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Capstone Ideas

General Capstone Ideas

  • Blog
  • Dating Site
  • Twitter Clone
  • Codepen/JSFiddle Clone
  • Stack Overflow Clone
  • Chatting App

Professional Sites Made with Django and/or Python

A list of some can be found here

Past Capstones

20171127 Full Stack Day

  • Citizen Caucus is an aggregate of information on the US Senate. It features profiles of senators, including their photo, contact information, and voting history on past bills. The data is taken from the ProPublica API and Sunlight API. It also has search with suggestions. By Ronnie Mosley screenshot
  • Tit4Tat is, at its most basic concept, designed for people to exchange time for services rendered rather than money. In other words, a person (in my case a filmmaker) will post a project that they have in mind and is looking for help. By looking through other projects they can communicate to the other creator and then commit to each others idea if agreeable. User profiles include skills (type and level), interests, and equipment. By Remington Hendrickson screenshot
  • Hardcore Lives keeps track of the local Hardcore shows and bands in Portland. The front page has an instragram embed, a carousel of local venues, and search. There's also a social media component, you can whether you're attending a show and upload flyers of upcoming shows. On the back-end, Beautiful Soup is used to scrape 8 different websites for shows, collecting their title, location, and date. By Michael.
  • Write 2 Learn features tools to automatically provide feedback to students learning English. Users can make blog posts. One section lets them visualize the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective) of their posts. Another section highlights any errors that they made. Users can also view charts of their error counts over time and the different counts of the parts of speech in their posts. There's also a page which shows the parts of speech in real time using NLTK. It uses several APIs including the Google Language API. By Ryan.
  • Chanterelle allows users to write a Todo list with ordered events, represented as a directed acyclic graph. The main view uses Cytoscape to visualize the nodes and edges of the graph. A "next up" list shows only the immediate todo items. Redundant edges are already removed (transitive reduction), as well as cycles. The back-end uses Django Rest Framework and the front-end is in React. By Emyli Poltorak. screenshot 1 2 repo
  • Time and task tracking based on the Pomodoro Technique, with a visualization of break and focus periods and timeline using vis.js.
  • Viewsic connects to your Spotify account to show the artists, genres, and songs you play most often. It also shows the overall scores of your music by happiness, dancibility, and energy, and compares them to the average. By Matthew. screenshot 1 2 3 4 5 6 repo

20171003 Full Stack Day

  • Molecule: group messaging, with login and group management. By Zia Dawn. repo
  • Hauto: browse vehicle parts by make, model, system, and manufacturer. By Allen Matasy. repo
  • hivemind: Q&A app, similar to Stack Overflow with accounts, questions, answers, and voting. By David Pennington. repo
  • Doggonnit: posting and reporting lost dogs, with dog profiles and visualization of location data using Mapbox. By Marcel Schaeffer. repo
  • FreshPoint: Find what produce is in season, near you, right now. Database with over 150 pieces of produce and season data for all 50 states. Built REST API in Django to connect to Vue.js. Used Google GeoCoding, GeoChart and Edemam APIs. Built with Django and Vue.js. By Cameron Mirza. screenshot 1, 2, repo
  • RUNdo: calculate how long you'd have to run or walk to make up for the food you're about to eat. By Terri Stefan. repo
  • Kidfolio: parents can upload save pictures of their children's artwork. By Chloe Elliott.
  • Music To Video: use Spotify and Youtube APIs to find videos for playlists. By Brandon Perard. repo
  • Loops: find the quickest route through a series of waypoints, using Google Maps. By Kyle Douglas. repo

20170724 Full Stack Night

  • Food Access a site which uses d3.js to visualize food access with a choropleth map. It loads an XLSX from the Food Environment Atlas from the USDA Economic Research Service into a database. The front page then loads the data from the database via AJAX and uses it to populate the map. The front page has a drop-down to select which variable to visualize. There's another page to visualize the correlation matrix between the various variables, and another to see a scatter plot between two selected variables. By Jessica Pavlinko. screenshot 1, 2, 3, repo
  • Brain Exchange a site which matches teachers and students. When users register on the site, they list which skills they know (and are willing to teach) and which skills they want to learn. After registering, the user is matched up with those who can teach what they want to learn, and learn what they want to teach. By Rudolf Valentine screenshot 1, repo
  • Space Explorer a game in d3.js like Flappy Bird, except you're an astronaut dodging asteroids and collecting space crystals. The user enters their name at the start, and when they finish, their score is entered into a table of high scores. By Samantha Moad. repo

20170626 Day Class

  • Musilux: you can upload a midi file, the application will parse it and begin playing the notes (audio) while displaying the notes played on a keyboard. By Roger Scherer.

Other Past Capstones

  • Disc Caddy is a Django based app that allows disc golfers to keep a virtual version of their disc bag, search local courses, and to see and provide updates on course conditions. You can also check-in to a hole, rate it for playability, leave comments, and post your score. Users can leave comments on a friends' check-in, or just give them a high five. If you provide your score and what disc you threw, Disc Caddy will offer disc suggestions based on what is in your bag and how your score is trending. By Kasey Watters

  • RunAround is a GeoDjango project that automatically builds runs for you based on the most popular runs for your area. You can find safe, popular runs even when you're in new cities or spots you aren't familiar with. It utilizes the Strava API to grab the most popular segments, decomposes them into points ranked by popularity, and then sends those points to the Google Maps API to build a route. Finally, when you've selected the run you'd like, it texts the route to you so you can open it in Google Maps for hands-free turn-by-turn directions on your phone while you run. By Michael Jolliffe