diff --git a/ui/App/views/Help.jsx b/ui/App/views/Help.jsx
index 9e6d46ce..8c36f44b 100644
--- a/ui/App/views/Help.jsx
+++ b/ui/App/views/Help.jsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const Help = () => {
                     <h1 className="text-xl text-dirty-white">Factorio Server Manager</h1>
-                    <p className="mb-2">The Factorio Serve Manager (FSM) is an open source project and is not affiliated to the game Factorio or Wube Software.</p>
+                    <p className="mb-2">The Factorio Server Manager (FSM) is an open source project and is not affiliated to the game Factorio or Wube Software.</p>
                     <h2 className="text-dirty-white">Bugs and Help</h2>
                     <p className="mb-4">Please use the <a className="text-blue hover:text-blue-light" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/OpenFactorioServerManager/factorio-server-manager/issues">GitHub repository</a> to report bugs or seek for help.</p>