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What we are concerned about today: the problem(s) we want to solve. What we are going to do, the tools that we are going to use. The example that we are going to consider.

Making a package

Reusing a package across analyses

Virtual environments

Sharing a package

You now have a python package that you can use independently in your analyses. This package lives somehwere in your system (the tstools/) directory and your can install it in a project’s virtualenv using setuptools (pip install).

We now look at ways your can share your package with people interested in using your pkg. This includes yourself.

Sharing means making it straightforward to both

  • Obtain the source code
  • Install and use the package

In practice this means that anyone will be able to “pip install” your package:

pip install tstools


  • package
  • project
  • analysis
  • virtual environement


In this workshop, you are going to learn how to organise your Python software into packages. Doing so, you will be able to

  • Have your software clearly organised in a way that is standard among Python developpers, making your software easier to understand, test and debug.
  • Reuse your code across your research projects and analyses. No more copying and pasting blocks of code around: implement and test things once.
  • Easily share your software, making everybody (including yourself) able to pip install your package!

The plan is the following: we are going to start from a couple of rather messy python scripts and gradually transform them into a full-blown python package. At the end of this workshop, you’ll know:

  • What is a Python package and how to create one (and why!).
  • How to share your packages across several of your projects.
  • Maintain packages independantly from your research projects and analyses.
  • What are virtual environments and how to use them to install different versions of a package for different analyses.
  • How to share your package on the Python Package Index (PyPI), effectively making it straightforward for anyone to install your package with the pip package manager (and much more!).
  • Where to go next.

Sounds interesting? Good! Get a cup of your favorite beverage and let’s get started.

Materials for this course

This course assumes that you have a local copy of the materials repository. To make it, you can simply clone the repository using git:

git clone

For non-git users, you can visit and download the materials as a ZIP archive (“code” green button on the top right corner).

Two scripts to analyse a timeseries

Our starting point for this workshop is the scripts and You’ll find them in the scripts/ directory at the root of the repository.

Both scripts perform operations on a timeseries, a sequence of numbers indexed by time. This timeseries is located in analysis1/data/brownian.csv and describes the (simulated) one-dimensional movement of a particle undergoing brownian motion.


The first column contains the various times when the particle’s position was recorded, and the second column the corresponding position.

Let’s have a quick overview of these scripts, but don’t try to understand the details, it is irrelevant to the present workshop. Instead, let’s briefly describe their structure.

Overview of

After reading the timeseries from the file brownian.csv, this script does three things:

  • It computes the average value of the particle’s position over time and the standard deviation, which gives a measure of the spread around the average value.
  • It plots the particle’s position as a function of time from the initial time until 50 time units.
  • Lastly, it computes and plots the histogram of the particle’s position over the entirety of the timeseries. In addition, the theoritical histogram is computed and drawn as a continuous line on top of the measured histogram. For this, a function get_theoritical_histogram is defined, resembling the numpy function histogram.

You’re probably familiar with this kind of script, in which several independant operations are performed on a single dataset. It is the typical output of some “back of the enveloppe”, exploratory work so common in research. Taking a step back, these scripts are the reason why high-level languages like Python are so popular among scientists and researchers: got some data and want to quickly get some insight into it? Let’s just jot down a few lines of code and get some numbers, figures and… ideas!

Whilst great for short early research phases, this “back of the enveloppe scripting” way of working can quickly backfire if maintained over longer periods of time, perhaps even over your whole research project. Going back to, consider the following questions:

  • What would you do if you wanted to plot the timeseries over the last 50 time units instead of the first 50?
  • What would you do if you wanted to visualise the Probablity Density Function (PDF) instead of the histogram (effectively passing the optional argument density=true to numpy.histogram).
  • What would you do if you were given a similar dataset to brownian.csv and asked to compute the mean, compute the histogram along with other things not implemented in ?

In the interest of time, you are likely to end up modifying some specific lines (to compute the PDF instead of the histogram for example), or/and copy and paste of lot of code. Whilst convenience on a short term basis, is it going to be increasingly difficult to understand your script, track its purpose, and test that its results are correct. Three months later, facing a smilar dataset, would you not be tempted to rewrite things from scratch? It doesn’t have to be this way! As you’re going to learn in this ourse, organising your Python software into packages alleviates most of these issues.

Overview of

Contrarily to, the script has one purpose: to produce a figure displaying the full timeseries (the particle’s position as a function of time from the initial recorded time to the final recorded time) and to hightlight extreme fluctuations: the rare events when the particle’s position is above a given value threshold.

The script starts by reading the data and setting the value of the threshold:

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/brownian.csv", delimiter=",")
threshold = 2.5

The rest of the script is rather complex and its discussion is irrelevant to this course. Let’s just stress that it exhibits the same pitfalls than

Separating methods from parameters and data

Roughly speaking, a numerical experiment is made of three components:

  • The data (dataset, or parameters of simulation).
  • The operations performed on this data.
  • The output (numbers, plots).

As we saw, scripts, and mix the three above components into a single .py file, making the analysis difficult (sometimes even risky!) to modify and test. Re-using part of the code means copying and pasting blocks of code out of their original context, which is a dangerous practice.

In both scripts, the operations performed on the timeseries brownian.csv are independant from it, and could very well be applied to another timeseries. In this workshop, we’re going to extract these operations (computing the mean, the histogram, visualising the extremes…), and formulate them as Python functions, grouped by theme inside modules, in a way that can be reused across similar analyses. We’ll then bundle these modules into a Python package that will make it straightfoward to share them across different analysis, but also with other people.

A script using our package could look like this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import my_pkg

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/my_timeseries.csv", delimiter=",")

mean, var = my_pkg.get_mean_and_var(timeseries)

fig, ax = my_pkg.get_pdf(timeseries)

threshold = 3*np.sqrt(var)
fig, ax = my_pkg.show_extremes(timeseries, threshold)

Compare the above to it is much shorter and easier to read. The actual implementation of the various operations (computing the mean and variance, computing the histogram…) is now encapsulated inside the package my_pkg. All that remains are the actual steps of the analysis.

If we were to make changes to the way some operations are implemented, we would simply make changes to the package, leaving the scripts unmodified. This reduces the risk of messing of introducing errors in your analysis, when all what you want to do is modyfying some opearation of data. The changes are then made available to all the programs that use the package: no more copying and pasting code around.

Taking a step back, the idea of separating different components is pervasive in software developemt and software design. Different names depending on the field (encapsulation, separation of concerns, bounded contexts…).

Making a python package

From scripts to modules

Functions, modules, packages

  • functions, classes
def add(a,b):
    return a+b
  • modules Collection of python objects (classes, functions, variables)
from operations import add
# "From file (or module) import object add"

result = add(1,2)
  • packages Collection of modules (.py files)
from calculator.operations import add
from calculator.representations import hexa

a = hexa(1)
b = hexa(2)

result = add(a,b)

Activity 1 - Turning scripts into a collection of functions

Let’s rewrite both scripts scripts/ and scripts/ as a collection of functions that can be reused in separate scripts.

The directory analysis1/tstools/ contains 3 python modules that contain (incomplete) functions performing the same operations on data described in the original scripts and

  1. Open and complete function get_mean_and_var (replace the string "######").
  2. Open file and complete functions plot_trajectory_subset and plot_histogram (replace the strings "######").

Hint: Use scripts/ as a reference.

The file tstools/ implements a function show_extremes corresponding to script It is already complete.

The tstools package

We now have a tstools directory with 3 modules:

In a way, the directory tstools is already a package, in the sense that it is possible to import functions from the modules:

import numpy as np

import tstools.moments
from tstools.vis import plot_histogram

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/brownian.csv", delimiter=",")

mean, var = tstools.moments.get_mean_and_var(timeseries)
fig, ax = tstools.vis.plot_histogram(timeseries)

Let’s try to import the package as a whole:

import numpy as np

import tstools

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/brownian.csv", delimiter=",")

mean = tstools.moments.get_mean_and_var(timeseries)
$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'tstools' has no attribute 'moments'

What happened here? When importing the directory tstools, the python interpreter looks for a file named inside this directory and imports this python file. If this python file is empty, or simply doesnt exists… nothing is imported.

In the following section we add some import statements into the so that all our functions (in the three modules) ar available under the single namespae tstools.

init dot pie

Whenever you import a directory, Python will look for a file at the root of this directory, and, if found, will import it. It is the presence of this initialization file that truly makes the tstools directory a Python package[fn:1].

As a first example, let’s add the following code to

# tstools/
from os.path import basename
filename = basename(__file__)
print(f"Hello from {filename}")

If we now import the tstools package:

import tstools
Hello from

The lesson here is that any object (variable, function, class) defined in the file is available under the package’s namespace.

Activity 2 - Bringing all functions under a single namespace

Our package isn’t very big, and the internal strucure with 3 different modules isn’t very relevant for a user.

  1. Write the so that all functions defined in modules and are accessible directly at the top-lvel (under the tstools namespace), i.e
    import tstools
    mean, var = tstools.get_mean_and_var(timeseries) # instead of mean, var = tstools.moments.get_mean_and_var(...)
    fig, ax = tstools.show_extremes(timeseries, 4*np.sqrt(var)) # instead of fig, ax = tstools.vis.show_extremes(...)

    Hint: By default python looks for modules in the current directory and some other locations (more about that later). When using import, you can refer to modules in the current package using the dot notation:

    # import something from module that resides
    # in the current package (next to the
    from .module import something

Using the package

Our package is now ready to be used in our analysis, and an analysis scripts could look like this:

# analysis1/
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tstools

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/brownian.csv", delimiter=",")

mean, var = tstools.get_mean_and_var(timeseries)

fig, ax = tstools.plot_histogram(timeseries, nbins=100)

threshold = 3*np.sqrt(var)
fig, ax = tstools.show_extremes(timeseries, threshold)

Note that the above does the job for both scripts scripts/ and scripts/! Much better don’t you think?

Whats the value of any empty ?

Note: objets defined in are avaialbe when importing the pacakge

mysymbol = "something"
from tstools.tstools import get_mean_and_var
# this prints "something" but mysymbol is not
# accessible from tstools' namespace

Part 2 - using the package across analyses

Another analysis

Let’s say that we have another directory analysis2, that contains another but similar dataset to analysis1/data/brownian.csv. Now that we’ve structured our software into a python package, we would like to reuse that package for our second analysis.

In the directory analysis2/, let’s simply write a script, that imports the tstools package created in the previous section.

# analysis2/
import numpy as np

import tstools

timeseries = np.genfromtxt("./data/data_analysis2.csv", delimiter=",")
fig, ax = tstools.plot_trajectory_subset(timeseries, 0, 50)
$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 10, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 5, in main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tstools'

At the moment lives in the directory analysis1/, and, unfortunately, Python cannot find it! How can we tell Python where our package is?

Where does python look for packages?

When using the import statement, the python interpreter looks for the package (or module) in a list of directories known as the python path.

Let’s find out about what directories constitute the python path:

$ python
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.8', '/usr/lib/python3.8/lin-dynload', '/home/thibault/python-workshop-venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/']

The order of this list matters: it is the order in which python looks into the directories that constitute the python path. To begin with, Python first looks in the current directory. If the package/module isn’t found there, the python intepreter looks in the following directories (in this order):

  • /usr/lib/
  • /usr/lib/python3.8
  • /usr/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload

The above contain the modules and packages in the standard library, i.e the packages and modules that come “pre-installed” with Python. Finally, the python interpreter looks inside the directory /home/thibault/python-workshop-venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/.

The output of sys.path is probaby different on your machine. It depends on many factors, like your operating system, your version of Python, the location of your current active Python environment.

For Python to find out package tstools it must be located in one of the directories listed in the sys.path list. If it is the case, the package is said to be installed.

Looking back at the example in the previous section, let’s list some potential workarounds for the tstools package to be importable in analysis2/.:

  1. Copy (~analysis1/tstools/~) in ~analysis2/~. You end up with two independant packages. If you make changes to one, you have to remember to make the same changes to the other. It’s the usual copy and paste problems: inefficient and error-prone.
  2. Add ~analysis1/~ to ~sys.path~. At the beginning of, you could just add
    import sys

    This approach can be sufficient in some situations, but generally not recommended. What if the package directory is relocated?

  3. Copy ~analysis1/tstools~ directory to the ~site-packages/~ directory. You have to know where the site-packages is. This depends on your current system and python environment (see below). The location on your macine may very well be differnt from the location on your colleague’s machine.

More generally, the three above approaches overlook a very important point: dependencies. Our package has two: numpy and matplotlib. If you were to give your package to a colleague, nothing guarantees that they have both packages installed. This is a pedagogical example, as it is likely that they would have both installed, given the popularity of these packages. However, if your package relies on less widespread packages, specific versions of them or maybe a long list of packages, it is important to make sure that they are available.

Note that all three above approaches work. However, unless you have a good reason to use one of them, they are not recommended for the reasons above. In the next section, we look at the recommended way to install a package, using setuptools and pip.

pip and setuptools

The recommended way to install a package is to use the setuptools library in conjunction with pip, the official python package manager. Effectively, this approach is roughly equivalent to copying the package to the site-packages directory, expect that the process in automated.


Pip is the de facto package manager for Python packages. It’s main job is to install, remove, upgrade, configure and manage Python packages, both available locally on your machine but also hosted on on the Python Package Index (PyPI). Pip is maintained by the Python Packaging Authority.

Installing a package with pip looks like this

pip install <package directory>

let’s give it a try

# In directory analysis1/
pip install ./tstools

The above doesn’t really look like our package got installed properly. For pip to be able to install our package, we must first give it some information about it. In fact, pip expects to find a python file named in the directory that it is given as an argument. This file will contain some metadata about the package and tell pip the location of the actual source of the package. (setup dot pie) and distribution packages

The file is a regular Python file that makes a call to the setup function available in the setuptools package.

Let’s have a look at a minimal file for our tstools package:

 from setuptools import setup

	description='A package to analyse timeseries',
	author='Spam Eggs',
	install_requires = ["numpy, matplotlib, scipy"],

The above gives pip some metadata about our package: its version, a short description, its authors, ad its license. It also provides information regarding the dependencies of our package, i.e numpy and matplotlib. In addition, it gives setup the location of the package to be installed, in this case the directory tstools.

IMPORTANT: The above states (...,package=["tstools"],...). In English, this means “setuptools, please install the package tstools/ located in the same directory as the file”. This therefore assumes that the file resides in the directory that contains the package, in this case analysis1/.


Actually, there are no reasons for our tstools package to be located in the analysis1/ directory. Indeed, the package is independant from this specific analysis, and we want to share it among multiple analyses.

To reflect this, let’s move the tstools package into a new directory tstools-dist located next to the anaylis1 and analysis2 directories:


The directory tstools-dist is a distribution package, containing the file and the package itself - the tstools directory. These are the two minimal ingredients required to distribute a package, see section * Building python distributions.

Activity 3 - Installing tsools with pip

  1. Write a new file in directory tstools-dist including the following metadata:
    • The name of the package (could be tstools but also could be anything else)
    • The version of the package (for example 0.1)
    • A one-line description
    • Your name as the author
    • Your email
    • The GPLv3 license

    Hint: A list of optional keywords for setuptools.setup can be found here.

  2. *Un*install numpy and matplotlib
    pip uninstall numpy matplotlib

    Make sure pip points to your current virtual environment (you can check this by typing pip --version. Particularly, if admin rights are necessary to uninstall and install packages, you’re probably using pip in your global Python environment. To make sure that you run the correct pip for your correct Python environment, run python -m pip <pip command> instead of pip <pip command>

  3. Install the tstools package with pip. Remember: pip install <location of setup file> Notice how numpy and matplotlib are automatically downloaded (can you find from where?) and installed.
  4. Move to the directory analysis2/ and check that you can import your package from there. Where is this package located? Hint: You can check the location a package using the __file__ attribute.
  5. The directory analysis2 contains a timeseries under data/. What is the average value of the timeseries?

Congratulations! Your tstools package is now installed can be reused across your analyses… no more dangerous copying and pasting!

Maintaining your package

In the previous section you made your package “pip installable” by creating a file. You then installed the package, effectively making accessible between different analysis directories.

However, a package is never set in stone: as you work on your analyses, you will almost certainly likely make changes to it, for instance to add functionalities or to fix bugs.

You could just reinstall the package each time you make a modification to it, but this obviously becomes tedious if you are constantly making changes (maybe to hunt down a bug) and/or testing your package. In addition, you may simply forget to reinstall your package, leading to potentially very frustrating and time-consuming errors.

Editable installs

pip has the ability to install the package in a so-called “editable” mode. Instead of copying your package to the package installation location, pip will just write a link to your package directory. In this way, when importing your package, the python interpreter is redirected to your package project directory.

To install your package in editable mode, use the -e option for the install command:

# In directory tstools-dist/
pip install -e .

Actvity 4 - Editable install

  1. Uninstall the package with pip uninstall tstools
  2. List all the installed packages and check that tstools is not among them Hint: Use pip --help to get alist of available pip commands.
  3. re-install tstools in editable mode.
  4. Modify the tstools.vis.plot_trajectory_subset so that it returns the maximum value over the trajectory subset, in addition to the figure and axis. Hint: You can use the numpy function amax to find the maximum of an array.
  5. What is the maximum value of the timeseries in analysis1/data/timeseries1.csv between t=0 and t = 4 ?

In editable mode, pip install just write a file <package-name>.egg-link at the package installation location in place of the actual package. This file contains the location of the package in your package project directory:

cat ~/python-workshop-venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tstools.egg-link

Summary and break

  • In order to reuse our package across different analyses, we must install it. In effect, this means copying the package into a directory that is in the python path. This shouldn’t be done manually, but instead using the setuptools package to write a file that is then processed by the pip install command.
  • It would be both cumbersome and error-prone to have to reinstall the package each time we make a change to it (to fix a bug for instance). Instead, the package can be installed in “editable” mode using the pip install -e command. This just redirects the python interpreter to your project directory.
  • The main value of packaging software is to facilitate its reuse across different projects. One you have extracted the right operations into a package that is independent of your analysis, you can easily “share” it between projects. In this way you avoid inefficient and dangerous duplication of code.

Beyond greatly facilitating code reuse, writing a python package (as opposed to a loosely organised collection of modules) enables a clear organisation of your software into modules and possibly sub-packages. It makes it much easier for others, as well as yourself, to understand the structure of your software, i.e what-does-what.

Moreover, organising your python software into a package gives you access to a myriad of fantastic tools used by thousands of python developers everyday. Examples include pytest for automated testing, sphinx for building you documentation, tox for automation of project-level tasks.

Next, we’ll talk about python virtual environments. But before, fancy a little break?


Intermezzo: Python virtual environments

Installing different versions of a package

In the previous section you learned how to share a package across several projects, or analyses. However, as your package and analyses evolve asynchronously, it is likely that you will reach a point when you’d like different analyses to use different versions of your package, or different versions of third-party packages that your analysis rely on.

The question is then: how to install two different versions of a same package? And the (short) answer is: you cannot.

If you type pip install numpy==1.18, pip first looks for a version of numpy already installed (in the site-packages/ directory). If it finds a different version, say 1.19, pip will uninstall it and install numpy 1.18 instead.

This limitation is very inconvenient, and is the raison d’être for virtual environments, which we disuss next.

Virtual environments

Roughly speaking, the python executable /some_dir/lib/pythonX.Y/bin/python and the package installation location /some_dir/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/ consitute what is commonly referred to as the python environment.

If you cannot install different versions of a package in a single environment, let’s have multiple environments! This is the core idea of python virtual environments. Whenever a python virtual environment my_env is activated, the python command points to a python executable that is unique to this environment (my-env/lib/pythonX.Y/bin/python), with a unique package installation location specific to this environment (my_env/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages).

Activity 4 - Virtual environments

  1. Move to the analysis1/ directory and create a virtual environment there:
    cd python-packaging-workshop/analysis1/
    python -m venv venv-analysis1

    This commands creates a new directory venv-analysis1 in the current directory. Feel free to explore its contents.

  2. Activate the virtual envoronment for analysis1
    source venv-analysis1/bin/activate # GNU/Linux and MacOS
    venv-analysis1\Scripts\activate.bat # Windows command prompt
    venv-analysis1\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Windows PowerShell
  3. What is the location of the current python executable? Hint: The built-in python package sys provides a variable executable.
  4. Use pip list to list the currently installed packages. Note that your package and its dependencies have disappeared, and only the core python packages are installed. We effectively have a “fresh” python environment.
  5. Update pip and install utility packages
    pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  6. Move to the the tstools-dist distribution package directory and install it into the current environment:
    pip install .
  7. Where was the package installed? Hint: When importing package package in python, use package.__file__ to check the location of the corresponding file.

The above exercise demonstrates that, after activating the venv-analysis1, the command python executes the python executable analysis1/venv-analysis1/bin/python, and python packages are installed in the analysis1/venv-analysis1/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directory. This means that we are now working in a python environment that is isolated from other python environments in your machine:

  • other virtual environments
  • system python environment (see below)
  • other versions of python installed in your system
  • Anaconda environments

You can therefore install all the packages necessery to your projects, without worry of breaking other projects.

Make virtual environments a habit

You just learned what are python virtual environment and how to use them? Don’t look back, and make them a habit. The limitation that only one version of a package can be installed at one time in one python environment can be the source of very frustrating problems, distracting you from your research. Moreover, using one python environment for all your projects means that this environment will change as you work on different projects, making it very hard to resolve dependency problems when they (and they will) occur.

Most of the time, a better approach is to have one (or more if needed) virtual environments per analyses and projects. Coming back to our earlier example with the tstools package used in analysis analysis1 and analysis2, a recommended setup would be

(venv-tstools) $ pip install -e tstools/

(venv-analysis1) $ pip install tstools/

(venv-analysis2) $ pip install tstools/

When working on the package itself, we work within the virtual environment venv-tstools, in which the package is installed in editable mode. In this way, we avoid constant re-installation of the package each time we make a change to it.

When working on either analyses, we activate the corresponding virtual environment, in which our package tstools is installed in normal, non-editable mode, possibly along all the other packages that we need for this particular analysis.

Most GNU/Linux distributions as well as MacOS come with a version of python already installed. This version is often referred to as the system python or the base python. Leave it alone. As the name suggest, this version of python is used likely to be used by some parts of your system, and updating or breaking it would mean breaking these partsof your system that rely on it.

Installing utilities in global python 3.8

managing several versions of pytho nwith pyenv


  • One big limitations of Python is that only one version of a package can be installed in a given environment.
  • Virtual environments allow us to create multiple python environments, isolated from each other. Therefore we don’t worry about breaking other projects that may rely on other versions of some packages.
  • Having one virtual environment per analysis is a good research practice since it faciliates reproducibility of your results.
  • Never use the system python installation, unless your have a very good reason to.

Part 3 - Sharing the package

Building python distributions

Before you can distribute a package, you must first create a distribution. A distribution is a single file that bundles all the files and data necessary to install and use the package - but also sometimes compile and test it.

A distribution usually takes the from of an archive (.tar, .zip or similar). There are several possible distribution formats, but in 2020, only two are really important: the source distribution (sdist) and the wheel (bdist_wheel).

Source distributions

Python distributions are commonly built using the setuptools library, via the file. Building a source distribution looks like this:

python sdist
running sdist
running egg_info
writing tstools.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to tstools.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to tstools.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to tstools.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'tstools.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'tstools.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running check
creating tstools-0.1
creating tstools-0.1/tstools
creating tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
copying files to tstools-0.1...
copying -> tstools-0.1
copying tstools/ -> tstools-0.1/tstools
copying tstools/ -> tstools-0.1/tstools
copying tstools/ -> tstools-0.1/tstools
copying tstools.egg-info/PKG-INFO -> tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
copying tstools.egg-info/SOURCES.txt -> tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
copying tstools.egg-info/dependency_links.txt -> tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
copying tstools.egg-info/requires.txt -> tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
copying tstools.egg-info/top_level.txt -> tstools-0.1/tstools.egg-info
Writing tstools-0.1/setup.cfg
creating dist
Creating tar archive
removing 'tstools-0.1' (and everything under it)

This mainly does three things:

  • It gathers the python source files that consitute the package (incuding the
  • It writes some metadata about the package in a directory <package name>.egg-info.
  • It bundles everyting into a tar archive.

The newly created sdist is written in a directory dist next to the file:

tar --list -f dist/tstools-0.1.tar.gz

Take a moment to explore the content of the archive.

As the name suggest a source distribution is nothing more than the source code of your package, along with the necessary to install it. Anyone with the source distribution therefore has everything they need to install your package. Actually it’s even possible to give the sdist directly to pip:

pip install tstools-0.1.tar.gz

And you’re done!

Wheel distributions

Source distributions are very basic, and installing them basically amount to running the package’s script. These poses two issues:

  • In addition to the call to setup, the can contain any valid Python. Thinking about security for moment, this means that installing a package could result in the execution of malicious code.
  • To install from a source distribution, pip must first unpack the distribution, then execute the script. Directly unpacking to the correct location in the python path would be much faster.
  • Package can contain code written in a compiled language like C or Fortran. Source distributions assume that the recipient has all the tools necesseray to compile this code. Compiling code can also takes time (hours!).

This issues can be overcome by using wheel distributions. For pure-Python packages, a wheel is very similar to a source distribution: it’s an archive that contains both the python source of the package and some metadata. The main difference with sdists is that wheels doesn’t require pip to execute the file, instead the content of wheels is directly unpacked in the correct location - most likely your current environment’s site-packages/ directory. This makes the installation of wheels both safer and faster.

Another very important feature of python wheels is that they can embed compiled code, effectively alleviating the need for the recipient to compile (build) anything. As a result, the wheel is platform-dependant, but makes the installation considerably easier and faster. For this reason, wheels are part of the family of built distrubtions. Another type of built distribution is the python egg. However, the wheel format was created in response to the shortcomings of Python eggs and this format is now obsolete. See Wheel vs Egg on the Python Packaging User Guide.

Activity 5 - Building a Python wheel

  1. If you don’t have one, create a new developement virtual environment in the

tstools-dist directory:

	  python -m venv tstools-venv
	  source tstools-venv/bin/activate # (GNU/Linux and MacOS)
	  tstools-venv\Scripts\activate.bat # (Windows command prompt)
	  tstools-venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # (Windows PowerShell)
  1. Update pip
	  pip install --upgrade pip
  1. Install setuptools and the wheel extension:
	  pip install setuptools wheel
  1. Build a wheel
	  python bdist_wheel
  1. Install the wheel using pip.

Hint: wheels are written in the dist/ directory, next to the file, just like source distributions.

  1. .whl files are basically zip files. Unzip the wheel and explore its contents.

The bdist_wheel command is only available after the package wheel is installed in your current environment. It is an extension to the setuptools package.

Uploading distributions to PyPI

In the previous section you learned how to create distributions for your packages. In this section, we look at how to share them with others, so that other people can easily install and use your packages.

Package repositories

Let’s think about distributing packages for a minute. If you wanted to share one of your distributions (whether it’s a source distribution or a wheel distribution) with a colleague, how would you proceed? If you both work next to each other, you could simply exchange a USB stick. If not, you can probably email the distribution, or share it via a cloud host.

Although effective on a short term basis, these solutions present serious shortcomings:

  • You would have to share the distribution again each time you make a change to the package.
  • If your colleague wants a specific version (that’s not the latest), you would have to check out the old version of your package and build the distribution again - unless your manually keep track of all your distributions.
  • Users of your package must contact you to get the distribution, and wait for you to get back to them.

These issues can be overcome by using package repositories. A package repository is just an index of packages hosted on distant servers, available to download from installation. If you’re using GNU/Linux, you use a package repository each time you install new software: apt install libreoffice is nothing but a request for the package libreoffice to one of the Ubuntu package repositories.

The main reposotiry for Python is the Python Package Index (PyPI). Whenever you install a package with pip install package, pip first check than package isnt a directory on your machine (in which case pip tries to install it as a package). If not, pip makes a request to PyPI and, if it exists, downloads and install package package.

Publishing distributions to the test PyPI index

Once a package is uploaded to PyPI, it cannot easily be removed. This is to prevent packages from disappearing without warning while other software depends on it. To test publishing our distributions, we can use instead of the regular This is a separate database dedicated to tests and experiments.

Uploading distributions to PyPI and (TestPyPI) is a very simple process, thanks to twine, a utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI. Installing twine is as simple as

pip install twine

You can now upload a distribution to to the regular PyPI (not the test one) as follows:

twine upload dist/tstools-0.1-py3-none-any.whl

You will be asked for your usernanme and password for PyPI. To create an account, visit If you find yourself uploading packages often, or if you are concerned about security, it is possible to authenticate to PyPI using a token that’s specific for your account, or a particular project. This token is usually configured in a ~/.pypirc file, and allows you to authenticate without entering your username and password every time. Note that you might want to encrypt ~/.pypirc if concerned about security.

Activity 6 - Publishing distributions to TestPyPI

  1. On PyPI (or TestPyPI), there cannot be two package with the same name. Therefore, before you upload your tstools package,

you must give the project a unique name. To do so, open the tstools-dist/ file and change the name entry in the call to the setup function to something unique to you, for instance:

  1. Install twine in your python-packaging-venv environment
	  pip install twine
  1. If you created some distributions in the previous sections, remove everything inside your dist/ directory
	  rm dist/*
  1. Create a source distribution and a wheel for your tstools package
	  python sdist bdist_wheel
  1. If you don’t have one, create an account on the Test PyPI index by visiting
  2. Lastly, publish your distributions to the test PyPI index:
	  twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

Can you find your package on ?

  1. Create a new virtual environment and install your tstools package from the test PyPI index
	pip install --index-url --extra-index-url your-package

The above command is a bit lengthy, but it’s just because we are installing from the test index instead of the regular one. --index-url tells pip to look for the package at instead of (which is the default). In addition, --extra-index-url tells pip to looks for dependencies in the regular index, instead of the test one. In our case dependencies are numpy and matplotlib.

Congratulations! You just published your first Python package.


  • It’s always a good idea to first publish your package on the test index, before you publish it to the real index.
  • twine and pip defaut to the real index, so commands are really simple:
    twine upload <distributions> # Publish package
    pip install <package name> # Install package from
  • You can, and should publish your package each time you make a new version of it. All versions are stored on PyPI, and are accessible from pip. See the release history for numpy for example. You could just install a specific version of numpy with:
    	 pip install numpy==1.17.5
  • Note that you cannot erase a published version of your package. If you discover a bug in a version of your package that already has been published and want to fix it without changing the version number, what is known as a post-release, i.e adding .postX add the end of the faulty version number. For instance:

    and upload your fixed package. This will still be considered version 0.1, but pip install tstools==0.1 will download the 0.1.post1 version. Note that you could publish subsequent post-releases, i.e .post2, .post3

Part 4 - Going further

Source vs built distributions

Inlude data in the distribution

include tests in the distribution

Custom setuptools commands

Packaging C/C++/Fortran extensions



[fn:1] Since Python 3.3, this isn’t technically true. Directories without a file are called namespace packages, see Packaging namespace packages on the Python Packaging User Guide). However, their discussion is beyond the scope of this course.