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File metadata and controls

472 lines (323 loc) · 17.4 KB

MAP cross-chain service

The project includes 4 types of contracts, which are:

  1. multisig contract: owner account of map light client contract and mcs contract to avoid centralization risk
  2. mcs factory contract: factory contract to create multisig contract and mcs contract
  3. mcs contract: MAP cross chain service contract
  4. mcs token contract: NEP-141 token created by mcs contract


1. rust

Follow these instructions for setting up Rust. Then, add the wasm32-unknown-unknown toolchain which enables compiling Rust to Web Assembly (wasm), the low-level language used by the NEAR platform.

# Get Rust in linux and MacOS
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Add the wasm toolchain
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

2. near-cli

The NEAR Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that enables to interact with the NEAR network directly from the shell. Follow here for installing near-cli. Then, select the network and login with your master account.

# Install near-cli in linux and McsOS
npm install -g near-cli

# The default network for near-cli is testnet, change the network by setting NEAR_ENV
# export NEAR_ENV=mainnet

# login with your master account
near login

3. jq

Jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. Follow here to install it.

Build the contracts

Run below script to build:


5 wasm files will be generated in directory ./script/res, which are: (the first 2 files are copied from mapclients project)

  1. mcs.wasm: MAP cross chain service contract
  2. mcs_factory.wasm: factory contract to deploy and initialize the MCS contract and make MCS contract account in locked state.
  3. mcs_token.wasm: NEP-141 token contract deployed by MCS contract
  4. mock_map_client.wasm: mocked MAP light client contract which is for testing
  5. multisig.wasm: multisig contract

Deploy the contracts

1. Configure below parameters in ./scripts/

MASTER_ACCOUNT="map002.testnet" # make sure the account is already created on NEAR blockchain

# factory contract
FACTORY_NAME=mfac # the name of mcs factory contract to be created, the account ID will be $MFACTORY_NAME.$MASTER_ACCOUNT

# multisig contract
MULTISIG_NAME="multisig" # the name of multisig contract to be created, the account ID will be $MULTISIG_NAME.$MFACTORY_NAME.$MASTER_ACCOUNT
MEMBERS=(member0.map002.testnet member1.map002.testnet member2.map002.testnet)  # the multisig members list, make sure 
                                                                                # these accounts have been created on NEAR blockchain
CONFIRMS=2  # the multisig confirmation number to trigger the execution of the request
REQUEST_LOCK=5 # request cooldown period in seconds (time before a request can be executed)

# mcs contract
MCS_NAME="mcs"  # the name of mcs contract to be created, the account ID will be $MCS_NAME.$MFACTORY_NAME.$MASTER_ACCOUNT
MAP_MCS_ADDRESS="F579c89C22DAc92E9816C0b39856cA9281Bd7BE0"  # the mcs contract address on MAP relay chain
WNEAR_ACCOUNT="wrap.testnet"  # wrapped near contract account on NEAR blockchain
NEAR_CHAIN_ID=5566818579631833089  # NEAR testnet blockchain id, mainnet is 5566818579631833088
MAP_CHAIN_ID=22776  # MAP blockchain ID
CLIENT_ACCOUNT="client.fac.map002.testnet" # the account ID of the map light client contract which has already been deployed

2. Deploy factory contract, multisig contract and mcs contract, and initialize them with below command:



We can use the shell scripts in directory ./script to simplify the steps. First run below command to set environment variables:

source ./scripts/

NOTE: in the following examples we are using 2 out of 3 multisig schema.

1. Support new NEP-141 mcs token to cross chain through MCS service

    MCS_TOKEN_NAME="mcs_token_0"  # the mcs token name, the token account will be $MCS_TOKEN_NAME.$MCS_ACCOUNT
    MCS_TOKEN=$MCS_TOKEN_NAME.$MCS_ACCOUNT # mcs token account ID
    USER_ACCOUNT="map002.testnet"  # the account to deploy new mcs token contract, make sure it is created on NEAR blockchain
    # deploy mcs token contract
    ./scripts/ deploy $MCS_TOKEN_NAME $USER_ACCOUNT
    # request to set metadata by multisig member
    ./scripts/ request_and_confirm metadata $MCS_TOKEN $DECIMALS ${MEMBERS[1]}
    # the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
    # confirm the request by another member
    ./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}
    # if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
    # ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $USER_ACCOUNT
    # list mcs tokes
    ./scripts/ list

2. Allow the mcs/ft/native token to transfer to a specified target blockchain

First, we should set the chain type of target blockchain. Currently only EvmChain type is supported.

    TO_CHAIN=212 # to chain ID
    CHAIN_TYPE="EvmChain"  # to chain type
    # request to set chain type by multisig member
    ./scripts/ request_and_confirm chain_type $TO_CHAIN $CHAIN_TYPE ${MEMBERS[1]}
    # the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
    # confirm the request by another member
    ./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}
    # if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
    # ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

If you want to add target chain ID to mcs token, run below commands:

    TO_CHAIN=212 # to chain ID
    MCS_TOKEN=$MCS_TOKEN_NAME.$MCS_ACCOUNT  # mcs token account ID
    # request to add target chain ID to mcs token by multisig member
    ./scripts/ request_and_confirm add_mcs $MCS_TOKEN $TO_CHAIN ${MEMBERS[1]}
    # the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
    # confirm the request by another member
    ./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}
    # if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
    # ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT
    # view the token list to check if the chain ID is added successfully
    ./scripts/ list

If you want to add target chain ID to ft token, run below commands:

    TO_CHAIN=212 # to chain ID
    FT_TOKEN="wrap.testnet"  # ft token account ID
    # request to add target chain ID to ft token by multisig member
    ./scripts/ request_and_confirm add_ft $FT_TOKEN $TO_CHAIN ${MEMBERS[1]}
    # the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
    # confirm the request by another member
    ./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}
    # if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
    # ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT
    # view the token list to check if the chain ID is added successfully
    ./scripts/ list

If you want to add target chain ID to native token, run below commands:

    TO_CHAIN=212 # to chain ID
    # request to add target chain ID to native token by multisig member
    ./scripts/ request_and_confirm add_native $TO_CHAIN ${MEMBERS[1]}
    # the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
    # confirm the request by another member
    ./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}
    # if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
    # ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT
    # view the token list to check if the chain ID is added successfully
    ./scripts/ list

3. Transfer mcs/ft/native token to another blockchain through MCS service

Transfer mcs token to another blockchain:

    FROM="map001.testnet"  # sender account ID on NEAR blockchain
    TO="[46,120,72,116,221,179,44,215,151,93,104,86,91,80,148,18,165,181,25,244]" # address 0x2E784874ddB32cD7975D68565b509412A5B519F4 
                                                                                  # on target blockchain
    TO_CHAIN=212 # to chain ID
    MCS_TOKEN="mcs_token_0".$MCS_ACCOUNT  # mcs token account ID
    # get the token balance of the sender
    ./scripts/ balance $MCS_TOKEN $FROM
    # transfer mcs token to receiver on target chain, make sure sender has enough token
    ./scripts/ transfer $MCS_TOKEN $TO_CHAIN $FROM $TO $AMOUNT
    # get the token balance of the sender to check if the token was transferred out successfully
    ./scripts/ balance $MCS_TOKEN $FROM

Transfer ft token to another blockchain:

    FT_TOKEN="wrap.testnet"  # ft token account ID
    # get the token balance of the sender
    ./scripts/ balance $FT_TOKEN $FROM
    # transfer ft token to receiver on target chain, make sure sender has enough token
    ./scripts/ transfer $FT_TOKEN $TO_CHAIN $FROM $TO $AMOUNT
    # get the token balance of the sender to check if the token was transferred out successfully
    ./scripts/ balance $FT_TOKEN $FROM

Transfer native token to another blockchain:

    # get the token balance of the sender
    ./scripts/ balance $FROM
    # transfer native token to receiver on target chain, make sure sender has enough token
    ./scripts/ transfer $TO_CHAIN $FROM $TO $AMOUNT
    # get the token balance of the sender to check if the token was transferred out successfully
    ./scripts/ balance $FROM

Upgrade the contracts

The mcs contract and mcs token contract can be upgraded through multisig contract.

1. Upgrade mcs contract

Before upgrading mcs contract, everything (transfer in, transfer out, deposit out...) should be paused.

PAUSED_MASK=63  # pause everything

# request to pause everything by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm set_paused $PAUSED_MASK ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

Then upgrade the mcs contract code.

The first multisig member should use mcs upgrade tool to add request and confirm.

The tool output contains a link to the transaction detail. You can get the request ID from the NEAR explorer.

Other multisig member can confirm and execute the request using below command:

# the request ID can be obtained from the transaction detail in NEAR explorer
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

Set the mcs contract state if new state is added to the contract struct.

E.g, if "map_chain_id" is added, set it using below command:

MAP_CHAIN_ID="22776"  # MAP chain ID

# request to set new map light client account by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm map_chain_id $MAP_CHAIN_ID ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
#./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

Finally, unpause everything.

PAUSED_MASK=0  # unpause everything

# request to unpause everything by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm set_paused $PAUSED_MASK ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

2. Upgrade mcs token contract

NOTE: currently the script works on MacOS only.

MCS_TOKEN_WASM_FILE=/path/to/mcs/token/contract  # new mcs token contract wasm file

# request to upgrade mcs token contract by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm upgrade_mcs_token $MCS_TOKEN $MCS_TOKEN_WASM_FILE ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

3. Set new MAP light client contract account

The MCS contract supports updating the MAP light client contract account to a new one if the old one is deprecated.

Before setting new client, the transfer in function should be paused.

PAUSED_MASK=2  # pause transfer in

# request to pause transfer in by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm set_paused $PAUSED_MASK ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

Then set the new client account.

NEW_CLIENT_ACCOUNT="new_client1.testnet"  # new MAP light client account ID

# request to set new map light client account by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm set_client $NEW_CLIENT_ACCOUNT ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
#./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

Finally, unpause transfer in function.

PAUSED_MASK=0  # unpause everything

# request to unpause everything by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm set_paused $PAUSED_MASK ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT

4. Upgrade multisig contract

NOTE: currently the script works on MacOS only.

MULTISIG_WASM_FILE=/path/to/multisig/contract  # new multisig contract wasm file

# request to upgrade multisig contract by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm upgrade_multisig $MULTISIG_WASM_FILE ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT


  1. How to run unit testing?
cargo test --workspace --lib
  1. How to run integration testing?

NOTE: Before run the integration testing, make sure near sandbox exists on your computer. If not, please clone the nearcore project and run "make sandbox" to build it.

# set below environment before run tests
export NEAR_SANDBOX_BIN_PATH="/path/to/near/sandbox/bin"

cargo test