- Frontend was made with ReactJS
- Backend was made with Node.js using Express
- The Express server consume an API made by LeReacteur (quite similar to Marvel public API)
- Display all characters and comics of the Marvel API
- Display related comics of any caracter.
- Save your favorite characters and comics
- Search elements by name or title
- Design a website from scratch, integrate all pages
- Use CSS and sass to improve UX/UI
- Create my own crud API with Express.js (request an external API, hide API key, use asynchronous fetch on front side to display data)
- Use React components and states to create searchbars, paginations, toggle favorite buttons, etc..
- Use local memory (cookies) to save favorites
- Hosting website (Netlify and Heroku/Render)
- Read API documentation
- Responsive in favorite page
- Animate loading + improve loading time
- Finish 404 page
- Add authentification and save custom favorites in a database
- Add auto-completion in searchbars