Remember the game 2048?
The main part of this game is merging identical tiles in a row.
- Implement a function that models the process of merging all of the tile values in a single row.
- This function takes the array line as a parameter and returns a new array with the tile values from line slid towards the front of the array (index 0) and merged.
- A given tile can only merge once.
- Empty grid squares are represented as zeros.
- Your function should work on arrays containing arbitrary number of elements.
merge([2,0,2,2]) --> [4,2,0,0]
Another example with repeated merges:
merge([4,4,8,16]) --> [8,8,16,0]
merge([8,8,16,0]) --> [16,16,0,0]
merge([16,16,0,0]) --> [32,0,0,0]