diff --git a/.changes/generativeai/club-bite-carpenter-country.json b/.changes/generativeai/club-bite-carpenter-country.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3edc63e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changes/generativeai/club-bite-carpenter-country.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"type":"MAJOR","changes":["Improve usability of the Schema type in Java"]}
diff --git a/generativeai/src/commonMain/kotlin/dev/shreyaspatil/ai/client/generativeai/type/Type.kt b/generativeai/src/commonMain/kotlin/dev/shreyaspatil/ai/client/generativeai/type/Type.kt
index b065c5fd..21398f57 100644
--- a/generativeai/src/commonMain/kotlin/dev/shreyaspatil/ai/client/generativeai/type/Type.kt
+++ b/generativeai/src/commonMain/kotlin/dev/shreyaspatil/ai/client/generativeai/type/Type.kt
@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.json.jsonArray
 class FunctionType<T>(val name: String, val parse: (String?) -> T?) {
   companion object {
-    val STRING = FunctionType<String>("STRING") { it }
-    val INTEGER = FunctionType<Int>("INTEGER") { it?.toIntOrNull() }
-    val LONG = FunctionType<Long>("INTEGER") { it?.toLongOrNull() }
-    val NUMBER = FunctionType<Double>("NUMBER") { it?.toDoubleOrNull() }
-    val BOOLEAN = FunctionType<Boolean>("BOOLEAN") { it?.toBoolean() }
+    @JvmField val STRING = FunctionType<String>("STRING") { it }
+    @JvmField val INTEGER = FunctionType<Int>("INTEGER") { it?.toIntOrNull() }
+    @JvmField val LONG = FunctionType<Long>("INTEGER") { it?.toLongOrNull() }
+    @JvmField val NUMBER = FunctionType<Double>("NUMBER") { it?.toDoubleOrNull() }
+    @JvmField val BOOLEAN = FunctionType<Boolean>("BOOLEAN") { it?.toBoolean() }
+    @JvmField
     val ARRAY =
       FunctionType<List<String>>("ARRAY") { it ->
         it?.let { Json.parseToJsonElement(it).jsonArray.map { element -> element.toString() } }
diff --git a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/controlled_generation.kt b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/controlled_generation.kt
index 88ce2b9a..cc5ac021 100644
--- a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/controlled_generation.kt
+++ b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/controlled_generation.kt
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
 package com.google.ai.client.generative.samples
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.GenerativeModel
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.FunctionType
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.Schema
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.generationConfig
 // Set up your API Key
 // ====================
@@ -23,4 +28,61 @@ package com.google.ai.client.generative.samples
 // the "Set up your API Key section" in the [Gemini API
 // quickstart](https://ai.google.dev/gemini-api/docs/quickstart?lang=android#set-up-api-key).
-// TODO
+suspend fun json_controlled_generation() {
+    // [START json_controlled_generation]
+    val generativeModel =
+        GenerativeModel(
+            // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
+            modelName = "gemini-1.5-pro",
+            // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
+            apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey,
+            generationConfig = generationConfig {
+                responseMimeType = "application/json"
+                responseSchema = Schema(
+                    name = "recipes",
+                    description = "List of recipes",
+                    type = FunctionType.ARRAY,
+                    items = Schema(
+                        name = "recipe",
+                        description = "A recipe",
+                        type = FunctionType.OBJECT,
+                        properties = mapOf(
+                            "recipeName" to Schema(
+                                name = "recipeName",
+                                description = "Name of the recipe",
+                                type = FunctionType.STRING,
+                                nullable = false
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                        required = listOf("recipeName")
+                    ),
+                )
+            })
+    val prompt = "List a few popular cookie recipes."
+    val response = generativeModel.generateContent(prompt)
+    print(response.text)
+    // [END json_controlled_generation]
+suspend fun json_no_schema() {
+    // [START json_no_schema]
+    val generativeModel =
+        GenerativeModel(
+            // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
+            modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
+            // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
+            apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey,
+            generationConfig = generationConfig {
+                responseMimeType = "application/json"
+            })
+    val prompt = """
+           List a few popular cookie recipes using this JSON schema:
+           Recipe = {'recipeName': string}
+           Return: Array<Recipe>
+    """.trimIndent()
+    val response = generativeModel.generateContent(prompt)
+    print(response.text)
+    // [END json_no_schema]
diff --git a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/code_execution.java b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/code_execution.java
index 9bc2a5cc..637f3d83 100644
--- a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/code_execution.java
+++ b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/code_execution.java
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void codeExecutionBasic() {
                         /* generationConfig */ null,
                         /* safetySettings */ null,
                         /* requestOptions */ new RequestOptions(),
-                        /* tools */ Collections.singletonList(Tool.Companion.getCODE_EXECUTION()));
+                        /* tools */ Collections.singletonList(Tool.CODE_EXECUTION));
         GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);
         Content inputContent =
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ void codeExecutionChat() {
                         /* generationConfig */ null,
                         /* safetySettings */ null,
                         /* requestOptions */ new RequestOptions(),
-                        /* tools */ Collections.singletonList(Tool.Companion.getCODE_EXECUTION()));
+                        /* tools */ Collections.singletonList(Tool.CODE_EXECUTION));
         GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);
         Content inputContent =
diff --git a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/controlled_generation.java b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/controlled_generation.java
index d42eee4b..17fb2889 100644
--- a/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/controlled_generation.java
+++ b/samples/src/main/java/com/google/ai/client/generative/samples/java/controlled_generation.java
@@ -21,6 +21,140 @@
 // the "Set up your API Key section" in the [Gemini API
 // quickstart](https://ai.google.dev/gemini-api/docs/quickstart?lang=android#set-up-api-key).
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.GenerativeModel;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.java.GenerativeModelFutures;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.Content;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.FunctionType;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.GenerateContentResponse;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.GenerationConfig;
+import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.Schema;
+import com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureCallback;
+import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures;
+import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
 class ControlledGeneration {
-  // TODO
+  void jsonControlledGeneration() {
+    // [START json_controlled_generation]
+    Schema<List<String>> schema =
+        new Schema(
+            /* name */ "recipes",
+            /* description */ "List of recipes",
+            /* format */ null,
+            /* nullable */ false,
+            /* list */ null,
+            /* properties */ null,
+            /* required */ null,
+            /* items */ new Schema(
+                /* name */ "recipe",
+                /* description */ "A recipe",
+                /* format */ null,
+                /* nullable */ false,
+                /* list */ null,
+                /* properties */ Map.of(
+                    "recipeName",
+                    new Schema(
+                        /* name */ "recipeName",
+                        /* description */ "Name of the recipe",
+                        /* format */ null,
+                        /* nullable */ false,
+                        /* list */ null,
+                        /* properties */ null,
+                        /* required */ null,
+                        /* items */ null,
+                        /* type */ FunctionType.STRING)),
+                /* required */ null,
+                /* items */ null,
+                /* type */ FunctionType.OBJECT),
+            /* type */ FunctionType.ARRAY);
+    GenerationConfig.Builder configBuilder = new GenerationConfig.Builder();
+    configBuilder.responseMimeType = "application/json";
+    configBuilder.responseSchema = schema;
+    GenerationConfig generationConfig = configBuilder.build();
+    // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
+    GenerativeModel gm =
+        new GenerativeModel(
+            /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-pro",
+            // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
+            // above)
+            /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey,
+            /* generationConfig */ generationConfig);
+    GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);
+    Content content = new Content.Builder().addText("List a few popular cookie recipes.").build();
+    // For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
+    Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
+    ListenableFuture<GenerateContentResponse> response = model.generateContent(content);
+    Futures.addCallback(
+        response,
+        new FutureCallback<GenerateContentResponse>() {
+          @Override
+          public void onSuccess(GenerateContentResponse result) {
+            String resultText = result.getText();
+            System.out.println(resultText);
+          }
+          @Override
+          public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+          }
+        },
+        executor);
+    // [END json_controlled_generation]
+  }
+  void json_no_schema() {
+    // [START json_no_schema]
+    GenerationConfig.Builder configBuilder = new GenerationConfig.Builder();
+    configBuilder.responseMimeType = "application/json";
+    GenerationConfig generationConfig = configBuilder.build();
+    // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
+    GenerativeModel gm =
+        new GenerativeModel(
+            /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
+            // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
+            // above)
+            /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey,
+            /* generationConfig */ generationConfig);
+    GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);
+    Content content =
+        new Content.Builder()
+            .addText(
+                "List a few popular cookie recipes using this JSON schema:\n"
+                    + "Recipe = {'recipeName': string}\n"
+                    + "Return: Array<Recipe>")
+            .build();
+    // For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
+    Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
+    ListenableFuture<GenerateContentResponse> response = model.generateContent(content);
+    Futures.addCallback(
+        response,
+        new FutureCallback<GenerateContentResponse>() {
+          @Override
+          public void onSuccess(GenerateContentResponse result) {
+            String resultText = result.getText();
+            System.out.println(resultText);
+          }
+          @Override
+          public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+          }
+        },
+        executor);
+    // [END json_no_schema]
+  }