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string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - 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magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; -}; -export default _default; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/dark.js b/dist/js/colors/dark.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9c07abde9..000000000 --- a/dist/js/colors/dark.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,616 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.default = { - "canvasDefaultTransparent": "rgba(13,17,23,0)", - "pageHeaderBg": "#0d1117", - "marketingIcon": { - "primary": "#79c0ff", - "secondary": "#1f6feb" - }, - "diffBlob": { - "addition": { - "numText": "#e6edf3", - "fg": "#e6edf3", - "numBg": "rgba(63,185,80,0.3)", - "lineBg": "rgba(46,160,67,0.15)", - "wordBg": "rgba(46,160,67,0.4)" - }, - "deletion": { - "numText": "#e6edf3", - "fg": "#e6edf3", - "numBg": "rgba(248,81,73,0.3)", - "lineBg": "rgba(248,81,73,0.1)", - "wordBg": "rgba(248,81,73,0.4)" - 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subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; -}; -export default _default; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/dark_colorblind.js b/dist/js/colors/dark_colorblind.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0b879a695..000000000 --- a/dist/js/colors/dark_colorblind.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,616 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.default = { - "canvasDefaultTransparent": "rgba(13,17,23,0)", - "pageHeaderBg": "#0d1117", - "marketingIcon": { - "primary": "#79c0ff", - "secondary": "#1f6feb" - }, - "diffBlob": { - "addition": { - "numText": "#c9d1d9", - 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emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; -}; -export default _default; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/dark_dimmed.js b/dist/js/colors/dark_dimmed.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9274ef39f..000000000 --- a/dist/js/colors/dark_dimmed.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,616 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.default = { - 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emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - light_colorblind: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - 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disabledBg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - light_tritanopia: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - hoverIcon: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_dimmed: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_high_contrast: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_colorblind: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_tritanopia: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; }; export default _default; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/index.js b/dist/js/colors/index.js index c9fc3966d..e5bd02a30 100644 --- a/dist/js/colors/index.js +++ b/dist/js/colors/index.js @@ -4,12 +4,4 @@ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const light_1 = __importDefault(require("./light")); -const light_high_contrast_1 = __importDefault(require("./light_high_contrast")); -const light_colorblind_1 = __importDefault(require("./light_colorblind")); -const light_tritanopia_1 = __importDefault(require("./light_tritanopia")); -const dark_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark")); -const dark_dimmed_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark_dimmed")); -const dark_high_contrast_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark_high_contrast")); -const dark_colorblind_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark_colorblind")); -const dark_tritanopia_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark_tritanopia")); -exports.default = { light: light_1.default, light_high_contrast: light_high_contrast_1.default, light_colorblind: light_colorblind_1.default, light_tritanopia: light_tritanopia_1.default, dark: dark_1.default, dark_dimmed: dark_dimmed_1.default, dark_high_contrast: dark_high_contrast_1.default, dark_colorblind: dark_colorblind_1.default, dark_tritanopia: dark_tritanopia_1.default }; +exports.default = { light: light_1.default }; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.d.ts b/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index af601e221..000000000 --- a/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,528 +0,0 @@ -declare const _default: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - hoverIcon: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; -}; -export default _default; diff --git a/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.js b/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.js deleted file mode 100644 index 43d0ed2a9..000000000 --- a/dist/js/colors/light_colorblind.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,650 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.default = { - "canvasDefaultTransparent": "rgba(255,255,255,0)", - "pageHeaderBg": "#f6f8fa", - "marketingIcon": { - "primary": "#218bff", - "secondary": "#54aeff" - }, - "diffBlob": { - "addition": { - "numText": "#24292f", - "fg": "#24292f", - "numBg": "rgba(84,174,255,0.4)", - "lineBg": "rgba(221,244,255,0.5)", - "wordBg": "rgba(84,174,255,0.4)" - }, - "deletion": { - "numText": "#24292f", - "fg": "#24292f", - "numBg": "rgba(247,153,57,0.4)", - "lineBg": "rgba(255,245,232,0.5)", - "wordBg": "rgba(255,188,109,0.5)" - }, - "hunk": { - "numBg": "rgba(84,174,255,0.4)" - }, - "expander": { - "icon": "#57606a" - }, - "selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode": "multiply" - }, - "diffstat": { - "deletionBorder": "rgba(27,31,36,0.15)", - "additionBorder": "rgba(27,31,36,0.15)", - "additionBg": "#0969da" - }, - "searchKeyword": { - "hl": "#fff8c5" - }, - "prettylights": { - "syntax": { - "comment": "#57606a", - "constant": "#0550ae", - "entity": "#6639ba", - "storageModifierImport": "#24292f", - "entityTag": "#0550ae", - "keyword": "#b35900", - "string": "#0a3069", - "variable": "#8a4600", - "brackethighlighterUnmatched": "#6f3800", - "invalidIllegalText": "#f6f8fa", - "invalidIllegalBg": "#6f3800", - "carriageReturnText": "#f6f8fa", - "carriageReturnBg": "#b35900", - "stringRegexp": "#0550ae", - "markupList": "#3b2300", - "markupHeading": "#0550ae", - "markupItalic": "#24292f", - "markupBold": "#24292f", - "markupDeletedText": "#6f3800", - "markupDeletedBg": "#fff5e8", - "markupInsertedText": "#0550ae", - "markupInsertedBg": "#ddf4ff", - "markupChangedText": "#8a4600", - "markupChangedBg": "#ffddb0", - "markupIgnoredText": "#eaeef2", - "markupIgnoredBg": "#0550ae", - "metaDiffRange": "#8250df", - "brackethighlighterAngle": "#57606a", - "sublimelinterGutterMark": "#8c959f", - "constantOtherReferenceLink": "#0a3069" - } - }, - "codemirror": { - "text": "#24292f", - "bg": "#ffffff", - "guttersBg": "#ffffff", - "guttermarkerText": "#ffffff", - "guttermarkerSubtleText": "#6e7781", - "linenumberText": "#57606a", - "cursor": "#24292f", - "selectionBg": "rgba(84,174,255,0.4)", - "activelineBg": "rgba(234,238,242,0.5)", - "matchingbracketText": "#24292f", - "linesBg": "#ffffff", - "syntax": { - "comment": "#24292f", - "constant": "#0550ae", - "entity": "#8250df", - "keyword": "#b35900", - "storage": "#b35900", - "string": "#0a3069", - "support": "#0550ae", - "variable": "#8a4600" - } - }, - "checks": { - "bg": "#24292f", - "runBorderWidth": "0px", - "containerBorderWidth": "0px", - "textPrimary": "#f6f8fa", - "textSecondary": "#8c959f", - "textLink": "#54aeff", - "btnIcon": "#afb8c1", - "btnHoverIcon": "#f6f8fa", - "btnHoverBg": "rgba(255,255,255,0.125)", - "inputText": "#eaeef2", - "inputPlaceholderText": "#8c959f", - "inputFocusText": "#8c959f", - "inputBg": "#32383f", - "inputShadow": "none", - "donutError": "#dd7815", - "donutPending": "#bf8700", - "donutSuccess": "#0969da", - "donutNeutral": "#afb8c1", - "dropdownText": "#afb8c1", - "dropdownBg": "#32383f", - "dropdownBorder": "#424a53", - "dropdownShadow": "rgba(27,31,36,0.3)", - "dropdownHoverText": "#f6f8fa", - "dropdownHoverBg": "#424a53", - "dropdownBtnHoverText": "#f6f8fa", - "dropdownBtnHoverBg": "#32383f", - "scrollbarThumbBg": "#57606a", - "headerLabelText": "#d0d7de", - "headerLabelOpenText": "#f6f8fa", - "headerBorder": "#32383f", - "headerIcon": "#8c959f", - "lineText": "#d0d7de", - "lineNumText": "rgba(140,149,159,0.75)", - "lineTimestampText": "#8c959f", - "lineHoverBg": "#32383f", - "lineSelectedBg": "rgba(33,139,255,0.15)", - 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}; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - 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subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - light_colorblind: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - 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logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - hoverIcon: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - 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}; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - light_tritanopia: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - hoverIcon: string; - counterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - prov: { - neonGreen: string; - green: string[]; - gray: string[]; - theme: { - climate: string; - waste: string; - nature: string; - workers: string; - communities: string; - }; - }; - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_dimmed: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_high_contrast: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_colorblind: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - lineSelectedNumText: string; - lineDtFmText: string; - lineDtFmBg: string; - gateBg: string; - gateText: string; - gateWaitingText: string; - stepHeaderOpenBg: string; - stepErrorText: string; - stepWarningText: string; - loglineText: string; - loglineNumText: string; - loglineDebugText: string; - loglineErrorText: string; - loglineErrorNumText: string; - loglineErrorBg: string; - loglineWarningText: string; - loglineWarningNumText: string; - loglineWarningBg: string; - loglineCommandText: string; - loglineSectionText: string; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - }; - project: { - headerBg: string; - sidebarBg: string; - gradientIn: string; - gradientOut: string; - }; - mktg: { - btn: { - bg: string; - shadow: { - outline: string; - focus: string; - hover: string; - hoverMuted: string; - }; - }; - }; - control: { - borderColor: { - emphasis: string; - }; - }; - avatar: { - bg: string; - border: string; - stackFade: string; - stackFadeMore: string; - childShadow: string; - }; - topicTag: { - border: string; - }; - counter: { - border: string; - }; - selectMenu: { - backdropBorder: string; - tapHighlight: string; - tapFocusBg: string; - }; - overlay: { - shadow: string; - backdrop: string; - }; - header: { - text: string; - bg: string; - divider: string; - logo: string; - }; - headerSearch: { - bg: string; - border: string; - }; - sidenav: { - selectedBg: string; - }; - menu: { - bgActive: string; - }; - input: { - disabledBg: string; - }; - timeline: { - badgeBg: string; - }; - ansi: { - black: string; - blackBright: string; - white: string; - whiteBright: string; - gray: string; - red: string; - redBright: string; - green: string; - greenBright: string; - yellow: string; - yellowBright: string; - blue: string; - blueBright: string; - magenta: string; - magentaBright: string; - cyan: string; - cyanBright: string; - }; - btn: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - counterBg: string; - primary: { - text: string; - bg: string; - border: string; - shadow: string; - insetShadow: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledBorder: string; - icon: string; - counterBg: string; - }; - outline: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - counterFg: string; - }; - danger: { - text: string; - hoverText: string; - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - hoverShadow: string; - hoverInsetShadow: string; - hoverIcon: string; - hoverCounterBg: string; - selectedText: string; - selectedBg: string; - selectedBorder: string; - selectedShadow: string; - disabledText: string; - disabledBg: string; - disabledCounterBg: string; - counterBg: string; - icon: string; - counterFg: string; - disabledCounterFg: string; - hoverCounterFg: string; - }; - inactive: { - bg: string; - text: string; - }; - }; - underlinenav: { - icon: string; - borderHover: string; - }; - actionListItem: { - inlineDivider: string; - default: { - hoverBg: string; - hoverBorder: string; - activeBg: string; - activeBorder: string; - selectedBg: string; - }; - danger: { - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - hoverText: string; - }; - }; - switchTrack: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - disabledBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - hoverBg: string; - activeBg: string; - fg: string; - disabledFg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - switchKnob: { - bg: string; - border: string; - disabledBg: string; - checked: { - bg: string; - disabledBg: string; - border: string; - }; - }; - segmentedControl: { - bg: string; - button: { - bg: string; - hover: { - bg: string; - }; - active: { - bg: string; - }; - selected: { - border: string; - }; - }; - }; - treeViewItem: { - chevron: { - hoverBg: string; - }; - directory: { - fill: string; - }; - }; - fg: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - onEmphasis: string; - }; - canvas: { - default: string; - overlay: string; - inset: string; - subtle: string; - }; - border: { - default: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - shadow: { - small: string; - medium: string; - large: string; - extraLarge: string; - }; - neutral: { - emphasisPlus: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - accent: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - success: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - attention: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - severe: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - danger: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - open: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - closed: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - done: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - sponsors: { - fg: string; - emphasis: string; - muted: string; - subtle: string; - }; - primer: { - fg: { - disabled: string; - }; - canvas: { - backdrop: string; - sticky: string; - }; - border: { - active: string; - contrast: string; - }; - shadow: { - highlight: string; - inset: string; - }; - }; - scale: { - black: string; - white: string; - gray: string[]; - blue: string[]; - green: string[]; - yellow: string[]; - orange: string[]; - red: string[]; - purple: string[]; - pink: string[]; - coral: string[]; - }; - }; - dark_tritanopia: { - canvasDefaultTransparent: string; - pageHeaderBg: string; - marketingIcon: { - primary: string; - secondary: string; - }; - diffBlob: { - addition: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - deletion: { - numText: string; - fg: string; - numBg: string; - lineBg: string; - wordBg: string; - }; - hunk: { - numBg: string; - }; - expander: { - icon: string; - }; - selectedLineHighlightMixBlendMode: string; - }; - diffstat: { - deletionBorder: string; - additionBorder: string; - additionBg: string; - }; - searchKeyword: { - hl: string; - }; - prettylights: { - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - storageModifierImport: string; - entityTag: string; - keyword: string; - string: string; - variable: string; - brackethighlighterUnmatched: string; - invalidIllegalText: string; - invalidIllegalBg: string; - carriageReturnText: string; - carriageReturnBg: string; - stringRegexp: string; - markupList: string; - markupHeading: string; - markupItalic: string; - markupBold: string; - markupDeletedText: string; - markupDeletedBg: string; - markupInsertedText: string; - markupInsertedBg: string; - markupChangedText: string; - markupChangedBg: string; - markupIgnoredText: string; - markupIgnoredBg: string; - metaDiffRange: string; - brackethighlighterAngle: string; - sublimelinterGutterMark: string; - constantOtherReferenceLink: string; - }; - }; - codemirror: { - text: string; - bg: string; - guttersBg: string; - guttermarkerText: string; - guttermarkerSubtleText: string; - linenumberText: string; - cursor: string; - selectionBg: string; - activelineBg: string; - matchingbracketText: string; - linesBg: string; - syntax: { - comment: string; - constant: string; - entity: string; - keyword: string; - storage: string; - string: string; - support: string; - variable: string; - }; - }; - checks: { - bg: string; - runBorderWidth: string; - containerBorderWidth: string; - textPrimary: string; - textSecondary: string; - textLink: string; - btnIcon: string; - btnHoverIcon: string; - btnHoverBg: string; - inputText: string; - inputPlaceholderText: string; - inputFocusText: string; - inputBg: string; - inputShadow: string; - donutError: string; - donutPending: string; - donutSuccess: string; - donutNeutral: string; - dropdownText: string; - dropdownBg: string; - dropdownBorder: string; - dropdownShadow: string; - dropdownHoverText: string; - dropdownHoverBg: string; - dropdownBtnHoverText: string; - dropdownBtnHoverBg: string; - scrollbarThumbBg: string; - headerLabelText: string; - headerLabelOpenText: string; - headerBorder: string; - headerIcon: string; - lineText: string; - lineNumText: string; - lineTimestampText: string; - lineHoverBg: string; - lineSelectedBg: string; - 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