t8code (spoken as "tetcode") is a C/C++ library to manage parallel adaptive meshes with various element types. t8code uses a collection (a forest) of multiple connected adaptive space-trees in parallel and scales to at least one million MPI ranks and over 1 Trillion mesh elements. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 or later. Copyright (c) 2015 the developers.
t8code is intended to be used as a thirdparty library for numerical simulation codes or any other applications that require meshes.
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t8code, or T8 for short, supports the following element types (also different types in the same mesh):
- 0D: vertices
- 1D: lines
- 2D: quadrilaterals and triangles
- 3D: hexahedra, tetrahedra, prisms and pyramids
Among others, t8code offers the following functionalities:
- Create distributed adaptive meshes over complex domain geometries
- Adapt meshes according to user given refinement/coarsening criteria
- Establish a 2:1 balance
- (Re-)partition a mesh (and associated data) among MPI ranks
- Manage ghost (halo) elements and data
- Hierarchical search in the mesh
t8code uses space-filling curves (SFCs) to manage the adaptive refinement and efficiently store the mesh elements and associated data. A modular approach makes it possible to exchange the underlying SFC without changing the high-level algorithms. Thus, we can use and compare different refinement schemes and users can implement their own refinement rules if so desired.
- lines use a 1D Morton curve with 1:2 refinement
- quadrilateral/hexahedral elements are inherited from the p4est submodule, using the Morton curve 1:4, 1:8 refinement;
- triangular/tetrahedral are implemented using the Tetrahedral Morton curve, 1:4, 1:8 refinement;
- prisms are implemented using the triangular TM curve and a line curve, 1:8 refinement.
- pyramids are implemented using the Pyramidal Morton curve and the TM curve for its tetrahedral children, 1:10 (for pyramids) / 1:8 (for tetrahedra) refinement.
- The code supports hybrid meshes including any of the above element types (of the same dimension).
You find more information on t8code in the t8code Wiki.
We provide a short guide to install t8code.
For a more detailed description, please see the Installation guide in our Wiki.
- libsc (Included in t8code's git repository)
- p4est (Included in t8code's git repository)
- automake
- libtool
- make
- The VTK library for advanced VTK output (basic VTK output is provided without linking against VTK)
- The netcdf library for netcdf file output
To setup the project perform the following steps
1.) If you cloned from github, initialize and download the git submodules
p4est and sc.
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
2.) Call the bootstrap script in the source directory
- ./bootstrap
3.) Goto your installation folder and call configure and make
- cd /path/to/install
- /path/to/source/configure [OPTIONS]
- make
- make check
- make install
To see a list of possible configure options, call
./configure -h
or visit the Wiki.
Most commonly used for t8code are
--enable-mpi (enables MPI parallelization)
--enable-debug (enables debugging mode - massively reduces performance)
--with-LIB/--without-LIB (enable/disable linking with LIB)
For a parallel release mode with local installation path $HOME/t8code_install
configure --enable-mpi CFLAGS=-O3 CXXFLAGS=-O3 --prefix=$HOME/t8code_install
For a debugging mode with static linkage (makes using gdb and valgrind more comfortable):
configure --enable-mpi --enable-debug --enable-static --disable-shared CFLAGS="-Wall -O0 -g" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -O0 -g"
To get familiar with t8code and its algorithms and data structures we recommend executing the tutorial examples in tutorials
and read the corresponding Wiki pages starting with Step 0 - Helloworld.
A sophisticated example of a complete numerical simulation is our finite volume solver of the advection equation in example/advection
An (incomplete) list of publications related to t8code:
[1] Johannes Holke, Scalable algorithms for parallel tree-based adaptive mesh refinement with general element types, PhD thesis at University of Bonn, 2018, Full text available
[2] Carsten Burstedde and Johannes Holke, A Tetrahedral Space-Filling Curve for Nonconforming Adaptive Meshes, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2016, 10.1137/15M1040049
[3] Carsten Burstedde and Johannes Holke, Coarse mesh partitioning for tree-based AMR, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2017, 10.1137/16M1103518
[4] Johannes Holke and David Knapp and Carsten Burstedde, An Optimized, Parallel Computation of the Ghost Layer for Adaptive Hybrid Forest Meshes, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021, 10.1137/20M1383033
If you use t8code in any of your publications, please cite the github repository and [1]. For publications specifically related to
- the TM index, please cite [2].
- coarse mesh partitioning, please cite [3].
- construction and handling of the ghost layer, please cite [4].