security purposes, you can allow only one or a short list of origins to access your resources. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
Allows you to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
The CORS mechanism supports secure cross-origin requests and data transfers between browsers and servers. For more information on CORS and when to enable it, see Cross-Origin Resources Sharing.
Enable the load balancer to bind a user's session to a specific target. This ensures that all requests from the user during the session are sent to the same target
Limits the maximum time (in seconds) during which requests can be processed through one keepalive connection. After this time is reached, the connection is closed following the subsequent request processing.
Allows you to set, in megabytes, a maximum size for resources that can be downloaded from your server.
By default, users can download resources (files, images, videos...) of up to 100 MB. You can use this advanced setting to lower or increase this limitation.
Defines a timeout (in seconds) for establishing a connection with a proxied server. It should be noted that this timeout cannot usually exceed 75 seconds.
E.g. You can use it to define the maximum time to wait for your application to establish the connexion.
Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive read operations, not for the transmission of the whole response. If the proxied server does not transmit anything within this time, the connection is closed.
E.g. You can use it to fine-tune your WebSocket application.
Sets a timeout (in seconds) for transmitting a request to the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole request. If the proxied server does not receive anything within this time, the connection is closed.
E.g. You can use it to fine-tune your WebSocket application.
Sets a timeout (in seconds) for transmitting a response to the client. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole response. If the client does not receive anything within this time, the connection is closed.
Useful to define the maximum timeout to wait for client connection.
Allows you to specify which IP ranges are allowed to access your application. The value is a comma-separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
By default, any IP can access your application if it's exposed publicly and the users know the URL. You can limit its access by specifying the IPs you want to reach the app (e.g. the IP of your office)
Allows you to specify which IP ranges are not allowed to access your application. The value is a comma-separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
Set the name of an environment variable to use as a basic authentication (login:crypted_password) from htpasswd command.
Here is an example where you can create a secret environment variable on Qovery and set a name like BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS. The content should be the result of the htpasswd command:
$ htpasswd -n <username>
New password:
Re-type new password:
The content of the BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS environment variable should be: username:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20. To finish, set the network.ingress.basic_auth_env_var advanced settings to BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS.
You can pass set credentials by separating them with a comma. For example: username1:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20,username2:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20. However, the total length of the environment variable should not exceed 1MB.
By default terminated jobs in a completed or failure state are not deleted. if this parameter is set, Kubernetes will automatically cleanup completed jobs after the ttl
Qovery allows you to set custom domains for your applications through the addition of a CNAME record to your domain's DNS settings. By default, when an application is deployed, Qovery checks that the CNAME record is set up correctly. This advanced setting allows you to disable this check.
If you are using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), checking the CNAME setup for any custom domains you may have set up is likely to stall the deployment of your application.
Therefore, if you are using a CDN behind your application, we recommend disabling this feature to save time during your application deployments.
Decide how many times in seconds the application is supposed to stop at maximum. After this time, the application will be forced to stop (killed)
An application requiring several tasks to be stopped properly should have a higher grace period. If the application finishes early, then it will not wait until the end of the grace period
Define how you want pods affinity to behave. • Preferred: allows, but does not require, pods of a given service are not co-located (or co-hosted) on a single node • Required: ensures that the pods of a given service are not co-located (or co-hosted) on a single node (safer in term of availability but can be expensive depending on the number of replicas)
Set deployment strategy type (RollingUpdate or Recreate)
Rolling update strategy will gracefully rollout new versions, while Recreate will stop all current versions and create new ones once all old ones have been shutdown (more info)
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which set of headers can be present in the client request.
For security purposes, you can indicate which HTTP headers can be used during a CORS preflight request which includes the Access-Control-Request-Headers request header. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which set of methods can be used for the client request.
For security purposes, you can indicate which HTTP methods are permitted while accessing a resource in response to cross-origin requests. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
(For CORS users) Allows you to specify which origin(s) (domain, scheme, port) can access a resource.
For security purposes, you can allow only one or a short list of origins to access your resources. For more information, see CORS HTTP Response Headers.
Allows you to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
The CORS mechanism supports secure cross-origin requests and data transfers between browsers and servers. For more information on CORS and when to enable it, see Cross-Origin Resources Sharing.
Enable the load balancer to bind a user's session to a specific target. This ensures that all requests from the user during the session are sent to the same target
Limits the maximum time (in seconds) during which requests can be processed through one keepalive connection. After this time is reached, the connection is closed following the subsequent request processing.
Allows you to set, in megabytes, a maximum size for resources that can be downloaded from your server.
By default, users can download resources (files, images, videos...) of up to 100 MB. You can use this advanced setting to lower or increase this limitation.
Defines a timeout (in seconds) for establishing a connection with a proxied server. It should be noted that this timeout cannot usually exceed 75 seconds.
E.g. You can use it to define the maximum time to wait for your application to establish the connexion.
Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive read operations, not for the transmission of the whole response. If the proxied server does not transmit anything within this time, the connection is closed.
E.g. You can use it to fine-tune your WebSocket application.
Sets a timeout (in seconds) for transmitting a request to the proxied server. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole request. If the proxied server does not receive anything within this time, the connection is closed.
E.g. You can use it to fine-tune your WebSocket application.
Sets a timeout (in seconds) for transmitting a response to the client. The timeout is set only between two successive write operations, not for the transmission of the whole response. If the client does not receive anything within this time, the connection is closed.
Useful to define the maximum timeout to wait for client connection.
Allows you to specify which IP ranges are allowed to access your application. The value is a comma-separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
By default, any IP can access your application if it's exposed publicly and the users know the URL. You can limit its access by specifying the IPs you want to reach the app (e.g. the IP of your office)
Allows you to specify which IP ranges are not allowed to access your application. The value is a comma-separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
Set the name of an environment variable to use as a basic authentication (login:crypted_password) from htpasswd command.
Here is an example where you can create a secret environment variable on Qovery and set a name like BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS. The content should be the result of the htpasswd command:
$ htpasswd -n <username>
New password:
Re-type new password:
The content of the BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS environment variable should be: username:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20. To finish, set the network.ingress.basic_auth_env_var advanced settings to BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS.
You can pass set credentials by separating them with a comma. For example: username1:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20,username2:$apr1$jpwW4vG9$fwbzWBgRqARzNX93plDq20. However, the total length of the environment variable should not exceed 1MB.
By default terminated jobs in a completed or failure state are not deleted. if this parameter is set, Kubernetes will automatically cleanup completed jobs after the ttl
diff --git a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/application-health-checks/index.html b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/application-health-checks/index.html
index 6e3a5efb0c..1d3f33684b 100644
--- a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/application-health-checks/index.html
+++ b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/application-health-checks/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
You have a liveness probe configured on port 80 of your application. If during the deployment of your application the probes can't connect to port 80 and we reach a timeout, the deployment fails.
Qovery allows you to manage these probes directly from within the Qovery console during the setup of your application, letting you decide their activation, configuration and check frequency.
Allows you to specify the type of probe you want to run against your application:
NONE if NONE is selected, the probe is disabled and thus Kubernetes won't be able to verify the state of your application and take the right corrective actions.
We strongly advise to not disable the liveness probe.
HTTP probes are the most common probe type. You can use them if your application is a HTTP server, or if you create a lightweight HTTP server inside your application specifically to respond to such probes. When using a HTTP probe, you need to configure:
a port
a path
Once configured, Kubernetes pings a path (for example: /healthz ) at a given port. If it gets a response in the 200 or 300 range, the check is passed. Otherwise, it is considered as failed and Kubernetes takes the necessary corrective actions.
TCP probes are most often used when HTTP or command probes aren't an option. When using a TCP Liveness probe, Kubernetes tries to establish a connection on the specified port. If the connection is successful, the application is considered healthy. Otherwise, it is considered dead and the container is restarted.
gRPC probes
When using a gRCP Liveness probe, Kubernetes tries to establish a connection on the specified port and service. If the connection is successful, the application is considered healthy. Otherwise, it is considered dead and the container is restarted.
EXEC probes
-Exec probes allow to define a command to be executed within your container. If the command execution fails, the probe is considered as failed.
Allows you to specify an interval, in seconds, between the application container start and the first liveness check.
Allowing additional time for the application to start can be useful when boot time usually takes too long (due to long boot operations), or when the application opens the port before being ready to receive traffic on it (due to a still ongoing boot operation).
Allows you to specify how many consecutive successes are needed, as a minimum, for the probe to be considered successful after having failed previously.
If your application has a long boot operation to run, your deployment might be marked as failed since the probe can't verify the state of your application within the specified time frame. In this case, you will find in your deployment logs a warning message Liveness probe failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:xx: connect: connection refused , telling you that the probe is failing.
If your application needs more time to boot, increase the Initial Delay in seconds of the probes to match the application boot time.
Allows you to specify an interval, in seconds, between the application container start and the first liveness check.
Allowing additional time for the application to start can be useful when boot time usually takes too long (due to long boot operations), or when the application opens the port before being ready to receive traffic on it (due to a still ongoing boot operation).
Allows you to specify how many consecutive successes are needed, as a minimum, for the probe to be considered successful after having failed previously.
If your application has a long boot operation to run, your deployment might be marked as failed since the probe can't verify the state of your application within the specified time frame. In this case, you will find in your deployment logs a warning message Liveness probe failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:xx: connect: connection refused , telling you that the probe is failing.
If your application needs more time to boot, increase the Initial Delay in seconds of the probes to match the application boot time.
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You can adjust the minimum and maximum of instances you need in your application settings. Qovery runs your application on Kubernetes and relies on metrics-server service to auto-scale your app.
The default filesystem for applications running on Qovery is ephemeral. Application data isn’t persisted across deploys and restarts, which works just fine for most apps because they use managed databases to persist data.
However, many applications need persistent disk storage that isn’t ephemeral. These include:
Blogging platforms and CMSs like WordPress, Ghost, and Strapi.
Collaboration apps like Mattermost, GitLab, and Discourse.
This is where Qovery block Storage comes in. Qovery applications can use storage to store data that persists across deploys and restarts, making it easy to deploy stateful applications.
For most use cases, it is better to use Object Storage instead of Block Storage.
Within this section you can define the port exposed by your application to the other services or even over the internet.
You can edit the existing ports or declare new ones by specifying:
Application port: this is the port exposed internally by your application for the other services.
Protocol: you can select the protocol used by your application : HTTP (for both standard HTTP or websocket communications), gRPC, TCP, UDP.
Publicly exposed: it allows you to expose over the public network your service. A public domain will be assigned to your application during the deployment (see Connectin from the internet section)
If Publicly Exposed is selected:
External port: it is the port that can be used to access this service over the internet (when exposed publicly). Note that for HTTP and gRPC the port is set by default to 443.
Port Name: it is the name assigned to the port. When multiple ports are exposed publicly, its value is used to route the traffic to the right port based on the called subdomain (which will contain the port name value). Since each port is exposed on the port 443, having a different subdomain is the only way to have multiple ports exposed over the internet. If not set, the default value is p<portNumber> (see Qovery Provided Domain section for more information)
Most of the Kubernetes Health Checks]docs.using-qovery.configuration.service-health-checks are based on the port declared in this section. Make sure you declare the right port and that you configure the health checks properly.
Connections on public ports are automatically closed after 60 seconds. If you want to implement long living connection (like for websockets) please make sure to use the rigth ingress timeouts in the advanced settings section
Exposing publicly TCP/UDP ports requires to create a dedicated load balancer and it takes a few minutes before having it ready (~15 minutes). Note also that this has a direct impact on your cloud provider bill.
You can configure your application to use the PORT environment variable by adding the PORT on your application env variables page.
A Note on Listening IPs: It's best for your application to listen on$PORT. While most things work with and localhost, some do not (NodeJS for example)
This section allows to specify which changes on your repository should trigger an auto-deploy (if enabled). To know more about how to configure your Deployment Restrictions, have a look at the deployment restrictions section.
Within this section you can customize the domain used to reach your application.
You can customize the domain of your application in different ways, depending on what you want to achieve:
You want to use your own domain for your application
You want to modify the subdomain assigned to your application by Qovery (i.e. change p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh into my-app-domain.za8ad0657.bool.sh).
In both cases, you can assign the new custom domain to your application press the Add Domain button.
This configuration will be automatically removed on every cloned environment or preview environment in order to avoid domain collision.
Once the domain is added within the Qovery console (Example: mydomain.com), you need to configure within your DNS two CNAME records pointing to the domain provided by Qovery, as shown in the UI (example: mydomain.com CNAME za7cc1b71-z4b8474b3-gtw.zc531a994.rustrocks.cloud and *.mydomain.com CNAME za7cc1b71-z4b8474b3-gtw.zc531a994.rustrocks.cloud).
Having a wildcard domain (example: *.mydomain.com) configured on your DNS will avoid you to modify the Qovery setup every time you want to add a new subdomain. If wildcard is not supported by your DNS provider, you will have to configure each subdomain manually.
If the service needs to expose more than one port publicly, you can define a dedicated subdomain to redirect the traffic on the right port by setting the “Port Name” value within the port settings.
From this point, Qovery will automatically handle the TLS/SSL certificate creation and renewal for the configured domain.
Special case - CDN in proxy mode
If your service is behind a CDN using a proxy mode (i.e. the traffic is routed through the CDN to Qovery), make sure to disable the option "Generate certificate" on the domain setup. Since the certificate of your domain is directly managed by the CDN, Qovery won't be able to do that for you and it will raise warnings on your application status.
You can specify a different sub-domain for your application as long as it belongs to the assigned cluster domain (see Qovery provided domains).
your current domain is zdf72de71-z709e1a85-gtw.za8ad0659.bool.sh (so your assigned cluster domain is za8ad0659.bool.sh)
you can enter a new custom domain myfrontend.za8ad0659.bool.sh (since it is a subdomain of the cluster domain)
The application will now be accessible from both the default and the new custom domain.
Qovery does not check collision in the domain declaration. Make sure you assign a unique subdomain within your cluster.
Your application can be reached from the internet by publicly exposing at least one of its ports (See the Ports section to know more). Once this is done, Qovery will generate for you a domain to reach your application from the internet. You can also customize the domain assigned to your application and manage by yourself this assignment via the Domain section.
For each port publicly exposed, a domain is automatically assigned by Qovery to your application. Qovery will manage for you the networking and the TLS configuration for these domains.
Example: p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh or <service_name>-p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh for helm services.
each service deployed on the same cluster will have the same root domain assigned (example: za8ad0657.bool.sh)
the first characters of the domain (before the -) is based on the portName given to the port associated with this domain (See the port section)
a default domain (without the portName) is assigned to the default port(See the port section). Example zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh
Special Case - Preview Environment
-For each port exposed publicly, an additional domain will be created with the following pattern portName-prId-srvName-envSourceName.cluster_domain:
portName: is the port name, as explained above
prID: is the id of the PR that has generated the preview environment
srvName: is the name of the service
envSourceName: is the name of the blueprint environment that has created the current preview environment
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
To further fine-tune your Qovery infrastructure, you can set advanced settings through the Qovery API endpoint.
Cluster advanced settings are not available in the Qovery console yet.
All clusters have access to advanced settings, you can find where they are available in the documentation below with those badges mentioning for which Cloud provider they are available:
You will also find badges mentioning for which components it will be applied:
Allows you to specify the load balancer size in front of your cluster. Possible values are: - lb-s: 200 Mbps - lb-gp-m: 500 Mbps - lb-gp-l: 1 Gbps - lb-gp-xl: 4 Gbps
Deny public access to all PostgreSQL databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all MySQL databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all MongoDB databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all Redis databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "anyone"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Allows you to specify the IAM group name associated with the Qovery user in the AWS console during the IAM permissions setup to be able to connect to the Kubernetes cluster
To further fine-tune your Qovery infrastructure, you can set advanced settings through the Qovery API endpoint.
Cluster advanced settings are not available in the Qovery console yet.
All clusters have access to advanced settings, you can find where they are available in the documentation below with those badges mentioning for which Cloud provider they are available:
You will also find badges mentioning for which components it will be applied:
Allows you to specify the load balancer size in front of your cluster. Possible values are: - lb-s: 200 Mbps - lb-gp-m: 500 Mbps - lb-gp-l: 1 Gbps - lb-gp-xl: 4 Gbps
Deny public access to all PostgreSQL databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all MySQL databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all MongoDB databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "any IP"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Deny public access to all Redis databases. When true, configure the CIDR range you want to allow within the associated allowed_cidrs parameter (default is "anyone"). ⚠️ Public access to managed databases will instantly be removed ⚠️ Public access to container databases will be removed only after a database redeployment
Allows you to specify the IAM group name associated with the Qovery user in the AWS console during the IAM permissions setup to be able to connect to the Kubernetes cluster
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For more information, please contact your cloud provider.
To permanently delete a cluster and all its associated costs, see Deleting a Cluster.
To temporarily stop a cluster, select the Stop action from the drop-down menu.
A confirmation pop-up window opens before triggering the action.
Once confirmed, the status of your cluster turns to Pausing... (orange status).
Once the stop is complete, the status dot next to your cluster turns to grey, and the status of your cluster turns to Paused (gray status).
To delete a cluster, open the ... section and press Delete Cluster.
3 options can be chosen to delete a cluster:
1) Default
-This is the default behaviour, this option shall be chosen every time you want to delete properly a cluster from the Qovery console AND your cloud provider account.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: any resource created by Qovery on your cloud provider account to run this cluster will be deleted, including any application running on it.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Please note that you will have to manually delete on your cloud account:
the S3 bucket created at cluster installation
the image registry linked to this cluster
any resource created by a lifecycle job that will not be properly deleted during the environment deletion event.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
2) Delete Cluster on cloud provider and Qovery configuration
This option shall be chosen when the cluster delete operation with the Default option fails since you have manually modified/deleted the RDS instances created by Qovery on your cloud provider account.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: any resource created by Qovery on your cloud provider account to run this cluster will be deleted, including any application running on it.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Please note that you will have to manually delete on your cloud account:
the S3 bucket created at cluster installation
the image registry linked to this cluster
any managed database that was created via Qovery
any resource created by a lifecycle job that will not be properly deleted during the environment deletion event.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
3) Delete Qovery config only
This option shall be chosen when you have already deleted any Qovery resource on your cloud account and you want to delete the cluster object from your Qovery console.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: nothing will be removed from your cloud account. You will have to manually delete any resource created by Qovery directly from your cloud provider console.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
Once confirmed, the cluster status turns to Deleting... (red status) and once the deletion is complete, the cluster is removed from your organization settings.
To get the cluster filtered audit logs, open the ... section and press See audit logs.
You will be redirected to the audit logs section. A filter on the dedicated cluster will be applied. You only see the audit logs regarding cluster operations.
Qovery allows you to access the logs of your cluster in order to follow its installation or investigate any issue happening on it.
To access the logs you need to open the cluster, click the log button
A new window is opened, displaying the logs of the cluster.
The tab system on the right allows you to access the cluster information and, if an error occurs, the detail of the error.
The error message should provide you enough information to solve the issue. If that's not the case, feel free to ask for support on our forum or discord channel
You need a public SSH key for your K3s clusters only.
To allow Qovery or yourself to connect remotely to your K3s instance and manage it, you need to generate an SSH key and add it to your cluster settings. To do so:
On your computer, open a terminal.
Run ssh-keygen -t, followed by the key type and an optional comment.
This comment is included in the .pub file that is created. You may want to use an email address for the comment.
For example, you can enter ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "<comment>".
Press Enter.
You should get an output similar to:
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519):
Accept the suggested filename and directory, unless you want to save your SSH key in a specific directory where you store other keys.
Enter a passphrase:
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
A confirmation is displayed, including information about where your files are stored.
Access the public key and copy its value
cat /home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | pbcopy
Note: Replace the .pub key path with the one where is located the key you have previously generated
In the Remote Access tab, enter your SSH key and click Save.
Launch the Update Cluster action to propagate the new key.
#Use custom domain and wildcard TLS for the whole cluster (beta)
By default, Qovery provides a domain (ex bool.sh) on every deployed cluster. It is used to provide a DNS and TLS certificate to every application requiring external access on a cluster.
You can customize the domain for every application. However, when it comes to having more than 100 custom domains with the same domain you will hit Let's Encrypt quotas.
To overcome this issue, you can use a wildcard TLS certificate for the whole cluster. It will allow you to have as many DNS records for a single domain as you want on the same cluster with a single TLS certificate.
At the moment, Qovery only supports wildcard TLS certificates with Cloudflare. To use it, you need to have a Cloudflare account and a domain name managed by Cloudflare. If you don't have one, you can create a free account and transfer your domain to Cloudflare.
Once you have a Cloudflare account and a domain name managed by Cloudflare, you need to create a Cloudflare API token. Go into your Cloudflare account, click on your profile picture, then My Profile. In the API Tokens section, click on Create Token. In the Create Custom Token section, select the following permissions:
API token a descriptive name: Qovery domain your domain name
Zone - DNS - Edit
Zone - Zone - Read
Zone Resources:
Include - Specific zone - your domain name
To finish, click on Continue to Summary and Create Token. Save the token somewhere safe, you will need it later.
Prepare the Token, the Cloudflare account email and the domain to be set on your cluster. Now contact Qovery and request to use your domain.
The following troubleshooting procedure is intended for AWS users who did not properly delete their cluster before revoking Qovery's access to their platform.
To properly delete your clusters and avoid any unexpected issues or costs, see Deleting a Cluster.
To clean up a Qovery cluster from your cloud provider account, go to AWS Console>Services>Management & Governance>Resource Groups & Tag Editor> Create Resource Group:
In the Group type area, select Tag based.
In the Tags field of the Grouping criteria area, enter ClusterId.
Click Add.
Click Preview Resources. All your Qovery clusters are now displayed in the Group resources table, and you can delete them by hand.
+This is the default behaviour, this option shall be chosen every time you want to delete properly a cluster from the Qovery console AND your cloud provider account.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: any resource created by Qovery on your cloud provider account to run this cluster will be deleted, including any application running on it.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Please note that you will have to manually delete on your cloud account:
the S3 bucket created at cluster installation
the image registry linked to this cluster
any resource created by a lifecycle job that will not be properly deleted during the environment deletion event.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
2) Delete Cluster on cloud provider and Qovery configuration
This option shall be chosen when the cluster delete operation with the Default option fails since you have manually modified/deleted the RDS instances created by Qovery on your cloud provider account.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: any resource created by Qovery on your cloud provider account to run this cluster will be deleted, including any application running on it.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Please note that you will have to manually delete on your cloud account:
the S3 bucket created at cluster installation
the image registry linked to this cluster
any managed database that was created via Qovery
any resource created by a lifecycle job that will not be properly deleted during the environment deletion event.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
3) Delete Qovery config only
This option shall be chosen when you have already deleted any Qovery resource on your cloud account and you want to delete the cluster object from your Qovery console.
This operation will delete:
Cloud provider: nothing will be removed from your cloud account. You will have to manually delete any resource created by Qovery directly from your cloud provider console.
Qovery organization: the configuration of this cluster and any linked environment.
Check [this section][#cleaning-up-a-cluster-from-your-aws-account] to find these elements and delete them.
Once confirmed, the cluster status turns to Deleting... (red status) and once the deletion is complete, the cluster is removed from your organization settings.
To get the cluster filtered audit logs, open the ... section and press See audit logs.
You will be redirected to the audit logs section. A filter on the dedicated cluster will be applied. You only see the audit logs regarding cluster operations.
Qovery allows you to access the logs of your cluster in order to follow its installation or investigate any issue happening on it.
To access the logs you need to open the cluster, click the log button
A new window is opened, displaying the logs of the cluster.
The tab system on the right allows you to access the cluster information and, if an error occurs, the detail of the error.
The error message should provide you enough information to solve the issue. If that's not the case, feel free to ask for support on our forum or discord channel
You need a public SSH key for your K3s clusters only.
To allow Qovery or yourself to connect remotely to your K3s instance and manage it, you need to generate an SSH key and add it to your cluster settings. To do so:
On your computer, open a terminal.
Run ssh-keygen -t, followed by the key type and an optional comment.
This comment is included in the .pub file that is created. You may want to use an email address for the comment.
For example, you can enter ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "<comment>".
Press Enter.
You should get an output similar to:
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519):
Accept the suggested filename and directory, unless you want to save your SSH key in a specific directory where you store other keys.
Enter a passphrase:
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
A confirmation is displayed, including information about where your files are stored.
Access the public key and copy its value
cat /home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub | pbcopy
Note: Replace the .pub key path with the one where is located the key you have previously generated
In the Remote Access tab, enter your SSH key and click Save.
Launch the Update Cluster action to propagate the new key.
#Use custom domain and wildcard TLS for the whole cluster (beta)
By default, Qovery provides a domain (ex bool.sh) on every deployed cluster. It is used to provide a DNS and TLS certificate to every application requiring external access on a cluster.
You can customize the domain for every application. However, when it comes to having more than 100 custom domains with the same domain you will hit Let's Encrypt quotas.
To overcome this issue, you can use a wildcard TLS certificate for the whole cluster. It will allow you to have as many DNS records for a single domain as you want on the same cluster with a single TLS certificate.
At the moment, Qovery only supports wildcard TLS certificates with Cloudflare. To use it, you need to have a Cloudflare account and a domain name managed by Cloudflare. If you don't have one, you can create a free account and transfer your domain to Cloudflare.
Once you have a Cloudflare account and a domain name managed by Cloudflare, you need to create a Cloudflare API token. Go into your Cloudflare account, click on your profile picture, then My Profile. In the API Tokens section, click on Create Token. In the Create Custom Token section, select the following permissions:
API token a descriptive name: Qovery domain your domain name
Zone - DNS - Edit
Zone - Zone - Read
Zone Resources:
Include - Specific zone - your domain name
To finish, click on Continue to Summary and Create Token. Save the token somewhere safe, you will need it later.
Prepare the Token, the Cloudflare account email and the domain to be set on your cluster. Now contact Qovery and request to use your domain.
The following troubleshooting procedure is intended for AWS users who did not properly delete their cluster before revoking Qovery's access to their platform.
To properly delete your clusters and avoid any unexpected issues or costs, see Deleting a Cluster.
To clean up a Qovery cluster from your cloud provider account, go to AWS Console>Services>Management & Governance>Resource Groups & Tag Editor> Create Resource Group:
In the Group type area, select Tag based.
In the Tags field of the Grouping criteria area, enter ClusterId.
Click Add.
Click Preview Resources. All your Qovery clusters are now displayed in the Group resources table, and you can delete them by hand.
diff --git a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/cronjob/index.html b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/cronjob/index.html
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Any additional environment variable can be added later from the environment variable section
You will find a recap of your job setup and you can now decide to:
1. Go back to one of the previous steps and change your settings
2. Create your job without deploying it
-3. Create and deploy your job
You can force the execution of a job independently its deployment status by:
Select the job that you want to force
click on the Play button of the cronjob you want to force and select the Force Run option. Note: the same option is available on the service list as well
Once you click, the job will be deployed and executed once. You will be able to follow its execution within the application logs
If your repository contains private submodules using SSH protocol, you will need to add a secret beginning with GITSSH_KEY, containing a private SSH key with access rights to your sumbodules repositories.
If your application is deployed from an image registry, within this section you can modify:
Registry: select the container registry storing the image of your application. Note: only pre-configured registry are available in this list, check the Container Registry Management page for more information.
Image name: the name of the image to be deployed with this application (example: postgres)
Image tag: the tag of the image to be deployed with this application (example: 12)
The tag 'latest' is not supported, please use a specific tag.
This option is available only if you have selected "Git Repository" as source. Only Docker is supported
Qovery runs your application within the Container technology. To build and run your application, you need to provide a valid Dockerfile.
Valid NodeJS Dockerfile
FROM node:13-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
CMD node ./bin/www
After creating a Dockerfile, specify the location of your Dockerfile in Dockefile path field.
Configuration from above will make Qovery look for the Dockerfile in /timescale/Dockerfile path of your repository (Root Application Path + Dockerfile Path).
You can modify here the configuration of your job:
CRON Schedule: specify a valid CRON expression (see Crontab guru for help). After being deployed, the job will be executed following the defined schedule.
Image Entrypoint: the entrypoint to be used to launch your job (not mandatory)
CMD Arguments: the arguments to be passed to launch your job (not mandatory). We expect the format to be an array. Example ["rails", "-h", "", "-p", "8080", "string"]
Number of restarts: Maximum number of restarts allowed in case of job failure (0 means no failure)
Max duration time in seconds: Maximum duration allowed for the job to run before killing it and mark it as failed
Port: Port used by Kubernetes to run readiness and liveliness probes checks. The port will not be exposed externally
To configure the number of CPUs that your job needs, adjust the setting in the Resources section.
Default is 500m (0.5 vCPU).
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU.
To configure the amount of RAM that your app needs, adjust the setting in Resources section.
Default is 512MB.
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU. If your application requires more RAM than requested, it will be killed by the kubernetes scheduler.
This section allows to specify which changes on your repository should trigger an auto-deploy (if enabled). To know more about how to configure your Deployment Restrictions, have a look at the deployment restrictions section.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
You can force the execution of a job independently its deployment status by:
Select the job that you want to force
click on the Play button of the cronjob you want to force and select the Force Run option. Note: the same option is available on the service list as well
Once you click, the job will be deployed and executed once. You will be able to follow its execution within the application logs
If your repository contains private submodules using SSH protocol, you will need to add a secret beginning with GITSSH_KEY, containing a private SSH key with access rights to your sumbodules repositories.
If your application is deployed from an image registry, within this section you can modify:
Registry: select the container registry storing the image of your application. Note: only pre-configured registry are available in this list, check the Container Registry Management page for more information.
Image name: the name of the image to be deployed with this application (example: postgres)
Image tag: the tag of the image to be deployed with this application (example: 12)
The tag 'latest' is not supported, please use a specific tag.
This option is available only if you have selected "Git Repository" as source. Only Docker is supported
Qovery runs your application within the Container technology. To build and run your application, you need to provide a valid Dockerfile.
Valid NodeJS Dockerfile
FROM node:13-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
CMD node ./bin/www
After creating a Dockerfile, specify the location of your Dockerfile in Dockefile path field.
Configuration from above will make Qovery look for the Dockerfile in /timescale/Dockerfile path of your repository (Root Application Path + Dockerfile Path).
You can modify here the configuration of your job:
CRON Schedule: specify a valid CRON expression (see Crontab guru for help). After being deployed, the job will be executed following the defined schedule.
Image Entrypoint: the entrypoint to be used to launch your job (not mandatory)
CMD Arguments: the arguments to be passed to launch your job (not mandatory). We expect the format to be an array. Example ["rails", "-h", "", "-p", "8080", "string"]
Number of restarts: Maximum number of restarts allowed in case of job failure (0 means no failure)
Max duration time in seconds: Maximum duration allowed for the job to run before killing it and mark it as failed
Port: Port used by Kubernetes to run readiness and liveliness probes checks. The port will not be exposed externally
To configure the number of CPUs that your job needs, adjust the setting in the Resources section.
Default is 500m (0.5 vCPU).
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU.
To configure the amount of RAM that your app needs, adjust the setting in Resources section.
Default is 512MB.
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU. If your application requires more RAM than requested, it will be killed by the kubernetes scheduler.
This section allows to specify which changes on your repository should trigger an auto-deploy (if enabled). To know more about how to configure your Deployment Restrictions, have a look at the deployment restrictions section.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
Qovery natively lets you deploy and access the most popular SQL and NoSQL databases available on the major cloud providers. Reliability and resiliency are at the heart of their services, so you don't have to worry about your data on Qovery.
Qovery natively supports the following databases:
Qovery can natively operate a database in two different ways (called "Mode"):
Container mode: preferred for testing and development
Managed mode: preferred for production, limited configuration parameters (see the Configuration section).
If the natively supported databases or operation modes are not enough for you, depending on your use case you have the following alternative solutions:
Use an existing DB on a dedicated VPC: your applications can access this database via VPC peering. Have a look at this guide for more information.
Create your custom database via Qovery: You will be able to deploy any kind of database through Qovery by using a lifecycle jobs. For example, you can use a terraform script to deploy your custom RDS instance on AWS via Terraform (have a look at this example).
The following sections will show you how you can create and manage the databases natively supported by Qovery. For any other use case, please refer to the guides provided above.
The database is created as a container with attached persistent storage directly on your Kubernetes cluster (1 instance). They are perfect for development and testing, as they are significantly cheaper than services provided by cloud providers.
Qovery creates and manages the lifecycle of a cloud provider managed database instance (for example an RDS instance on AWS). These are perfect for production since they guarantee the right level of resilience, performance and data security best practices.
Since Qovery manages the lifecycle of your database, DO NOT change the database settings directly from within the cloud provider console (to avoid configuration drifts).
Once you request to change the version, instance type or disk size of your Managed database, the cloud provider applies the update based on its own internal rules and might cause downtime of your database.
For example, by default AWS doesn't apply major updates immediately on the database and instead, it waits for a maintenance window. This means that your change will not be applied immediately but you can always force the change directly from your AWS console AFTER having applied the change on Qovery (to avoid configuration drifts).
Have a look at your cloud provider documentation to know more about how version upgrades are managed:
Select database type, name, description (optional), version, mode and accessibility
Please refer to the Configuration section below to know more about each of these parameters.
Within the "Resources" step you will find different configurations based on the selected mode:
If you are using the database in Container mode, you can set the CPU, RAM and storage that will be assigned to the instance running the docker image of the database.
If you are using the database in Managed mode, you can select the instance type and the storage that will be assigned to the instance running the database. Note, the instance selected instance type has a direct impact on your cloud provider cost.
At the end a recap will allow you to just create the database or create and deploy it
As described at the beginning of this document, databases can operate in two modes:
Managed databases are perfect for production - they are provided and managed by major cloud providers like AWS to make sure your production data is well managed.
Container databases are managed by Qovery as Docker containers with attached persistent storage directly on your Kubernetes cluster (1 instance). They are perfect for development and testing, as they are significantly cheaper than services provided by cloud providers.
Please refer to the dedicated database sub-pages to get more information on the supported mode for each cloud provider.
We regularly update the version available for each database. Please refer to the dedicated database sub-pages to get more information on the supported version for each database types and cloud provider.
You can upgrade the version of your database directly from the Qovery interface.
Any change on this field will not be applied immediately to your database, check the managed mode section.
When a database is created in your environment, Qovery will automatically create and inject a set of BUILT_IN environment variables containing all the parameters necessary to your application to connect to the database.
This is the list of environment variables and secrets that will be automatically created:
Env Var containing the default database name
Env Var containing the external hostname of the database (if you need access from the outside and the DB is configured with visibility "PUBLIC")
Env Var containing the internal hostname of the database (if you need access it from within the cluster network)
Env Var containing the username of the DB
Env Var containing the port to be used for connecting to the DB
Secret containing the external URI to be used for connecting to the DB (if you need access from the outside and the DB is configured with visibility "PUBLIC")
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
Note that only the instance configuration will be copied, not the data contained within the database.
As Managed Services databases (like RDS) are mainly used for production, Qovery does not delete automated snapshots and backups on deletion.
-It is up to the user or Cloud provider Administrator to delete it manually.
Your Docker image must contain the TLS certificate of the MongoDB cluster - it can be downloaded here.
The application must be configured to use it. If you use the environment variables to build the URI to connect tou your database, you usually should have just append &ssl_ca_certs=/path/to/the/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem to its value.
Have a look at the Database page to know more about the database creation and setup.
Your Docker image must contain the TLS certificate of the MongoDB cluster - it can be downloaded here.
The application must be configured to use it. If you use the environment variables to build the URI to connect tou your database, you usually should have just append &ssl_ca_certs=/path/to/the/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem to its value.
Have a look at the Database page to know more about the database creation and setup.
MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. Whether you are a fast growing web property, technology ISV or large enterprise, MySQL can cost-effectively help you deliver high performance, scalable database applications.
MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. Whether you are a fast growing web property, technology ISV or large enterprise, MySQL can cost-effectively help you deliver high performance, scalable database applications.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams.
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams.
diff --git a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/deployment-rule/index.html b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/deployment-rule/index.html
index ec5bcda9cb..279da46d7a 100644
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your development environments to a cheaper cloud account while still keeping your production using the most reliable services provided by the more expensive cloud provider.
You can set up your Rules at Project and Environment levels. Rules set up at the Project level will be automatically applied to newly created Environments you target in the rule.
If, however, the default settings applied by the Project level rule does not meet your needs, you are allowed to override the settings at the Environment level later on.
Declaring deployment rules at the project level allows you to apply reasonable defaults to all newly created environments. After a new environment within a project is created, rules from the Project are applied to the Environment. However, to keep things flexible, Qovery allows you to override the rules after environment creation at the Environment level, in Environment settings.
Selecting the cluster allows you to control to which cluster your environments in the project will be deployed to.
Example use cases
deploy your development environments on a more cost effective cluster
deploy your environments in multiple regions
We are re-building this feature and thus you will always have to select a clsuter when manually creating a new environment. This feature still works for preview environments.
Since you can define several rules, it is possible that an environment is targeted by more than one of them.
In order to define which rule applies first to your new environments, you can reorder the list of rules in the deployment setting window.
-Starting from the top, the rules are ranked from highest to lowest priority.
Setting up Deployment Rules at the Enviornment level allows you to make all necessary adjustments applied by your default rules from the Project level.
Have a look at [this section][docs.using-qovery.configuration.environment#deployment-rule]] to know more.
Setting up Deployment Rules at the Enviornment level allows you to make all necessary adjustments applied by your default rules from the Project level.
Have a look at [this section][docs.using-qovery.configuration.environment#deployment-rule]] to know more.
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@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
To understand how we handle conflicts, please take a look to the Importation conflicts section.
Configure variables import
On this modal, you can define for each variable the following parameters:
name: upate variable name
Value: update variable value
Scope: Specify the scope in which you want to import the variable
Secret: Specify if this value is considered as a secret or not
Preset variables
To help you import a large number of variables quickly, you can predefine scope and secret settings.
This will change the scope and secret value of all listed variables.
If the secret and scope of one or more specific variables are subsequently updated, this will not change the predefined setting.
When you have finished the configuration, click on the Import button.
A pop-up message is displayed to inform you that your environment variables have been imported.
To avoid conflicts between already existing and imported environment variables, some of them will not be imported, even if the overwrite option is activated.
-The different cases are described below.
#Imported variable has same name as BUILT_IN variable
Existing variables
Variables to import
Built_in environment variables are generated and managed by Qovery and will not be overwritten, even if the overwriting option is activated.
#Imported variable has same name as an existing ALIAS
Existing variables
Variables to import
The value cannot be rewritten because the link between the original variable and the alias would be lost.
#Imported variable has same name as an existing secret (or vice versa)
Existing variables
Variables to import
The value cannot be imported because this will overwrite the existing secret.
To access a database managed by Qovery from your application, you can use the BUILT_IN environment variables and secrets that have been automatically created by Qovery during the database creation process. You can find all the BUILT_IN variables on the Qovery console within the Environment Variable section of your application (see the credentials and connectivity section for the full list).
In order to match the naming convention of the database connection variables used within your code, you can create an alias for each variable in the Qovery console so that you don't need to change your code.
Once you have defined an alias for each variable, you can redeploy the application and check that it has finally access to the database.
You have created a postgres database on the Qovery console. Within the code of your application you need some environment variables containing the connection parameters of the database: DATABASE_URL, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_NAME
To access another application managed by Qovery, you can use the BUILT_IN environment variables that have been automatically created by Qovery during the creation of that particular application. You can find all the BUILT_IN variables on the Qovery console within the Environment Variable section of your application.
Please note that two BUILT_IN might exist:
QOVERY_APPLICATION_<APPID>_HOST_INTERNAL : it contains the INTERNAL host of the application that can be used inside your Kubernetes cluster (and thus by any application running on it)
QOVERY_APPLICATION_<APPID>_HOST_EXTERNAL : it contains the EXTERNAL host of the application that can be used to reach your application from outside your Kubernetes cluster (if the application is publicly exposing one of its ports)
In order to match the naming convention of the connection variables used within your code, you can create an alias for the HOST_INTERNAL variable so that you don't need to change your code.
Once you have defined an alias for each variable, you can redeploy the application and check that it can reach the other application.
You have created a backend application on the Qovery console and a BUILD_IN variable has been created containing the application HOST called QOVERY_APPLICATION_Z9D8DAA08_HOST_INTERNAL. Within the code of your front-end application you need some environment variables containing the host of the backend application (BACKEND_HOST)
To match your internal naming convention, you can create alias for the corresponding variable in this way:
To access a database managed by Qovery from your application, you can use the BUILT_IN environment variables and secrets that have been automatically created by Qovery during the database creation process. You can find all the BUILT_IN variables on the Qovery console within the Environment Variable section of your application (see the credentials and connectivity section for the full list).
In order to match the naming convention of the database connection variables used within your code, you can create an alias for each variable in the Qovery console so that you don't need to change your code.
Once you have defined an alias for each variable, you can redeploy the application and check that it has finally access to the database.
You have created a postgres database on the Qovery console. Within the code of your application you need some environment variables containing the connection parameters of the database: DATABASE_URL, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_NAME
To access another application managed by Qovery, you can use the BUILT_IN environment variables that have been automatically created by Qovery during the creation of that particular application. You can find all the BUILT_IN variables on the Qovery console within the Environment Variable section of your application.
Please note that two BUILT_IN might exist:
QOVERY_APPLICATION_<APPID>_HOST_INTERNAL : it contains the INTERNAL host of the application that can be used inside your Kubernetes cluster (and thus by any application running on it)
QOVERY_APPLICATION_<APPID>_HOST_EXTERNAL : it contains the EXTERNAL host of the application that can be used to reach your application from outside your Kubernetes cluster (if the application is publicly exposing one of its ports)
In order to match the naming convention of the connection variables used within your code, you can create an alias for the HOST_INTERNAL variable so that you don't need to change your code.
Once you have defined an alias for each variable, you can redeploy the application and check that it can reach the other application.
You have created a backend application on the Qovery console and a BUILD_IN variable has been created containing the application HOST called QOVERY_APPLICATION_Z9D8DAA08_HOST_INTERNAL. Within the code of your front-end application you need some environment variables containing the host of the backend application (BACKEND_HOST)
To match your internal naming convention, you can create alias for the corresponding variable in this way:
There are different types of environments that can be defined within Qovery. Types of environment are also called mode, to label it and share with others in the organization how to use it.
Here is the mode you should set depending of the use of your Environment.
environment mode
recommended mode
Production environment should not be stopped or deleted by anyone.
Staging environment reflects how things work and is sometimes as critical as production for companies.
Development environment is a working environment that could be used to develop and test new features and fixes.
A special mode Preview exists and it is automatically set when a Preview Environment is created on a new pull request. Have a look at this section to know more about preview environments.
You can create a new environment by clicking on the Create environment button of the Environment list page.
A modal will appear that will allow you to specify following parameters
name: Give a name to your environment that is easily recognizable by anyone from your team. It is good practice to name your environment production, main or master, staging, dev, fix/xxx, feat/xxx, depending on the purpose of your environment.
On the General tab, you will be able to update your environment name. It will also display the environment mode and the cluster assigned to your environment.
Please note that the associated cluster is not editable after the environment was provisioned. If you need to edit it, you have to clone the environment on the desired cluster
Using Deployment Rules is a good practice to drastically reduce your cost. To know more of the benefit of using them, have a look at the Deployment Rules section.
A default deployment configuration is applied to your environment when it's created but you can modify this default behaviour by creating a dedicated rule at project level that will affect any new environment created and matching the condition.
Once created, you can edit the deployment rule of the environment from the deployment rules settings.
Below you can find the description of the deployment rule settings that can be modified for a specific environment
The start and stop section allow you to override the default settings applied by the project rule to precisely set up when the environment should be deployed and cleaned up.
This section allows you to configure the deployment pipeline to be executed when a deployment on the environment is triggered. More in particular, you can define the deployment order of each service within your environment.
You can get more information about the Qovery deployment pipeline and how it works within this section.
Use Preview Environment to get early feedback on your application changes by creating a dedicated environment for each of your pull requests. Your production environment runs 24/7, where your other environments may not need to run all day long. E.g. you may need to run Environments to get early feedback on your application changes before the changes are merged into production. This is what we call Preview Environment.
Sometimes Preview Environment is also known as Ephemeral Environment, Temporary Environment, Development Environment, Review App.
The feature works only for application deployed from a git repository but you can still re-create the same behaviour with container images by integrating your CI. Have a look at this section on how to.
it allows you to enable the preview environment feature for the current environment. Any PR opened on a service belonging to this environment will trigger the preview environment flow.
You can define the behaviour to follow for the creation of the preview environments:
On Demand (Flag enabled)
On every PR (Flag disabled)
On Demand Flow
A message is dropped on the PR asking you if you want to create a preview environment or not. You will get the list of environments where the preview env feature is activated (in case you have multiple environments) and the command to add as a comment of your PR to trigger the preview.
you will decide weather to create a preview environment or not by typing the right command as a comment within the PR
once the command is added in the comments, the preview creation is triggered and your preview environment is created and its deployment starts
once the deployment is completed, an additional comment will be posted in the PR, providing you with URLs to access your services.
On every PR Flow
-Same as above but the preview environment creation flow is triggered automatically without any user intervention (only step 3 and 4)
By default the preview environment feature is activated on any services of the environment connected to a git repository. In this sectoin you can decide to activate/desactivate the feature for a specific service.
Application BUILT_IN variables: Since completely new services will be create, the original built_in variables will be replaced. Aliases and overrides are preserved during the clone operation.
You can export the configuration of your environment as a Terraform manifest via the Export as Terraform option. This is helpful when you want to manage your configuration via Terraform: instead of creating the terraform manifest by hand, you can build the setup via the Qovery interface and export is as a Terraform file
The export will contain the Terraform definition of the environment, the services within it but as well all the other resources linked to the environment (organization, cluster, project).
You can decide wether or not the export should contain or not the secrets defined within the Qovery console.
By default the preview environment feature is activated on any services of the environment connected to a git repository. In this sectoin you can decide to activate/desactivate the feature for a specific service.
Application BUILT_IN variables: Since completely new services will be create, the original built_in variables will be replaced. Aliases and overrides are preserved during the clone operation.
You can export the configuration of your environment as a Terraform manifest via the Export as Terraform option. This is helpful when you want to manage your configuration via Terraform: instead of creating the terraform manifest by hand, you can build the setup via the Qovery interface and export is as a Terraform file
The export will contain the Terraform definition of the environment, the services within it but as well all the other resources linked to the environment (organization, cluster, project).
You can decide wether or not the export should contain or not the secrets defined within the Qovery console.
File source: Chose between Git Repository or Raw YAML, depending on the source location of your values file
If you want to override it from another already existing values file from a Git Repository you will have to select:
Git Repository: Select the git provider and git repository hosting your code (it can be hosted on GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket).
Branch: Select branch that Qovery should use to deploy your helm
Overrides path: the path of the values files (example: ci/values_ci.yaml). You can specify multiple paths by separating them with a semi-colon.
If you want to override it with a raw yaml you will have to click on Create override. A new editor modal will be opened, to let you write your yaml override. The default values.yaml content will be displayed on the right to help you to respect the structure.
You can override values in the arguments section with the --set option.
If you want to get all the Qovery features (access your container logs, apply the stop/restart actions, display the pod status in the overview page), make sure to create an override and assign the macros qovery.labels.service and qovery.annotations.service to the labels and annotations of any deployed Pods/Deployments/Services/Jobs.
Override example:
These macros will be automatically replaced by Qovery during the deployment phase.
Within this section you can define the port exposed publicly.
You can edit the existing ports or declare new ones by specifying:
Service name: this is the kubernetes service name in your helm chart
Namespace (only if Allow cluster-wide resources was enabled): this is the kubernetes namespace used by your helm chart to deploy the pods behind the chosen service
Service port: this is the port exposed internally by your service for the other services
Protocol: you can select the protocol used by your service. Today Qovery supports the following protocols:
HTTPS (Select this protocol if you need to run Websockets)
External port: it is the port that can be used to access this service over the internet (when exposed publicly). Note that for HTTP and gRPC the port is set by default to 443.
Port Name: it is the name assigned to the port. When multiple ports are exposed publicly, its value is used to route the traffic to the right port based on the called subdomain (which will contain the port name value). Since each port is exposed on the port 443, having a different subdomain is the only way to have multiple ports exposed over the internet. If not set, the default value is p<portNumber> (see Qovery Provided Domain section for more information)
Connections on public ports are automatically closed after 60 seconds. If you want to implement long living connection (like for websockets) please make sure to use the rigth ingress timeouts in the advanced settings section
Within this section you can customize the domain used to reach your helm services.
You can customize the domain of your helm services in different ways, depending on what you want to achieve:
You want to use your own domain for your helm services
You want to modify the subdomain assigned to your helm services by Qovery (i.e. change p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh into my-app-domain.za8ad0657.bool.sh).
In both cases, you can assign the new custom domain to your helm services press the Add Domain button.
This configuration will be automatically removed on every cloned environment or preview environment in order to avoid domain collision.
Once the domain is added within the Qovery console (Example: mydomain.com), you need to configure within your DNS two CNAME records pointing to the domain provided by Qovery, as shown in the UI (example: mydomain.com CNAME za7cc1b71-z4b8474b3-gtw.zc531a994.rustrocks.cloud and *.mydomain.com CNAME za7cc1b71-z4b8474b3-gtw.zc531a994.rustrocks.cloud).
Having a wildcard domain (example: *.mydomain.com) configured on your DNS will avoid you to modify the Qovery setup every time you want to add a new subdomain. If wildcard is not supported by your DNS provider, you will have to configure each subdomain manually.
If the service needs to expose more than one port publicly, you can define a dedicated subdomain to redirect the traffic on the right port by setting the “Port Name” value within the port settings.
From this point, Qovery will automatically handle the TLS/SSL certificate creation and renewal for the configured domain.
Special case - CDN in proxy mode
If your service is behind a CDN using a proxy mode (i.e. the traffic is routed through the CDN to Qovery), make sure to disable the option "Generate certificate" on the domain setup. Since the certificate of your domain is directly managed by the CDN, Qovery won't be able to do that for you and it will raise warnings on your application status.
You can specify a different sub-domain for your helm services as long as it belongs to the assigned cluster domain (see Qovery provided domains).
your current domain is zdf72de71-z709e1a85-gtw.za8ad0659.bool.sh (so your assigned cluster domain is za8ad0659.bool.sh)
you can enter a new custom domain myfrontend.za8ad0659.bool.sh (since it is a subdomain of the cluster domain)
The helm services will now be accessible from both the default and the new custom domain.
Qovery does not check collision in the domain declaration. Make sure you assign a unique subdomain within your cluster.
Your helm services can be reached from the internet by publicly exposing at least one of its ports (See the Ports section to know more). Once this is done, Qovery will generate for you a domain to reach your application from the internet. You can also customize the domain assigned to your application and manage by yourself this assignment via the Domain section.
For each port publicly exposed, a domain is automatically assigned by Qovery to your helm services. Qovery will manage for you the networking and the TLS configuration for these domains.
Example: p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh or <service_name>-p80-zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh for helm services.
each service deployed on the same cluster will have the same root domain assigned (example: za8ad0657.bool.sh)
the first characters of the domain (before the -) is based on the portName given to the port associated with this domain (See the port section)
a default domain (without the portName) is assigned to the default port(See the port section). Example zdf72de72-z709e1a88-gtw.za8ad0657.bool.sh
Special Case - Preview Environment
-For each port exposed publicly, an additional domain will be created with the following pattern portName-prId-srvName-envSourceName.cluster_domain:
portName: is the port name, as explained above
prID: is the id of the PR that has generated the preview environment
srvName: is the name of the service
envSourceName: is the name of the blueprint environment that has created the current preview environment
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
You can force the execution of a job independently its deployment status by:
Select the job that you want to force
click on the Play button of the cronjob you want to force and select the Force Run option. Note: the same option is available on the service list as well
Select the environment event you want to force.
Once you click, the job will be deployed and executed with the entrypoint and arguments associated to the selected event. You will be able to follow its execution within the application logs
If your repository contains private submodules using SSH protocol, you will need to add a secret beginning with GITSSH_KEY, containing a private SSH key with access rights to your sumbodules repositories.
If your application is deployed from an image registry, within this section you can modify:
Registry: select the container registry storing the image of your application. Note: only pre-configured registry are available in this list, check the Container Registry Management page for more information.
Image name: the name of the image to be deployed with this application (example: postgres)
Image tag: the tag of the image to be deployed with this application (example: 12)
The tag 'latest' is not supported, please use a specific tag.
This option is available only if you have selected "Git Repository" as source. Only Docker is supported
Qovery runs your application within the Container technology. To build and run your application, you need to provide a valid Dockerfile.
Valid NodeJS Dockerfile
FROM node:13-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
RUN npm install
CMD node ./bin/www
After creating a Dockerfile, specify the location of your Dockerfile in Dockefile path field.
Configuration from above will make Qovery look for the Dockerfile in /timescale/Dockerfile path of your repository (Root Application Path + Dockerfile Path).
You can modify here the configuration of your job:
CRON Schedule: specify a valid CRON expression (see Crontab guru for help). After being deployed, the job will be executed following the defined schedule.
Image Entrypoint: the entrypoint to be used to launch your job (not mandatory)
CMD Arguments: the arguments to be passed to launch your job (not mandatory). We expect the format to be an array. Example ["rails", "-h", "", "-p", "8080", "string"]
Number of restarts: Maximum number of restarts allowed in case of job failure (0 means no failure)
Max duration time in seconds: Maximum duration allowed for the job to run before killing it and mark it as failed
Port: Port used by Kubernetes to run readiness and liveliness probes checks. The port will not be exposed externally
To configure the number of CPUs that your job needs, adjust the setting in the Resources section.
Default is 500m (0.5 vCPU).
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU.
To configure the amount of RAM that your app needs, adjust the setting in Resources section.
Default is 512MB.
Please note that in this section you configure the CPU allocated by the cluster for your application and that cannot consume more than this value. Even if the application is underused and consume less resources, the cluster will still reserve the selected amount of CPU. If your application requires more RAM than requested, it will be killed by the kubernetes scheduler.
This section allows to specify which changes on your repository should trigger an auto-deploy (if enabled). To know more about how to configure your Deployment Restrictions, have a look at the deployment restrictions section.
Qovery expects the output file to be written in the following path /qovery-output/qovery-output.json (the output folder is automatically mounted by Qovery).
The file should follow this format:
At the end of the job execution, this file will be processed by Qovery and a set of environment variables will be created, one for each element in the json. The information in the json file will be mapped to an environment variables in this way:
Variable Name: QOVERY_OUTPUT_JOB_<JOBID>_<VARNAME> , where <JOBID> is the id of the Job on Qovery side and <VARNAME> is the name of the element in the output file.
Variable Value: field "value"
Secret: field "sensitive"
An alias <VARNAME> will be automatically created to simplify your setup.
-Let's say that the code of our job creates a PostgreSQL RDS on AWS. At the end of its execution, the job should know the connection Once created, the job should know the connection string of the PostgreSQL. The job can now create a file /qovery-output/qovery-output.json with the following structure:
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": True,
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": False,
This file will be processed by Qovery and the following environment variables will be created:
Value: "zf138d9c8-postgresql"
Secret: false
Value: "root"
Secret: false
Value: "mypassword"
Secret: true
Value: "MYDB"
Secret: false
Value: "3600"
Secret: false
Once the execution of the job is terminated and the environment variables are created, any application within the same environment will be able to access those environment variables and thus connect to the postgres instance.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
+Let's say that the code of our job creates a PostgreSQL RDS on AWS. At the end of its execution, the job should know the connection Once created, the job should know the connection string of the PostgreSQL. The job can now create a file /qovery-output/qovery-output.json with the following structure:
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": True,
"sensitive": False,
"sensitive": False,
This file will be processed by Qovery and the following environment variables will be created:
Value: "zf138d9c8-postgresql"
Secret: false
Value: "root"
Secret: false
Value: "mypassword"
Secret: true
Value: "MYDB"
Secret: false
Value: "3600"
Secret: false
Once the execution of the job is terminated and the environment variables are created, any application within the same environment will be able to access those environment variables and thus connect to the postgres instance.
You can create a clone of the service via the clone feature. A new service with the same configuration (see below for exceptions) will be created into the target environment.
The target environment can be the same as the current environment or even another one in a completely different project.
Important information
Not every configuration parameter will be copied within the new service for consistency reasons. The configuration is fully or partially copied depending on the target environment:
same environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
another environment:
custom domain: this setup is not copied into the new service (to avoid collision)
environment variable: aliases defined on environment variables are not copied (since the aliased env var might not exist)
deployment pipeline: stage setup is not copied (since the target stage might not exist)
number of instances: if the target environment runs on a Qovery EC2 cluster, the max number of instances is set to 1 (Qovery EC2 constraint)
Please check the configuration of the new service before deploying it.
This section allows you to define the list of container registries that can be used within your organization. Only images stored on those container registries are allowed to be deployed on your cluster.
You can access this section by opening the Organization Settings -> Container Registries
When accessing the interface for the first time, you will see that a container registry already exist (called "registry-{$UIID}"). This container registry is created by Qovery on your infrastructure and is used to manage the deployment of your applications. You are free to use them to store your applications but you need to retrieve the credentials from your cloud provider console.
You can modify an existing container registry by clicking on the "Wheel" button next to it
-You can delete an existing container registry by clicking on the "Trash" button next to it
Before deleting it, make sure that there is no application within your organization using an image stored in this registry.
diff --git a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/organization/git-repository-access/index.html b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/organization/git-repository-access/index.html
index 265085acd8..0a13ae9e86 100644
--- a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/organization/git-repository-access/index.html
+++ b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/organization/git-repository-access/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@
2. Modify the existing token on the Qovery console by updating its value with the token created in step 1.
Once the token is created, you can configure your Qovery services.
In the creation flow of your service, you will be able to either select your own git account or one of the git tokens configured within your organization.
If a git token is selected, Qovery will use that token to access the git repository as long as the token does not expire (see the Token expiration section)
Press the wheel button on the token you want to modify.
Modify the token.
Press the Save button.
Note: If you want to modify the git token configured in Qovery, you can directly edit the token value. It will prevent you from manually updating every application using the old token.
The Qovery GitHub app is being deprecated and it will be replaced by the git tokens. If you are using the Qovery Github app today, please start migrating to the new Git token system.
For better control, as a GitHub user, you can install the Qovery Github App, and define which Github repositories Qovery can access.
If you have already one or more applications running on your Qovery Organization, please make sure to give the Qovery Github App access to their repositories. If a repository is missing, you might experience a loss of functionalities for those applications (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
You can only link one Github Organization to your Qovery Organization through the Qovery Github App.
Also, once the Qovery Github App is installed, all the members of your Qovery Organization will only have access to the repositories linked to your Qovery Github App.
To install the Qovery Github App:
Open your Qovery Console and access your organization settings:
In the Organization settings menu, click Git Repository Access:
To start the installation process click Install:
A new window opens in your browser so you can install the Qovery Github App on your Github account.
Click the Github account on which you want to install the Qovery Github App:
Click Only select repositories and, in the dropdown menu, define which Github repositories you want to give Qovery access to:
You must give Qovery access to any Github repository linked to an existing Qovery application.
Failure to do so will result in the loss of some functionalities (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
To confirm, click Install & Authorize:
You are redirected to your Qovery Console, where the list of authorized Github repositories is updated.
You can update or revoke access to one or multiple Github repositories at any time. To do so, in the Git Repository Access section, click Manage Permission below your Git provider account, and repeat the selection process on the Github website.
-Please note that the repositories must belong to the same Github organization, we do not support yet a multi-github organization setup
To add or remove access to one of your repositories:
Open your Qovery Console and access your organization settings:
In the Organization settings menu, click Git Permission:
Next to your Git provider account, click Manage permission:
Click the Github account on which you want to manage the Qovery Github App access:
Add or remove the repositories you want to give Qovery access to:
Rremoving access to a Github repository linked to an existing Qovery application will result in the loss of some functionalities for that application (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
Uninstalling the Qovery Github App will result in a loss of some functionalities for all your applications (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
To uninstall the Qovery Github App:
Open your Qovery Console and access your organization settings:
In the Organization settings menu, click Git Permission:
Next to your Git provider account, click Disconnect:
The list of authorized Github repositories is updated, meaning Qovery now has access to all of your Github repositories again.
From your browser, access your Github account and open your Settings:
To add or remove access to one of your repositories:
Open your Qovery Console and access your organization settings:
In the Organization settings menu, click Git Permission:
Next to your Git provider account, click Manage permission:
Click the Github account on which you want to manage the Qovery Github App access:
Add or remove the repositories you want to give Qovery access to:
Rremoving access to a Github repository linked to an existing Qovery application will result in the loss of some functionalities for that application (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
Uninstalling the Qovery Github App will result in a loss of some functionalities for all your applications (update, auto-deploy, preview environments, etc.).
To uninstall the Qovery Github App:
Open your Qovery Console and access your organization settings:
In the Organization settings menu, click Git Permission:
Next to your Git provider account, click Disconnect:
The list of authorized Github repositories is updated, meaning Qovery now has access to all of your Github repositories again.
From your browser, access your Github account and open your Settings:
This section allows you to define the list of helm repositories that can be used within your organization. Only helm charts stored on those helm repositories are allowed to be deployed on your cluster.
You can access this section by opening the Organization Settings -> Helm Repositories
You can modify an existing helm repository by clicking on the "Wheel" button next to it
-You can delete an existing helm repository by clicking on the "Trash" button next to it
Before deleting it, make sure there is no helm service within your organization using a helm chart stored in this repository.
An organization is a shared account where developers can collaborate across many projects at once. Owners and organization administrators
can manage every aspect of the organization, from the clusters up to the member access.
When signing up for Qovery, you need to sign in through your Git provider (GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket).
Once this is done, you can create your first organization and the first project within it. Before completing the creation process, you need to choose one of our 3 plans:
Description: enter a description of your organization.
Website: enter the website of your company.
Admin contact emails: enter one or several email addresses (separated by commas) on which you want to receive important communications from Qovery.
We will only use your admin contact email details to send you communications about infrastructure outages, maintenance updates, and weekly and monthly usage reports.
Don't forget to click Update to save your organization information!
Description: enter a description of your organization.
Website: enter the website of your company.
Admin contact emails: enter one or several email addresses (separated by commas) on which you want to receive important communications from Qovery.
We will only use your admin contact email details to send you communications about infrastructure outages, maintenance updates, and weekly and monthly usage reports.
Don't forget to click Update to save your organization information!
Qovery allows you to control the access to your cluster and environment resources by defining and assigning roles to your users.
By default, five roles are created within your organization (Basic Roles):
Owner: the user has full access on the organization
Admin: same as the owner, the has full access to the organization but he cannot delete it
DevOps: the user can manage the organization infrastructure (clusters/registry/webhook setup) and manage the deployments of any environment within the organization.
Billing Manager: the user can only manage the billing of the organization
Viewer: the user has read-only access to any section of the organization
More in detail, you can find the associated permissions below:
Billing Manager
Read organization
Edit organization
Delete organization
Manage billing
Manage members & roles
Manage cluster & container registry
Manage organization setup (webhooks, Git and API tokens etc..)
Read ANY project
Edit/Delete ANY project
Create project
Read ANY environment
Edit/Delete ANY environment or service
Create environment or service
Add/Edit/Delete environment variables and secrets
Deploy/Stop ANY environment or service
Connect via shell to ANY application
Only one user can be Owner of an organization. You can transfer the ownership to another member via the menu available on the target member
If the basic roles are not enough given your internal organization, Qovery allows you to customize the accesses to your clusters, projets and environments by defining Custom Roles.
A Custom role allows you to customize:
Cluster Level Permissions: you can specify the access to the existing computing resources (manage cluster X, create environments on cluster Y, read-only access on cluster K)
Project Level Permissions: you can specify the access to the projects and their environments by environment type (deploy type X, create type K etc..)
Users with a custom role cannot create clusters or manage any of the organization settings (members, webhook, API token etc..)
To create a custom role, go in the Roles & Permissions section press "Add new Role"
This section allows you to fine tune the access to the computing resources. For each cluster of your organization, you will be able to specify an access permission (ordered by permission level):
Permission Type
The user can access the cluster information (name, region etc..). Minimum permission level.
Create Environment
The user can create environments on this cluster. Only users with this role could allocate resources for their environments on this cluster. Further environment level permissions (like deployment rights) are managed via the "Project Permissions", see below
Full Access
The user can create create environments on this cluster and as well manage the cluster's settings (start/stop, change number and type of nodes etc..). This permission allows a group of users to manage by themselves a specific cluster
Project Level Permissions
This section allows you to fine tune the access to the projects and their environments. The environment access is managed by "Environment Type" to simplify the configuration (Production, Staging, Development, Preview). For each project of your organization and by environment type, you will be able to specify an access permission (ordered by permission level):
Permission Type
No Access
The user has no access to this environment type. If the user has "No Access" on all the environment types, he will not have access to the project
Access in read-only to this environment type. Useful to restrict access on sensitive environments
Manage the deployments of this environment type, access the logs, connect via SSH to the application and manage its environment variables
Manage the deployments and the settings of this environment type (including adding or removing services)
Full Access
The user is admin of the project and can do everything he wants on it (no matter the environment type)
Once the role is created, you can assign it to a member of your organization within the "Members" section. You can also update the permissions by editing the role from the Roles&Permissions screen
An organization has 3 clusters ("prod cluster", “staging cluster”, “dev cluster”) and 1 project P1. The organization has a CTO, a devops and some developers.
The roles & permissions could be configured in this way:
CTO = Owner
Devops = Devops or Admin
Developers: we want these users capable of accessing the project, having read access to the prod clusters/env, managing deployments on the staging cluster (but not creating new environments on it) and doing whatever they want for the development environments on the dev cluster. So the configuration will look like:
Create a new Role “developer” with the following permissions:
Cluster Level Permissions:
Prod cluster → Read-Only
Staging cluster → Read-Only
Dev cluster → Create Environment (they can create environments on this cluster)
Project Level Permissions for the project "P1":
Environment access (by env type)
prod = Read-Only
staging = deploye (i.e. they can deploy env of type “staging”)
development = Full Access (i.e. they can manage and create env of type “dev”)
An organization with 4 dev clusters (“prod cluster”, “staging clyster”, 2 Dev clusters called “dev cluster team 1” and "dev cluster team 2”) and 2 projects P1 and P2. The organization has a CTO, a devops, 2 dev teams with an “acting dev-ops” in it who manages the dev cluster on behalf of the devops.
-The roles & permissions could be configured in this way:
CTO = Owner
Devops = Devops or Admin
Dev team 1: we want these users capable of accessing the project P1, having no access to the prod env and managing their deployments only on the "dev cluster Dev team 1" for their development environments.So the config will look like:
Create a new Role “Dev Team 1”
Cluster Level Permissions:
Prod cluster → Read-Only
Staging cluster → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 1 → Create Environment (they can create envs only on their dev cluster)
Dev cluster team 2 → Read-Only
Project Level Permissions:
Config on the project “P1”
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = deploy
dev = Full Access (i.e. they can do whatever they want on env of type “dev”)
Config on the project “P2” (i.e. they can't access P2)
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = no-access
dev = no-access
Dev team 2: we want these users capable of accessing the project P2, having no access to the prod env and managing their deployments only on the "dev cluster team 2" for their development environments. So the config will look like:
Create a new Role “Dev Team 2”
Cluster Level Permissions:
Prod cluster → Read-Only
Staging cluster → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 1 → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 2 → Create Environment (they can create envs only on their dev cluster)
Project Level Permissions:
Config on the project “P1” (i.e. they can't access P1)
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = no-access
dev = no-access
Config on the project “P2”
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = deploy
dev = Full Access (i.e. they can do whatever they want on env of type “dev”)
Acting DevOps user: we want this user capable of accessing the project, having read access to the prod env, managing the dev clusters and all the environments on it. So the config will look like this:
+The roles & permissions could be configured in this way:
CTO = Owner
Devops = Devops or Admin
Dev team 1: we want these users capable of accessing the project P1, having no access to the prod env and managing their deployments only on the "dev cluster Dev team 1" for their development environments.So the config will look like:
Create a new Role “Dev Team 1”
Cluster Level Permissions:
Prod cluster → Read-Only
Staging cluster → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 1 → Create Environment (they can create envs only on their dev cluster)
Dev cluster team 2 → Read-Only
Project Level Permissions:
Config on the project “P1”
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = deploy
dev = Full Access (i.e. they can do whatever they want on env of type “dev”)
Config on the project “P2” (i.e. they can't access P2)
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = no-access
dev = no-access
Dev team 2: we want these users capable of accessing the project P2, having no access to the prod env and managing their deployments only on the "dev cluster team 2" for their development environments. So the config will look like:
Create a new Role “Dev Team 2”
Cluster Level Permissions:
Prod cluster → Read-Only
Staging cluster → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 1 → Read-Only
Dev cluster team 2 → Create Environment (they can create envs only on their dev cluster)
Project Level Permissions:
Config on the project “P1” (i.e. they can't access P1)
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = no-access
dev = no-access
Config on the project “P2”
Environment access (by env type)
prod = no-access
staging = deploy
dev = Full Access (i.e. they can do whatever they want on env of type “dev”)
Acting DevOps user: we want this user capable of accessing the project, having read access to the prod env, managing the dev clusters and all the environments on it. So the config will look like this:
A project allows you to group together a set of environments with the objective to run the same application (see the Environment page for more information).
When creating a new organization, a project is created by default. You can customize the access to your project thanks to our RBAC system.
Before you begin, this documentation assumes the following:
A project allows you to group together a set of environments with the objective to run the same application (see the Environment page for more information).
When creating a new organization, a project is created by default. You can customize the access to your project thanks to our RBAC system.
Before you begin, this documentation assumes the following:
diff --git a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/service-health-checks/index.html b/docs/using-qovery/configuration/service-health-checks/index.html
index 13f8d30db9..e68b020762 100644
--- a/docs/using-qovery/configuration/service-health-checks/index.html
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You have a liveness probe configured on port 80 of your application. If during the deployment of your application the probes can't connect to port 80 and we reach a timeout, the deployment fails.
Qovery allows you to manage these probes directly from within the Qovery console during the setup of your application, letting you decide their activation, configuration and check frequency.
Allows you to specify the type of probe you want to run against your application:
NONE if NONE is selected, the probe is disabled and thus Kubernetes won't be able to verify the state of your application and take the right corrective actions.
We strongly advise to not disable the liveness probe.
HTTP probes are the most common probe type. You can use them if your application is a HTTP server, or if you create a lightweight HTTP server inside your application specifically to respond to such probes. When using a HTTP probe, you need to configure:
a port
a path
Once configured, Kubernetes pings a path (for example: /healthz ) at a given port. If it gets a response in the 200 or 300 range, the check is passed. Otherwise, it is considered as failed and Kubernetes takes the necessary corrective actions.
TCP probes are most often used when HTTP or command probes aren't an option. When using a TCP Liveness probe, Kubernetes tries to establish a connection on the specified port. If the connection is successful, the application is considered healthy. Otherwise, it is considered dead and the container is restarted.
gRPC probes
When using a gRCP Liveness probe, Kubernetes tries to establish a connection on the specified port and service. If the connection is successful, the application is considered healthy. Otherwise, it is considered dead and the container is restarted.
EXEC probes
-Exec probes allow to define a command to be executed within your container. If the command execution fails, the probe is considered as failed.
Allows you to specify an interval, in seconds, between the application container start and the first liveness check.
Allowing additional time for the application to start can be useful when boot time usually takes too long (due to long boot operations), or when the application opens the port before being ready to receive traffic on it (due to a still ongoing boot operation).
Allows you to specify how many consecutive successes are needed, as a minimum, for the probe to be considered successful after having failed previously.
Due to a Kubernetes limitation, this value can only be 1
If your application has a long boot operation to run, your deployment might be marked as failed since the probe can't verify the state of your application within the specified time frame. In this case, you will find in your deployment logs a warning message Liveness probe failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:xx: connect: connection refused , telling you that the probe is failing.
If your application needs more time to boot, increase the Initial Delay in seconds of the probes to match the application boot time.
Allows you to specify an interval, in seconds, between the application container start and the first liveness check.
Allowing additional time for the application to start can be useful when boot time usually takes too long (due to long boot operations), or when the application opens the port before being ready to receive traffic on it (due to a still ongoing boot operation).
Allows you to specify how many consecutive successes are needed, as a minimum, for the probe to be considered successful after having failed previously.
Due to a Kubernetes limitation, this value can only be 1
If your application has a long boot operation to run, your deployment might be marked as failed since the probe can't verify the state of your application within the specified time frame. In this case, you will find in your deployment logs a warning message Liveness probe failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:xx: connect: connection refused , telling you that the probe is failing.
If your application needs more time to boot, increase the Initial Delay in seconds of the probes to match the application boot time.
This section shows you some basic information about your account like:
First name: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Last name: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Account email: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Communication email: this email will be used by Qovery to communicate you any update or issue ongoing on the product. Make sure to set the communication email with a valid email adress
By default Qovery uses your account email to share with you important updates on the product. Make sure to set the communication email with your professional email address!
This section shows you some basic information about your account like:
First name: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Last name: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Account email: retrieved from your git account, it can't be changed.
Communication email: this email will be used by Qovery to communicate you any update or issue ongoing on the product. Make sure to set the communication email with a valid email adress
By default Qovery uses your account email to share with you important updates on the product. Make sure to set the communication email with your professional email address!
Once you have configured your services and deployed them for the first time, you can decide to automatically update the applications to the latest version of your git branch thanks to the auto-deploy feauture.
Each time a commit is pushed on your git repository, Qovery receives a webhook call containing the commit information (who did it, what changed, which branch etc..). Thanks to this information, Qovery is able to determine which application should be automatically re-deployed with the new version.
By default every new commit pushed on the branch will trigger a deployment of the application. You can use the Deployment restrictions feature to include or exclude certain files or folders from the feature and avoid un-necessary deployments (like a change on the README file).
To add a new restriction, go into the Deployment restrictions section of your application settings.
When adding a new restriction, two modes can be selected:
EXCLUDE: commits on the file or folder defined in the "Value" field will be ignored
MATCH: only commits on the file or folder defined in the "Value" field will trigger a deployment
"Value" should contain the full file path and can't start with /
Wildcards are not supported in the "Value" field (you can specify "my-prefix*" to exclude commits on files starting with "my-prefix")
The auto-deploy feature can be activated as well if you directly deploy your container images but it requires some additional integration via your CI/CD. Your CI/CD has to inform Qovery that a new version of the image (a new tag) is available for a specific container image. Thanks to this information, Qovery can find any application that uses this container image and automatically trigger a deployment of the new image tag.
To inform Qovery of the new version, your CI/CD needs to call the following endpoints, depending on the service type:
Once you have configured your services and deployed them for the first time, you can decide to automatically update the applications to the latest version of your git branch thanks to the auto-deploy feauture.
Each time a commit is pushed on your git repository, Qovery receives a webhook call containing the commit information (who did it, what changed, which branch etc..). Thanks to this information, Qovery is able to determine which application should be automatically re-deployed with the new version.
By default every new commit pushed on the branch will trigger a deployment of the application. You can use the Deployment restrictions feature to include or exclude certain files or folders from the feature and avoid un-necessary deployments (like a change on the README file).
To add a new restriction, go into the Deployment restrictions section of your application settings.
When adding a new restriction, two modes can be selected:
EXCLUDE: commits on the file or folder defined in the "Value" field will be ignored
MATCH: only commits on the file or folder defined in the "Value" field will trigger a deployment
"Value" should contain the full file path and can't start with /
Wildcards are not supported in the "Value" field (you can specify "my-prefix*" to exclude commits on files starting with "my-prefix")
The auto-deploy feature can be activated as well if you directly deploy your container images but it requires some additional integration via your CI/CD. Your CI/CD has to inform Qovery that a new version of the image (a new tag) is available for a specific container image. Thanks to this information, Qovery can find any application that uses this container image and automatically trigger a deployment of the new image tag.
To inform Qovery of the new version, your CI/CD needs to call the following endpoints, depending on the service type:
Qovery allows you to manage the deployment lifecycle of your services and environments via a set of Deployment actions (example: deploy, redeploy, restart, stop etc..). These actions can be triggered via the Qovery web console, via the Qovery API, via the Qovery CLI or from your CI/CD depending on your integration type.
You can imagine the deployment lifecycle of a service or environment like a state machine:
each state is identified by a Deployment Status
the execution of a deployment action will modify the state of the service/environment until it reaches a final status (ok or error)
the list of allowed Deployment action depends on the current Deployment Status. Example: if the deployment status is Deployment Ok, you can trigger only the action Stop. This will stop the execution of the service (deployment status Stopped).
When a new application is created within Qovery, the application will have the deployment status Ready. Once the action Deploy is executed on the service, the service will go through the statuses Queued, Building, Deploying and then finally on the status Deployed (meaning that the application is correctly deployed).
You can find the deployment status directly in the Qovery console in the service or environment list:
Note that the deployment status of the environment is built based on the deployment statuses of each service within it.
Deployment Status and Running Status do not provide the same information. Just because an error arose during deployment does not mean your application is not running anymore. Monitoring both your deployment and service statuses allows you to know exactly which applications are currently running on your platform.
Have a look at this section for more information
You can decide to execute a deployment action on:
an environment: the action will be executed on each service within the environment. To know more about the deployment order of your services, have a look at the Deployment Pipeline
a single service: the action will be executed only on the selected service.
The deployment actions are accessible through the Play button available at service or environment level.
You can trigger the deployment actions via the UI but also via any interface described within this section.
You cannot have two or more deployment actions running at the same time on one environment. Example: you can't trigger the deployment of service A and stop service B at the same time. You need to wait for the deployment of service A to finish before triggering the pause of the service B
You can find below a description of each deployment action, including its purpose and the deployment status your environment and/or service will go through.
The Deploy action allows you to create the resource necessary to run your code on your Kubernetes cluster. This action is available only if the service or environment have never been deployed.
Based on the configuration of your services within, a certain number of Pods will be created in a dedicated Namespace of the target Kubernetes cluster.
The commit id or tag that will be deployed is the one visible on the interface and not necessarily the latest version (unless the auto-deploy feature is activated)
Once triggered, the deployment of a service goes through the following deployment statuses:
QUEUED : the deployment has been queued and it is waiting for the necessary resources to be allocated to manage your request
BUILDING : the Qovery engine is downloading the git repository and building your code. At the end of this step an image is built and pushed to a registry available on your cloud account. The status will become BUILD ERROR in case of issues on building your code
DEPLOYING : the pods are being created on your cluster based on the image built on the previous step. The status will become DEPLOYMENT ERROR in case of issues on deploying your service. A service is considered un-healthy if the Kubernetes readiness probe check is never OK (more info on readiness probe).
DEPLOYMENT OK : all the requested pods have been created and the service is correctly running (liveness and readiness probes are ok).
If the deployment was triggered on the entire environment, the environment will go through the following deployment statuses:
QUEUED : at least one service is in status QUEUED
BUILDING : at least one service is in status BUILDING
DEPLOYING : at least one service is in status DEPLOYING
DEPLOYMENT OK : at least one service is in status DEPLOYMENT OK but none of them is in error (BUILD ERROR or DEPLOYMENT ERROR)
DEPLOYMENT ERROR : at least one service is in status DEPLOYMENT ERROR
The Redeploy action allows you to update the remote configuration of your services based on their configuration on Qovery side. If any difference exists (vCPU, number of instances, code version etc..), a new set of pod will be created with the new configuration and replace the existing ones. If there are no configuration differences, nothing will happen on the pods running on your cluster (not even a restart, please use the Restart Service feature).
-This action is available only if the Deploy action has been triggered at least once on the service or environment.
When replacing the pods of your application, Qovery uses the rolling-restart deployment logic:
1) Deploy new version of instance #1.
2) New version of instance #1 is running => kill previous version of instance #1.
3) Deploy new version of instance #2.
4) New version of instance #2 is running => kill previous version of instance #2.
And so on...
You can trigger the re-deployment of a service or of the entire environment. The service or environment goes through the same deployment statuses described in the deployment section.
A redeploy on an environment triggers the deployment of any service in the environment, no matter their previous status (even stopped ones)
The Stop action allows you to stop the execution on the cluster of the selected service or environment (deployment status = Stopped). This action is available only if the current deployment status is Deployment OK or Deployment Error.
The effect on your cluster of the stop operation is different depending on the type of service:
Application, Container, Container DB : Pods of those services are stopped. Any attached storage is preserved
Cloud provider Managed DB: the database is paused (only for AWS, not working on Redis)
The Restart Service action allows you to restart the pods of your service without applying any configuration change. This action is available only if the current deployment status is Deployment OK and only for a single service.
Once triggered, the deployment status service goes through the following statuses:
RESTARTING : the request to restart has been received
RESTARTED : all the pods of the service have been restarted
RESTART ERROR : Qovery couldn't process the restart request
The Cancel Deployment action allows you to abort any Deploy or Redeploy action. This action is available only if the current deployment status is Queued or Building or Deploying.
The action allows to cancel the operation, not to rollback to the previous state. If during the deployment of services A and B, the Cancel Deployment action is triggered after that the deployment of service A has been completed, only the deployment of service B will be cancelled (service A will use the new config / version)
The Deploy other version action allows you to deploy a different version for your service. This action is available no matter the deployment status of the service.
Once you click on the action, this panel will appear, and you will be able to choose the version you wish to update/rollback (either git commit or image Tag).
By pressing on the Deploy button, a deployment of the service will be triggered using the selected version.
The Deploy latest version action allows you to deploy the latest version for any of your services within the environment. This action is available no matter the deployment status of the service and only at environment level
Once you click on the action, this panel will appear, and you will be able to choose the services you wish to update to the latest version (only for services with source = git repository).
By pressing on the Deploy button, a deployment of the service will be triggered using the selected version.
+This action is available only if the Deploy action has been triggered at least once on the service or environment.
When replacing the pods of your application, Qovery uses the rolling-restart deployment logic:
1) Deploy new version of instance #1.
2) New version of instance #1 is running => kill previous version of instance #1.
3) Deploy new version of instance #2.
4) New version of instance #2 is running => kill previous version of instance #2.
And so on...
You can trigger the re-deployment of a service or of the entire environment. The service or environment goes through the same deployment statuses described in the deployment section.
A redeploy on an environment triggers the deployment of any service in the environment, no matter their previous status (even stopped ones)
The Stop action allows you to stop the execution on the cluster of the selected service or environment (deployment status = Stopped). This action is available only if the current deployment status is Deployment OK or Deployment Error.
The effect on your cluster of the stop operation is different depending on the type of service:
Application, Container, Container DB : Pods of those services are stopped. Any attached storage is preserved
Cloud provider Managed DB: the database is paused (only for AWS, not working on Redis)
The Restart Service action allows you to restart the pods of your service without applying any configuration change. This action is available only if the current deployment status is Deployment OK and only for a single service.
Once triggered, the deployment status service goes through the following statuses:
RESTARTING : the request to restart has been received
RESTARTED : all the pods of the service have been restarted
RESTART ERROR : Qovery couldn't process the restart request
The Cancel Deployment action allows you to abort any Deploy or Redeploy action. This action is available only if the current deployment status is Queued or Building or Deploying.
The action allows to cancel the operation, not to rollback to the previous state. If during the deployment of services A and B, the Cancel Deployment action is triggered after that the deployment of service A has been completed, only the deployment of service B will be cancelled (service A will use the new config / version)
The Deploy other version action allows you to deploy a different version for your service. This action is available no matter the deployment status of the service.
Once you click on the action, this panel will appear, and you will be able to choose the version you wish to update/rollback (either git commit or image Tag).
By pressing on the Deploy button, a deployment of the service will be triggered using the selected version.
The Deploy latest version action allows you to deploy the latest version for any of your services within the environment. This action is available no matter the deployment status of the service and only at environment level
Once you click on the action, this panel will appear, and you will be able to choose the services you wish to update to the latest version (only for services with source = git repository).
By pressing on the Deploy button, a deployment of the service will be triggered using the selected version.
Before you begin, this documentation assumes the following:
You have created an Environment and one Service (application, db or job)
When the deployment of an environment is triggered, Qovery executes what we call Deployment Pipeline. It basically defines the operations shall be performed to properly deploy every service defined within your environment (build the code of service X, push the image on a registry, deploy service X on the Kubernetes cluster etc..)
A pipeline is composed of an ordered list of Deployment Stages. Each Stage has an execution order assigned within the pipeline: If a stage A has an execution order lower than stage B then B can be executed only if the execution of stage A is completed.
Each service of your environment belongs to one (and only one) Deployment Stage. This allows you to define at which moment of the deployment pipeline a service should be deployed and thus respect any service inter-dependency (e.g. your front-end needs to be started after the back-end, your db needs to be started before your back-end etc..).
Below you can find a visual example of how the pipeline looks like:
When the deployment pipeline execute the deployment of a stage, the services within it will go through the Build and Deployment phases.
The Building process is managed by the Qovery CI which downloads your repository and generates the final image that will be run on your Kubernetes cluster.
By default, the nodes building your application have the following resources: 4CPU and 4 GB memory. If you need more resources, get in touch with our support.
Important note: If you already have an image available on a container registry that has been previously created by your own CI/CD, it might be interesting for you to reuse it instead of re-building it again on Qovery side. Have a look at this section on how to deploy it.
The build and deploy operation of each service within a deployment stage are executed in parallel with a parallism of 4.
-If you have 6 applications to be deployed within a stage, Qovery will:
build 4 applications in parallel. Once the build of one application is terminated, Qovery will start immediately another one until all the applications are built.
deploy 4 applications in parallel on your Kubernetes cluster. Once the deployment of one application is terminated, Qovery will start immediately another one until all the applications are deployed.
The parallel build and deployment is a feature in beta and free for everyone during the beta phase
By default, the deployment pipeline is constituted of 4 deployment stages with a default service assignment rule:
"0.DEFAULT DATABASE": any new service of type DATABASE will be added to this stage.
"1.DEFAULT JOB": any new service of type JOB will be added to this stage.
"2.DEFAULT CONTAINER": any new service of type CONTAINER will be added to this stage (application deployed from a container image).
"3.DEFAULT APPLICATION": any new service of type APPLICATION will be added to this stage (application deployed from a git repository).
Once the service is created, the assigned stage can be modified afterwards. See this section for more information.
This default assignment is maintained as long as you do not delete or rename the default stage. If the default stage is modified or deleted, the service will be automatically added to the latest stage (based on the stage deployment)
+If you have 6 applications to be deployed within a stage, Qovery will:
build 4 applications in parallel. Once the build of one application is terminated, Qovery will start immediately another one until all the applications are built.
deploy 4 applications in parallel on your Kubernetes cluster. Once the deployment of one application is terminated, Qovery will start immediately another one until all the applications are deployed.
The parallel build and deployment is a feature in beta and free for everyone during the beta phase
By default, the deployment pipeline is constituted of 4 deployment stages with a default service assignment rule:
"0.DEFAULT DATABASE": any new service of type DATABASE will be added to this stage.
"1.DEFAULT JOB": any new service of type JOB will be added to this stage.
"2.DEFAULT CONTAINER": any new service of type CONTAINER will be added to this stage (application deployed from a container image).
"3.DEFAULT APPLICATION": any new service of type APPLICATION will be added to this stage (application deployed from a git repository).
Once the service is created, the assigned stage can be modified afterwards. See this section for more information.
This default assignment is maintained as long as you do not delete or rename the default stage. If the default stage is modified or deleted, the service will be automatically added to the latest stage (based on the stage deployment)
RollingUpdate (default): Qovery will gracefully rollout new versions. It will automatically rollback if the new version fails to start | Useful to avoid downtime and load spikes during update
Recreate: Qovery will stop all current versions and create new ones once all old ones have been shutdown.
To make it more clear, here is a representation of the 2 strategies. First and default one, the RollingUpdate strategy:
RollingUpdate (default): Qovery will gracefully rollout new versions. It will automatically rollback if the new version fails to start | Useful to avoid downtime and load spikes during update
Recreate: Qovery will stop all current versions and create new ones once all old ones have been shutdown.
To make it more clear, here is a representation of the 2 strategies. First and default one, the RollingUpdate strategy:
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery service", each service has its own repository (or namespace, naming depends on the cloud provider). This means that each service build and mirroring process is completely isolated from the others.
Before building the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1 if an image has already being built with the same version (commit id and environment variables).
If the image already exists, the built is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is built by the Qovery pipeline the resulting image is pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1, deleting any previous image.
Given this isolation mechanism, if the same application is cloned (via the clone or preview environment feature), Qovery will re-build the application since the environment variables have changed (the ones at environment level).
The Qovery behaviour in this case will depend on the chosen mirroring mode within the cluster advanced settings.
Two mirroring modes are available when deploying a service from a container registry:
Service (Default)
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery service", each service has its own repository (or namespace, naming depends on the cloud provider). This means that each service mirroring process is completely isolated from the others.
At the beginning of the deployment of the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1 if an image with the same image name and tag exists.
If the image already exists, the mirroring process is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is pulled from the source registry and pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1, deleting any previous image.
Images are automatically deleted when not needede anymore
If the same image is used across environments or service, Qovery will mirror multiple time the same image, reducing the deployment speed
This is not available on Scaleway.
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery cluster", meaning that the application deployed on the same cluster are all mirrored on the same repository.
At the beginning of the deployment of the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the cluster C1 if an image with the same image name and tag exists.
If the image already exists, the mirroring process is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is pulled from the source registry and pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the cluster C1.
If the same image is used across environments or service, this setup will avoid to mirror multiple time the same image, increasing the deployment speed.
Qovery can't automatically delete the images mirrored on the mirroring registry. This will increase the cloud provider cost of your image registry since it will store more data. To reduce the amount data stored you can reduce the image TTL via the cluster advanced settings registry.image_retention_time
Image mirroring is a general best practice: you don't want your system to be strictly coupled on a third party.
Let's say that you run an application on your production environment and Kubernetes needs to pull again the image to spawn a new instance for the application. In this case, you don't want to make this fail due to the unavailability of your source container registry. This is why we make sure that a copy is always available on the container registry next to the Kubernetes cluster.
When working with containerized applications, it is crucial to employ unique image tags for precise version management. This practice ensures complete confidence in the version running within a container. Failing to use unique image tags can lead to adverse consequences due to the image caching mechanisms employed by both the Qovery mirroring system and Kubernetes:
Mirroring Registry: Qovery’s mirroring system stores images in a registry. If an image tag remains the same between two versions, the new version will not be mirrored. Consequently, the new version will not be deployed, affecting the overall application.
Kubernetes: Applications deployed by Qovery on Kubernetes adhere to the “ifNotPresent” image pull policy. This policy means that if the image already exists on the Kubernetes node’s local disk, Kubernetes will not attempt to pull it again. However, if the image tag remains unchanged, the new image version will not be fetched, resulting in your pods running the outdated application code.
In summary, maintaining unique image tags is a critical aspect of effective version control and ensuring that your applications run the intended versions without disruptions caused by caching mechanisms.
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery service", each service has its own repository (or namespace, naming depends on the cloud provider). This means that each service build and mirroring process is completely isolated from the others.
Before building the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1 if an image has already being built with the same version (commit id and environment variables).
If the image already exists, the built is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is built by the Qovery pipeline the resulting image is pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1, deleting any previous image.
Given this isolation mechanism, if the same application is cloned (via the clone or preview environment feature), Qovery will re-build the application since the environment variables have changed (the ones at environment level).
The Qovery behaviour in this case will depend on the chosen mirroring mode within the cluster advanced settings.
Two mirroring modes are available when deploying a service from a container registry:
Service (Default)
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery service", each service has its own repository (or namespace, naming depends on the cloud provider). This means that each service mirroring process is completely isolated from the others.
At the beginning of the deployment of the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1 if an image with the same image name and tag exists.
If the image already exists, the mirroring process is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is pulled from the source registry and pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the application A1, deleting any previous image.
Images are automatically deleted when not needede anymore
If the same image is used across environments or service, Qovery will mirror multiple time the same image, reducing the deployment speed
This is not available on Scaleway.
Images within the mirroring registry are organized by "Qovery cluster", meaning that the application deployed on the same cluster are all mirrored on the same repository.
At the beginning of the deployment of the application A1, Qovery checks within mirroring registry at the repository of the cluster C1 if an image with the same image name and tag exists.
If the image already exists, the mirroring process is skipped and Qovery starts the deployment of that image on the Kubernetes cluster.
Otherwise, the image is pulled from the source registry and pushed on the mirroring registry at the repository of the cluster C1.
If the same image is used across environments or service, this setup will avoid to mirror multiple time the same image, increasing the deployment speed.
Qovery can't automatically delete the images mirrored on the mirroring registry. This will increase the cloud provider cost of your image registry since it will store more data. To reduce the amount data stored you can reduce the image TTL via the cluster advanced settings registry.image_retention_time
Image mirroring is a general best practice: you don't want your system to be strictly coupled on a third party.
Let's say that you run an application on your production environment and Kubernetes needs to pull again the image to spawn a new instance for the application. In this case, you don't want to make this fail due to the unavailability of your source container registry. This is why we make sure that a copy is always available on the container registry next to the Kubernetes cluster.
When working with containerized applications, it is crucial to employ unique image tags for precise version management. This practice ensures complete confidence in the version running within a container. Failing to use unique image tags can lead to adverse consequences due to the image caching mechanisms employed by both the Qovery mirroring system and Kubernetes:
Mirroring Registry: Qovery’s mirroring system stores images in a registry. If an image tag remains the same between two versions, the new version will not be mirrored. Consequently, the new version will not be deployed, affecting the overall application.
Kubernetes: Applications deployed by Qovery on Kubernetes adhere to the “ifNotPresent” image pull policy. This policy means that if the image already exists on the Kubernetes node’s local disk, Kubernetes will not attempt to pull it again. However, if the image tag remains unchanged, the new image version will not be fetched, resulting in your pods running the outdated application code.
In summary, maintaining unique image tags is a critical aspect of effective version control and ensuring that your applications run the intended versions without disruptions caused by caching mechanisms.
In the following subsections, you'll find all the information about the deployment management with Qovery.
The deployment has the end goal to create the resources necessary to run your applications on your cloud account, based on the configuration you have done on the Qovery console.
In the image below you can find the complete flow that your application will go through, from your Git repository up to your Kuernetes cluster.
The developer pushes the code within the git repository
The deployment trigger can come from different sources depending on your integration type:
2.a The auto-deploy feature is activated on Qovery. When the new commit is pushed, a webhook call is received by Qovery and can proceed with the application deployment. See this section for more information.
2.b The auto-deploy feature is not activated on Qovery and the deployment is managed via the CI/CD.
-2.c The auto-deploy feature is not activated on Qovery and the user decides to trigger the deployment directly from within the Qovery console.
The Qovery engine starts processing based on the configured Deployment Pipeline. The pipeline defines the steps that need to be followed in order to deploy your applications. See this section for more information.
The Qovery engine pulls the code from your repository.
The Qovery engine builds the code and pushes the generated images on a registry present within your cloud account (See the Image Mirroring page for more information).
The Qovery engine creates the load balancers and configure the network.
The Qovery engine creates a namespace within the Kubernetes cluster and deploys the application.
The Qovery engine takes care of creating a custom domain for your application and as well configure the TLS so that you can access the application from the internet.
The developer can monitor at each time the status of the deployment or of the running applications by:
checking the Deployment Status and Running Status. See this section for more information.
access the Logs interface to retrieve the deployment logs and as well the application logs in real-time. See this section for more information.
access the Deployment History section to get all the information about the past deployments. See this section for more information.
Qovery also support deployments from container registry but actions 2a is not supported plus 4 and 5 are not done.
In the example above we have shown how the deployment of an application is done but Qovery provides you with a complete set of Deployment Actions allowing you to manage the deployment lifecycle of your applications and environments (Stop, restart etc..). See this section for more information.
+2.c The auto-deploy feature is not activated on Qovery and the user decides to trigger the deployment directly from within the Qovery console.
The Qovery engine starts processing based on the configured Deployment Pipeline. The pipeline defines the steps that need to be followed in order to deploy your applications. See this section for more information.
The Qovery engine pulls the code from your repository.
The Qovery engine builds the code and pushes the generated images on a registry present within your cloud account (See the Image Mirroring page for more information).
The Qovery engine creates the load balancers and configure the network.
The Qovery engine creates a namespace within the Kubernetes cluster and deploys the application.
The Qovery engine takes care of creating a custom domain for your application and as well configure the TLS so that you can access the application from the internet.
The developer can monitor at each time the status of the deployment or of the running applications by:
checking the Deployment Status and Running Status. See this section for more information.
access the Logs interface to retrieve the deployment logs and as well the application logs in real-time. See this section for more information.
access the Deployment History section to get all the information about the past deployments. See this section for more information.
Qovery also support deployments from container registry but actions 2a is not supported plus 4 and 5 are not done.
In the example above we have shown how the deployment of an application is done but Qovery provides you with a complete set of Deployment Actions allowing you to manage the deployment lifecycle of your applications and environments (Stop, restart etc..). See this section for more information.
The deployment logs: every time a deployment is triggered, Qovery provides you with the log of its execution and as well with any error that might occur.
The live logs of your applications: Qovery allows you to retrieve the logs of your application in real-time, streamed directly from your remote application (no data is stored on Qovery side). The logs are accessible as long as the application is running and writing the logs in the stdout.
This section provides you with some information on the last Deployment that happened on the environment and a navigation system to access the logs of each service of your environment.
More in detail you will find here:
Deployment information (top section): this section shows you the status of the deployment execution and when it happened. If a deployment is ongoing, its status will be updated accordingly in this section.
Pipeline view: this section provides an overall view of the current configuration of the Deployment Pipeline and each service present within the environment. By default, only the services that have been deployed within the last deployment execution are displayed but you can still display all of them by un-ticking the option Last deployed only.
This tab shows you the deployment logs for each service of the environment. By default, you get access to the logs of the last deployment execution but you can switch to the previous execution (See Accessing old deployment logs).
If the service is built via the Qovery CI pipeline, you will get access to the build logs.
When the deployment on Kubernetes is executed, the system will provide you with the deployment status updates. In case of deployment issues, these updates will provide you with some information on the root cause.
At the end of the deployment, a final message is emitted confirming if the deployment was successful or not and, in case of an issue, it provides you with some information on how to solve the issue.
You can use the Troubleshoot section to investigate any issue you might encounter during the deployment of your services.
You can access the logs of a past deployment execution in two ways:
using the Deployment log switch on the logs view
from the Deployment tab from the service or environment page and clicking on the parchment icon of a previous deployment
Qovery provides access to the logs of the last 20 deployments executed on your environment. If your service has been deployed more than 20 deployments ago, you won't be able to access its deployment logs.
The live logs tab gives you a real-time view on the log generated by your application while running remotely on your cloud provider infrastructure.
Within this section you will find:
Timestamp: the timestamp of the message
Pod Name: the name of the kubernetes pod where your application is running (to distinguish the instance in case of the multi-instance app). If you want to follow a specific pod, you can filter the logs by clicking on the pod name
Version: the commit id or the image tag of the application running on this POD
Message: the log message
Past application logs are also preserved on your cluster via Loki and can be accessed from the same log view within the qovery console. Please keep in mind that:
Loki is configured to preserve only the latest 1000 lines of log for each application and retain them for 12 weeks (configurable via the cluster advanced settings)
This feature is not available on EC2 Clusters since we don't install Loki.
If you need to troubleshoot issues on the requests managed by your application, you can also access the Nginx logs in the same view (logs format is available in the helper). Note that this option is available only if the application is exposed publicly (See the Port Section)
The deployment logs: every time a deployment is triggered, Qovery provides you with the log of its execution and as well with any error that might occur.
The live logs of your applications: Qovery allows you to retrieve the logs of your application in real-time, streamed directly from your remote application (no data is stored on Qovery side). The logs are accessible as long as the application is running and writing the logs in the stdout.
This section provides you with some information on the last Deployment that happened on the environment and a navigation system to access the logs of each service of your environment.
More in detail you will find here:
Deployment information (top section): this section shows you the status of the deployment execution and when it happened. If a deployment is ongoing, its status will be updated accordingly in this section.
Pipeline view: this section provides an overall view of the current configuration of the Deployment Pipeline and each service present within the environment. By default, only the services that have been deployed within the last deployment execution are displayed but you can still display all of them by un-ticking the option Last deployed only.
This tab shows you the deployment logs for each service of the environment. By default, you get access to the logs of the last deployment execution but you can switch to the previous execution (See Accessing old deployment logs).
If the service is built via the Qovery CI pipeline, you will get access to the build logs.
When the deployment on Kubernetes is executed, the system will provide you with the deployment status updates. In case of deployment issues, these updates will provide you with some information on the root cause.
At the end of the deployment, a final message is emitted confirming if the deployment was successful or not and, in case of an issue, it provides you with some information on how to solve the issue.
You can use the Troubleshoot section to investigate any issue you might encounter during the deployment of your services.
You can access the logs of a past deployment execution in two ways:
using the Deployment log switch on the logs view
from the Deployment tab from the service or environment page and clicking on the parchment icon of a previous deployment
Qovery provides access to the logs of the last 20 deployments executed on your environment. If your service has been deployed more than 20 deployments ago, you won't be able to access its deployment logs.
The live logs tab gives you a real-time view on the log generated by your application while running remotely on your cloud provider infrastructure.
Within this section you will find:
Timestamp: the timestamp of the message
Pod Name: the name of the kubernetes pod where your application is running (to distinguish the instance in case of the multi-instance app). If you want to follow a specific pod, you can filter the logs by clicking on the pod name
Version: the commit id or the image tag of the application running on this POD
Message: the log message
Past application logs are also preserved on your cluster via Loki and can be accessed from the same log view within the qovery console. Please keep in mind that:
Loki is configured to preserve only the latest 1000 lines of log for each application and retain them for 12 weeks (configurable via the cluster advanced settings)
This feature is not available on EC2 Clusters since we don't install Loki.
If you need to troubleshoot issues on the requests managed by your application, you can also access the Nginx logs in the same view (logs format is available in the helper). Note that this option is available only if the application is exposed publicly (See the Port Section)
From any environment window on your Qovery Console, you can monitor the running and deployment status of your environments and services.
The dot in the service tab shows the environment running status. For more information, see the Environment Statuses section below.
The dot in the deployment tab shows the environment deployment status. For more information, see the Deployment Statuses section below.
The label in the column "Service status" represents the running status of the service. For more information, see Service Statuses section below.
The label in the column "Last deployment" represents the status of the latest deployment of the service. For more information, see Deployment Statuses section below.
Thanks to Running statuses, you can find out which services are currently running on your platform, and which are interrupted. There are two types of run services available currently: environment statuses and service statuses.
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check its status in real-time.
The environment status is computed based on the statuses of all the services in that specific environment. Here are all the possible environment statuses:
STOPPED (Gray dot)
All the services are stopped.
STARTING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 service is starting.
STOPPING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 service is stopping.
RUNNING (Green dot)
All services are running correctly.
ERROR (Red dot)
All services are in error status.
WARNING (Orange dot)
At least 1 service is in error status (but not all of them).
COMPLETED (Green dot)
The job execution has completed (only for cronjob and lifecycle jobs).
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check the status of each service in that environment in real-time within the column "Service status".
Here are all the possible service statuses:
STOPPED (Gray dot)
All the application instances are stopped.
STARTING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 application instance is starting.
STOPPING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 application instance is stopping.
RUNNING (Green dot)
All application instances are running correctly.
ERROR (Red dot)
All application instances are in error status.
WARNING (Orange dot)
(Valid for multi-instance applications only) At least 1 application instance is in error status (but not all of them).
Completed (Green dot)
(Valid for Lifecycle and Cronjob only) The job was correctly executed.
The service status is computed based on the status of each Kubernetes pod deployed for this application.
You can check on the Service overview page the status of each pod running your application in Kubernetes. This page is accessible by clicking on one of the services of your environment.
Within this page you will have a view of:
the number of running instances of your application
the status of each instance
in case of an error, you will get the reason behind the issue by clicking on the Pod in error.
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check:
the overall status of your deployments in that specific environment, thanks to the dot present within the "Deployment" tab. This corresponds to the overall deployment status of your environment.
the deployment status of each service in that specific environment, thanks to the label displayed in the Service status column. This corresponds to the status of the last deployment performed on the service.
Here are all the possible deployment statuses for both environments and services:
QUEUED (temporary state).
BUILDING (temporary state).
BUILDING ERROR (final state).
DEPLOYING (temporary state).
DEPLOYMENT ERROR (final state).
CANCELLING BUILDING (temporary state).
CANCELLED (temporary state).
DEPLOYMENT OK (final state).
Just because an error arised during deployment does not mean your application is not running. Monitoring both your deployment and service statuses allows you to know exactly which applications are currently running on your platform.
From any environment window on your Qovery Console, you can monitor the running and deployment status of your environments and services.
The dot in the service tab shows the environment running status. For more information, see the Environment Statuses section below.
The dot in the deployment tab shows the environment deployment status. For more information, see the Deployment Statuses section below.
The label in the column "Service status" represents the running status of the service. For more information, see Service Statuses section below.
The label in the column "Last deployment" represents the status of the latest deployment of the service. For more information, see Deployment Statuses section below.
Thanks to Running statuses, you can find out which services are currently running on your platform, and which are interrupted. There are two types of run services available currently: environment statuses and service statuses.
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check its status in real-time.
The environment status is computed based on the statuses of all the services in that specific environment. Here are all the possible environment statuses:
STOPPED (Gray dot)
All the services are stopped.
STARTING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 service is starting.
STOPPING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 service is stopping.
RUNNING (Green dot)
All services are running correctly.
ERROR (Red dot)
All services are in error status.
WARNING (Orange dot)
At least 1 service is in error status (but not all of them).
COMPLETED (Green dot)
The job execution has completed (only for cronjob and lifecycle jobs).
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check the status of each service in that environment in real-time within the column "Service status".
Here are all the possible service statuses:
STOPPED (Gray dot)
All the application instances are stopped.
STARTING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 application instance is starting.
STOPPING (Loading Icon)
At least 1 application instance is stopping.
RUNNING (Green dot)
All application instances are running correctly.
ERROR (Red dot)
All application instances are in error status.
WARNING (Orange dot)
(Valid for multi-instance applications only) At least 1 application instance is in error status (but not all of them).
Completed (Green dot)
(Valid for Lifecycle and Cronjob only) The job was correctly executed.
The service status is computed based on the status of each Kubernetes pod deployed for this application.
You can check on the Service overview page the status of each pod running your application in Kubernetes. This page is accessible by clicking on one of the services of your environment.
Within this page you will have a view of:
the number of running instances of your application
the status of each instance
in case of an error, you will get the reason behind the issue by clicking on the Pod in error.
When you access an environment on your Qovery Console, you can check:
the overall status of your deployments in that specific environment, thanks to the dot present within the "Deployment" tab. This corresponds to the overall deployment status of your environment.
the deployment status of each service in that specific environment, thanks to the label displayed in the Service status column. This corresponds to the status of the last deployment performed on the service.
Here are all the possible deployment statuses for both environments and services:
QUEUED (temporary state).
BUILDING (temporary state).
BUILDING ERROR (final state).
DEPLOYING (temporary state).
DEPLOYMENT ERROR (final state).
CANCELLING BUILDING (temporary state).
CANCELLED (temporary state).
DEPLOYMENT OK (final state).
Just because an error arised during deployment does not mean your application is not running. Monitoring both your deployment and service statuses allows you to know exactly which applications are currently running on your platform.
Qovery allows you to integrate with major container registries, enabling you to deploy your own container images or those available on public registries.
You can control the container registry used by your teams directly within the Qovery Console.
To know more about how to configure your container registry connection and the supported container registries, have a look at this section
Qovery allows you to integrate with major container registries, enabling you to deploy your own container images or those available on public registries.
You can control the container registry used by your teams directly within the Qovery Console.
To know more about how to configure your container registry connection and the supported container registries, have a look at this section
Using Circle CI with Qovery is super powerful and gives you the ability to manage the way that you want to deploy your applications. As the possibility are endless, I will share with you a couple of examples that you can use. Feel free to adapt them to your need.
Set the environment variable Q_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN or QOVERY_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN (both are valid) with your API token. E.g. export QOVERY_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-api-token
You have turned off the Qovery Auto Deployment for every service that you want to deploy manually.
Since Circle CI also provides a .yaml file to configure your pipeline. Refers to GitLab CI and GitHub Actions examples to learn how to configure your pipeline with Qovery.
This is also applicable for the qovery container deploy, qovery lifecycle deploy, and qovery cronjob deploy commands.
#Create a Preview Environment for your Pull-Request
Qovery integrates automatically with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket to create a Preview Environment for each Pull-Request. But in case you want to control the creation of the Preview Environment manually, you can use the following commands:
This is also applicable for the qovery container deploy, qovery lifecycle deploy, and qovery cronjob deploy commands.
#Create a Preview Environment for your Pull-Request
Qovery integrates automatically with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket to create a Preview Environment for each Pull-Request. But in case you want to control the creation of the Preview Environment manually, you can use the following commands:
This is also applicable for the qovery container deploy, qovery lifecycle deploy, and qovery cronjob deploy commands.
#Create a Preview Environment for your Pull-Request
Qovery integrates automatically with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket to create a Preview Environment for each Pull-Request. But in case you want to control the creation of the Preview Environment manually, you can use the following commands:
#I don't find my Continuous Integration platform, what should I do?
Your CI platform is probably going to be officially supported in the near future. In the meantime, you can use our Qovery CLI and make the integration yourself (it is super easy).
#I don't find my Continuous Integration platform, what should I do?
Your CI platform is probably going to be officially supported in the near future. In the meantime, you can use our Qovery CLI and make the integration yourself (it is super easy).
Using Jenkins with Qovery is super powerful and gives you the ability to manage the way that you want to deploy your applications. As the possibility are endless, I will share with you a couple of examples that you can use. Feel free to adapt them to your need.
Set the environment variable Q_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN or QOVERY_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN (both are valid) with your API token. E.g. export QOVERY_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN=your-api-token
You have turned off the Qovery Auto Deployment for every service that you want to deploy manually.
Since Jenkins also provides a .yaml file to configure your pipeline. Refers to GitLab CI and GitHub Actions examples to learn how to configure your pipeline with Qovery.
This is also applicable for the qovery container deploy, qovery lifecycle deploy, and qovery cronjob deploy commands.
#Create a Preview Environment for your Pull-Request
Qovery integrates automatically with GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket to create a Preview Environment for each Pull-Request. But in case you want to control the creation of the Preview Environment manually, you can use the following commands:
Qovery allows you to integrate with the major git based software version control systems in order to build and deploy the applications available on your own repositories.
Today Qovery supports the following software version control systems:
GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
Once connected to the Qovery Console via one of these three systems, Qovery will be able to access all the repositories connected to your account.
If you have special access needs, you can use the git provider tokens instead of your own git provider account. Have a look at the Managing git permission section to know more.
Qovery allows you to integrate with the major git based software version control systems in order to build and deploy the applications available on your own repositories.
Today Qovery supports the following software version control systems:
GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
Once connected to the Qovery Console via one of these three systems, Qovery will be able to access all the repositories connected to your account.
If you have special access needs, you can use the git provider tokens instead of your own git provider account. Have a look at the Managing git permission section to know more.
Datadog is a recommended product to monitor and track down your application performance issue (APM). Qovery supports and recommends using Datadog (or another monitoring/observability platform).
-Check out our tutorial to know how to integrate Datadog with Qovery.
#I don't find my Monitoring provider, what should I do?
Basically, Qovery relies on Kubernetes to run your apps. Meaning, Qovery will support your monitoring solution if their maintainers provide a Helm Chart.
If your monitoring platform provides a Helm Chart, then you can install it:
#I don't find my Monitoring provider, what should I do?
Basically, Qovery relies on Kubernetes to run your apps. Meaning, Qovery will support your monitoring solution if their maintainers provide a Helm Chart.
If your monitoring platform provides a Helm Chart, then you can install it:
NewRelic is a recommended product to monitor and track down your application performance issue (APM). Qovery supports and recommends using NewRelic (or another monitoring/observability platform).
NewRelic is a recommended product to monitor and track down your application performance issue (APM). Qovery supports and recommends using NewRelic (or another monitoring/observability platform).
AWS Secrets Manager is a service that helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. The service enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle.
To provide better integration with Qovery - we recommend using AWS Secrets Manager with Doppler. Doppler ease the synchronization of AWS Secrets Manager with Qovery. You can find more information about Doppler and Qovery integration here.
Follow this guide to get assume roles on your Kubernetes cluster. Once it is set up, your application will be able to connect to AWS Secrets Manager using the AWS SDK.
AWS Secrets Manager is a service that helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. The service enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle.
To provide better integration with Qovery - we recommend using AWS Secrets Manager with Doppler. Doppler ease the synchronization of AWS Secrets Manager with Qovery. You can find more information about Doppler and Qovery integration here.
Follow this guide to get assume roles on your Kubernetes cluster. Once it is set up, your application will be able to connect to AWS Secrets Manager using the AWS SDK.
Doppler is a universal secrets manager that integrates with Qovery. Doppler allows you to store and manage your application secrets in a single place and access them from anywhere.
Doppler is a universal secrets manager that integrates with Qovery. Doppler allows you to store and manage your application secrets in a single place and access them from anywhere.
If you'd like to automatically notify your team on a Slack workspace whenever a change has occurred on your apps, this integration will help you out. You can choose which actions should trigger messages on your Slack workspace.
You can have multiple webhooks targeting different Slack channels.
You can specify the events that you want to receive. E.g. if you just want to be notified when a deployment failed, then use "events": ["DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE"]. All the events and the description are available on our Webhook section.
You can turn off or delete your webhooks at any time from the webhook section.
Check out this page for further details on how to use and configure the WebHook.
If you'd like to automatically notify your team on a Slack workspace whenever a change has occurred on your apps, this integration will help you out. You can choose which actions should trigger messages on your Slack workspace.
You can have multiple webhooks targeting different Slack channels.
You can specify the events that you want to receive. E.g. if you just want to be notified when a deployment failed, then use "events": ["DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE"]. All the events and the description are available on our Webhook section.
You can turn off or delete your webhooks at any time from the webhook section.
Check out this page for further details on how to use and configure the WebHook.
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software (IaC) tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services. Terraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration files.
Terraform can be used in 2 context:
Qovery can be controlled via Terraform. This allows you to automate the creation of your organization, project, clusters, applications and environments (and more).
Qovery integrates with Terraform to create a complete workflow with a strong developer and operations experience for the different teams from development to critical production applications. By integrating Terraform with Qovery, your team can quickly implement governance at scale while drastically improving the developer experience when deploying and managing applications.
Qovery can deploy your Terraform code. It's very useful when you want to deploy your own cloud resources. For example, you can deploy your own databases, lambdas, brokers etc...
-To do so, you need to use the Lifecycle Jobs feature.
Lifecycle Jobs can be used to deploy any kind of code. It's not limited to Terraform. It works with Serverless, Pulumi, Helm etc...
Qovery allows you to create webhooks at organization-level so that, when an event happens on an environment within your organization, you can get notified on external applications.
This is useful for the following use cases:
integrate Qovery with an exeternal tool that needs to be informed when the deployment status changes.
share within a slack channel any deployment status change for your environments.
You can trigger webhooks when:
A deployment has started in the environment.
A deployment has been successful in the environment.
A deployment has been cancelled in the environment.
A deployment has failed in the environment.
Two types of webhooks can be created within Qovery:
Standard: this type of webhook will send a payload to the defined url with a Qovery proprietary format (check out our Webhook payload documentation for more information on the payload format)
Slack: this type of webhook will send pre-formatted messages using the Slack messaging syntax. Have a look at our Slack integration for more information on the integration.
Open the Organization settings and the Webhook section
Press the Add New button.
Enter the following parameters:
The webhook URL provided by the external application you want to receive notifications on.
Specify which kind of webhook you want to create. At the moment, you can specify : "kind": "STANDARD" to create a generic webhook, or "kind": "SLACK" to create a Slack webhook.
(Optional) Enter a self-explanatory description of what your webhook does. In the example, "description": "slack notifications" clearly states that the webhook triggers notifications on Slack.
(Optional) Specify the secret to be used when calling the specified webhook URL
List all the events you want to be notified about.
(Optional) If you only want to get notified about events happening on one or several specific type(s) or environment(s), you can provide a list using the following possible values: "PRODUCTION", "DEVELOPMENT", "STAGING" and "PREVIEW".
Please note that "environment_types_filter" can be used together with "project_names_filter".
(Optional) If you only want to get notified about events happening in one or several specific projects, you can provide a list of project names that will act as a filter. Notifications will then only be triggered for projects whose names match or, if you're using a wildcard, start with one of the values from your list.
Please note that "project_names_filter" is not case-sensitive, accepts wildcards, and can be used together with "environment_types_filter".
Qovery allows you to create webhooks at organization-level so that, when an event happens on an environment within your organization, you can get notified on external applications.
This is useful for the following use cases:
integrate Qovery with an exeternal tool that needs to be informed when the deployment status changes.
share within a slack channel any deployment status change for your environments.
You can trigger webhooks when:
A deployment has started in the environment.
A deployment has been successful in the environment.
A deployment has been cancelled in the environment.
A deployment has failed in the environment.
Two types of webhooks can be created within Qovery:
Standard: this type of webhook will send a payload to the defined url with a Qovery proprietary format (check out our Webhook payload documentation for more information on the payload format)
Slack: this type of webhook will send pre-formatted messages using the Slack messaging syntax. Have a look at our Slack integration for more information on the integration.
Open the Organization settings and the Webhook section
Press the Add New button.
Enter the following parameters:
The webhook URL provided by the external application you want to receive notifications on.
Specify which kind of webhook you want to create. At the moment, you can specify : "kind": "STANDARD" to create a generic webhook, or "kind": "SLACK" to create a Slack webhook.
(Optional) Enter a self-explanatory description of what your webhook does. In the example, "description": "slack notifications" clearly states that the webhook triggers notifications on Slack.
(Optional) Specify the secret to be used when calling the specified webhook URL
List all the events you want to be notified about.
(Optional) If you only want to get notified about events happening on one or several specific type(s) or environment(s), you can provide a list using the following possible values: "PRODUCTION", "DEVELOPMENT", "STAGING" and "PREVIEW".
Please note that "environment_types_filter" can be used together with "project_names_filter".
(Optional) If you only want to get notified about events happening in one or several specific projects, you can provide a list of project names that will act as a filter. Notifications will then only be triggered for projects whose names match or, if you're using a wildcard, start with one of the values from your list.
Please note that "project_names_filter" is not case-sensitive, accepts wildcards, and can be used together with "environment_types_filter".
Context command lets you configure the CLI to work with your chosen application. Before executing other commands, you need first to set up the context.
-The context is then remembered and used by the CLI. You can configure a new context anytime by running the qovery context set command.
Shell command allows you to open a connection and execute commands directly on the container running application.
$ qovery shell
/ # ls
bin media srv
dev mnt sys
docker-entrypoint.d opt tmp
docker-entrypoint.sh proc usr
etc root var
home run www
lib sbin
Keep in mind these limitations when using this feature:
Install a process reaper as pid one in your container (i.e: dumb-init), as you may leave zoombie process in your container if your shell terminate unproperly (i.e: ctrl+c, cnx restart). This is a known issue with kubernetes exec to leave process alive after attach is closed;
shell is force closed after [1 hour, 1GB transmitted];
we use SH by default. To have auto-completion, start bash.
The width of the terminal is limited to 80 characters. But you can resize it once you are inside the application with one of these commands:
If you have several containers in your pod, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the --container argument followed by your container name.
If you have several containers in your pod, you can shell directly in a dedicated one by using the --container argument followed by your container name.
Port-forward command allows you to port-forward all the traffic on your local machine to a remote resource available on a Qovery environment. This mechanism allows developers to create a secure, encrypted tunnel from their local machine to the application or databases hosted in the cloud.
Info: Continue with port-forward command using this context ?
Please type"yes" to validate context: yes
Listening on =>80
The port-forward feature works with any application, Cronjob, Lifecycle job or database (Container or Managed) deployed with Qovery. For Managed database instances on AWS, once the port-forwarded is activated, you must specify ~ --tls and --tls-insecure in your database connection command since localhost is not the valid hostname.
Qovery: ---- Never share this authentication token and keep it secure ----
To use your token and list your organizations.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token qov_4LnEg2wFxxxxxHObGSQ22rjBZZyyyySgyR6Y_2500882691' https://api.qovery.com/organization
The token can be used to interact programmatically with our API (directly, via our Terraform Provider etc..).
If you get a 424 error while trying to create new applications from one of your git repository, please make sure that the Organization Owner has access to the repository you are configuring for your app.
The CLI allows you to manage and deploy the environment and services within your organization
### application, container, lifecycle, cronjob
These commands allow you to manage all these services via the CLI. You can run the following actions on these services:
cancel: Cancel the service deployment
delete: Delete a service
deploy: Deploy a service
list: List the service of the specified type
redeploy: Redeploy a service (already deployed before)
stop: Stop a service
Each action allows you to specify additional parameters to define the service you want to modify (you can find them via the --help command)
Example: Listing applications and triggering a deployment
$ qovery application list
Name | Type | Status | Last Update
backend | Application | STOPPED |2023-02-02 14:48:05.339652 +0000 UTC
front-end | Application | STOPPED |2023-02-09 14:04:38.079792 +0000 UTC
In the following subsections, you'll learn how to use the web interface, the CLI (Command Line Interface) and other interfaces to deploy your application with Qovery.
In the following subsections, you'll learn how to use the web interface, the CLI (Command Line Interface) and other interfaces to deploy your application with Qovery.
Use the Qovery REST API to programmatically create infrastructure and deploy your applications. The only limit is your imagination. Find the Qovery API documentation and the OpenAPI spec to generate your own Qovery client with your favorite programming language.
Use the Qovery REST API to programmatically create infrastructure and deploy your applications. The only limit is your imagination. Find the Qovery API documentation and the OpenAPI spec to generate your own Qovery client with your favorite programming language.
When you first sign into the Qovery Console, you need to provide your Git provider account credentials. This allows you to later take advantage of a Single Sign-On process through your Git provider. However, by default, Qovery is then allowed to access all the resources stored on your Git provider account.
For better control, as a Github user, you can install the Qovery Github App, and define which Github repositories Qovery can access. For more information, see Managing Git Permissions with the Qovery Github App.
When you first sign into the Qovery Console, you need to provide your Git provider account credentials. This allows you to later take advantage of a Single Sign-On process through your Git provider. However, by default, Qovery is then allowed to access all the resources stored on your Git provider account.
For better control, as a Github user, you can install the Qovery Github App, and define which Github repositories Qovery can access. For more information, see Managing Git Permissions with the Qovery Github App.
echo"ERROR: the cluster does not have a correct status, please check cluster logs and fix the issue. Then delete the key $old_aws_access_key and retry"
if[$(date +"%s") -gt $max_time];then
echo"ERROR: timeout reached, the cluster is not deployed yet, please check cluster logs and fix the cluster issue. Then delete the key $new_aws_access_key and retry"
echo"[+] Waiting up to 2h to ensure all ongoing deployments are done ($(date -d @$max_time))"
while[$(date +"%s") -lt $max_time];do
echo"[+] Delete the old Access Key"
aws iam delete-access-key --access-key-id $old_aws_access_key --user-name $aws_iam_username
echo"[+] Done"
You will see the following output:
[+] Ensure there is only one Access Key
-> Current (future old) key detected: xxx
[+] Create a new Access Key
-> Successfully created a new access key: yyy
[+] Update Qovery credentials
[+] Deploy the cluster with the new credentials
[+] Wait for the cluster deployment to be done
->15:04 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
->15:05 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
->15:06 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: DEPLOYING...
->15:07 Waiting for the cluster deployment to be done. Current status: RUNNING...
[+] Waiting up to 2h to ensure all ongoing deployments are done(Fri Nov 11 03:22:57 PM CET 2022)
Within this section you will find the common errors you might encounter when deploying or running your clusters with Qovery
#I don't have Qovery access anymore, how could I delete Qovery deployed resources on my AWS account?
Unfortunately, there is no automatic way to do it with Qovery once we don't have access. However, AWS provides an easy way to retrieve those resources, so you can manually perform the delete. To do so, go on the AWS web console, and search for "Resource Groups & Tag Editor" service, then:
Click on "Create Resource Group".
In Tags, enter: "ClusterLongId".
In the "Optional Tag value", enter the Qovery cluster ID. If you don't have it, let AWS suggest it for you. If you have Qovery deployed elements remainings, it will propose the Cluster long ID automatically.
Click on "Add".
You should see the filter with the information you just entered.
Click on "Preview groups resources".
You'll have all elements deployed by Qovery and you can delete what you want.
#My cloud account has been blocked, what should I do?
If you encounter this kind of error during an infrastructure deployment (including managed DBs):
This account is currently blocked by your cloud provider, please contact them directly.
This AWS account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account.
Please contact aws-verification@amazon.com directly to get more details.
Maybe you are not allowed to use your free tier in this region?
Maybe you need to provide billing info?
This error is likely due to a billing issue or blocked free-tier usage in the given region.
Unfortunately, there is nothing Qovery can do. You need to reach out directly to your cloud provider to get more details and get your account unblocked.
If you are using AWS, you can contact them directly via dedicated email: aws-verification@amazon.com.
Within this section you will find the common errors you might encounter when deploying or running your clusters with Qovery
#I don't have Qovery access anymore, how could I delete Qovery deployed resources on my AWS account?
Unfortunately, there is no automatic way to do it with Qovery once we don't have access. However, AWS provides an easy way to retrieve those resources, so you can manually perform the delete. To do so, go on the AWS web console, and search for "Resource Groups & Tag Editor" service, then:
Click on "Create Resource Group".
In Tags, enter: "ClusterLongId".
In the "Optional Tag value", enter the Qovery cluster ID. If you don't have it, let AWS suggest it for you. If you have Qovery deployed elements remainings, it will propose the Cluster long ID automatically.
Click on "Add".
You should see the filter with the information you just entered.
Click on "Preview groups resources".
You'll have all elements deployed by Qovery and you can delete what you want.
#My cloud account has been blocked, what should I do?
If you encounter this kind of error during an infrastructure deployment (including managed DBs):
This account is currently blocked by your cloud provider, please contact them directly.
This AWS account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account.
Please contact aws-verification@amazon.com directly to get more details.
Maybe you are not allowed to use your free tier in this region?
Maybe you need to provide billing info?
This error is likely due to a billing issue or blocked free-tier usage in the given region.
Unfortunately, there is nothing Qovery can do. You need to reach out directly to your cloud provider to get more details and get your account unblocked.
If you are using AWS, you can contact them directly via dedicated email: aws-verification@amazon.com.
Ensure your application is not listening onto localhost ( or a specific IP. But set it to all interfaces (
Your application takes too long to start and the liveness probe is flagging your application as unhealthy. Try to increase the Liveness Initial Delay parameter, to inform Kubernetes to delay the time before checking your application availability. Set it for example to 120.
If you encounter this kind of error during an application deployment phase:
0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu (or ram).
That means that we cannot reserve the necessary resources to deploy your application or database on your cluster due to an insufficient amount of CPU or RAM. Moreover, the cluster auto-scaler cannot be triggered since it has already reached the maximum number of instances for your cluster (valid only for Managed Kubernetes clusters).
Here are the possible solutions you can apply:
Reduce the resources (CPU/RAM) allocated to your existing/new service. Have a review of the deployed services and see if you can save up some resources by reducing their CPU/RAM setting. If you are using a K3S (EC2) cluster, stop your service before changing the settings. Remember to re-deploy the applications when you edit the resource. Have a look at the resource section for more information.
Select a bigger instance type for your cluster (in terms of CPU/RAM). By increasing it, it will unlock the deployment of your application (since new resources have been added). Check your cluster settings, and change the instance type of your cluster.
(only for Managed kubernets clusters) Increase the maximum number of nodes of your cluster. By increasing it, it will allow the cluster autoscaler to add a new node and allow the deployment of your application (since new resources have been added). Check your cluster settings, and increase the maximum number of nodes of your cluster.
Please note that by increasing the number of nodes OR by selecting a bigger instance type you will increase your cloud provider cost. For more information, have a look at our cluster section.
#My app is crashing during deployment, how do I connect to investigate?
Goal: You want to connect to your container's application to debug your application
First, try to use qovery shell command from the Qovery CLI. It's a safe method to connect to your container and debug your application.
If your app is crashing in the first seconds, you'll lose the connection to your container, making the debug almost impossible, then continue reading.
You can apply this procedure directly on your application OR on a copy having the same setup.
If you don't make a copy, doing this procedure directly on the PRODUCTION application will lead to a downtime in your service. Be sure of what you're doing before going ahead!
Your app is crashing very quickly, here is how to keep the full control of your container:
When a custom domain is added to an application, it must be configured on your side according to the instructions displayed:
You can check that your custom domain is well configured using the following command: dig CNAME ${YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN} +short. On the domain above, we can check the configuration is correct on Google DNS servers:
It should return the same value as the one configured on Qovery. Otherwise, be patient (some minutes depending on DNS registrars) and ensure the DNS modification has been applied. Finally, you can check the content of the CNAME with:
We can see the destination contains other elements, indicating that the CNAME is pointing to an endpoint and correctly configured.
The SSL / TLS Certificate is generated for the whole group of custom domains you define:
if one custom domain is misconfigured: the certificate can't be generated
if the certificate has been generated once, but later one custom domain configuration is changed and misconfigured: the certificate can't be generated again
If you experience some invalid certificate, here is how you can fix the issue:
Identify the misconfigured custom domain(s) in your application settings.
Error message: Error while checkout submodules from repository https://github.com/user/repo.git.
Error: Error { code: -1, klass: 23, message: "authentication required but no callback set" }
There are limitations with the support for Git Submodules. Only public Submodules over HTTPS or private with embedded basic authentication are supported.
Solution: Follow our Git Submodules guide to make your application working with Git Submodules on Qovery.
#Container image xxxxxx.xxx.xx failed to build: Cannot build Application "zXXXXXXXXX" due to an error with docker: Timeout
This error shows up in your deployment logs when the application takes more time to build than the maximum build allowed time (today 1800 seconds).
If your application needs more time to build, increase parameter build.timeout_max_sec within your application advanced settings and trigger again the deployment.
#Joib failed: either it couldn't be executed correctly after X retries or its execution didn't finish after Y minutes
This errors occurs in the following two cases:
Job code execution failures
The pod running your lifecycle job is crashing due to an exception in your code or OOM issue. Have a look at the Live Logs of your Lifecycle job to understand from where the issue is coming from your code.
Job execution timeout
-The code run in your job is taking more time than expected and thus it's execution is stopped. If your code needs more time to be excecuted, increase the Max Duration value within the Lifecycle Job configuration page
#SnapshotQuotaExceeded - while deleting a managed DB
This errors occurs because Qovery creates a snapshot before the delete of the database. This to avoid a user mistake who delete a database accidentally.
To fix this issue, you have 2 solutions:
You certainly have useless snapshots, from old databases or old ones you don't want to keep anymore. Delete them directly from your Cloud Provider web interface. Here is an example on AWS:
Search for the database service (here RDS)
Select the Snapshots menu
Select the snapshots to delete
Open a ticket to the Cloud Provider support, and as to raise this limit.
+The code run in your job is taking more time than expected and thus it's execution is stopped. If your code needs more time to be excecuted, increase the Max Duration value within the Lifecycle Job configuration page
#SnapshotQuotaExceeded - while deleting a managed DB
This errors occurs because Qovery creates a snapshot before the delete of the database. This to avoid a user mistake who delete a database accidentally.
To fix this issue, you have 2 solutions:
You certainly have useless snapshots, from old databases or old ones you don't want to keep anymore. Delete them directly from your Cloud Provider web interface. Here is an example on AWS:
Search for the database service (here RDS)
Select the Snapshots menu
Select the snapshots to delete
Open a ticket to the Cloud Provider support, and as to raise this limit.
Within this section you will find the common errors you might encounter when running your services with Qovery
#My app is crashing, how do I connect to investigate?
Goal: You want to connect to your container's application to debug your application
First, try to use qovery shell command from the Qovery CLI. It's a safe method to connect to your container and debug your application.
If your app is crashing in the first seconds, you'll lose the connection to your container, making the debug almost impossible, then continue reading.
You can apply this procedure directly on your application OR on a copy having the same setup.
-If you don't make a copy, doing this procedure directly on the PRODUCTION application will lead to a downtime in your service. Be sure of what you're doing before going ahead!
Your app is crashing very quickly, here is how to keep the full control of your container:
If you are deploying a helm service, to get all the Qovery features (access your container logs, apply the stop/restart actions, display the pod status in the overview page), make sure to create an override and assign the macros qovery.labels.service and qovery.annotations.service to the labels and annotations of any deployed Pods/Deployments/Services/Jobs.
Override example:
These macros will be automatically replaced by Qovery during the deployment phase.
+If you don't make a copy, doing this procedure directly on the PRODUCTION application will lead to a downtime in your service. Be sure of what you're doing before going ahead!
Your app is crashing very quickly, here is how to keep the full control of your container:
If you are deploying a helm service, to get all the Qovery features (access your container logs, apply the stop/restart actions, display the pod status in the overview page), make sure to create an override and assign the macros qovery.labels.service and qovery.annotations.service to the labels and annotations of any deployed Pods/Deployments/Services/Jobs.
Override example:
These macros will be automatically replaced by Qovery during the deployment phase.
Qovery integrates with all existing Continuous Integration platforms. We have a guide for the most popular CI platforms. However, even if you don't find your CI platform, you can see here that integrating Qovery into a CI is just a matter of:
Adding a new step into your CI pipeline
Installing the Qovery CLI
Running the qovery <application|container|lifecycle|cronjob> deploy ... commands
Qovery integrates with all existing Continuous Integration platforms. We have a guide for the most popular CI platforms. However, even if you don't find your CI platform, you can see here that integrating Qovery into a CI is just a matter of:
Adding a new step into your CI pipeline
Installing the Qovery CLI
Running the qovery <application|container|lifecycle|cronjob> deploy ... commands
An API Gateway is a web service that acts as an interface between consumers and your services. It acts as a single point of entry into a system and is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation. It's essentially a middleman that processes requests from clients to services.
An API Gateway is a web service that acts as an interface between consumers and your services. It acts as a single point of entry into a system and is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation. It's essentially a middleman that processes requests from clients to services.
Qovery is versatile and has the ability to cater to a wide range of frontend applications. Whether you're working with a Single-Page
Application (SPA), a Server-Side Rendered (SSR) applications, or a general web app, Qovery has you covered.
Here are some resources you can use to deploy your different type of Frontend apps with Qovery.
Most Frontend apps does not require to have much CPU and RAM resources allocated to them at runtime.
You can use 100 mCPU and 128 MiB of RAM for most of them.
However, build time can be very CPU and RAM intensive. Qovery provides default build resources for each type of Frontend app.
-You can change them in your app advanced settings.
Here are some resources you can use to deploy your Helm Charts with Qovery.
Helm Charts is an advanced way to deploy your applications on Qovery. If you are new to Qovery, we recommend you to start with the Getting Started guide.
Here are some resources you can use to deploy your Helm Charts with Qovery.
Helm Charts is an advanced way to deploy your applications on Qovery. If you are new to Qovery, we recommend you to start with the Getting Started guide.
In this step, we'll use the private API of our APP_B in our APP_A over a private network.
We have already configured everything to make it work. The only missing step is the configuration in APP_A - it needs to know how to access our APP_B.
In the example below, we'll use Node.js and axios to create an HTTP client able to consume the API of APP_B:
Now, you can configure your HTTP client in the frontend application to target your backend API:
This is it! Every request using the API client we have just configured will consume the API of APP_B over the secure, internal network.
Once again, we used the BUILT_IN secrets. Read more about them here
#Consume the public API in the frontend application
In this step, we'll deploy a frontend application and consume our public API exposed by APP_A.
In the first step, create your frontend application.
After the application is created, we can easily configure it to consume our public API. All we need to do is to make use of the BUILT_IN secrets. See how to achieve it in a Nuxt.js example below:
import axios from'axios'
exportdefault axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.apiUrl
After providing the configuration from above, deploy your frontend application.
Now our frontend application will be able to consume the API exposed by the publicly exposed APP_A.
In this guide, we deployed two microservices that communicate over the internal network. We also deployed a frontend application that makes use of a public API exposed by one of our applications. At the same time, we deployed a database and connected it to the second of our backend microservices.
In this guide, we deployed two microservices that communicate over the internal network. We also deployed a frontend application that makes use of a public API exposed by one of our applications. At the same time, we deployed a database and connected it to the second of our backend microservices.
Here are some resources you can use to migrate your applications to your favorite cloud provider with Qovery.
Are you migrating from Digital Ocean, OVH, Netlify or any other cloud provider? You can use the same resources to migrate your applications. Qovery provides the same features for all cloud providers.
Qovery provides a migration assistance to help you migrate your applications with Qovery. Contact us via the Qovery Console and ask for migration assistance via the chat.
Here are some resources you can use to migrate your applications to your favorite cloud provider with Qovery.
Are you migrating from Digital Ocean, OVH, Netlify or any other cloud provider? You can use the same resources to migrate your applications. Qovery provides the same features for all cloud providers.
Qovery provides a migration assistance to help you migrate your applications with Qovery. Contact us via the Qovery Console and ask for migration assistance via the chat.
This guide is a bit outdated. We are working on a new version of it. Stay tuned!
Qovery provides a very simple way of working with monorepositories.
You can deploy multiple applications using the same git repository or deploy the same application in many different modes/configurations.
#Deploying multiple applications using one repository
To deploy multiple apps using one repository, set up the app to target your monorepo. Additionally, you need to set up the folder in which your application resides.
#Deploying application with multiple configurations using one repository
A special case of monorepository is a situation when one repository is used to deploy multiple applications with the same source code but different configurations or modes. Application behaviour depends on provided config, like environment variables and secrets.
Qovery supports this case well. The steps do not differ much from the steps from the previous example:
As you see in the examples above, we used one repository (poc-factory/tweetifier) in two applications:
Those applications use the same application root path - /, so they can be build using the same source code. To adjust the behavior of applications to meet your needs, use environment variables or secrets.
-It allows you to run multiple applications using the same source code in different modes.
You can set up secret or env variables in your application Environment Variables section:
Seeding a database is a common task when developing an application. It allows you to populate your database with some data to test your application.
-Qovery provides multiple ways to seed your database.
Use Preview Environment to get early feedback on your application changes by creating a dedicated environment for each of your pull requests.
Your production environment runs 24/7, where your other environments may not need to run all day long.
-E.g. you may need to run Environments to get early feedback on your application changes before the changes are merged into production. This is what we call Preview Environment.
Sometimes Preview Environment is also known as Ephemeral Environment, Temporary Environment, Development Environment, Review App.
If you are using Qovery to run your Production, we recommend using Preview Environments on a separate cluster. This will ensure that your Production is not impacted by the Preview Environments and vice versa.
Do you need more examples? Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask on our Community forum.
+E.g. you may need to run Environments to get early feedback on your application changes before the changes are merged into production. This is what we call Preview Environment.
Sometimes Preview Environment is also known as Ephemeral Environment, Temporary Environment, Development Environment, Review App.
If you are using Qovery to run your Production, we recommend using Preview Environments on a separate cluster. This will ensure that your Production is not impacted by the Preview Environments and vice versa.
Now, we need to connect our application to our database. The credentials (URI, Username, Password ...) are available
through environment variables. They are injected by Qovery when your application runs.
To connect our NodeJS application to our PostgreSQL database, we only have to:
Your application is running, but something goes wrong? In this guide, you'll learn how to debug your application and solve your problem to
make it running smoothly.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
You have already deployed an application with Qovery
Your application is running, but for some reason, it is not working as expected. Here are a few tips to find out what's going on.
Qovery expose in the interface the running status of your application which provides you some highlevel information of its healthiness. You can look in this section to know more about the Running Status
If the service crashes, its Running Status will be displayed as a red dot. If that's the case, you can have a look at the logs to investigate the reason behind.
If you need to see the log output of your application while it's running, qovery expose them to you in real-time thanks to the Logs interface. You can have a look at this section to know more.
You can use this information to find out what causes your application to behave incorrectly.
If your application fails to start, you can check what's the cause in its deployment logs. You can have a look at this section to have more information on the deployment logs and how to access them.
This view provides insight into the build and deployment process. If anything goes wrong, you can see all the required information to fix the problem here.
You can check the Troubleshoot section to investigate any issue you might encounter during the deployment of your services.
We highly recommend using tools like Datadog, Sentry or NewRelic to manage your alerting.
-Qovery will provide easy integrations in the coming release. Check out our roadmap
Qovery is an easy way to deploy a full-stack application. Meaning, you can deploy a backend, frontend and a database seamlessly. In this guide, I'll show you how to deploy a template app.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
Qovery is an easy way to deploy a full-stack application. Meaning, you can deploy a backend, frontend and a database seamlessly. In this guide, I'll show you how to deploy a template app.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
As you can see, to get access to your environment variable you just need to use process.env.ENABLE_DEBUG. Environment variables are
injected at the build and run time.
On Qovery, every application exposed publicly automatically gets a temporary qovery.io domain. You can also bring your domains to Qovery
quickly. We handle TLS/SSL certificate creation and renewal, as well as automatic HTTP to HTTPS redirects for all your custom domains. Let’s
-learn how to set up your domains on Qovery!
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
You have a domain
You have the permission to add a CNAME record to your domain
Message queuing service enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. In this guide, we'll show you how to leverage a queue system (Amazon SQS) to build a highly scalable backend.
Using Amazon SQS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and operating message-oriented middleware and empowers developers to focus on differentiating work. With SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume without losing messages or requiring other services to be available.
In this guide, we'll create a backend microservice that sends messages on an event queue. Additionally, we'll go through two ways of consuming and processing those messages:
We will use AWS Lambda to process events from the queue in a serverless way
We will use Qovery-managed backend application workers to process events from the queue
As for now, Qovery does not natively integrate with AWS Lambda and SQS, but the integration part is quite easy, and we will go through it in the following steps.
The backend application and workers servers that consume messages from the queue will be fully managed and deployed by Qovery.
To push messages to our SQS queue from the backend app deployed on Qovery, click on the Open button in the application we deployed in the previous step. It will redirect you to the API endpoint exposed by the backend app - the logic inside the application is made so that it sends messages to the SQS queue.
Now, in the Monitoring section of SQS in AWS Console, we will see messages received on metrics charts:
To validate that our consumer Lambdas processed the messages, navigate to your lambda Monitor panel:
In the Invocations chart, you'll notice that our Lambda was triggered several times by the messages sent over the SQS.
In this part of the tutorial, we learned how to send messages over from an application deployed on Qovery to SQS and consume them from serverless Lambda functions. In the next part, we will create a scalable group of worker applications deployed by Qovery that consume messages from the same Queue.
// process data.
// error handling.
To deploy the app on Qovery, all you need to do is to fork the repository from above and create a new app adding port 3000:
Afterwards, we need to add two environment variables:
accessKeyId - your AWS access key ID
secretAccessKey - your AWS secret access key
You can add them in Environment VarieblesSecret section in your application settings:
After all the setup is all done, click the Deploy button - the application will be shortly deployed.
To push messages to our SQS queue from the backend app deployed on Qovery, click on the Open button in the application we deployed in the previous step. It will redirect you to the API endpoint exposed by the backend app - the logic inside the application is made so that it sends messages to the SQS queue.
Now, in the Monitoring section of SQS in AWS Console, we will see messages received on metrics charts:
To validate that our consumer Lambdas processed the messages, navigate to your lambda Monitor panel:
In the Invocations chart, you'll notice that our Lambda was triggered several times by the messages sent over the SQS.
In this part of the tutorial, we learned how to send messages over from an application deployed on Qovery to SQS and consume them from serverless Lambda functions. In the next part, we will create a scalable group of worker applications deployed by Qovery that consume messages from the same Queue.
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/aws-vpc-peering-with-qovery/index.html b/guides/tutorial/aws-vpc-peering-with-qovery/index.html
index b2e6043d00..283975874c 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/aws-vpc-peering-with-qovery/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/aws-vpc-peering-with-qovery/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
On the peering connection view, click on Actions then Accept request
You should see your peering connection marked as Active
Take note of the peering connection ID. You will need it later.
In the AWS console of your non Qovery VPC, go to VPC > Route Tables.
You can filter the list using the IDs you noted at step 1 to find the routing table for your existing VPC.
Thanks Kevin M. for your contribution here 😊
For your existing VPC edit the route table:
Click on the Edit routes button then Add route.
As a destination, enter the CIDR of your Qovery VPC
As a target, select the Peering connection you created earlier
Click Save changes.
Do not alter existing routes. Make sure you are adding a new one.
Our two VPCs are now connected, but we still need to update the security groups to allow communication between the Qovery applications and your existing resources.
What rules to put on your security groups depends on what you are trying to achieve.
In our case, we would like to access an RDS instance from our Qovery applications.
We will edit the RDS security group in our existing VPC to add an inbound rule allowing PostgreSQL traffic from our Qovery instances:
You should now be able to deploy an application using the RDS PostgreSQL database on your Qovery cluster.
-Refer to this guide if you need help deploying an application on Qovery.
Let's now create a new branch in our repository and create a pull request to our production (master branch) environment. Preview Environments feature will spin up a new environment for us so that we can safely test changes we just introduced!
Once the PR is created, an automatic comment has been dropped on our PR to let us know that the new preview environment has been created.
Now, when we display environments in our project, we will see that a new environment for the pull request is being deployed:
with all the resources we need! A database, backend, frontend - we can now test our changes in complete separation from the production without any manual setting up work:
The Preview Environment feature can be enabled or disabled per app. It creates a complete copy of your environment so that you can test new changes from pull requests in separation. It deploys your databases, backend, and frontend applications to a completely new environment once a pull request is opened. If you update your pull request, all new changes are also reflected in the new environment so that you can test them or fix problems during the review. What is great is that Qovery takes care of managing all environment variables for you as well, creates new aliases just as you had in your prod environment, so that everything is really tested separately and it all happens automagically. After the pull request is merged, Qovery automatically cleans up the preview environment to save your money.
After a few minutes, your preview environment should be up and running. You can now navigate to the frontend app and click Open - in the image gallery, you will see an empty list because we don't yet have any images in the database.
You can add a few images manually by connecting to your mongo instance via CLI. The credentials can be found in the database overview:
After connecting, let's add images by executing the following:
Now, after opening the frontend app in our preview environment, we will see all the images we put in the database! It looks like the feature is working well, so let's merge the PR:
What now happens is automatically after the PR merge, the preview environment is automatically cleaned up:
Great job! Thanks to Qovery Preview Environments, we managed to develop a new feature in a complete separation from our production, we tested it in a real environment deployed in the cloud, and we didn't have to spend any time preparing our environment for tests at all.
In the article, we quickly went through the process of creating a full-stack application with frontend, backend, and database. We enabled the Preview Environment feature to develop new features more quickly. We learned what the benefits of Preview Environments are, how to use them, and how to integrate them to day to day development workflow.
Now, after opening the frontend app in our preview environment, we will see all the images we put in the database! It looks like the feature is working well, so let's merge the PR:
What now happens is automatically after the PR merge, the preview environment is automatically cleaned up:
Great job! Thanks to Qovery Preview Environments, we managed to develop a new feature in a complete separation from our production, we tested it in a real environment deployed in the cloud, and we didn't have to spend any time preparing our environment for tests at all.
In the article, we quickly went through the process of creating a full-stack application with frontend, backend, and database. We enabled the Preview Environment feature to develop new features more quickly. We learned what the benefits of Preview Environments are, how to use them, and how to integrate them to day to day development workflow.
We just use the qovery environment delete command to delete the ephemeral environment. The option -w is used to wait for the deletion to be completed. Qovery will automatically release the resources used by the environment.
Congratulations! You've successfully built an automated E2E testing pipeline with GitHub Actions and Qovery. You can now run your tests in a fully isolated environment, provisioned and de-provisioned automatically, and integrated with your GitHub repository.
We just use the qovery environment delete command to delete the ephemeral environment. The option -w is used to wait for the deletion to be completed. Qovery will automatically release the resources used by the environment.
Congratulations! You've successfully built an automated E2E testing pipeline with GitHub Actions and Qovery. You can now run your tests in a fully isolated environment, provisioned and de-provisioned automatically, and integrated with your GitHub repository.
In this first part we saw how to create a Rust API with Actix and Diesel. In the second part we will compare its performance with a Go application to see which one is the most performant.
Special thanks to Jason and Kokou for your reviews
In this first part we saw how to create a Rust API with Actix and Diesel. In the second part we will compare its performance with a Go application to see which one is the most performant.
Special thanks to Jason and Kokou for your reviews
To prevent your playground environment from impacting your production environment, you can create a dedicated cluster. So every playground environments will be on the same cluster and will not disturb your production.
Here is how to create a playground cluster.
And how to create a playground environment on our playground cluster.
In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to create a secure staging environment from your production. Now, you can take a look at how to seed your Staging database (Guide for Postgres but applicable for most databases).
To prevent your playground environment from impacting your production environment, you can create a dedicated cluster. So every playground environments will be on the same cluster and will not disturb your production.
Here is how to create a playground cluster.
And how to create a playground environment on our playground cluster.
In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to create a secure staging environment from your production. Now, you can take a look at how to seed your Staging database (Guide for Postgres but applicable for most databases).
Let's say you have your production environment deployed, and you want to create a staging environment. You have two options:
Create a staging environment from scratch.
Clone your production environment and create a staging environment from it.
This is where the Environment Clone feature of Qovery is useful. No need to create a new environment, just clone your production environment and create a staging environment from it.
In this guide, we will go through the steps to create a staging environment from your production environment. While applying the best practices by isolating the staging and production environments on two separated clusters and VPCs.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
You already have a production environment deployed with Qovery.
Isolating the staging and production environments on two separate clusters and VPCs is a good practice to avoid any potential issues on your production caused by your staging. This is not a mandatory step, but it is well recommended.
To create your staging cluster it's also recommended creating a new AWS IAM access key and secret access key in a dedicated subaccount. Then you are sure that both environment are also isolated at the AWS level:
Go to your Organization cluster settings
Add a cluster with a name "staging"
Deploy your staging cluster
#Create your Staging environment from your Production environment
Now, to create your staging environment from your production environment, you need to:
Go inside your production environment and click on the "Clone" button.
Give a name to your staging environment (E.g "staging")
Set the mode to "Staging"
Set the cluster to "staging"
Click on "Create"
That's it!
Cloning your database does not copy the data (yet). To copy your data in Staging consider using Replibyte in standalone. It will be integrated in Qovery soon.
Your environment has been created, but it's not deployed yet. Before we will make some adjustment to change the branch of our applications.
Qovery makes the distinction between Environment Variables and Secrets even if for your app both will be used as Environment Variables. Check out this documentation to learn more about Environment Variables and Secrets.
Let's say you have a production environment with the following environment variables:
You might need to keep the same keys but change the values. That's exactly what Qovery makes you do with the Environment Variable Override feature. You can keep the same keys but change the values.
Finally, your Staging environment has been created and set up correctly. To deploy your Staging environment, you just need to go to your Staging environment and click on the "Deploy" button.
In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to create a secure staging environment from your production. Now, you can take a look at how to seed your Staging database (Guide for Postgres but applicable for most databases).
Let's say you have your production environment deployed, and you want to create a staging environment. You have two options:
Create a staging environment from scratch.
Clone your production environment and create a staging environment from it.
This is where the Environment Clone feature of Qovery is useful. No need to create a new environment, just clone your production environment and create a staging environment from it.
In this guide, we will go through the steps to create a staging environment from your production environment. While applying the best practices by isolating the staging and production environments on two separated clusters and VPCs.
Before you begin, this page assumes the following:
You already have a production environment deployed with Qovery.
Isolating the staging and production environments on two separate clusters and VPCs is a good practice to avoid any potential issues on your production caused by your staging. This is not a mandatory step, but it is well recommended.
To create your staging cluster it's also recommended creating a new AWS IAM access key and secret access key in a dedicated subaccount. Then you are sure that both environment are also isolated at the AWS level:
Go to your Organization cluster settings
Add a cluster with a name "staging"
Deploy your staging cluster
#Create your Staging environment from your Production environment
Now, to create your staging environment from your production environment, you need to:
Go inside your production environment and click on the "Clone" button.
Give a name to your staging environment (E.g "staging")
Set the mode to "Staging"
Set the cluster to "staging"
Click on "Create"
That's it!
Cloning your database does not copy the data (yet). To copy your data in Staging consider using Replibyte in standalone. It will be integrated in Qovery soon.
Your environment has been created, but it's not deployed yet. Before we will make some adjustment to change the branch of our applications.
Qovery makes the distinction between Environment Variables and Secrets even if for your app both will be used as Environment Variables. Check out this documentation to learn more about Environment Variables and Secrets.
Let's say you have a production environment with the following environment variables:
You might need to keep the same keys but change the values. That's exactly what Qovery makes you do with the Environment Variable Override feature. You can keep the same keys but change the values.
Finally, your Staging environment has been created and set up correctly. To deploy your Staging environment, you just need to go to your Staging environment and click on the "Deploy" button.
In this guide, we have covered everything you need to know to create a secure staging environment from your production. Now, you can take a look at how to seed your Staging database (Guide for Postgres but applicable for most databases).
In this quick guide, we will show you how to automatically customize your preview URL when a new environment has been created using the Qovery CLI. By following these steps, you can create a custom domain for your service and link it to your DNS provider.
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
Use the validation domain from the previous step to create a CNAME record in your DNS provider. The CNAME record should point to the validation domain.
The idea here is to create a CNAME record that points to the validation domain. The validation domain is a temporary domain that is used to validate the ownership of the custom domain.
Congratulations! You have successfully customized your preview URL using the Qovery CLI. Now, whenever a new environment is created, the custom domain will be automatically configured. If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team on the Qovery forum.
Use the validation domain from the previous step to create a CNAME record in your DNS provider. The CNAME record should point to the validation domain.
The idea here is to create a CNAME record that points to the validation domain. The validation domain is a temporary domain that is used to validate the ownership of the custom domain.
Congratulations! You have successfully customized your preview URL using the Qovery CLI. Now, whenever a new environment is created, the custom domain will be automatically configured. If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team on the Qovery forum.
The following examples will show the application of seeding the data in dev environments after cloning an environment and using the Preview Environment feature.
Clone environment feature allows you to make a complete clone of a chosen environment, including its all applications, services, and their configs. In the example we will clone a new environment and have our seed data injected automatically.
First, we make a clone of our production environment:
Then, we deploy the new environment:
After navigating to deployment logs, we will notice our seed data inserts logged:
Preview Environment feature allows you to automatically create new development environments to validate new changes before merging them to your production branch.
First, we open a pull request:
Then, in list of environments, we get a new environment automatically created for the pull request:
When you open the logs of the deployment, you’ll see the seed data injection logs:
The following examples will show the application of seeding the data in dev environments after cloning an environment and using the Preview Environment feature.
Clone environment feature allows you to make a complete clone of a chosen environment, including its all applications, services, and their configs. In the example we will clone a new environment and have our seed data injected automatically.
First, we make a clone of our production environment:
Then, we deploy the new environment:
After navigating to deployment logs, we will notice our seed data inserts logged:
Preview Environment feature allows you to automatically create new development environments to validate new changes before merging them to your production branch.
First, we open a pull request:
Then, in list of environments, we get a new environment automatically created for the pull request:
When you open the logs of the deployment, you’ll see the seed data injection logs:
Our application will use a PostgreSQL database. Let's add one to our environment:
Click on ADD, then Database
Give a name to your database.
For the Type, select POSTGRESQL.
For the Mode, we'll pick CONTAINER.
Chose the Version you need.
Since we are creating a Staging environment, we used the CONTAINER mode. This is not recommended for Production. In Production environment you should go for the MANAGED option.
Since we're using Sidekiq, we'll also need a Redis database as a backend.
If you didn't close the Database modal, you can click the ADD button, then in the dropbox for Database 2 click Create database.
Fill the form the same way you did for PostgreSQL:
Since we are creating a Staging environment, we used the CONTAINER mode. This is not recommended for Production. In Production environment you should go for the MANAGED option.
On your application dashboard, go to Environment variables:
Here you can add any environment variable your application needs.
Since we are creating a Staging environment, we used the CONTAIWe do not advise you to add secret values here. For sensitive information, like credentials, use the Secret variables, which are encrypted.
We'll now configure a few secrets for our application. Click on the Secret variables tab:
First since our Demo application uses the Rails Encrypted Secrets, we'll add the RAILS_MASTER_KEY secret
Click on CREATE SECRET, then fill the form:
Variable: enter the variable name, RAILS_MASTER_KEY.
Value: enter the actual value for your RAILS_MASTER_KEY.
Scope: chose ENVIRONMENT since the secret will be used by our Sidekiq worker too.
Now we'll need to add the DATABASE_URL and REDIS_URL, that Rails will use to connect to PostgreSQL and Redis. Those are secrets as well, since the URLs contain passwords.
But instead of creating new secrets like we did for the RAILS_MASTER_KEY, we'll use aliases. Aliases are just a way of giving a different name to an existing ENV variable or secret.
-Since Qovery provides us with the secrets corresponding to the two databases we created earlier, we can alias them.
In the form, chose DATABASE_URL for the alias name and set it at the ENVIRONMENT level:
Click Create then do the same thing with a REDIS_URL alias to the QOVERY_REDIS_ZXXXXXXXX_DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL.
You should see your two aliases created:
These are the secrets required for our demo application. Yours might need more. Add all the variables you need before going to the next step.
The last step is to add your Sidekiq Worker. We'll follow the same steps as in the Add your Rails app section with a few differences:
Add a new application:
The settigs are the same as for the Rails application, except:
We use the Dockerfile.sidekiq Dockerfile this time
We don't declare a port since our worker is not a web service but communicates with our application through Redis.
Click Create.
If we check the ENV variables and secrets, we notice that it directly inherited the ones we set at the Environment level. So we don't need to do the configuration again.
You now have a Rails application with PostgreSQL and Sidekiq running on Qovery.
Depending on the gems you are using, their versions or your application configuration, you might need to tweak the Dockerfiles provided. This example is meant to be a starting point for your own configuration, not a one-size-fits-all configuration.
+Since Qovery provides us with the secrets corresponding to the two databases we created earlier, we can alias them.
In the form, chose DATABASE_URL for the alias name and set it at the ENVIRONMENT level:
Click Create then do the same thing with a REDIS_URL alias to the QOVERY_REDIS_ZXXXXXXXX_DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL.
You should see your two aliases created:
These are the secrets required for our demo application. Yours might need more. Add all the variables you need before going to the next step.
The last step is to add your Sidekiq Worker. We'll follow the same steps as in the Add your Rails app section with a few differences:
Add a new application:
The settigs are the same as for the Rails application, except:
We use the Dockerfile.sidekiq Dockerfile this time
We don't declare a port since our worker is not a web service but communicates with our application through Redis.
Click Create.
If we check the ENV variables and secrets, we notice that it directly inherited the ones we set at the Environment level. So we don't need to do the configuration again.
You now have a Rails application with PostgreSQL and Sidekiq running on Qovery.
Depending on the gems you are using, their versions or your application configuration, you might need to tweak the Dockerfiles provided. This example is meant to be a starting point for your own configuration, not a one-size-fits-all configuration.
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/deploy-temporal-on-kubernetes/index.html b/guides/tutorial/deploy-temporal-on-kubernetes/index.html
index 8800126830..0e14f07ea6 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/deploy-temporal-on-kubernetes/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/deploy-temporal-on-kubernetes/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
Save the settings and close the modal.
Now we need to set a bunch of environment variables.
Go back to your Temporal server app and click on Environment variables:
Create all those env variables with the `ENVIRONMENT` scope. It will be useful when we split the server services, to avoid repeating the process for each app.
Add the following environment variables:
Now create the following aliases on environment variables:
You can now deploy your environment. Go back to your environment view and click DEPLOY.
Once it's deployed and the status is RUNNING, you can go to the Web UI application and open it.
If you see the Temporal Web UI with no error, well done. Your server is deployed!
#Split the temporal services for independent scaling.
Temporal server is composed of four different services. By default, they will all be running in the same process. But if you would like to scale them independently, you still have the option to deploy them separately.
We could start again from scratch or edit the running environment (which would require resetting the DB), but instead we will leverage the clone feature of Qovery, to start with an identical, clean environment.
On your environment page, click Actions then Clone.
Pick a name and click Create
You will land in an identical environment, not deployed yet. Don't deploy it right away, we will first split our services.
First we will rename the server application to call it temporal-frontend. Go to the server application and click Settings. Then change the name and save.
We have successfully deployed Temporal on Qovery. It can be useful for Staging or Preview environments but this is a very minimal deployment and we would not advise doing it for production.
There is no one-size-fits-all configuration for this type of products.
You would probably like to setup authentication on your Web UI as well. We include the config file in the GitHub repository. You can edit it to your needs, following this documentation.
We have successfully deployed Temporal on Qovery. It can be useful for Staging or Preview environments but this is a very minimal deployment and we would not advise doing it for production.
There is no one-size-fits-all configuration for this type of products.
You would probably like to setup authentication on your Web UI as well. We include the config file in the GitHub repository. You can edit it to your needs, following this documentation.
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/generate-qovery-api-client/index.html b/guides/tutorial/generate-qovery-api-client/index.html
index be3f839c3f..ef91b42ef0 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/generate-qovery-api-client/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/generate-qovery-api-client/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
After generating the client, we simply published the out/client folder as a Git Repository and then simply imported the code in the CLI application as a dependency:
package utils
This allowed us to use the generated client code to interact with Qovery API very easily:
Qovery Open API specification allows creating Qovery API stubs extremely quickly. At Qovery, we officially support only Golang Client, but if you use a different language, you can generate your own client in a matter of seconds following the steps of this article.
Qovery Open API specification allows creating Qovery API stubs extremely quickly. At Qovery, we officially support only Golang Client, but if you use a different language, you can generate your own client in a matter of seconds following the steps of this article.
It is critical to have testing and staging environments accurately reflect production, but achieving this can be a major operational hassle. Most engineering teams use a single staging environment which makes it hard for developers to test their changes in isolation; the alternative is for DevOps teams to spin up new testing or staging environments manually and tear them down after testing is done.
Qovery’s Preview Environments solve this problem by automatically creating a clone of your production environment (including applications, databases and configuration) on every pull request, so you can test your changes with confidence without affecting your production.
Qovery keeps your preview environments up to date on every commit and automatically destroys them when the original pull request is merged or closed. You can also set up an expiry time to automatically clean up preview environments after a period of inactivity.
Preview Environments can be helpful in a lot of cases:
Share your changes live in code reviews: no more Git diffs for visual changes!
Get shareable links for upcoming features and collaborate more effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
Run CI tests against a high fidelity copy of your production environment before merging.
In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to get started using the Preview Environments on AWS with Qovery.
This guide also works with other cloud service providers supported by Qovery.
Please contact us via our forum if you have any questions concerning the Preview Environments
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
Even if not required, we recommend creating an environment that will serve as a root to create your Preview Environments. The idea is to keep this environment as a template of a fully working environment. This environment should not be directly used. This is what we call "blueprint environment".
I assume you already have a working environment, so to create a blueprint environment you need to:
Go to your working environment
Click on "Actions" > "Clone"
Name your environment "blueprint"
Click on "Create"
We recommend using a different cluster than your production for your Preview Environments.
Now that you have turned on the Preview Environment feature, you need to change the base branch from your applications inside your Blueprint Environment. Let's say, every new feature branch you create are coming from staging. Then you will need to change all your applications to target the staging branch.
Here is a flow example showing what happen when you create a new Pull Request from a feat/xxx branch that has been created from the base branch staging.
A developer creates a git branch feat/xxx is created from staging.
A developer creates a Pull Request for feat/xxx.
Qovery creates a Preview Environment feat/xxx from the blueprint environment. The frontend, backend, PostgreSQL and Redis instances are cloned!
The frontend app from the environment feat/xxx is accessible via a dedicated URL.
To create a Preview Environment, here are the steps:
Checkout your staging branch.
Create a branch test_qovery_preview_environment and push it.
Create a Pull Request/Merge Request.
Qovery take care of cloning all your services and the configuration as well (Environment Variables and Secrets included).
You must see a new environment appearing in your environment list on Qovery. Wait until it is fully deployed, then you will be able to connect to it. This environment is fully isolated from your base environment.
To delete you need to merge test_qovery_preview_environment into staging. You also have the ability to delete it manually on Qovery.
By merging into staging, Qovery will auto-redeploy the new version in your staging environment. Turn off auto-deploy from the staging environment settings if you want to manually deploy new version in staging.
Congrats! You have set up your Preview Environments features. Feel free to check out our forum and open a thread if you have any question. In the next guide, we will go deeper configuration to integrate the Preview Environment with your existing products and workflow.
It is critical to have testing and staging environments accurately reflect production, but achieving this can be a major operational hassle. Most engineering teams use a single staging environment which makes it hard for developers to test their changes in isolation; the alternative is for DevOps teams to spin up new testing or staging environments manually and tear them down after testing is done.
Qovery’s Preview Environments solve this problem by automatically creating a clone of your production environment (including applications, databases and configuration) on every pull request, so you can test your changes with confidence without affecting your production.
Qovery keeps your preview environments up to date on every commit and automatically destroys them when the original pull request is merged or closed. You can also set up an expiry time to automatically clean up preview environments after a period of inactivity.
Preview Environments can be helpful in a lot of cases:
Share your changes live in code reviews: no more Git diffs for visual changes!
Get shareable links for upcoming features and collaborate more effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
Run CI tests against a high fidelity copy of your production environment before merging.
In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to get started using the Preview Environments on AWS with Qovery.
This guide also works with other cloud service providers supported by Qovery.
Please contact us via our forum if you have any questions concerning the Preview Environments
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
Even if not required, we recommend creating an environment that will serve as a root to create your Preview Environments. The idea is to keep this environment as a template of a fully working environment. This environment should not be directly used. This is what we call "blueprint environment".
I assume you already have a working environment, so to create a blueprint environment you need to:
Go to your working environment
Click on "Actions" > "Clone"
Name your environment "blueprint"
Click on "Create"
We recommend using a different cluster than your production for your Preview Environments.
Now that you have turned on the Preview Environment feature, you need to change the base branch from your applications inside your Blueprint Environment. Let's say, every new feature branch you create are coming from staging. Then you will need to change all your applications to target the staging branch.
Here is a flow example showing what happen when you create a new Pull Request from a feat/xxx branch that has been created from the base branch staging.
A developer creates a git branch feat/xxx is created from staging.
A developer creates a Pull Request for feat/xxx.
Qovery creates a Preview Environment feat/xxx from the blueprint environment. The frontend, backend, PostgreSQL and Redis instances are cloned!
The frontend app from the environment feat/xxx is accessible via a dedicated URL.
To create a Preview Environment, here are the steps:
Checkout your staging branch.
Create a branch test_qovery_preview_environment and push it.
Create a Pull Request/Merge Request.
Qovery take care of cloning all your services and the configuration as well (Environment Variables and Secrets included).
You must see a new environment appearing in your environment list on Qovery. Wait until it is fully deployed, then you will be able to connect to it. This environment is fully isolated from your base environment.
To delete you need to merge test_qovery_preview_environment into staging. You also have the ability to delete it manually on Qovery.
By merging into staging, Qovery will auto-redeploy the new version in your staging environment. Turn off auto-deploy from the staging environment settings if you want to manually deploy new version in staging.
Congrats! You have set up your Preview Environments features. Feel free to check out our forum and open a thread if you have any question. In the next guide, we will go deeper configuration to integrate the Preview Environment with your existing products and workflow.
When you create a new application, you need to connect it to a Git repository.
If your code is stored in a Github Organization, Qovery needs privileges to access your Organization's repositories
-in order to run deployments.
If Organization repositories are missing in the repository selector, you will need to grant Qovery access to your organization.
First of all, create a project and an environment. Then let's create Grafana application.
At the moment, Qovery does not support configuration file injection into Docker. So it can't be connected to an external database.
-The currently used database is stored on the volume, so data will be lost on an application deletion. Qovery is going to implement configuration files for Docker in the coming weeks
Now you can deploy Grafana :). On the top right, you have the Open links button which will help you to get quick access. Then connect with those credentials:
Login: admin
Password: admin
Update the default password with a strong one as it is publicly exposed.
You can add several data sources to Grafana. One we recommend at Qovery for full-text search is Cloudwatch. First of all, you have to follow this guide to ensure all your logs are sent to Cloudwatch. Then, you can add a new data source in Grafana:
We advise you to use assume role or use a dedicated service account in read-only to access your logs. In this case, those permissions will be required:
+The currently used database is stored on the volume, so data will be lost on an application deletion. Qovery is going to implement configuration files for Docker in the coming weeks
Now you can deploy Grafana :). On the top right, you have the Open links button which will help you to get quick access. Then connect with those credentials:
Login: admin
Password: admin
Update the default password with a strong one as it is publicly exposed.
You can add several data sources to Grafana. One we recommend at Qovery for full-text search is Cloudwatch. First of all, you have to follow this guide to ensure all your logs are sent to Cloudwatch. Then, you can add a new data source in Grafana:
We advise you to use assume role or use a dedicated service account in read-only to access your logs. In this case, those permissions will be required:
You will be prompted an SSO session name, put what you want, I used sso-benjamin.
SSO session name (Recommended): sso-benjamin
Attempting to automatically open the SSO authorization page in your default browser.
If the browser does not open or you wish to use a different device to authorize this request, open the following URL:
Then enter the code:
You will be redirected to your browser, validate the form.
Then you will be prompted to select your AWS account.
There are 1 AWS account available to you.
> qovery, q@qovery.com (283389****)
Then you will be prompted for default region (eu-west-3 in my case), output format (json in my case) and profile name (bchastanier_sso in my case, but feel free to pick whatever you want).
Using the account ID 283389****
The only role available to you is: AdministratorAccess
Look for a role named AWSReservedSSO_xx and select it (name can varies based on what you have configured / how you named your Admins user group, but it should start with AWSReservedSSO_).
Copy its ARN and keep it somewhere, you will need it in next step.
This will open your browser and prompt you to connect, validate the form.
Now you should be able to access your cluster without anything else, let's try to get aws-auth configmap showing users and roles allowed to connect to the cluster:
You can access your Qovery clusters via your SSO directly.
You will be redirected to your browser, validate the form.
Then you will be prompted to select your AWS account.
There are 1 AWS account available to you.
> qovery, q@qovery.com (283389****)
Then you will be prompted for default region (eu-west-3 in my case), output format (json in my case) and profile name (bchastanier_sso in my case, but feel free to pick whatever you want).
Using the account ID 283389****
The only role available to you is: AdministratorAccess
Look for a role named AWSReservedSSO_xx and select it (name can varies based on what you have configured / how you named your Admins user group, but it should start with AWSReservedSSO_).
Copy its ARN and keep it somewhere, you will need it in next step.
This will open your browser and prompt you to connect, validate the form.
Now you should be able to access your cluster without anything else, let's try to get aws-auth configmap showing users and roles allowed to connect to the cluster:
How to Build a Cloud Version of Your Open Source Software - A Case Study with AppWrite - Part 1
Open-source eat the world. More and more great open-source projects are used. One standard method to make those products financially sustainable is to provide a managed version. Meaning, you can enjoy using their product without the hassle of managing the product updates, the backups, the security, and the scaling. This guide will attempt to explain how to build a cloud-managed version of an open-source project.
As a developer, I am super impressed by the number of great open-source projects popping around. I think of Supabase (an open-source alternative to Firebase), Strapi (open-source headless CMS), Meilisearch (open-source search engine), Posthog (open-source product analytics tool), and so many others. For me, these are the tools that most developers will use in the future. One common method to make those products financially sustainable is to provide a managed version. Meaning, you can enjoy using their product without the hassle of managing the product updates, the backups, the security, and the scaling. It is exactly what Hasura did with its cloud version - and it is pretty convenient to use their product in production. However, building a cloud version takes months (sometimes years). What takes time? Hiring platform engineers, building the infrastructure, testing it, monitoring it... All of that takes a considerable amount of time and effort. Luckily, at Qovery, we provide the infrastructure stack that every open-source project needs to build 90% of their cloud-managed version. The remaining 10% are the UI and the business model logic. In this 6-part article series, I will attempt to explain how to build a cloud-managed version of AppWrite. Let’s go!
Part 1: Introduction and architecture
Part 2: Build our AppWrite cloud backend and integrate it with the Qovery API
Part 3: Build our AppWrite cloud frontend and combine it with our cloud backend
Part 4: Monitor our AppWrite cloud version
Part 5: Integrate the payment system with Stripe (optional)
Part 6: Integrate email notification with Courier (optional)
Part 7: Give your customer a production, staging, and dev environment (optional)
Since I launched Qovery in 2019, I have talked to dozens of founders from great open-source software companies. Most of them were looking to build their cloud-managed service at some point. Some of them even asked me for feedback on building one and asked me to use Qovery as a white-label technology when they discovered it was a full-time job. Qovery is a product simplifying app deployment and infrastructure management on AWS. Time flies, and as Qovery evolves, it is now possible for any open-source project to use Qovery as a white-label technology to provide a cloud version of an open-source project. No hidden cost. Just pick the plan that fits you best and build your cloud version in days instead of months. My team will be proud to help you in your success.
AppWrite is quite representative of a “modern web open-source project”. In this guide, AppWrite is used as a demo project to demonstrate the concept of building a cloud-managed version for an open-source web project. AppWrite is written in PHP for the backend and JS for the frontend. It provides a user-friendly web interface connected to a web API, and it stores the data in MariaDB and Redis databases. The idea is: if it works for AppWrite, then it is good to work for any other web open-source project with a similar technical stack. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.
AppWrite is a Backend as a Service open-source software. It is similar to Supabase and Firebase to create a backend in a few minutes.
Our goal is to provide a fully managed cloud version of AppWrite. Meaning we need to deliver to our customers a way to order their AppWrite instance and use it, while the maintenance is handled by us. It is the most common managed version out there - think MongoDB Atlas. To achieve this, we will use the following technologies:
This schema represents the different layers composing the cloud version of AppWrite. From top to bottom, we will give the details of each layer.
#User flow 1: Customer request an AppWrite instance
Here is what happens when the customer requests a cloud AppWrite instance:
The customer connects on cloud.appwrite.com (fake domain to represent “AppWrite cloud frontend”).
The customer requests a new AppWrite instance.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create an Environment.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create a MariaDB database.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create a Redis database.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create an AppWrite application.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to bind the AppWrite application to the MariaDB and Redis databases.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to start the Environment.
The Qovery API returns the temporary URL to the AppWrite cloud backend.
The customer receives the URL of his instance via the AppWrite cloud frontend.
The customer can use his AppWrite instance.
#User flow 2: customer deletes an AppWrite instance
Let’s say our customer now wants to delete his cloud AppWrite instance; this is what happens:
The customer connects on cloud.appwrite.com (fake domain to represent “AppWrite cloud frontend”).
The customer removes his AppWrite instance.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to delete the customer Environment.
Qovery deletes the AppWrite application, MariaDB, and Redis databases.
We can add other steps like payment (part 5), notifications (part 6), and everything you want - they are not required to make our cloud version functional. Let’s now take a deeper look at the infrastructure.
#AppWrite cloud frontend and backend (control plane)
The AppWrite cloud frontend and backend are the two components that we have to build from scratch. It includes our business logic and customer management system. We will use Hasura for the backend and GatsbyJS for the frontend. We will connect the frontend to the backend via a GraphQL API. The advantage of using Hasura instead of coding our web backend is that we have access to many features (Auth0, Stripe support...) right away. Saving days of work.
The goal here is to provide to the customers a web interface to:
Qovery is the simplest way to deploy apps and manage your infrastructure on AWS. We will use Qovery as an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) API.
Qovery provides a production-ready infrastructure on our AWS account in 30 minutes that we will use to host our customers’ instances. The Qovery API provides a high-level abstraction to create for each customer an isolated Environment including:
An AppWrite app instance with the possibility to scale it horizontally.
A MariaDB database.
A Redis database.
An HTTPS endpoint.
The option to bind a custom domain with TLS.
A secure API to manage Environment variables and Secrets.
Each Environment is isolated and will be accessible for only one customer. And as admin, Qovery provides a web interface to manage all our customers’ instances and troubleshoot any of their issues.
Curious to know more about how Qovery works? Take a look at this page.
Qovery supports AWS, Digital Ocean, and Scaleway. In this guide, we will focus on AWS to make it simpler. But keep in mind that you can use another supported cloud provider. You can even imagine a feature where your customers can choose the cloud provider of their choice. This is exactly what “MongoDB Atlas” and “Hasura Cloud” do.
Our customers expect us to provide a reliable service and manage the database backups by using a cloud version. For AppWrite, MariaDB is the persistent database and needs to be backed up. Four options with pros and cons do exist:
Backup managed by AWS (point-in-time recovery included)
Higher performance than container version
Scalable (managed by AWS)
Expensive for a few customers, but the more customers you have, the cheaper it is.
The most expensive option (~$11 per instance for the cheapest one on AWS us-east-2)
Potential security breaches as many customers are using the same database instance.
We will pick the third option (single-tenant with managed MariaDB database) to create a state-of-the-art cloud version, but you are free to choose the one you want for your customer. Do not forget your customer expects you to take care of their business.
Side note: AppWrite uses Redis as a caching system. Then, we will use a Redis container instance which is the cheapest.
Thank you all for taking the time to read until the end. We will build our AppWrite cloud backend and integrate it into the Qovery API in the next part.
As a developer, I am super impressed by the number of great open-source projects popping around. I think of Supabase (an open-source alternative to Firebase), Strapi (open-source headless CMS), Meilisearch (open-source search engine), Posthog (open-source product analytics tool), and so many others. For me, these are the tools that most developers will use in the future. One common method to make those products financially sustainable is to provide a managed version. Meaning, you can enjoy using their product without the hassle of managing the product updates, the backups, the security, and the scaling. It is exactly what Hasura did with its cloud version - and it is pretty convenient to use their product in production. However, building a cloud version takes months (sometimes years). What takes time? Hiring platform engineers, building the infrastructure, testing it, monitoring it... All of that takes a considerable amount of time and effort. Luckily, at Qovery, we provide the infrastructure stack that every open-source project needs to build 90% of their cloud-managed version. The remaining 10% are the UI and the business model logic. In this 6-part article series, I will attempt to explain how to build a cloud-managed version of AppWrite. Let’s go!
Part 1: Introduction and architecture
Part 2: Build our AppWrite cloud backend and integrate it with the Qovery API
Part 3: Build our AppWrite cloud frontend and combine it with our cloud backend
Part 4: Monitor our AppWrite cloud version
Part 5: Integrate the payment system with Stripe (optional)
Part 6: Integrate email notification with Courier (optional)
Part 7: Give your customer a production, staging, and dev environment (optional)
Since I launched Qovery in 2019, I have talked to dozens of founders from great open-source software companies. Most of them were looking to build their cloud-managed service at some point. Some of them even asked me for feedback on building one and asked me to use Qovery as a white-label technology when they discovered it was a full-time job. Qovery is a product simplifying app deployment and infrastructure management on AWS. Time flies, and as Qovery evolves, it is now possible for any open-source project to use Qovery as a white-label technology to provide a cloud version of an open-source project. No hidden cost. Just pick the plan that fits you best and build your cloud version in days instead of months. My team will be proud to help you in your success.
AppWrite is quite representative of a “modern web open-source project”. In this guide, AppWrite is used as a demo project to demonstrate the concept of building a cloud-managed version for an open-source web project. AppWrite is written in PHP for the backend and JS for the frontend. It provides a user-friendly web interface connected to a web API, and it stores the data in MariaDB and Redis databases. The idea is: if it works for AppWrite, then it is good to work for any other web open-source project with a similar technical stack. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.
AppWrite is a Backend as a Service open-source software. It is similar to Supabase and Firebase to create a backend in a few minutes.
Our goal is to provide a fully managed cloud version of AppWrite. Meaning we need to deliver to our customers a way to order their AppWrite instance and use it, while the maintenance is handled by us. It is the most common managed version out there - think MongoDB Atlas. To achieve this, we will use the following technologies:
This schema represents the different layers composing the cloud version of AppWrite. From top to bottom, we will give the details of each layer.
#User flow 1: Customer request an AppWrite instance
Here is what happens when the customer requests a cloud AppWrite instance:
The customer connects on cloud.appwrite.com (fake domain to represent “AppWrite cloud frontend”).
The customer requests a new AppWrite instance.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create an Environment.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create a MariaDB database.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create a Redis database.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to create an AppWrite application.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to bind the AppWrite application to the MariaDB and Redis databases.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to start the Environment.
The Qovery API returns the temporary URL to the AppWrite cloud backend.
The customer receives the URL of his instance via the AppWrite cloud frontend.
The customer can use his AppWrite instance.
#User flow 2: customer deletes an AppWrite instance
Let’s say our customer now wants to delete his cloud AppWrite instance; this is what happens:
The customer connects on cloud.appwrite.com (fake domain to represent “AppWrite cloud frontend”).
The customer removes his AppWrite instance.
The AppWrite cloud backend calls the Qovery API to delete the customer Environment.
Qovery deletes the AppWrite application, MariaDB, and Redis databases.
We can add other steps like payment (part 5), notifications (part 6), and everything you want - they are not required to make our cloud version functional. Let’s now take a deeper look at the infrastructure.
#AppWrite cloud frontend and backend (control plane)
The AppWrite cloud frontend and backend are the two components that we have to build from scratch. It includes our business logic and customer management system. We will use Hasura for the backend and GatsbyJS for the frontend. We will connect the frontend to the backend via a GraphQL API. The advantage of using Hasura instead of coding our web backend is that we have access to many features (Auth0, Stripe support...) right away. Saving days of work.
The goal here is to provide to the customers a web interface to:
Qovery is the simplest way to deploy apps and manage your infrastructure on AWS. We will use Qovery as an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) API.
Qovery provides a production-ready infrastructure on our AWS account in 30 minutes that we will use to host our customers’ instances. The Qovery API provides a high-level abstraction to create for each customer an isolated Environment including:
An AppWrite app instance with the possibility to scale it horizontally.
A MariaDB database.
A Redis database.
An HTTPS endpoint.
The option to bind a custom domain with TLS.
A secure API to manage Environment variables and Secrets.
Each Environment is isolated and will be accessible for only one customer. And as admin, Qovery provides a web interface to manage all our customers’ instances and troubleshoot any of their issues.
Curious to know more about how Qovery works? Take a look at this page.
Qovery supports AWS, Digital Ocean, and Scaleway. In this guide, we will focus on AWS to make it simpler. But keep in mind that you can use another supported cloud provider. You can even imagine a feature where your customers can choose the cloud provider of their choice. This is exactly what “MongoDB Atlas” and “Hasura Cloud” do.
Our customers expect us to provide a reliable service and manage the database backups by using a cloud version. For AppWrite, MariaDB is the persistent database and needs to be backed up. Four options with pros and cons do exist:
Backup managed by AWS (point-in-time recovery included)
Higher performance than container version
Scalable (managed by AWS)
Expensive for a few customers, but the more customers you have, the cheaper it is.
The most expensive option (~$11 per instance for the cheapest one on AWS us-east-2)
Potential security breaches as many customers are using the same database instance.
We will pick the third option (single-tenant with managed MariaDB database) to create a state-of-the-art cloud version, but you are free to choose the one you want for your customer. Do not forget your customer expects you to take care of their business.
Side note: AppWrite uses Redis as a caching system. Then, we will use a Redis container instance which is the cheapest.
Thank you all for taking the time to read until the end. We will build our AppWrite cloud backend and integrate it into the Qovery API in the next part.
After a few minutes of deployment, the first version of our managed cloud solution should be ready. Let's use the Hasura GraphQL API to create a new user.
To do so, open your Hasura by clicking the Open button in your Hasura application. Then, run the following mutation in the GraphQL explorer:
It's the time to start our project. To do so, run the following mutation:
We should get this response:
And looking into Qovery, we'll see our environment is starting:
After a few minutes, our AppWrite instance should be available up and running using the URL from the previous response. We can also list our projects to get all projects' URLs:
In this tutorial, we have managed to bootstrap the backend for our AppWrite Cloud solution. Users can register, log in, create and deploy managed AppWrite projects. In the following steps, we will add more functionalities to our AppWrite Cloud offering, set up a nice to use web User Interface and continue adding new features to AppWrite Cloud on top of Qovery.
return response,nil
You can see the whole code in your forked repository on Github.
After a few minutes of deployment, the first version of our managed cloud solution should be ready. Let's use the Hasura GraphQL API to create a new user.
To do so, open your Hasura by clicking the Open button in your Hasura application. Then, run the following mutation in the GraphQL explorer:
It's the time to start our project. To do so, run the following mutation:
We should get this response:
And looking into Qovery, we'll see our environment is starting:
After a few minutes, our AppWrite instance should be available up and running using the URL from the previous response. We can also list our projects to get all projects' URLs:
In this tutorial, we have managed to bootstrap the backend for our AppWrite Cloud solution. Users can register, log in, create and deploy managed AppWrite projects. In the following steps, we will add more functionalities to our AppWrite Cloud offering, set up a nice to use web User Interface and continue adding new features to AppWrite Cloud on top of Qovery.
Clicking on the signup will send a test signup request to our backend - click Signup and see the response with an access token in the network tab of your browser:
To send the request, we use the following piece of code:
We use axios HTTP library to send a POST request to our graphqlApiEndpoint (that uses the value of the environment variable we set previously) to run a GraphQL mutation that creates a new user with a given email and password in our AppWrite Cloud backend. In the response, we receive an access token that we can use in the name of the user to interact with the API.
The anonymous token sent in the request is a way to interact with unauthenticated endpoints in the Hasura backend.
In the next step let’s take care of the list of user projects:
const{ isLoading, error, data }=useQuery('projects',()=>{
url: graphqlApiEndpoint,
headers:{Authorization:'Bearer '+ token },
query:`query Projects {
project {
In the snippet above, we use ReactQuery to manage the server state (store the info about the project client-side) and axios for performing the HTTP request. In the headers, we send users’ accessToken, and the payload allows us to specify data that we are interested in about projects we have access to.
The response from the query contains info we can use to render the list of AppWrite projects managed by AppWriteCloud:
Now, to display it, add the following piece of code into our dashboard component:
In this article, we bootstrapped a frontend application and added it to our app write cloud. We created the first version of our frontend that makes use of React, Next.js, ReactQuery and Tailwind. The UI is integrated with our backend GraphQL API that is deployed on Qovery and allows us to manage AppWrite projects deployed on AWS for AppWrite Cloud clients.
Clicking on the signup will send a test signup request to our backend - click Signup and see the response with an access token in the network tab of your browser:
To send the request, we use the following piece of code:
We use axios HTTP library to send a POST request to our graphqlApiEndpoint (that uses the value of the environment variable we set previously) to run a GraphQL mutation that creates a new user with a given email and password in our AppWrite Cloud backend. In the response, we receive an access token that we can use in the name of the user to interact with the API.
The anonymous token sent in the request is a way to interact with unauthenticated endpoints in the Hasura backend.
In the next step let’s take care of the list of user projects:
const{ isLoading, error, data }=useQuery('projects',()=>{
url: graphqlApiEndpoint,
headers:{Authorization:'Bearer '+ token },
query:`query Projects {
project {
In the snippet above, we use ReactQuery to manage the server state (store the info about the project client-side) and axios for performing the HTTP request. In the headers, we send users’ accessToken, and the payload allows us to specify data that we are interested in about projects we have access to.
The response from the query contains info we can use to render the list of AppWrite projects managed by AppWriteCloud:
Now, to display it, add the following piece of code into our dashboard component:
In this article, we bootstrapped a frontend application and added it to our app write cloud. We created the first version of our frontend that makes use of React, Next.js, ReactQuery and Tailwind. The UI is integrated with our backend GraphQL API that is deployed on Qovery and allows us to manage AppWrite projects deployed on AWS for AppWrite Cloud clients.
When creating a managed MongoDB instance on AWS via Qovery, you don't get a publicly accessible endpoint. While it is good from a security point of view, you still might need to connect to it from a local client.
Public endpoint for managed MongoDB instance will be available in Q1 2022. This is a temporary workaround.
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
You have a managed MongoDB instance up and running
You have access to your Kubernetes cluster through kubectl: see how here
socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfers between two independent data channels.
It will forward all traffic between your computer and your database.
kubectl run ${SERVICE_NAME} --image=alpine/socat \
Qovery makes it easy to create an EKS cluster on your AWS account and manage the deployment of applications on it. But you still might want to execute operations on it via kubectl like you would on any other Kubernetes cluster.
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
You have an existing EKS cluster manages by Qovery
You have deployed an application on this cluster with Qovery
Be aware that any operation you do manually on your cluster could conflict with Qovery. We would advise to not use this method for anything else than connecting to a container with `kubectl exec`
Since kubectl will use IAM to authenticate, you need to add your IAM user (the one the AWS CLI is authenticated with) to the Admins group you created when setting up Qovery.
The environment namespace is defined the following way: z<project short ID>-z<environment short ID>.
The short ID is the first section of the ID. For example, given the following ID: e0aabc0d-99cb-4867-ad39-332d6162c32c, the short ID will be e0aabc0d.
The following environment URL: https://console.qovery.com/platform/organization/<organisation ID>/projects/e0aabc0d-99cb-4867-ad39-332d6162c32c/environments/b91d2eb8-a850-49b5-8626-ade7afc4a28b/applications
-would translate to the following namespace: ze0aabc0d-zb91d2eb8.
Qovery make it easy to create an RDS database on AWS with a few clicks. You might however want to create your own RDS instance in a separate VPC. For example in case you want to use the same instance with several Qovery clusters.
Before you begin, this guide assumes the following:
General Purpose SSD should be the right option for most cases.
-Chose the allocated storage that fits the needs of your application. We also advise you to Enable storage autoscaling in case you need more storage over time.
Since we want the database to live in it's own VPC, make sure to select the Create new VPC option.
Also select Create new DB Subnet Group.
We advise you to disable Public access for security reason. We'll setup VPC peering in the next guide to allow access from your Qovery clusters through private networking.
Finally chose Create new security group and give it a name.
Your RDS database is ready. Now in order to access it from your Qovery cluster, we will need to setup VPC peering. You can find the procedure in this tutorial
+Chose the allocated storage that fits the needs of your application. We also advise you to Enable storage autoscaling in case you need more storage over time.
Since we want the database to live in it's own VPC, make sure to select the Create new VPC option.
Also select Create new DB Subnet Group.
We advise you to disable Public access for security reason. We'll setup VPC peering in the next guide to allow access from your Qovery clusters through private networking.
Finally chose Create new security group and give it a name.
Your RDS database is ready. Now in order to access it from your Qovery cluster, we will need to setup VPC peering. You can find the procedure in this tutorial
To deploy our Rust app on AWS we are going to use Qovery. Qovery is the simplest way to deploy any app on AWS. It is the perfect candidate to deploy our Rust REST API in a few steps.
Rust combined to Rocket web framework turns building REST API super easy. Deploying your Rust app on AWS with Qovery is as simple as selecting your GitHub repository. Nothing more. Hope you liked it.
To deploy our Rust app on AWS we are going to use Qovery. Qovery is the simplest way to deploy any app on AWS. It is the perfect candidate to deploy our Rust REST API in a few steps.
Rust combined to Rocket web framework turns building REST API super easy. Deploying your Rust app on AWS with Qovery is as simple as selecting your GitHub repository. Nothing more. Hope you liked it.
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/how-to-deploy-helm-charts/index.html b/guides/tutorial/how-to-deploy-helm-charts/index.html
index 102f2b67c2..d209b66841 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/how-to-deploy-helm-charts/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/how-to-deploy-helm-charts/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
In all the examples, we will make use of the Lifecycle jobs to manage the deployment of your helm chart (install and uninstall). The Lifecycle job configuration will be different depending on the method you have chosen.
Qovery provides a Helm container, simplifying the Helm chart deployments, but you can do it your way if you prefer. The container image is qoveryrd/helm.
From the Qovery Helm container, several options exist and are accessible through environment variables to help you to configure the chart deployment:
Default Value
The Helm repository name
The Helm chart URL (if none is specified, Artifact Hub will be used)
The local repository PATH or name from Artifact Hub
The release name of the chart deployment (should be unique in a given namespace)
The Helm chart values file path, containing your custom settings to override from the default values
The Helm timeout in seconds, to install and uninstall chart
The number of releases history. Useful to be able to rollback
Enable or disable dry run for testing purpose
Enable or disable helm diff between the currently deployed version and the requested one
Additional Helm CLI parameters to add to the command line
Kubernetes namespace name in which this chart will be deployed
The Kubeconfig file path location
The encoded base64 Kubeconfig content. It will be decoded and used in KUBECONFIG environment variable
Set to true to get the Kubeconfig from AWS API. It will be used as KUBECONFIG environment variable
KUBECONFIG, KUBECONFIG_B64 or KUBECONFIG_GET_EKS are required to be set to access Kubernetes cluster
In this tutorial, Kubecost will be the chart to deploy. You can deploy it in an environment where other applications are already deployed or create a dedicated one for this purpose (tooling, monitoring...).
You will have to configure the KUBECONFIG, KUBECONFIG_B64 or KUBECONFIG_GET_EKS environment variable to be able to deploy the chart. It is mandatory to ensure Helm will be able to connect to your Kubernetes cluster.
You may also have to push AWS credentials (with eks:DescribeCluster permissions) or use AWS IAM roles.
Then select the Start event, and add ["install"] in the command arguments. In the Delete event, add ["uninstall"]. And configure them to run the install during the Start
Click on continue and go up to the environment variables.
Qovery Helm image to deploy Helm charts, proposes several options to be set with the help of environment variables:
Additionally, you can set the Kubecost token if you have a license with additional Helm args like:
If you prefer using a GitOps approach, having all your charts, etc... in a single Git repository, it is possible to deploy your charts this way.
From a very simple repository where we could have a helm-freeze configuration looking like this:
-name: cost-analyzer
version: 1.99.0
repo_name: kubecost
-name: stable
url: https://charts.helm.sh/stable
-name: kubecost
url: https://kubecost.github.io/cost-analyzer/
-name: default
path: ./charts
Running helm-freeze sync will download the chart cost-analyzer into the charts folder. You can then use this simple Dockerfile which will add all the content of this git repository inside a container:
FROM qoveryrd/helm:1.0
ADD . /helm
ENTRYPOINT ["/helm/run.sh"]
Finally, add the run.sh file from the Qovery Helm image inside your repository. Commit now everything. To summarize, in your Git repository you should have:
charts: a folder containing all the charts (here cost-analyzer chart)
Dockerfile: helping you to deploy helm chart and containing all your charts
helm-freeze.yaml: configuration file for helm-freeze
run.sh: the container start script
We are now ready to create a Lifecycle job and select your repository:
Then select the Start event, and add ["install"] in the command arguments. In the Delete event, add ["uninstall"]. And configure them to run the install during the Start
Set the environment variables to point to the chart to deploy with the release name and other required information:
Additionally, you can set the Kubecost token if you have a license with additional Helm args like:
The default Helm timeout set by Qovery is 3 minutes. Qovery enables Helm options:
--wait: to wait for all resources to be in a ready state before marking the release as successful
--atomic: to roll back the release if the deployment fails
Because of the atomic check, the rollback can take more than 5 minutes. By default, Qovery set the default Lifecycle timeout to 3 minutes, to avoid falling into this issue, but there is no guarantee, it depends on what resources are deployed:
Qovery strongly recommends leveraging the default Qovery Lifecycle Job timeout or reducing the default Helm timeout to ensure the rollback will occur properly in case of failure.
As you can see, deploying Helm charts with Qovery is straightforward. Qovery Lifecycle jobs and its Qovery Helm image should help you a lot if you familiarize yourself with it and its options.
-name: default
path: ./charts
Running helm-freeze sync will download the chart cost-analyzer into the charts folder. You can then use this simple Dockerfile which will add all the content of this git repository inside a container:
FROM qoveryrd/helm:1.0
ADD . /helm
ENTRYPOINT ["/helm/run.sh"]
Finally, add the run.sh file from the Qovery Helm image inside your repository. Commit now everything. To summarize, in your Git repository you should have:
charts: a folder containing all the charts (here cost-analyzer chart)
Dockerfile: helping you to deploy helm chart and containing all your charts
helm-freeze.yaml: configuration file for helm-freeze
run.sh: the container start script
We are now ready to create a Lifecycle job and select your repository:
Then select the Start event, and add ["install"] in the command arguments. In the Delete event, add ["uninstall"]. And configure them to run the install during the Start
Set the environment variables to point to the chart to deploy with the release name and other required information:
Additionally, you can set the Kubecost token if you have a license with additional Helm args like:
The default Helm timeout set by Qovery is 3 minutes. Qovery enables Helm options:
--wait: to wait for all resources to be in a ready state before marking the release as successful
--atomic: to roll back the release if the deployment fails
Because of the atomic check, the rollback can take more than 5 minutes. By default, Qovery set the default Lifecycle timeout to 3 minutes, to avoid falling into this issue, but there is no guarantee, it depends on what resources are deployed:
Qovery strongly recommends leveraging the default Qovery Lifecycle Job timeout or reducing the default Helm timeout to ensure the rollback will occur properly in case of failure.
As you can see, deploying Helm charts with Qovery is straightforward. Qovery Lifecycle jobs and its Qovery Helm image should help you a lot if you familiarize yourself with it and its options.
Access our new installation guide of Qovery on AWS here
1 min read
Access our new installation guide of Qovery on AWS here
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/how-to-integrate-qovery-with-github-actions/index.html b/guides/tutorial/how-to-integrate-qovery-with-github-actions/index.html
index d03adb4d0a..a161384090 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/how-to-integrate-qovery-with-github-actions/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/how-to-integrate-qovery-with-github-actions/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
As an example we will define a workflow for a NodeJS application. We will first run our unit tests, then launch the Qovery deployment if the tests pass.
The on section contains a workflow_call directive. It means that this workflow will be triggered when called from another workflow.
We're doing this because we won't use this workflow directly. Since we might have several environments to deploy to Qovery depending on the branch, we could have one workflow per environment, and we want to avoid repeating all the steps.
The inputs and secrets sections are defining the values that we will need to pass to our workflow
The jobs section lists the jobs and the steps that in needs to accomplish. Here we have two jobs and five steps:
test where we check out the code, we install Yarn modules, and we run tests through Jest
deploy where we check out the code and deploy to Qovery.
Several things worth noting:
The organization / project / environment / application are case-sensitive.
Our deploy job has a needs instructions, telling GitHub Actions that this job can only run when the test job succeeds.
The with section of our last deploy step contains interpolated strings: ${{ inputs.xxxx }}. Those are values passed to our workflow, that our Qovery action needs. They will be passed from the calling workflow.
We're done with the setup. You can now push your code to the main branch. If you did it properly, under the Actions tab on your GitHub repository, you should see your job being run.
You can click on it to see the details of the jobs. Once the testing phase is green, it will start the deployment job.
As soon as the job is set up, and it starts actually deploying, go to the Qovery console and check that your application is actually being deployed.
It's possible to support any use cases by using the Qovery CLI. Like cloning an environment, changing the branch of some applications and deploying only a subset of applications. Refers to the Qovery CLI documentation to explore all the commands that you can use.
Integrating Qovery with GitHub Actions enables more complex workflows than just deploying on code push. You can make sure your test suite succeeds before deploying
-or anything else you need, without sacrificing the simplicity of deployment Qovery brings you.
+or anything else you need, without sacrificing the simplicity of deployment Qovery brings you.
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/how-to-run-commands-at-application-startup/index.html b/guides/tutorial/how-to-run-commands-at-application-startup/index.html
index 0b1fa21269..a12f5a3bd4 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/how-to-run-commands-at-application-startup/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/how-to-run-commands-at-application-startup/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
You can now commit and push your changes to your Git repository. The instructions you specified in the entrypoint.sh file will be executed before the application starts.
You can now commit and push your changes to your Git repository. The instructions you specified in the entrypoint.sh file will be executed before the application starts.
If you'd like to use Cloudflare instead of CloudFront as your CDN, check out this article.
Frontend apps primarily consist of static content which goes unchanged. Web pages that contain static assets are essentially prebuilt, which makes it efficiently quicker to grab and render content. Their static nature makes them a perfect use case for CDNs and caching systems on edge servers is as it boosts the web page performance and user experience with the system.
Now, to deploy the app, create a new application on Qovery with the following configuration:
Port - 80
Build Mode - Docker
Keep other options in default settings
After the app is created and configured as above, you can safely run the app deployment. After a few minutes when the app is running, click on the Open button:
To set up CloudFront as a CDN, first, navigate to CloudFront service in AWS console and click on the new distribution button:
In settings, choose an origin (URL to your frontend app hosted on Qovery):
You can also tweak other settings or leave them in their defaults:
Additionally, you can assign an alternate domain to your application in Alternate domain name:
Adding an alternate domain requires it having a certificate - click on the Request certificate button, type your alternate domain name and use DNS for validation method:
Request the certificate. In the end, you will see a screen with settings you need to set up in your domain name provider:
Copy them and save them in your DNS provider settings:
After it's done, you should be granted a certificate - go back to CloudFront Distribution settings, and pick the certificate for your alternate domain name from the list:
In the end, you should end up with a CloudFront set up with your app on Qovery and using an alternate domain name. Now it's time for you to tweak the CloudFront settings to meet your needs.
Now, to deploy the app, create a new application on Qovery with the following configuration:
Port - 80
Build Mode - Docker
Keep other options in default settings
After the app is created and configured as above, you can safely run the app deployment. After a few minutes when the app is running, click on the Open button:
To set up CloudFront as a CDN, first, navigate to CloudFront service in AWS console and click on the new distribution button:
In settings, choose an origin (URL to your frontend app hosted on Qovery):
You can also tweak other settings or leave them in their defaults:
Additionally, you can assign an alternate domain to your application in Alternate domain name:
Adding an alternate domain requires it having a certificate - click on the Request certificate button, type your alternate domain name and use DNS for validation method:
Request the certificate. In the end, you will see a screen with settings you need to set up in your domain name provider:
Copy them and save them in your DNS provider settings:
After it's done, you should be granted a certificate - go back to CloudFront Distribution settings, and pick the certificate for your alternate domain name from the list:
In the end, you should end up with a CloudFront set up with your app on Qovery and using an alternate domain name. Now it's time for you to tweak the CloudFront settings to meet your needs.
The Lifecycle Job is a powerful feature that allows you to run any kind of commands before or after your environment is deployed. It can be used to run database migrations, create a new database, or even to run a script that will create a new user.
Some use cases:
Run Terraform, Pulumi, or any other infrastructure as code tool to create resources.
You want to deploy SQS, SNS, Lambdas, or any other AWS resources.
You want to deploy MongoDB Atlas, Google BigQuery, or any other cloud services.
Seed your database when your environment is created.
You can find some Lifecycle Jobs examples on our GitHub.
In a more general way, you can see the Lifecycle Job as a way to create and destroy resources when your environment is deployed or deleted. Possibilities are endless.
#How to use Lifecycle Job (example with Terraform)
In this example, we will use Terraform to create a new AWS RDS MySQL instance. I will use this example to schematize the process of using the Lifecycle Job. ⚠️ Note that you can use any other tool to create your resources. Lifecycle Job is not limited to Terraform. However, Terraform is a great way to show the power of the Lifecycle Job since it requires a lot of configuration and can be used to create a lot of different resources.
In our example, we use S3 as a Terraform backend. You can use any other backend you want. However, if you want to use S3, you need to create a new bucket and a new IAM user with the right permissions. You can find more information about this in the Terraform documentation.
Go inside your Environment, and add a Lifecycle Job.
Give a name, description, pick your GitHub account, and select the repository of the Lifecycle Job. In our example, the root application path is /examples/aws-rds-with-terraform.
Since we are using Terraform, we want to make sure that our MySQL RDS instance is created when our Environment is deployed. So we select the Start Event.
-We also want to make sure that our MySQL RDS instance is destroyed when our Environment is deleted. So we select the Deleted Event.
If you look at our Dockerfile in the repository, you will see that we are using the official Terraform image. I have also inserted by default the ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"] to simplify the Qovery Lifecycle Job configuration.
For the Start Event, we want to run the terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve command. We don't need to run the terraform init command since it is already done in the Dockerfile.
You will also notice that we are also using && terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json to create a /qovery-output/qovery-output.json file. This file will be used by Qovery to inject the database credentials into our Environment Variables. We will cover this part later.
For the Deleted Event, we want to run the terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve command.
So for the Start Event, we have: ["-c","terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve && terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json"] and for the Deleted Event, we have: ["-c","terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve"]. Feel free to copy/paste these commands.
Yes the commands contains a comma. It is not a typo. It is a JSON array. You need to use a comma to separate the elements of the array.
I recommend setting the Timeout to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). It is the maximum time your Lifecycle Job can run. If your Lifecycle Job takes more than 30 minutes to run it will be stopped by Qovery. In our case, it should take less than 10 minutes to create the AWS RDS MySQL instance. But let's be safe.
Click Continue.
Now we need to set the vCPU and RAM required to run our Job. We can allocate 0.5 CPU and 256 MB of RAM. It's more than enough.
We need to set the Environment Variables required by our Lifecycle Job. In our case, we need to set the AWS credentials and some other environment variables. If you look at our Dockerfile, you will find the declaration of all those environment variables. You can copy/paste them.
ARG TF_VAR_terraform_backend_bucket
ARG TF_VAR_aws_region
ARG TF_VAR_aws_access_key_id
ARG TF_VAR_aws_secret_access_key
ARG TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id
Those are the ones that we need to set.
We do not set here the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id since we will create it in the next step.
TF_VAR_terraform_backend_bucket is the name of the S3 bucket where Terraform will store the state of your infrastructure. You need to create this bucket on S3 before running the Lifecycle Job. You can use the same bucket for all your Lifecycle Jobs. It is not a problem. You will just need to make sure that the S3 object key is unique.
Click on Continue.
Then click on Create (and not Create and Deploy).
Congrats, your Lifecycle Job is created. Now we just need to add the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable before launching it.
#Make your Terraform deployment multi-environments ready
To support multiple environments, we need to make sure that the name of the S3 object key where Terraform will store the state of your infrastructure is unique. To do that, we will use the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable. This environment variable is automatically created by Qovery and contains the ID of your Environment. We just need to create an environment variable alias.
Go inside your MySQL RDS service, click on the Variables tab.
Search for QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. Then click on Creat alias
Set the name of the environment variable to TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id with a service scope and click on Confirm.
Now you are ready to deploy your Lifecycle Job and see what happened.
The job execution will take approximately 3 to 10 minutes.
Follow the logs of the job execution by clicking on the Logs button.
From the Deployment logs tab you can see that your Lifecycle Job is built and that the terraform init command is executed.
From the MySQL RDS tab you can see that the terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve command is executed. The creation of the AWS RDS MySQL instance is in progress.
Once the deployment is done, you should see that the AWS RDS MySQL instance is green and completed.
#Get the MySQL RDS credentials from the Lifecycle Job
Now that the AWS RDS MySQL instance is created, we need to get the credentials to connect to it. We have use the terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json command to get the credentials. If you go back to the Variables tab of your MySQL RDS service, you will see that the QOVERY_OUTPUT_** environment variables are created.
By using terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json Qovery automatically create those environment variables for you. You can use them in your application to connect to the AWS RDS MySQL instance. Learn more on how Lifecycle Job output...
Job output is a powerful feature that allows you to get the output of your Lifecycle Job and use it in your application. You can use it to get the credentials of your database, the URL of your S3 bucket, the URL of your CDN, etc...
#What happen if I delete my environment with your example?
If you delete your environment, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will be deleted too. You can see that in the MySQL RDS service logs. You will see that the terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve command is executed.
#Can I use the Lifecycle Job to deploy my application?
Some users ask us if they can use the Lifecycle Job to deploy their application. The answer is yes!. The Lifecycle Job is designed to deploy all type of resources. However, we recommend using the official Qovery way to deploy applications. Learn more on how to deploy your application...
#What happen if I clone my Environment with the Lifecycle Job?
If you clone an Environment with the Lifecycle Job, the Lifecycle Job will be cloned too. In our example we have set the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable to the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. So when you clone your Environment, the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable will be different. That's why you need to create a new alias environment variable for the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. Learn more on how to clone an Environment...
#What happen if I modify my Lifecycle Job after my Environment is deployed?
If you modify your Lifecycle Job after your Environment is deployed, the Lifecycle Job will be redeployed. In our example, since the state of our AWS RDS MySQL instance is stored in the S3 bucket, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will not be recreated. However, if you modify the main.tf file, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will be updated.
In this guide, we have seen how to use the Lifecycle Job to create an AWS RDS MySQL instance with Terraform. We have also seen how to get the credentials of the AWS RDS MySQL instance to connect to it from our application. To learn more about the Lifecycle Job, you can read the Lifecycle Job documentation. To get more examples, check out the Qovery Lifecycle Examples repository.
+We also want to make sure that our MySQL RDS instance is destroyed when our Environment is deleted. So we select the Deleted Event.
If you look at our Dockerfile in the repository, you will see that we are using the official Terraform image. I have also inserted by default the ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"] to simplify the Qovery Lifecycle Job configuration.
For the Start Event, we want to run the terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve command. We don't need to run the terraform init command since it is already done in the Dockerfile.
You will also notice that we are also using && terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json to create a /qovery-output/qovery-output.json file. This file will be used by Qovery to inject the database credentials into our Environment Variables. We will cover this part later.
For the Deleted Event, we want to run the terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve command.
So for the Start Event, we have: ["-c","terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve && terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json"] and for the Deleted Event, we have: ["-c","terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve"]. Feel free to copy/paste these commands.
Yes the commands contains a comma. It is not a typo. It is a JSON array. You need to use a comma to separate the elements of the array.
I recommend setting the Timeout to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). It is the maximum time your Lifecycle Job can run. If your Lifecycle Job takes more than 30 minutes to run it will be stopped by Qovery. In our case, it should take less than 10 minutes to create the AWS RDS MySQL instance. But let's be safe.
Click Continue.
Now we need to set the vCPU and RAM required to run our Job. We can allocate 0.5 CPU and 256 MB of RAM. It's more than enough.
We need to set the Environment Variables required by our Lifecycle Job. In our case, we need to set the AWS credentials and some other environment variables. If you look at our Dockerfile, you will find the declaration of all those environment variables. You can copy/paste them.
ARG TF_VAR_terraform_backend_bucket
ARG TF_VAR_aws_region
ARG TF_VAR_aws_access_key_id
ARG TF_VAR_aws_secret_access_key
ARG TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id
Those are the ones that we need to set.
We do not set here the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id since we will create it in the next step.
TF_VAR_terraform_backend_bucket is the name of the S3 bucket where Terraform will store the state of your infrastructure. You need to create this bucket on S3 before running the Lifecycle Job. You can use the same bucket for all your Lifecycle Jobs. It is not a problem. You will just need to make sure that the S3 object key is unique.
Click on Continue.
Then click on Create (and not Create and Deploy).
Congrats, your Lifecycle Job is created. Now we just need to add the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable before launching it.
#Make your Terraform deployment multi-environments ready
To support multiple environments, we need to make sure that the name of the S3 object key where Terraform will store the state of your infrastructure is unique. To do that, we will use the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable. This environment variable is automatically created by Qovery and contains the ID of your Environment. We just need to create an environment variable alias.
Go inside your MySQL RDS service, click on the Variables tab.
Search for QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. Then click on Creat alias
Set the name of the environment variable to TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id with a service scope and click on Confirm.
Now you are ready to deploy your Lifecycle Job and see what happened.
The job execution will take approximately 3 to 10 minutes.
Follow the logs of the job execution by clicking on the Logs button.
From the Deployment logs tab you can see that your Lifecycle Job is built and that the terraform init command is executed.
From the MySQL RDS tab you can see that the terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve command is executed. The creation of the AWS RDS MySQL instance is in progress.
Once the deployment is done, you should see that the AWS RDS MySQL instance is green and completed.
#Get the MySQL RDS credentials from the Lifecycle Job
Now that the AWS RDS MySQL instance is created, we need to get the credentials to connect to it. We have use the terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json command to get the credentials. If you go back to the Variables tab of your MySQL RDS service, you will see that the QOVERY_OUTPUT_** environment variables are created.
By using terraform output -json > /qovery-output/qovery-output.json Qovery automatically create those environment variables for you. You can use them in your application to connect to the AWS RDS MySQL instance. Learn more on how Lifecycle Job output...
Job output is a powerful feature that allows you to get the output of your Lifecycle Job and use it in your application. You can use it to get the credentials of your database, the URL of your S3 bucket, the URL of your CDN, etc...
#What happen if I delete my environment with your example?
If you delete your environment, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will be deleted too. You can see that in the MySQL RDS service logs. You will see that the terraform destroy -no-color -auto-approve command is executed.
#Can I use the Lifecycle Job to deploy my application?
Some users ask us if they can use the Lifecycle Job to deploy their application. The answer is yes!. The Lifecycle Job is designed to deploy all type of resources. However, we recommend using the official Qovery way to deploy applications. Learn more on how to deploy your application...
#What happen if I clone my Environment with the Lifecycle Job?
If you clone an Environment with the Lifecycle Job, the Lifecycle Job will be cloned too. In our example we have set the TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id environment variable to the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. So when you clone your Environment, the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable will be different. That's why you need to create a new alias environment variable for the QOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID built-in environment variable. Learn more on how to clone an Environment...
#What happen if I modify my Lifecycle Job after my Environment is deployed?
If you modify your Lifecycle Job after your Environment is deployed, the Lifecycle Job will be redeployed. In our example, since the state of our AWS RDS MySQL instance is stored in the S3 bucket, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will not be recreated. However, if you modify the main.tf file, the AWS RDS MySQL instance will be updated.
In this guide, we have seen how to use the Lifecycle Job to create an AWS RDS MySQL instance with Terraform. We have also seen how to get the credentials of the AWS RDS MySQL instance to connect to it from our application. To learn more about the Lifecycle Job, you can read the Lifecycle Job documentation. To get more examples, check out the Qovery Lifecycle Examples repository.
If you read this, you probably don't know why Docker is used and what is the purpose of a Dockerfile.
Docker is a container engine, building and using images to deploy applications in containers. It looks like virtualization, and each container could be compared to a virtual machine with the minimal setup to run an application.
The Dockerfile is your image builder recipe. When Docker uses it, it will follow all instructions to build your application and run it.
The first step is to create a file named Dockerfile at your project root level so Qovery would be able to find and use it.
Also, to avoid unwanted files from your repository (images, .idea, DS_Store etc.), you need to add a .dockerignore. It will prevent heavy copy tasks of useless files, mostly your project dependencies and libraries you'll get back to with your package manager.
The .dockerignore file works like the .gitignore, so add all the path of the useless files and folders in it.
The first line you'll add in your Dockerfile is FROM.
It will pull an already existing image from Docker Hub. You should most of the time use an image that fits your application language (Node, Python, Java, etc.), but you can go a step backward and begin with a simple Linux image.
Your Dockerfile's first line should look like this:
Since most of the images are Linux-based, a good practice is to set up a directory you'll work in. That's the purpose of the WORKDIR line. It defines a directory and moves you in:
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
If you now work with a relative path (./), it will be in the app directory.
Now you have defined your base image and your working directory, it's time to add your code in. COPY works like cp linux command. First argument is the source and second one is the destination.
It's time to copy your source code in the image.
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
COPY . .
Here, the elements of your root folder from your current directory will be added inside the /app folder.
You can use your current repository relative path (. can be replaced by ./<my_source>) if you want to add specific element (except the content of .dockerignore) to your image relative path (as we are already in the /app folder, we can use ./<my_destination>).
If your app needs to be reached from outside the container, you have to open its listening port. EXPOSE is made for this.
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
COPY . .
RUN echo "Installing or doing stuff"
RUN <my_command>
EXPOSE <app_port>
Typical mistakes are made application configuration side. Ensure your application will listen on all interfaces and not only localhost
The last thing to do is to specify how to execute it. Add the CMD line with the same command with all the arguments you use locally to launch your application.
When Qovery uses your Dockerfile, it first builds it before running it.
If the build fails, Qovery won't be able to launch our application. To simplify debugging, you can build your image locally if you have Docker installed on your computer.
Open a terminal and set the path at the Dockerfile location, and use the command:
cd ~/my/folder/where/my/code/is
docker build .
It will build your image based on your Dockerfile. You'll see all the logs related to all lines you've added in the Dockerfile.
If something goes wrong, it will be printed onto the terminal, and you'll be able to debug it.
If you follow this tutorial and everything works perfectly, it's time to deploy your app on Qovery. You will find all the things you need to know here.
If you read this, you probably don't know why Docker is used and what is the purpose of a Dockerfile.
Docker is a container engine, building and using images to deploy applications in containers. It looks like virtualization, and each container could be compared to a virtual machine with the minimal setup to run an application.
The Dockerfile is your image builder recipe. When Docker uses it, it will follow all instructions to build your application and run it.
The first step is to create a file named Dockerfile at your project root level so Qovery would be able to find and use it.
Also, to avoid unwanted files from your repository (images, .idea, DS_Store etc.), you need to add a .dockerignore. It will prevent heavy copy tasks of useless files, mostly your project dependencies and libraries you'll get back to with your package manager.
The .dockerignore file works like the .gitignore, so add all the path of the useless files and folders in it.
The first line you'll add in your Dockerfile is FROM.
It will pull an already existing image from Docker Hub. You should most of the time use an image that fits your application language (Node, Python, Java, etc.), but you can go a step backward and begin with a simple Linux image.
Your Dockerfile's first line should look like this:
Since most of the images are Linux-based, a good practice is to set up a directory you'll work in. That's the purpose of the WORKDIR line. It defines a directory and moves you in:
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
If you now work with a relative path (./), it will be in the app directory.
Now you have defined your base image and your working directory, it's time to add your code in. COPY works like cp linux command. First argument is the source and second one is the destination.
It's time to copy your source code in the image.
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
COPY . .
Here, the elements of your root folder from your current directory will be added inside the /app folder.
You can use your current repository relative path (. can be replaced by ./<my_source>) if you want to add specific element (except the content of .dockerignore) to your image relative path (as we are already in the /app folder, we can use ./<my_destination>).
If your app needs to be reached from outside the container, you have to open its listening port. EXPOSE is made for this.
FROM <image_name>:<image_version>
COPY . .
RUN echo "Installing or doing stuff"
RUN <my_command>
EXPOSE <app_port>
Typical mistakes are made application configuration side. Ensure your application will listen on all interfaces and not only localhost
The last thing to do is to specify how to execute it. Add the CMD line with the same command with all the arguments you use locally to launch your application.
When Qovery uses your Dockerfile, it first builds it before running it.
If the build fails, Qovery won't be able to launch our application. To simplify debugging, you can build your image locally if you have Docker installed on your computer.
Open a terminal and set the path at the Dockerfile location, and use the command:
cd ~/my/folder/where/my/code/is
docker build .
It will build your image based on your Dockerfile. You'll see all the logs related to all lines you've added in the Dockerfile.
If something goes wrong, it will be printed onto the terminal, and you'll be able to debug it.
If you follow this tutorial and everything works perfectly, it's time to deploy your app on Qovery. You will find all the things you need to know here.
To import the Environment Variables from this file we run the command qovery env import <dotenv file> and we select the environment variables to import:
$ qovery envimport .env.development
Qovery: dot envfile to import: '.env.development'
? Do you want to import Environment Variables or Secrets? Environment Variables
? What environment variables do you want to import? [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
Once validated you will see the following import validation:
? What environment variables do you want to import? COLOR_BACKGROUND=fff, API_URL=https://api.mytld.com
# You can remove this part if you are not using APM.
# Note that it it will be enabled for all your applications.
Replace <CLUSTER NAME> with a meaningful name to identify your cluster.
Set the site value corresponding to the one you selected upon account creation (you can find the information under 1 > With Helm V3 > --set datadog.site=<YOUR SITE VALUE>)
Once Datadog receives your data, you should be able to click Next on the wizard. You might need to refresh the page in some cases. It can take a couple minutes before your data is ready.
You will then arrive on Step 4
You can skip this part if you're not interested in monitoring your cloud account.
Finally, restart your applications if you are using APM.
You now have Datadog agent running on your Qovery cluster. You can check their Getting Started guide to familiarize yourself with the product: https://docs.datadoghq.com/fr/getting_started.
+We'll install it uning Helm.
First add the datadog Helm repository and update your local list:
helm repo add datadog https://helm.datadoghq.com
helm repo update
Then we will install the agent in the datadog namespace:
helm install datadog-agent \
-n datadog --create-namespace \
-f <PATH TO datadog-values.yaml>\
--set datadog.apiKey='<API KEY>'\
Edit the path to the datadog-values.yaml file you created
Replace <API KEY> with your actual API KEY. You can find it under 1 > With Helm V3 > --set datadog.apiKey=<API KEY>
Once Datadog receives your data, you should be able to click Next on the wizard. You might need to refresh the page in some cases. It can take a couple minutes before your data is ready.
You will then arrive on Step 4
You can skip this part if you're not interested in monitoring your cloud account.
Finally, restart your applications if you are using APM.
You now have Datadog agent running on your Qovery cluster. You can check their Getting Started guide to familiarize yourself with the product: https://docs.datadoghq.com/fr/getting_started.
In the guide, we went through managing environment variables in react / create-react-apps without resorting to using any bash scripts and host it on Qovery using Ngnix server.
location /{
root /usr/share/nginx/html/;
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
try_files $uri $uri//index.html;
Now, commit and push your changes - your create-react-app is handling env vars properly and is optimized for production usage.
In the guide, we went through managing environment variables in react / create-react-apps without resorting to using any bash scripts and host it on Qovery using Ngnix server.
Same as connecting your frontend app to your backend app, you can create an environment variable alias DATABASE_URL for the built-in secret finishing with _DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL.
Create an alias on _DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL and not _DATABASE_URL
#4. Copy data from your Heroku databases to your AWS databases
If you use MongoDB Atlas check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to your existing MongoDB Atlas database.
#How can I connect my app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery?
If you want to connect your app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery, check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to this AWS service.
If you have a common question about Qovery, we have a more general FAQ section available.
Same as connecting your frontend app to your backend app, you can create an environment variable alias DATABASE_URL for the built-in secret finishing with _DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL.
Create an alias on _DATABASE_URL_INTERNAL and not _DATABASE_URL
#4. Copy data from your Heroku databases to your AWS databases
If you use MongoDB Atlas check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to your existing MongoDB Atlas database.
#How can I connect my app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery?
If you want to connect your app to an AWS service not managed by Qovery, check out our tutorial about VPC peering and how to securely connect to this AWS service.
If you have a common question about Qovery, we have a more general FAQ section available.
The guide assumes that you have an application up and running on Qovery. We'll go through the process of adding a new Custom Domain to the application and use Cloudflare as the domain provider. We also assume that you own a custom domain on Cloudflare (or any other domain registrar):
Cloudflared establishes outbound connections (tunnels) between your resources and Cloudflare’s global network.
You have different ways to install Cloudflared on your cluster, you can find the installation instructions within this documentation
Since Cloudflared establishes a tunnel for you and the domain and TLS management is done by Cloudflare, you don't need to expose publicly the application during the setup (See port setup
You can decide to install Cloudflared by yourself or via Qovery. Within the section below, you will find documentation on how to install Cloudflared as a container in one of the Qovery environments.
-By creating and deploying the following service, using the Cloudflared image:
Create a TUNNEL_TOKEN secret environment variable (Scope: Environment) to pass the Cloudflare token.
Once your tunnel is created and connected, you have to set the public hostname and the related service settings.
To get the service name of your application deployed by Qovery, you can get it in your application variables:
This setup works for static environments but not for dynamic ones since the service name is dynamic. We should probably suggest to use the cloudflared helm chart once we release helm deployment
After following the steps from above, our application should be accessible using the custom domain we selected:
In the guide we went through all the necessary steps to configure Cloudflare and Qovery to make use of your custom domain.
+By creating and deploying the following service, using the Cloudflared image:
Create a TUNNEL_TOKEN secret environment variable (Scope: Environment) to pass the Cloudflare token.
Once your tunnel is created and connected, you have to set the public hostname and the related service settings.
To get the service name of your application deployed by Qovery, you can get it in your application variables:
This setup works for static environments but not for dynamic ones since the service name is dynamic. We should probably suggest to use the cloudflared helm chart once we release helm deployment
Qovery is going to help us to deploy the final application in the Cloud without the need to configure the CI/CD, network, security, load balancing, database and all the DevOps tasks
Qovery is a deployment platform that helps all developers to deploy their applications in the Cloud in just a few seconds
Before you begin, this tutorial assumes the following:
Your code need to be hosted on Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket
We have seen that creating an URL shortener API with Ktor and Kotlin is extremely simple. Connecting the application to PostgreSQL is very easy with the Exposed library. In just a few lines of code, the service is fully functional and can be deployed in production very quickly with the help of Qovery. In the next part, we will see how to create a web interface connecting to this API to convert our URLs without using the curl command.
Part 2: bind a web interface to the API - [link coming soon]
We have seen that creating an URL shortener API with Ktor and Kotlin is extremely simple. Connecting the application to PostgreSQL is very easy with the Exposed library. In just a few lines of code, the service is fully functional and can be deployed in production very quickly with the help of Qovery. In the next part, we will see how to create a web interface connecting to this API to convert our URLs without using the curl command.
Part 2: bind a web interface to the API - [link coming soon]
When you have multiple applications within the same environment, it is difficult to find the appropriate environment variable. A workaround is to:
Go to one of your application
Find the ID of your application in your URL https://console.qovery.com/platform/organization/xxx/projects/yyy/environments/zzz/applications/082e36c4-7fbb-42b2-9046-37ccce21616a/variables
Truncate your application ID and take the first segment. For 082e36c4-7fbb-42b2-9046-37ccce21616a it is 082e36c4
Add the letter z in front of id Z082e36c4.
All the environment variables containing Z082e36c4 are attached to the corresponding app.
When you have multiple applications within the same environment, it is difficult to find the appropriate environment variable. A workaround is to:
Go to one of your application
Find the ID of your application in your URL https://console.qovery.com/platform/organization/xxx/projects/yyy/environments/zzz/applications/082e36c4-7fbb-42b2-9046-37ccce21616a/variables
Truncate your application ID and take the first segment. For 082e36c4-7fbb-42b2-9046-37ccce21616a it is 082e36c4
Add the letter z in front of id Z082e36c4.
All the environment variables containing Z082e36c4 are attached to the corresponding app.
AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management) service allows AWS services to interact with each other by using roles. Those roles can easily be used to give permissions to your Qovery application, container or job.
It is a secure way to give your application permissions without having to manage credentials. More than that, it rotates the token automatically.
This tutorial will show you how to add AWS IAM roles to your Qovery application, container or job.
Then in this container (or any application in this environment) Variables, search for the variable called QOVERY_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE_NAME and copy its value somewhere.
It is the Kubernetes namespace name where the container is located.
If you want to be able to keep the Role and permissions with the "On-demand environment" and "Clone" features, then you have to scope the role "cluster side" instead of the "Kubernetes namespace" side.
To do so, update the Condition with StringLike instead of StringEquals, and use a wildcard instead of the namespace name:
If you already have an existing service account on your Kubernetes cluster and want to use it, you can skip this step.
Kubernetes reminder: a deployed service account in a Kubernetes namespace, becomes available by all applications in the same namespace.
This step will help you on deploying a service account on your Kubernetes cluster. In case you want to do it manually on the cluster with kubectl, you just have to push a service account like:
On AWS, there are several ways to authenticate to Kubernetes. To make it simple, we are going to use a dedicated IAM user, but you can select the best method for your need.
From your AWS Console, create an IAM user account, get Access key ID and Secret access key and save them somewhere.
In the same environment than your application, create a Lifecycle job which will be used to deploy a service account on the Kubernetes cluster:
Here a container qoveryrd/create-sa:1.0 available on DockerHub made by Qovery is used, but you can fork this repository and update to your needs if you prefer.
Click on the Continue button and select the Start event because we want to deploy the service account at the environment start and Delete to delete it if we decide to remove it. Set parameters as well with the according action:
Then click on the Continue button, set the resources (128Mb is enough) and click on the Continue button.
Then add the following environment variables to the job scope:
KUBERNETES_VERSION: the version of your Kubernetes cluster which will be used to download kubectl (ex: 1.23.0)
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME: the name of the service account in Kubernetes (the same name you have declared for the role in the Trusted entities policy section)
AWS_ROLE_ARN: the AWS ARN role you have just created
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the AWS access key ID of the IAM user you have created (if you decided to use this authentication method)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the AWS secret access key of the IAM user you have created (if you decided to use this authentication method)
Then Create the Lifecycle job. Go into the Variables tab and create a Variable Alias on QOVERY_CLOUD_PROVIDER_REGION, name it AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and scope it to the job.
You can now run your job by clicking on the Deploy now button. You should see the following output in your job logs:
-> Ensuring required environment variables are present
The final step is to set this service account (pointing to the AWS role) to your application. Go into your application Advanced settings and set the Service account to the one you have just created:
Deploy your application with the Deploy now button.
At this stage, the job should have been executed and the service account should be deployed on your Kubernetes cluster, and the Debian container, running.
To validate the AWS role has correctly been deployed, we can connect to the pod, and see if we have the AWS token. We will use the Qovery CLI to connect to our pod:
$ qovery shell
Qovery: Select organization
✔ Qovery
Qovery: Select project
✔ AWS roles tutorial
Qovery: Select environment
✔ aws-role
Qovery: Select service
✔ debian
Now we are connected to the pod, we can check the AWS token:
The first setup phase can be time-consuming. However, once done, applying roles to your applications is very easy and fast. You can now use roles to access any AWS service!
AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management) service allows AWS services to interact with each other by using roles. Those roles can easily be used to give permissions to your Qovery application, container or job.
It is a secure way to give your application permissions without having to manage credentials. More than that, it rotates the token automatically.
This tutorial will show you how to add AWS IAM roles to your Qovery application, container or job.
Then in this container (or any application in this environment) Variables, search for the variable called QOVERY_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE_NAME and copy its value somewhere.
It is the Kubernetes namespace name where the container is located.
If you want to be able to keep the Role and permissions with the "On-demand environment" and "Clone" features, then you have to scope the role "cluster side" instead of the "Kubernetes namespace" side.
To do so, update the Condition with StringLike instead of StringEquals, and use a wildcard instead of the namespace name:
If you already have an existing service account on your Kubernetes cluster and want to use it, you can skip this step.
Kubernetes reminder: a deployed service account in a Kubernetes namespace, becomes available by all applications in the same namespace.
This step will help you on deploying a service account on your Kubernetes cluster. In case you want to do it manually on the cluster with kubectl, you just have to push a service account like:
On AWS, there are several ways to authenticate to Kubernetes. To make it simple, we are going to use a dedicated IAM user, but you can select the best method for your need.
From your AWS Console, create an IAM user account, get Access key ID and Secret access key and save them somewhere.
In the same environment than your application, create a Lifecycle job which will be used to deploy a service account on the Kubernetes cluster:
Here a container qoveryrd/create-sa:1.0 available on DockerHub made by Qovery is used, but you can fork this repository and update to your needs if you prefer.
Click on the Continue button and select the Start event because we want to deploy the service account at the environment start and Delete to delete it if we decide to remove it. Set parameters as well with the according action:
Then click on the Continue button, set the resources (128Mb is enough) and click on the Continue button.
Then add the following environment variables to the job scope:
KUBERNETES_VERSION: the version of your Kubernetes cluster which will be used to download kubectl (ex: 1.23.0)
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME: the name of the service account in Kubernetes (the same name you have declared for the role in the Trusted entities policy section)
AWS_ROLE_ARN: the AWS ARN role you have just created
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the AWS access key ID of the IAM user you have created (if you decided to use this authentication method)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the AWS secret access key of the IAM user you have created (if you decided to use this authentication method)
Then Create the Lifecycle job. Go into the Variables tab and create a Variable Alias on QOVERY_CLOUD_PROVIDER_REGION, name it AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and scope it to the job.
You can now run your job by clicking on the Deploy now button. You should see the following output in your job logs:
-> Ensuring required environment variables are present
The final step is to set this service account (pointing to the AWS role) to your application. Go into your application Advanced settings and set the Service account to the one you have just created:
Deploy your application with the Deploy now button.
At this stage, the job should have been executed and the service account should be deployed on your Kubernetes cluster, and the Debian container, running.
To validate the AWS role has correctly been deployed, we can connect to the pod, and see if we have the AWS token. We will use the Qovery CLI to connect to our pod:
$ qovery shell
Qovery: Select organization
✔ Qovery
Qovery: Select project
✔ AWS roles tutorial
Qovery: Select environment
✔ aws-role
Qovery: Select service
✔ debian
Now we are connected to the pod, we can check the AWS token:
The first setup phase can be time-consuming. However, once done, applying roles to your applications is very easy and fast. You can now use roles to access any AWS service!
diff --git a/guides/tutorial/working-with-git-submodules/index.html b/guides/tutorial/working-with-git-submodules/index.html
index c8a7b954ec..3277a0dd45 100644
--- a/guides/tutorial/working-with-git-submodules/index.html
+++ b/guides/tutorial/working-with-git-submodules/index.html
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@
This short guide will explain how to use Git Submodules on Qovery.
This adds a private Git Submodule to the application while still allowing it to resolve in non-local environments.
This solution is not recommended.
Since the credentials are stored in plaintext in the .git/submodules directory, you should prefer the SSH / Git option.
For Qovery to be able to access those private submodules when cloning your application repository, you need to add a secret named GIT_SSH_KEY_xxx,
-(where xxx can be replaced by anything), containing a private SSH key with access to your Git repository.
[submodule "path/to/module"]
url = ssh://user/repo
[submodule "path/to/module"]
url = git://github.com/torvalds/linux.git
+(where xxx can be replaced by anything), containing a private SSH key with access to your Git repository.
diff --git a/mailing_list/index.html b/mailing_list/index.html
index 05acdb9a3b..06c1f00249 100644
--- a/mailing_list/index.html
+++ b/mailing_list/index.html
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
diff --git a/main.f3dbfa62.js b/main.b4c4c120.js
similarity index 99%
rename from main.f3dbfa62.js
rename to main.b4c4c120.js
index ef1460a5b3..4c188310e5 100644
--- a/main.f3dbfa62.js
+++ b/main.b4c4c120.js
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-/*! For license information please see main.f3dbfa62.js.LICENSE.txt */
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Qovery from zero to production in less than 10 minutes.",guides:[{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/getting-started/create-a-database",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/getting-started/create-a-database.md",series_position:null,title:"Create a database"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/getting-started/setting-custom-domain",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/getting-started/setting-custom-domain.md",series_position:null,title:"Custom domain"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/getting-started/debugging",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/getting-started/debugging.md",series_position:null,title:"Debugging"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/getting-started/managing-environment-variables",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/getting-started/managing-environment-variables.md",series_position:null,title:"Environment variables"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/getting-started/deploy-your-first-application",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/getting-started/deploy-your-first-application.md",series_position:null,title:"Hello World. Deploy your first application."}],name:"getting-started",series:!0,title:"Getting Started"},"installation-guide":{children:{},description:"Install Qovery on your technical stack.",guides:[{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/installation-guide/guide-amazon-web-services",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/installation-guide/guide-amazon-web-services.md",series_position:null,title:"Install Qovery on your Amazon Web Services account"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/installation-guide/guide-kubernetes",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/installation-guide/guide-kubernetes.md",series_position:null,title:"Install Qovery on your Kubernetes cluster"},{author_github:"https://github.com/evoxmusic",description:null,id:"/installation-guide/guide-microsoft-azure",last_modified_on:null,path:"website/guides/installation-guide/guide-microsoft-azure.md",series_position:null,title:"Install Qovery on your Microsoft Azure 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