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71d4602 · Mar 13, 2023


This branch is 253 commits behind mapprotocol/map-contracts:main.


MAP light client

This is MAP blockchain light client contract, which will be deployed on NEAR blockchain. The off-chain program called maintainer submits the MAP chain block header to the light client contract per epoch and the light client will keep the validators after verifying it successfully. So that the light client can be used to verify the event happened on MAP blockchain.


1. rust

Follow these instructions for setting up Rust. Then, add the wasm32-unknown-unknown toolchain which enables compiling Rust to Web Assembly (wasm), the low-level language used by the NEAR platform.

# Get Rust in linux and MacOS
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Add the wasm toolchain
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

2. near-cli

The NEAR Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that enables to interact with the NEAR network directly from the shell. Follow here for installing near-cli. Then, select the network and login with your master account.

# Install near-cli in linux and McsOS
npm install -g near-cli

# The default network for near-cli is testnet, change the network by setting NEAR_ENV
# export NEAR_ENV=mainnet

# login with your master account
near login

3. jq

Jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. Follow here to install it.

Build the contracts

Run below script to build:


2 wasm files will be generated in directory ./script/res:

  1. map_light_client.wasm: this is the MAP light client contract
  2. map_client_factory.wasm: this is the factory contract to deploy and initialize the MAP light client contract and make the MAP light contract account in locked state.

Deploy the contracts

  1. Configure below parameters in ./scripts/
MASTER_ACCOUNT=map001.testnet # make sure the account is already created on NEAR blockchain
FACTORY_NAME=fac # the name of map client factory contract to be created, the account ID will be $FACTORY_NAME.$MASTER_ACCOUNT
CLIENT_NAME=client # the name of MAP light client contract to be created, the account ID will be $CLIENT_NAME.$FACTORY_NAME
MAP_RPC_URL=  # the RPC url of MAP blockchain
EPOCH_ID=300  # get the information of this epoch id to initialize the MAP light client contract
  1. Deploy factory contract and MAP light client contract, and initialize it with below command:

Upgrade the contract

NOTE: currently the script works on MacOS only. Below scripts is in directory ../../mos/near/.

MAP_CLIENT_WASM_FILE=/path/to/map/client/contract  # new MAP light client contract wasm file

# request to upgrade MAP light client contract by multisig member
./scripts/ request_and_confirm upgrade_map_client $MAP_CLIENT_WASM_FILE ${MEMBERS[1]}
# the request ID can be obtained from the last line of last command's output
# confirm the request by another member
./scripts/ confirm $REQUEST_ID ${MEMBERS[2]}

# if the request is not executed because of the time lock, anyone can execute it after REQUEST_LOCK time
# ./scripts/ execute $REQUEST_ID $MASTER_ACCOUNT


  1. run the unit testing
cargo test --workspace --lib
  1. run the integration testing

NOTE: Before run the integration testing, make sure near sandbox exists on your computer. If not, please clone the nearcore project and run "make sandbox" to build it.

# set below environment before run tests
export NEAR_SANDBOX_BIN_PATH="/path/to/near/sandbox/bin"

cargo test