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Tutorial14 - Compute Shader

This tutorial shows how to implement a simple particle simulation system using compute shaders.

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The particle system consists of a number of spherical particles moving in random directions that encounter elastic collisions. The simulation and collision detection is performed on the GPU by compute shaders. To accelerate collision detection, the shader subdivides the screen into bins and for every bin creates a list of particles residing in the bin. The number of bins is the same as the number of particles and the bins are distributed evenly on the screen, thus every bin on average contains one particle. The size of the particle does not exceed the bin size, so a particle should only be tested for collision against particles residing in its own or eight neighboring bins, resulting in O(n) overall algorithmic complexity.


The tutorial uses a number of buffers described below.

Particle Attributes Buffer

This buffer contains the particle attributes organized into the following structure:

struct ParticleAttribs
    float2 f2Pos;
    float2 f2NewPos;

    float2 f2Speed;
    float2 f2NewSpeed;

    float  fSize;
    float  fTemperature;
    int    iNumCollisions;
    float  fPadding0;

Notice the padding element that is required to make the struct size float4-aligned. Note also that the struct contains current and new values of position and speed. This is required because they can't be updated in place due to unspecified execution order of GPU threads. The buffer initialization is pretty standard except for the fact that we use BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS bind flag to make the buffer available for unordered read/write operations in the shader. Another important thing is that we use BUFFER_MODE_STRUCTURED to allow the buffer be accessed as a structured buffer in the shader. When BUFFER_MODE_STRUCTURED mode is used, ElementByteStride must define the element stride, in bytes, which in our case is sizeof(ParticleAttribs).

BufferDesc BuffDesc;
BuffDesc.Name              = "Particle attribs buffer";
BuffDesc.Usage             = USAGE_DEFAULT;
BuffDesc.Mode              = BUFFER_MODE_STRUCTURED;
BuffDesc.ElementByteStride = sizeof(ParticleAttribs);
BuffDesc.Size              = sizeof(ParticleAttribs) * m_NumParticles;
m_pDevice->CreateBuffer(BuffDesc, &VBData, &m_pParticleAttribsBuffer);

Structured buffers can be defined as both read-only or read-write buffers in the shader:

StructuredBuffer<ParticleAttribs> g_Particles;


RWStructuredBuffer<ParticleAttribs> g_Particles;

The buffers can be accessed using array-style indexing in the shaders:

ParticleAttribs Particle = g_Particles[iParticleIdx];

// Update the particle attribs

g_Particles[iParticleIdx] = Particle;

To bind structured buffers to shader variables, we can request default shader resource and unordered access views and set them in the shader resource binding like any other variable:

IBufferView* pParticleAttribsBufferSRV = m_pParticleAttribsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE);
IBufferView* pParticleAttribsBufferUAV = m_pParticleAttribsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS);

m_pRenderParticleSRB->GetVariableByName(SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX, "g_Particles")
m_pMoveParticlesSRB->GetVariableByName(SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE, "g_Particles")

Particle List Heads and Particle List Buffer

The second buffer that we will use is going to contain the index of the first particle in the list, for every bin. Finally, the last buffer will contain the index of the next particle in the list, for every particle. Both buffers will store one integer per particle and will be initialized as structured buffers:

BuffDesc.ElementByteStride = sizeof(int);
BuffDesc.Mode              = BUFFER_MODE_STRUCTURED;
BuffDesc.Size              = BuffDesc.ElementByteStride * m_NumParticles;
m_pDevice->CreateBuffer(BuffDesc, nullptr, &m_pParticleListHeadsBuffer);
m_pDevice->CreateBuffer(BuffDesc, nullptr, &m_pParticleListsBuffer);
IBufferView* pParticleListHeadsBufferUAV = m_pParticleListHeadsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS);
IBufferView* pParticleListsBufferUAV     = m_pParticleListsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS);
IBufferView* pParticleListHeadsBufferSRV = m_pParticleListHeadsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE);
IBufferView* pParticleListsBufferSRV     = m_pParticleListsBuffer->GetDefaultView(BUFFER_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE);

In the shader, the buffers are declared as follows:

RWStructuredBuffer<int> g_ParticleListHead;
RWStructuredBuffer<int> g_ParticleLists;

The buffer views are bound to shader resource binding objects in a typical way:

m_pMoveParticlesSRB->GetVariableByName(SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE, "g_ParticleListHead")
m_pMoveParticlesSRB->GetVariableByName(SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE, "g_ParticleLists")

Compute Shaders

Particle update pipeline consists of the following steps described in details below:

  1. Reset particle lists
  2. Move particles and perform binning
  3. Particle collision - position update
  4. Particle collision - speed update

Resetting the Particle Lists

The first shader in our particle simulation pipeline resets the particle list heads for every bin by writing -1:

cbuffer Constants
    GlobalConstants g_Constants;

RWStructuredBuffer<int> g_ParticleListHead;

[numthreads(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 Gid  : SV_GroupID,
          uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID)
    uint uiGlobalThreadIdx = Gid.x * uint(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE) + GTid.x;
    if (uiGlobalThreadIdx < uint(g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize.x * g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize.y))
        g_ParticleListHead[uiGlobalThreadIdx] = -1;

The THREAD_GROUP_SIZE macro is defined by the host and defines the size of the compute shader thread group.

Please refer to this page for explanation of group index, group thread index and other compute shader specific elements.

Moving Particles

The second compute shader in the pipeline moves every particle, updates the speed calculated by the collision shader previously and performs particle binning. The full source is given below:

#include "structures.fxh"
#include "particles.fxh"

cbuffer Constants
    GlobalConstants g_Constants;

#   define THREAD_GROUP_SIZE 64

RWStructuredBuffer<ParticleAttribs> g_Particles;
struct HeadData
    int FirstParticleIdx;
RWStructuredBuffer<HeadData> g_ParticleListHead;

RWStructuredBuffer<int> g_ParticleLists;

[numthreads(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 Gid  : SV_GroupID,
          uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID)
    uint uiGlobalThreadIdx = Gid.x * uint(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE) + GTid.x;
    if (uiGlobalThreadIdx >= g_Constants.uiNumParticles)

    int iParticleIdx = int(uiGlobalThreadIdx);

    ParticleAttribs Particle = g_Particles[iParticleIdx];
    Particle.f2Pos   = Particle.f2NewPos;
    Particle.f2Speed = Particle.f2NewSpeed;
    Particle.f2Pos  += Particle.f2Speed * g_Constants.f2Scale * g_Constants.fDeltaTime;
    Particle.fTemperature -= Particle.fTemperature * min(g_Constants.fDeltaTime * 2.0, 1.0);

    ClampParticlePosition(Particle.f2Pos, Particle.f2Speed, Particle.fSize, g_Constants.f2Scale);
    g_Particles[iParticleIdx] = Particle;

    // Bin particles
    int GridIdx = GetGridLocation(Particle.f2Pos, g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize).z;
    int OriginalListIdx;
    InterlockedExchange(g_ParticleListHead[GridIdx].FirstParticleIdx, iParticleIdx, OriginalListIdx);
    g_ParticleLists[iParticleIdx] = OriginalListIdx;

Note that Metal backend has a limitation that structured buffers must have different element types. So we use a HeadData struct to wrap the particle index.

The shader starts by loading the particle attributes and updating the position and temperature. The temperature is not a real temperature but rather indicates if the particle has been hit recently. It then clamps the particle position against the screen boundaries and writes the updated particle back to the structured buffer:

ParticleAttribs Particle = g_Particles[iParticleIdx];
Particle.f2Pos   = Particle.f2NewPos;
Particle.f2Speed = Particle.f2NewSpeed;
Particle.f2Pos  += Particle.f2Speed * g_Constants.f2Scale * g_Constants.fDeltaTime;
Particle.fTemperature -= Particle.fTemperature * g_Constants.fDeltaTime * 2.0;

ClampParticlePosition(Particle.f2Pos, Particle.f2Speed, Particle.fSize, g_Constants.f2Scale);
g_Particles[iParticleIdx] = Particle;

The most interesting part of this shader is particle binning that is performed by the following code:

int GridIdx = GetGridLocation(Particle.f2Pos, g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize).z;
int OriginalListIdx;
InterlockedExchange(g_ParticleListHead[GridIdx].FirstParticleIdx, iParticleIdx, OriginalListIdx);
g_ParticleLists[iParticleIdx] = OriginalListIdx;

The code relies on an interlocked exchange operation that atomically writes a value to the buffer and returns an old value. Using interlocked operation is crucial here as multiple GPU threads may potentially attempt to access the same memory when more than one particle resides in a bin.

The update process is illustrated below:

  1. Atomically write particle Id to the buffer and get original list head index.
... |     |  N  |     |     | ...  List heads

... |     |PatId|     |     | ...  List heads

OriginalListIdx == N
  1. Write original list head to the particle list buffer:
... |     |PatId|     |     | ...  List heads
       N         PatId
... |     |     |  N  |     | ...  Particle lists
       ^          |

The lists are thus grown from the start by replacing the head. Given this linked list structure defined by these two buffers, the particles can be iterated as shown in the collision shader.

Particle Collision

Particle collision is performed in two steps. On the first step, we update the particle position to make sure it does not intersect with other particles. On the second step, we update the particle speed. The reasons the steps are separated is because the math we use for speed updates is only valid for two-particle collisions, so we count the number of collisions on the first step and use this number at the second step

Both steps are implemented by the same shader. Whether we perform position or speed update is controlled by the value of UPDATE_SPEED macro. The shader uses all three particle-related buffers:

RWStructuredBuffer<ParticleAttribs> g_Particles;

struct HeadData
    int FirstParticleIdx;
StructuredBuffer<HeadData> g_ParticleListHead;

StructuredBuffer<int> g_ParticleLists;

The shader starts by reading the current particle attributes and computing the grid location:

int iParticleIdx = int(uiGlobalThreadIdx);
ParticleAttribs Particle = g_Particles[iParticleIdx];
int2 i2GridPos = GetGridLocation(Particle.f2Pos, g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize).xy;
int GridWidth  = g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize.x;
int GridHeight = g_Constants.i2ParticleGridSize.y;

The shader then goes through all bins in a 3x3 neighborhood, and for every bin it iterates through the list of particles assigned to that bin:

for (int y = max(i2GridPos.y - 1, 0); y <= min(i2GridPos.y + 1, GridHeight-1); ++y)
    for (int x = max(i2GridPos.x - 1, 0); x <= min(i2GridPos.x + 1, GridWidth-1); ++x)
        int AnotherParticleIdx = g_ParticleListHead[x + y * GridWidth].FirstParticleIdx;
        while (AnotherParticleIdx >= 0)
            if (iParticleIdx != AnotherParticleIdx)
                ParticleAttribs AnotherParticle = g_Particles[AnotherParticleIdx];
                CollideParticles(Particle, AnotherParticle);

            AnotherParticleIdx = g_ParticleLists[AnotherParticleIdx];

Notice how iteration through the list is performed: we first read the index of the first particle:

int AnotherParticleIdx = g_ParticleListHead[x + y * GridWidth].FirstParticleIdx;

And then run the loop until we reach the end of the list (AnotherParticleIdx == -1).

Inside the loop we go to the next particle by reading the next index from the particle's list buffer:

AnotherParticleIdx = g_ParticleLists[AnotherParticleIdx];

CollideParticles function implements the crux of particle collision. Please refer to the shader's full source code for details.

Particle Rendering Shader

Particle rendering shader is pretty straightforward. The only thing worth mentioning is the usage of the particle attributes structured buffer:

StructuredBuffer<ParticleAttribs> g_Particles;

// ...

ParticleAttribs Attribs = g_Particles[VSIn.InstID];

Initializing Compute Pipeline States

Initialization of the compute pipeline is performed very similar to a graphics pipeline except that there is way fewer states to describe. Resource layout is pretty much everything you need to specify except for the compute shader itself:

ComputePipelineStateCreateInfo PSOCreateInfo;
PipelineStateDesc&             PSODesc = PSOCreateInfo.PSODesc;

// Pipeline state name is used by the engine to report issues.
PSODesc.Name = "Reset particle lists PSO";

// This is a compute pipeline

ShaderResourceVariableDesc Vars[] = 
PSODesc.ResourceLayout.Variables    = Vars;
PSODesc.ResourceLayout.NumVariables = _countof(Vars);
PSOCreateInfo.pCS = pResetParticleListsCS;
m_pDevice->CreateGraphicsPipelineState(PSOCreateInfo, &m_pResetParticleListsPSO);
m_pResetParticleListsPSO->GetStaticVariableByName(SHADER_TYPE_COMPUTE, "Constants")->Set(m_Constants);

Dispatching Compute Commands

Compute commands are executed by the DispatchCompute() method of the device context. The method takes DispatchComputeAttribs argument that describes the compute grid size. Note that we round the grid x dimension up to make sure that all particles are processed. Every compute shader thread checks if the particle id is in the range and exits early if it is not.

DispatchComputeAttribs DispatAttribs;
DispatAttribs.ThreadGroupCountX = (m_NumParticles + m_ThreadGroupSize-1) / m_ThreadGroupSize;




// Use the same SRB


Particle rendering is pretty typical: we draw one instance per particle and the vertex shader reads the particle attributes from the structured buffer updated by the compute shaders.

DrawAttribs drawAttrs;
drawAttrs.NumVertices  = 4;
drawAttrs.NumInstances = m_NumParticles;