The configuration file (appsettings.json
) controls the behaviors and parameters of the internal services. The file is stored next to the main application binary and provides a subset of the default configuration options by default. Please refer to the Monai.Deploy.InformaticsGateway.Configuration namespace for complete reference.
contains the following top-level sections:
"ConnectionStrings": "connection string to the database",
"InformaticsGateway": "configuration options for the Informatics Gateway & its internal services",
"Logging": "logging configuration options",
"Kestrel": "web server configuration options. See",
"AllowedHosts": "host filtering option. See",
"Cli": "configurations used by the CLI"
The InformaticsGateway
configuration section contains the following sub-sections:
Section | Description | Reference |
dicom | DICOM DIMSE service configuration options | DicomConfiguration |
dicomWeb | DICOMweb service configuration options | DicomWebConfiguration |
export | Export service configuration options | DataExportConfiguration |
fhir | FHIR service configuration options | FhirConfiguration |
hl7 | HL7 listener configuration options | Hl7Configuration |
storage | Storage configuration options, including storage service and disk usage monitoring | StorageConfiguration |
messaging | Message broker configuration options | MessageBrokerConfiguration |
plug-ins | Configuration options for plug-ins | PlugInConfiguration |
Cli | The configuration used by the CLI | - |
"ConnectionStrings": {
"InformaticsGatewayDatabase": "Data Source=/database/mig.db"
"InformaticsGateway": {
"dicom": {
"scp": {
"port": 104,
"logDimseDatasets": false,
"rejectUnknownSources": true
"scu": {
"aeTitle": "MONAISCU",
"logDimseDatasets": false,
"logDataPDUs": false
"messaging": {
"publisherServiceAssemblyName": "Monai.Deploy.Messaging.RabbitMQ.RabbitMQMessagePublisherService, Monai.Deploy.Messaging.RabbitMQ",
"publisherSettings": {
"endpoint": "localhost",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"virtualHost": "monaideploy",
"exchange": "monaideploy"
"subscriberServiceAssemblyName": "Monai.Deploy.Messaging.RabbitMQ.RabbitMQMessageSubscriberService, Monai.Deploy.Messaging.RabbitMQ",
"subscriberSettings": {
"endpoint": "localhost",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"virtualHost": "monaideploy",
"exchange": "monaideploy",
"exportRequestQueue": "export_tasks",
"deadLetterExchange": "monaideploy-dead-letter",
"deliveryLimit": 3,
"requeueDelay": 30
"storage": {
"localTemporaryStoragePath": "/payloads",
"remoteTemporaryStoragePath": "/incoming",
"bucketName": "monaideploy",
"storageRootPath": "/payloads",
"temporaryBucketName": "monaideploy",
"serviceAssemblyName": "Monai.Deploy.Storage.MinIO.MinIoStorageService, Monai.Deploy.Storage.MinIO",
"watermarkPercent": 75,
"reserveSpaceGB": 5,
"settings": {
"endpoint": "localhost:9000",
"accessKey": "admin",
"accessToken": "password",
"securedConnection": false,
"region": "local",
"executableLocation": "/bin/mc",
"serviceName": "MinIO"
"hl7": {
"port": 2575,
"maximumNumberOfConnections": 10,
"clientTimeout": 60000,
"sendAck": true
"dicomWeb": {
"plugins": []
"Kestrel": {
"EndPoints": {
"Http": {
"Url": "http://+:5000"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Cli": {
"Runner": "Docker",
"HostDataStorageMount": "~/.mig/data",
"HostPlugInsStorageMount": "~/.mig/plug-ins",
"HostDatabaseStorageMount": "~/.mig/database",
"HostLogsStorageMount": "~/.mig/logs",
"InformaticsGatewayServerEndpoint": "http://localhost:5000",
"DockerImagePrefix": ""
Informatics Gateway validates all configuration options at startup. Any provided values that are invalid or missing may cause the service to crash.
If the Informatics Gateway is running with Kubernetes/Helm and is reporting the CrashLoopBack
error, it may be indicating a startup error due to misconfiguration, simply run kubectl logs <name-of-dicom-adapter-pod>
to review the validation errors.
Informatics Gateway, by default, is configured to writes all logs to the console as well as text files. The behaviors may be changed in the nlog.config
Logs files are stored in the logs/
directory where the Informatics Gateway executable is stored. To change the location, modify the logDir
variable defined in the nlog.config
Informaitcs Gateway also supports shipping logs to LogStash, ELK using the Network target provided by NLog. To enable this feature, simply set the environment variable LOGSTASH_URL
to the TCP endpoint of LogStash. E.g. LOGSTASH_URL=tcp://my-logstash-ip:5000
To use other logging services, refer to NLog Config.
If the Informatics Gateway is running inside a Docker container, additional configuration may be required to limit the size to prevent logs from filling up storage space. Refer to the Docker documentation for additional information.