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Kevin Moore edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 30 revisions

Welcome to Nexus-crowd-plugin.

This fork is to keep an up to date version of the nexus-crowd-plugin. With so many updates both on the nexus and crowd front, it's hard to keep track! And those two awesome products work so well together....


Usage for Nexus 3.x

Prerequisite: Maven must be installed on the system in order to proceed (useful for Docker containers)

  1. Add a nexus application to Crowd with a SECRET secret

  2. Look into the file bin/nexus.vmoptions to locate the value of parameter karaf.etc

  3. Create a file called under <karaf.etc> folder


    You can also use the following properties

    • cacheTTL (value is seconds; default value is 3600 seconds)
    • httpMaxConnections (default value is 20)
    • httpTimeout (value in milliseconds; default value is 5000msecs)
    • httpProxyHost
    • httpProxyPort
    • httpProxyUsername
    • httpProxyPassword
  4. Copy the bundle under NEXUS_HOME/system/com/roumanoff/nexus/nexus-crowd-plugin/<version>/nexus-crowd-plugin-<version>.jar

  5. Modify the file <karaf.etc>/, add the new line mvn\<version> = 101

  6. Start Nexus and use the Administration->Security->Realms page to add OSS Crowd Authentication Realm to the list of active realms (at the bottom so you can still use the admin account stored in Nexus DB for which you have changed the password, right ?).

Usage for Nexus < 3.0

  1. Add a nexus application to Crowd with a SECRET secret

  2. Create a file called crowd-plugin.xml under sonatype-work/nexus/conf

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3. unzip the bundle under sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository

  4. Start Nexus and use the Administration->Server panel to add OSS Crowd Authentication Realm to the list of active realms.

Plugin Download

Watch out for the confusing version numbers, version 2.7.0 is for nexus 2.7 and version 2.0.7 is for nexus before 2.7.

Plan for next iterations

  • enable a group filter
  • provide a configuration UI
  • enable Single Sign On (SSO)

Authors and Contributors

@PatrickRoumanoff and @flopma based on initial work by @justinedelson from @sonatype

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