Name | Type | Description | Notes |
public_key | str | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule | [optional] |
is_admin | bool | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights | [optional] |
namespace | str | A `Namespace` describes what Asset IDs can be issued in an Issuance Rule. It is a string in the same format as `AssetId`. Additionally, if it ends with a wildcard character ``, then the namespace covers all asset IDs with the namespace as a prefix. Without a final wildcard, the namespace covers exactly one asset ID. Example: The namespace `currencies.dollar` covers only this exact asset type, while `currencies.` covers all asset types that start with `currencies.`. | [optional] |
can_issue_confidentially | bool | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted | [optional] |
operation | str | Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion | [optional] |