Tools for education
Related concepts:
Learn Anything☁ (GitHub)
Study notes:
Studocu☁ (With StuHack⇉ for premium workaround)
Educational audio/video:
Cheat sheets:
Textbook answers:
Encyclopedic skimming:
Wikipedia reader:
Modern for Wikipedia⇉,
Simplified Wikipedia:
Simple Wikipedia🧛
Enhanced Wikipedia search:
Conzept encyclopedia
Open education groups:
Classroom behavior training:
Conscious Discipline
ACE approval search:
ASWB license lookup
A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses. | MOOC List
OpenBoard, the best interactive whiteboard for schools and universities
Periodex - Elegant periodic table of elements
Guides BY SUBJECT - LibGuides at Hofstra University
The Complete Guide To Nootropics | Braintropic - Cool guides without distractions
agrim123/reading-material: List of some useful blogs, books, courses, papers etc.
GitHub - IIITH-Resources/IIITH-Resources: Main Page
GitHub - leebyron/til: Today I Learned
Lynda SharlSherif/Generate-HoustonLibrary-Codes: A simple script to automate the process of getting a card number from in order to get free access to
Ajju2211/free-college-id: This application provides free college ID cards for students.
awesome-eli5 Tech "explained" like you're five!
Oppia Oppia is an online learning tool that enables anyone to easily create and share interactive activities.
Useful repositories A collection of useful repositories which provide learning resources.
GitHub ItIsMeCall911/Course-Piracy-Index: Course Piracy Index
Aniketmishra0/OpenClassrooms: Learning Community with OpenClassrooms
Rocumentaries Curated links to documentaries.
Learning Different projects to test and learn
List of Leading Free Online Educational Resources Along with the traditional university education, online education is becoming very common. Now courses are available online for free from leading universities/institutes of the world and all the pe…
Jotoba: Multilingual Japanese dictionary
Mochi - Spaced repetition made easy
Animated Knots by Grog | Learn how to tie knots with step-by-step animation
DeepDyve Unlimited Access to Peer-Reviewed Journals
Open source 3D atlas of human anatomy | Hacker News The first open source 3D atlas of human anatomy - Blender Conference 2022
GitHub - Soneji/awesome-teaching: A curated list of free awesome teaching resources
FisicaLab - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation🆓
Show HN: Anki/Duolingo-like app using educational YouTube videos | Hacker News Plato
Free notes, outlines, essays and practice quizzes | CourseNotes
GitHub - rishiloyola/Awesome-GRE-Materials: A curated list of materials to prepare for the GRE.
GitHub - pycoder2000/GRE-Preparation-Material: Free GRE Preparation Material
GitHub - blob42/awesome-explorables: A curated list of awesome explorable explanations.