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Andres Diaz-Pinto edited this page Jun 21, 2021 · 22 revisions

What is a DeepEdit based App?

DeepEdit is an algorithm that combines the power of two models in one single architecture. It allows the user to perform inference, as a standard segmentation method, and also to interactively segment part of an image using clicks. DeepEdit aims to facilitate the user experience and to facilitate the development of new active learning techniques.

Training schema:

DeepEdit Schema for Training

Inference schema:

DeepEdit Schema for Testing

Performance examples for left atrium and spleen DeepEdit App:

Left Atrium App:

Assumptions made to create this plot:

  • We used the Heart MSD dataset (4 images for validation and 16 for training)
  • A skilled user takes 10 minutes to manually segment the left atrium in cardiac MR image
  • One epoch using 2 images took aprox. 30 seconds. Adding an image makes the epoch take 10 more seconds

DeepEdit - Left Atrium

Spleen App:

DeepEdit - Spleen

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