This README contains policies and information for the OSU Hackathon Club officers about club management, materials, resources, and etc...
- Guide for General club management
- Guide for the Hackathon Coordinator
- Guide for the HackerWeeks Coordinator
- Guide for the Treasurer
- Guide for the Communications Coordinator
- Guide for the Local Chapter Coordinator
- Guide for the Historian
- Guide for the Secretary
- Guide for the Webmaster
- Guide for the President
- Guide for the Vice President
This is general information for hackathon club management.
- All officers are expected to abide by the Oregon State University Code of Conduct in all interactions with each other, all club members, all club activity participants, and everybody they interact with while on club business.
- Hackathon Club responsibilities should not detract from an officer's academic performance, physical or mental health, family life, social wellness, etc... If an officer feels their responsibilities are overwhelming, they should communicate as such with their fellow officers and seek help.
- Officer are strongly encouraged to collaborate on tasks with other officers and with the general club membership.
- Seek help if you are unsure of anything.
- Don't be afraid to take chances.
- Stay in constant communication about what you are working on.
- Familiarize yourself with the club's constitution here
- General officer communications take place in #officers at
- Only club officers and faculty advisor(s) should be invited into the #officers channel
- former officers should remove themselves for the channel or be removed by the slack workspace administrator
- Get people's attention with @here, @channel, @[person]
- You are encouraged to schedule meetings with all officers or subsets of officers whenever you think they will be beneficial
- Meetings should have a set agenda or talking points to keep them at a reasonable length
- Club management occurs on Ideal-logic
- "Club management" includes managing membership, finances, emails, event reports, meeting reports, etc...
- The accounts included in this github account should be updated every time there is turnover in officers
- The Webmaster is the "keeper" of this github page
- user name:
[email protected]
- password:
- The secretary is the "keeper" of the club's Google account
- the password for this account should be changed every time there is turnover in officers
- when the password is changed, it should be updated above
- Remember, you are not charged with single-handedly planning the event
- You are the point-person in charge of planning such that it goes off smoothly
- You are HIGHLY encouraged to delegate tasks and request help from fellow officers and/or general club membership
- The quarterly hackathon is the club's core function. See the What must be ready when the hackathon starts? section below. Without these things completed, the hackathon cannot occur.
- Devpost
- Devpost is where the OSU Hackathon Club has traditionally hosted its hackathons
- An example of a recent club hackathon can be found here
- The Application for Funding Google Doc
- See a recent club hackathon planning to-do such as this one
- The hackathon hosting website must be set up (see example devpost)
- There must be judges lined up for the hackathon
- Participants must be registered as teams and/or individually
- Funding for the hackathon must be secured
Planning stage | Timing | Items |
Early stage planning | 2-3 months before |
Middle stage planning | 1 wk - 2 months before |
Late stage planning | 5 days before |
During-event maintenance | during hackathon |
Post-event wrap-up | 0-7 days after |
After judging | 7 days after |
- You are strongly encouraged to set up a committee of club members to assist in these job functions
- Key responsibilities include:
- weekly HackerWeeks coding competitions
- workshops
- guest lectures
- managing the club's supply of promotional items (e.g. shirts, stickers, hats, etc..)
HackerWeeks coding competitions are meant to provide a fun way for students to sharpen their coding, problem solving, and interview skills while also keeping students and club members engaged with the club inbetween hackathons.
Please see the hackerweeks file folder for detailed information about this responsibility.
- OSU Hackathon Club is partnering with MLH hacking to host workshops
- [how to plan and host a workshop instructions]
- The OSU Hackathon Club may maintain a supply of club or EECS swag that can be used for HackerWeeks prizes
- Small prizes should be used for HackerWeeks contests
- The HackerWeeks coordinator should keep the club's supply of swag and work with the treasurer for shipping expenses
- Or another officer may agree to take on this responsibility if it is not feasible for the HackerWeeks coordinator
- This is largely new territory for the club
- Update this section of the README as you learn how to perform this role
- Check ideal-logic periodically for important funding notifications
- Put together and submit annual COE and EECS funding requests in the Spring term
- Review and approve all club expenditures
- Work with the Hackathon Coordinator to secure funds for quarterly hackathons
- Work with the Local Chapter Coordinator to secure funds for local and special purpose hackathons
- Hackathon prize funding request form
- Ideal-logic - submit funding requests to COE and EECS, report expenditures
- Information about OSU club funding
- Key responsibilities:
- Keep club membership informed of upcoming events, meetings, etc
- Market and advertise for upcoming events
- Monitor the club's incoming email (through gmail)
- Outreach to other entities (clubs, companies, organizations, etc..) to build mutually beneficial relationships
- All club-wide communications should go out in each of these ways:
- Ideal-logic - send emails to all club members
- Hackathon Club Slack in the #announcements channel
- Unofficial postbacc Slack in the #hackathons channel
- Club email (see club google account) for credentials)
- Club logos and promotional imagery
- Ideal-logic - send emails to all club members
- Hackathon Club Slack in the #announcements channel
- Unofficial postbacc Slack in the #hackathons channel
The Local Chapter Coordinator manages the club's "local hackathon" program. Since the OSU Hackathon Club serves the online postbaccalaureate community of students as well as on-campus students, the Hackathon Club has members spread across the country/globe. Thus, we have a system for funding in place to sponsor localized in-person hackathons.
- Seek out groups interested in hosting club-sponsored hackathons
- Set them up with the tools they need for sucess
- Devpost
- Funding
- Serve as a point-of-contact to the club for local hackathon committees
In-person hackathons are not possible or wise right now. But there are still two main ways (that have been devised) for this program to still function.
- Sponsor "specialized" rather than "localized" hackathons. These would be specialty hackathons put on by those that may have a special type of hackathon in mind.
- Sponsor localized virtual hackathons. They're still local to a particular area, but they're held remotely
- Linux Users Group
- Robotics Club
- Definitely more...