The weak form of the steady-state pressure diffusivity equation is
\begin{align} 0 &= \int_{\partial \Omega} \lambda(\vec{x}) \delta p(\vec{x}) \nabla p(\vec{x}) \textrm{d}S - \int_{\Omega} \lambda(\vec{x}) \nabla \delta p(\vec{x}) \cdot \nabla p(\vec{x})\textrm{d}V \ &= \int_{\partial \Omega} \delta p(\vec{x}) \vec{v} \textrm{d}S - \int_{\Omega} \lambda(\vec{x}) \nabla \delta p(\vec{x}) \cdot \nabla p(\vec{x})\textrm{d}V \ &= l(\delta p) - a(p, \delta p) \end{align}
where fe_solver(number_of_elements::Integer, λ::Function, left_bc::Real, right_bc::Real)
in assignmetn16.jl. number_of_elements
are the number of finite elements to use in the discretization, λ
is the mobility (defined as a function), left_bc
and right_bc
are the constant left and right Dirchelet boundary conditions respectively. There are no Nuemann boundary conditions, i.e. Gridap
solver object (i.e. the thing returned by the solve
You should use uniformly defined elements on the one-dimensional domain
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julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.test()"
the tests will run and report if passing or failing.