- Fix rows_auto_resize in worksheet.py by removing redundant self by @MagicMc23 in burnash#1194
- Add deprecation warning for future release 6.0.x by @lavigne958 in burnash#1195
- FEATURE: show/hide gridlines (#1197) by @alifeee in burnash#1202
- CLEANUP: cleanup tox.ini, and ignore ./env by @alifeee in burnash#1200
- Refactor/update-contributing-guide by @alifeee in burnash#1206
- Spelling fix (with legacy option) by @alifeee in burnash#1210
- 457-fetch-without-hidden-worksheets by @alifeee in burnash#1207
- Add_deprecated_warning_sort_method by @lavigne958 in burnash#1198
- Update (and test for) internal properties on change by @alifeee in burnash#1211
- Feature: Add "Remove tab colour" method by @alifeee in burnash#1199
- Refresh-test-cassettes by @alifeee in burnash#1217
- update self._properties after batch_update by @alifeee in burnash#1221
- 700-fill-merged-cells by @alifeee in burnash#1215
- Fix/update-internal-properties by @alifeee in burnash#1225
- Add breaking change warning in Worksheet.update() by @lavigne958 in burnash#1226
- Bump codespell from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5 by @dependabot in burnash#1232
- Add/refresh last update time by @alifeee in burnash#1233
- Update-build-tools by @alifeee in burnash#1231
- add read the doc configuration file by @lavigne958 in burnash#1235
- update licence year by @alifeee in burnash#1237
- remove deprecated methods from tests by @alifeee in burnash#1238
- Bugfix/fix get last update time by @lavigne958 in burnash#1186
- Add batch notes insert/update/clear by @lavigne958 in burnash#1189
- Bump black from 22.10.0 to 22.12.0 by @dependabot in burnash#1154
- Bump isort from 5.10.1 to 5.11.3 by @dependabot in burnash#1155
- Bump isort from 5.11.3 to 5.11.4 by @dependabot in burnash#1157
- #1104: added a delete by worksheet id method by @muddi900 in burnash#1148
- improve CI workflow - upgrade setuptools to fix CVE by @lavigne958 in burnash#1179
- Bump codespell from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 by @dependabot in burnash#1178
- Bump bandit from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 by @dependabot in burnash#1177
- Bump black from 22.12.0 to 23.1.0 by @dependabot in burnash#1168
- Update user-guide.rst to include a warning by @alsaenko in burnash#1181
- Fixed typo in docs/user-guide.rst by @raboba2re in burnash#1182
- Bump black from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0 by @dependabot in burnash#1183
- Handle cases when rgbColor is not set by @lavigne958 in burnash#1184
- Fix: hidden property might not be set from the API by @lavigne958 in burnash#1151
- Fix dependencies required version by @lavigne958 in burnash#1147
- chore: Update outdated LICENSE year by @bluzir in burnash#1124
- add dependabot to maintain dependencies by @lavigne958 in burnash#1126
- improve trigger on CI by @lavigne958 in burnash#1134
- Bump bandit from 1.7.0 to 1.7.4 by @dependabot in burnash#1133
- cancel previous run on same ref by @lavigne958 in burnash#1135
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in burnash#1127
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in burnash#1128
- Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.10.0 by @dependabot in burnash#1132
- Bump isort from 5.9.3 to 5.10.1 by @dependabot in burnash#1131
- Bump codespell from 2.1.0 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in burnash#1130
- add named tuple for DateTimeRenderOption by @lavigne958 in burnash#1136
- Feature/copy cut paste by @lavigne958 in burnash#1138
- isSheetHidden method added to worksheet.py by @SazidAF in burnash#1140
- update parent folder for client.copy method by @lavigne958 in burnash#1123
- Fix clear_note method when using numeric boundaries by @lavigne958 in burnash#1106
- Fix a typo in the permissions:create API payload by @jiananma in burnash#1107
- Fix spreadsheet URL by @lavigne958 in burnash#1110
- Return created permission on Spreadsheet.share() by @lavigne958 in burnash#1111
- (fixed #1113) Supply correct Google API v3 permission for domains by @NickCrews in burnash#1115
- Bugfix/numericese all by @lavigne958 in burnash#1119
- @jiananma made their first contribution in burnash#1107
- @NickCrews made their first contribution in burnash#1115
- Use pathlib by @lavigne958 in burnash#1057
- Migrate to drive API V3 by @lavigne958 in burnash#1060
- Implement __eq__ method for Cell by @chisvi in burnash#1063
- Add missing documentation on set_timeout by @lavigne958 in burnash#1070
- Add method to transfer / accept ownership of a spreadsheet by @lavigne958 in burnash#1068
- Add client_factory param to auth methods by @jlumbroso in burnash#1075
- Fix list_protected_ranges by @lavigne958 in burnash#1076
- Add function to convert column letter to column index by @lavigne958 in burnash#1077
- Fix docstring name of named_range() param by @dgilman in burnash#1081
- Fix grammar in docstring for client.export by @dgilman in burnash#1080
- Many typo fixes to worksheet docstrings by @dgilman in burnash#1083
- Fix function numericise_all by @lavigne958 in burnash#1082
- Fix documentation about oauth_from_dict by @lavigne958 in burnash#1088
- inherit_from_before option for insert_row/insert_rows by @yongrenjie in burnash#1092
- add method to change the color of a tab by @lavigne958 in burnash#1095
- docs: Fix a few typos by @timgates42 in burnash#1094
- Fix typo in Worksheet.batch_format method by @lavigne958 in burnash#1101
- @chisvi made their first contribution in burnash#1063
- @jlumbroso made their first contribution in burnash#1075
- @yongrenjie made their first contribution in burnash#1092
- fix typo by @joswlv in burnash#1031
- Fix error message in get_all_records by @lavigne958 in burnash#1028
- Added feature request #1022. Auto resizing is now available for rows … by @mketer1 in burnash#1033
- add new method to hide/show a worksheet by @lavigne958 in burnash#1030
- feat: Download PDF from Spreadsheet #1035 by @100paperkite in burnash#1036
- Add test on auto_resize_columns by @lavigne958 in burnash#1039
- Add method to unmerge cells by @lavigne958 in burnash#1040
- Add method to delete a protected range by @lavigne958 in burnash#1042
- Feature/clean organize documentation by @lavigne958 in burnash#1043
- Add warning about deprecated oauth flow by @lavigne958 in burnash#1047
- Add new batch_format method. by @lavigne958 in burnash#1049
- Encode string to utf-8 when importing CSV content by @lavigne958 in burnash#1054
- @joswlv made their first contribution in burnash#1031
- @mketer1 made their first contribution in burnash#1033
- @100paperkite made their first contribution in burnash#1036
- Bugfix/black python3.10 by @lavigne958 in burnash#1020
- Automate releases by @lavigne958 in burnash#1025
- Bugfix/get all record duplicated columns by @lavigne958 in burnash#1021
- Feature/rework test cassettes recording by @lavigne958 in burnash#1004
- add method list protected ranges by @lavigne958 in burnash#1008
- Add new methods to add/list/delete dimensionGroups by @lavigne958 in burnash#1010
- Add method to hide rows/columns by @lavigne958 in burnash#1012
- Add ability to rename Spreadsheets (via a new Spreadsheet.update_title) by @jansim in burnash#1013
## New Contributors * @jansim made their first contribution in burnash#1013
- Copy comments when during spreadsheet copy by @lavigne958 in burnash#979
- Update user-guide.rst by @maky-hnou in burnash#980
- merge setup test cassettes by @lavigne958 in burnash#982
- Feature/add header validation get all records by @lavigne958 in burnash#984
- Add timeout to client by @lavigne958 in burnash#987
- Feature/update timezone and locale by @lavigne958 in burnash#989
- Feature/make case comparison in find by @lavigne958 in burnash#990
- Updated API rate limits by @hvinayan in burnash#993
- Feature/prevent insert row to sheet with colon by @lavigne958 in burnash#992
## New Contributors * @maky-hnou made their first contribution in burnash#980 * @hvinayan made their first contribution in burnash#993
- Fix documentation about oauth (#975 by @lavigne958)
- Codespell skip docs build folder (#962 by @lavigne958)
- Update contributing guidelines (#964 by @lavigne958)
- Add oauth from dict (#967 by @lavigne958)
- Update README.md to include badges (#970 by @lavigne958)
- Add new method to get all values as a list of Cells (#968 by @lavigne958)
- automatic conversion of a cell letter to uppercase (#972 by @Burovytskyi)
- Fix a typo in HISTORY.rst (#904 by @TurnrDev)
- Fix typo and fix return value written in docstrings (#903 by @rariyama)
- Add deprecation warning for delete_row method in documentation (#909 by @javad94)
- split files models.py and test.py (#912 by @lavigne958)
- parent 39d1ecb59ca3149a8f46094c720efab883a0dc11 author Christian Clauss <[email protected]> 1621149013 +0200 commit
ter Christian Clauss <[email protected]> 1630103641 +0200 (#869 by @cclaus)
- Enable code linter in CI (#915 by @lavigne958)
- isort your imports (again), so you don't have to (#914 by @cclaus)
- lint_python.yml: Try 'tox -e py' to test current Python (#916 by @cclaus)
- Add more flake8 tests (#917 by @cclaus)
- Update test suite (#918 by @cclaus)
- Avoid IndexError when row_values() returns an empty row (#920 by @cclaus)
- Bugfix - remove wrong argument in batch_update docstring (#912 by @lavigne958)
- Improvement - Add Worksheet.index property (#922 by @lavigne958)
- Add ability to create directory if it does not exist before saving the credentials to disk. (#925 by @benhoman)
- Update test framework and VCR and cassettes (#926 by @lavigne958)
- Delete .travis.yml (#928 by @cclaus)
- Update tox.ini with all linting commands under lint env (by @lavigne958)
- Build package and docs in CI (#930 by @lavigne958)
- Update oauth2.rst (#933 by @amlestin)
- Update the link to the Google Developers Console (#934 by @Croebh)
- allow tests to run on windows, add and improve tests in WorksheetTests, add test on unbounded range, use canonical range as specified in the API, add test cassettes, prevent InvalidGridRange, improve code formatting (#937 by @Fendse)
- fix fully qualified class names in API documentation (#944 by @geoffbeier)
- fix editor_users_emails - get only from list not all users added to spreadsheet (#939 by @Lukasz)
- add shadow method to get a named range from a speadsheet instance (#941 by @lavigne958)
- auto_resize_columns (#948 by @FelipeSantos75)
- add functions for defining, deleting and listing named ranges (#945 by @p-doyle)
- Implement open sheet within Drive folder (#951 by @datavaluepeople)
- Fix get range for unbounded ranges (#954 by @lavigne958)
- remove potential I/O when reading spreadsheet title (956 by @lavigne958)
- Add include_values_in_response to append_row & append_rows (#957 by @martimarkov)
- replace raw string "ROWS" & "COLUMNS" to Dimension named tuple, replace raw string "FORMATTED_VALUE", "UNFORMATTED_VALUE", "FORMULA" to ValueRenderOption named tuple, replace raw string "RAW", "USER_ENTERED" to ValueInputOption named tuple (#958 by @ccppoo)
- Do not overwrite original value when trying to convert to a number (#902 by @lavigne958)
- Changed Worksheet.find() method returns None if nothing is found (#899 by @GastonBC)
- Add Worksheet.batch_clear() to clear multiple ranges. (#897 by @lavigne958)
- Fix copy_permission argument comparison in Client.copy() method (#898 by @lavigne958)
- Allow creation of spreadhsheets in a shared drive (#895 by @lavigne958)
- Allow gspread.oauth() to accept a custom credential file (#891 by @slmtpz)
- Update tox.ini, remove python2 from env list (#887 by @cclaus)
- Add SpreadSheet.get_worksheet_by_id() method (#857 by @a-crovetto)
- Fix store_credentials() when authorized_user_filename is passed (#884 by @neuenmuller)
- Remove python2 (#879 by @lavigne958)
- Use Makefile to run tests (#883 by @lavigne958)
- Update documentation Authentication:For End Users using OAuth Client ID (#835 by @ManuNaEira)
- Allow fetching named ranges from Worksheet.range() (#809 by @agatti)
- Update README to only mention python3.3+ (#877 by @lavigne958)
- Fetch creation and lastUpdate time from SpreadSheet on open (#872 by @lavigne958)
- Fix bug with Worksheet.insert_row() with value_input_option argument (#873 by @elijabesu)
- Fix typos in doc and comments (#868 by @cclauss)
- Auto cast numeric values from sheet cells to python int or float (#866 by @lavigne958)
- Add Worksheet.get_values() method (#775 by @burnash)
- Allow gspread.oauth() to accept a custom filename (#847 by @bastienboutonnet)
- Document dictionary credentials auth (#860 by @dmytrostriletskyi)
- Add Worksheet.get_note() (#855 by @water-ghosts )
- Add steps for creating new keys (#856 by @hanzala-sohrab)
- Add folder_id argument to Client.copy() (#851 by @punnerud)
- Fix typos in docstrings (#848 by @dgilman)
- Add Worksheet.insert_note(), Worksheet.update_note(), Worksheet.clear_note() (#818 by @lavigne958)
- Update documentation: oauth2.rst (#836 by @Prometheus3375)
- Documentation fixes (#838 by @jayeshmanani)
- Documentation fixes (#845 by @creednaylor)
- Add Worksheet.insert_cols() (#802 by @AlexeyDmitriev)
- Documentation fixes (#814 by @hkuffel)
- Update README.md (#811 by @tasawar-hussain)
- Add value_render_option parameter to Worksheet.get_all_records() (#776 by @damgad)
- Remove requests from install_requires (#801)
- Simplify implementation of Worksheet.insert_rows() (#799 by @AlexeyDmitriev)
- Add auth.service_account_from_dict() (#785 b7 @mahenzon)
- Fix ValueRange.from_json() (#791 by @erakli)
- Update documentation: oauth2.rst (#794 by @elnjensen)
- Update documentation: oauth2.rst (#789 by @Takur0)
- Allow auth to be None. Fix #773 (#774 by @lepture)
- Add Worksheet.insert_rows() (#734 by @tr-fi)
- Add Worksheet.copy_to() (#758 by @JoachimKoenigslieb)
- Add ability to create a cell instance using A1 notation (#765 by @tivaliy)
- Add auth.service_account() (#768)
- Add Authlib usage (#552 by @lepture)
- Simplified OAuth2 flow (#762)
- Fix Worksheet.delete_rows() index error (#760 by @rafa-guillermo)
- Deprecate Worksheet.delete_row() (#766)
- Scope Worksheet.find() to a specific row or a column (#739 by @alfonsocv12)
- Add Worksheet.add_protected_range() #447 (#720 by @KesterChan01)
- Add ability to fetch cell address in A1 notation (#763 by @tivaliy)
- Add Worksheet.delete_columns() (#761 by @rafa-guillermo)
- Ignore numericising specific columns in get_all_records (#701 by @benjamindhimes)
- Add option
when creating a spreadsheet (#754 by @Abdellam1994) - Add insertDataOption to Worksheet.append_row() and Worksheet.append_rows() (#719 by @lobatt)
- Fix Python 2 SyntaxError in models.py #751 (#752)
- Fix TypeError when using gspread in google colab (#750)
- Remove oauth2client in favor of google-auth #472, #529 (#637 by @BigHeadGeorge)
- Convert oauth2client credentials to google-auth (#711 by @aiguofer)
- Remove unnecessary login() from gspread.authorize
- Fix sheet name quoting issue (#554, #636, #716):
- Add quotes to worksheet title for get_all_values (#640 by @grlbrwrg, #717 by @zynaxsoft)
- Escaping title containing single quotes with double quotes (#730 by @vijay-shanker)
- Use utils.absolute_range_name() to handle range names (#748)
- Fix numericise(): add underscores test to work in python2 and <python3.6 (#622 by @epicfaace)
- Add supportsAllDrives to Drive API requests (#709 by @justinr1234)
- Add Worksheet.merge_cells() (#713 by @lavigne958)
- Improve Worksheet.merge_cells() and add merge_type parameter (#742 by @aiguofer)
- Add Worksheet.sort() (#639 by @kirillgashkov)
- Add ability to reorder worksheets #570 (#571 by @robin900)
- Add Spreadsheet.reorder_worksheets()
- Add Worksheet.update_index()
- Add test_update_cell_objects (#698 by @ogroleg)
- Add Worksheet.append_rows() (#556 by @martinwarby, #694 by @fabytm)
- Add Worksheet.delete_rows() (#615 by @deverlex)
- Add Python 3.8 to Travis CI (#738 by @artemrys)
- Speed up Client.open() by querying files by title in Google Drive (#684 by @aiguofer)
- Add freeze, set_basic_filter and clear_basic_filter methods to Worksheet (#574 by @aiguofer)
- Use Drive API v3 for creating and deleting spreadsheets (#573 by @aiguofer)
- Implement value_render_option in get_all_values (#648 by @mklaber)
- Set position of a newly added worksheet (#688 by @djmgit)
- Add url properties for Spreadsheet and Worksheet (#725 by @CrossNox)
- Update docs: "APIs & auth" menu deprecation, remove outdated images in oauth2.rst (#706 by @manasouza)
- Support old and new collections.abc.Sequence in utils (#745 by @timgates42)
- Added Spreadsheet.values_batch_update() (#731)
- Added:
- Worksheet.get()
- Worksheet.batch_get()
- Worksheet.update()
- Worksheet.batch_update()
- Worksheet.format()
- Added more parameters to Worksheet.append_row() (#719 by @lobatt, #726)
- Fix usage of client.openall when a title is passed in (#572 by @aiguofer)
- Fixed gspread.utils.cell_list_to_rect() on non-rect cell list (#613 by @skaparis)
- Fixed sharing from Team Drives (#646 by @wooddar)
- Fixed KeyError in list comprehension in Spreadsheet.remove_permissions() (#643 by @wooddar)
- Fixed typos in docstrings and a docstring type param (#690 by @pedrovhb)
- Clarified supported Python versions (#651 by @hugovk)
- Fixed the Exception message in APIError class (#634 by @lordofinsomnia)
- Fixed IndexError in Worksheet.get_all_records() (#633 by @AivanF)
- Added Spreadsheet.values_batch_get() (#705 by @aiguofer)
- Dropped Python 2.6 support
- Fixed KeyError in urllib.quote in Python 2 (#605, #558)
- Fixed Worksheet.title being out of sync after using update_title (#542 by @ryanpineo)
- Fix parameter typos in docs (#616 by @bryanallen22)
- Miscellaneous docs fixes (#604 by @dgilman)
- Fixed typo in docs (#591 by @davidefiocco)
- Added a method to copy spreadsheets (#625 by @dsask)
- Added with_link attribute when sharing / adding permissions (#621 by @epicfaace)
- Added ability to duplicate a worksheet (#617)
- Change default behaviour of numericise function #499 (#502 by @danthelion)
- Added stacklevel=2 to deprecation warnings
- Fixed #538 (#553 by @ADraginda)
- This version drops Google Sheets API v3 support.
- API v4 was the default backend since version 2.0.0.
- All v4-related code has been moved from gspread.v4 module to gspread module.
- Fixed #533 (#534 by @reallistic)
- URL encode the range in the value_* functions (#530 by @aiguofer)
- Open team drive sheets by name (#527 by @ryantuck)
- Fixed #518
- Include v4 in setup.py
- Fetch all spreadsheets in Spreadsheet.list_spreadsheet_files (#522 by @aiguofer)
Ported the library to Google Sheets API v4.
This is a transition release. The v3-related code is untouched, but v4 is used by default. It is encouraged to move to v4 since the API is faster and has more features.
API v4 is a significant change from v3. Some methods are not backward compatible, so there's no support for this compatibility in gspread either.
These methods and properties are not supported in v4:
- Spreadsheet.updated
- Worksheet.updated
- Worksheet.export()
- Cell.input_value
- Remove deprecated HTTPError
- Fixed error when inserting permissions #431
- Added spreadsheet sharing functionality
- Added csv import
- Fixed bug where list of sheets isn't cleared on refetch #429, #386
- Fixed a missing return value in utils.a1_to_rowcol
- Fixed url parsing in Client.open_by_url
- Added updated property to Spreadsheet objects
- Added method to create blank spreadsheets #253
- Added method to clear worksheets #156
- Added method to delete a row in a worksheet #337
- Changed Worksheet.range method to accept integers as coordinates #142
- Added default_blank parameter to Worksheet.get_all_records #423
- Use xml.etree.cElementTree when available to reduce memory usage #348
- Fixed losing input_value data from following cells in Worksheet.insert_row #338
- Deprecated Worksheet.get_int_addr and Worksheet.get_addr_int in favour of utils.a1_to_rowcol and utils.rowcol_to_a1 respectively
- Fix exception format to support Python 2.6
- Use request session's connection pool in HTTPSession
- Removed deprecated ClientLogin
Use Python requests instead of the native HTTPConnection object
Optimized row_values and col_values
Optimized row_values and col_values Removed the _fetch_cells call for each method. This eliminates the adverse effect on runtime for large worksheets.
Fixes #285, #190, #179, and #113
Optimized row_values and col_values Removed the _fetch_cells call for each method. This eliminates the adverse effect on runtime for large worksheets.
Fixes #285, #190, #179, and #113
Altered insert_row semantics to utilize range This avoids issuing one API request per cell to retrieve the Cell objects after the insertion row. This provides a significant speed-up for insertions at the beginning of large sheets.
Added mock tests for Travis (MockSpreadsheetTest)
Fixed XML header issue with Python 3
Fixed Worksheet.export function and associated test
Added spreadsheet feed helper
Add CellNotFound to module exports Fixes #88
Fixed utf8 encoding error caused by duplicate XML declarations
Fixed AttributeError when URLError caught by HTTPError catch block Fixes #257
Added __iter__ method to Spreadsheet class
Fixed export test
Switched tests to oauth
- Deprecation warning for ClientLogin #210
- Redirect github pages to ReadTheDocs
- Bugfixes
- Output error response #219 #170 #194.
- Added instructions on how to get oAuth credentials to docs.
- Fixed issue with Spreadsheet.del_worksheet.
- Automatically refresh OAuth2 token when it has expired.
- Added an insert_row method to Worksheet.
- Moved docs to Read The Docs.
- Added the numeric_value attribute to Cell.
- Added title property to Spreadsheet.
- Support for exporting worksheets.
- Added row selection for keys in Worksheet.get_all_records.
- Fixed version not available for read-only spreadsheets bug
- Added OAuth2 support
- Fixed regression bug #130. Not every POST needs If-Match header
- New Google Sheets support.
- Fixed get_all_values() on empty worksheet.
- Bugfix in get_int_addr().
- Changed the HTTP connectivity from urllib to httlib for persistent http connections.
- Support for deleting worksheets from a spreadsheet.
- Couple of bugfixes.
- Bugfix in Python 3.
- Python 3 support.
- Enter the Docs.
- New skinnier login method.
- Pypi install bugfix.
- Batch cells update.
New spreadsheet open methods:
- Client.open_by_key
- Client.open_by_url
- Got rid of the wrapper.
- Support for pluggable http session object.
- Hacked a wrapper around Google's Python client library.