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Please refer to for instructions on how to install ODM. Vagrant is no longer supported

Vagrant machine for using OpenDroneMap, meant primarily for Windows users who want to leverage ODM.

How to Install and Test

  1. Install VirtualBox ( )
  2. Install Vagrant ( )
  3. Install Github for Windows or Mac OS ( )
  4. Clone the odm_vagrant repository ( ) to your local machine.
  5. Make a main install directory for the OpenDroneMap installation c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\
  6. Copy your cloned 'odm_vagrant' directory to c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\
  7. Launch GitHub Command Line (Start Menu->GitHub Inc->Git Shell)
  8. Navigate to the odm_vagrant directory and install the guest operating system ( commands in the boxes below should be typed into the command line ):
cd c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\odm_vagrant\
mkdir ..\vodm_data
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

In Windows, you will have the vodm_data directory you just created, in the GNU/Linux environment used below, that directory will be called vagrant_data, they are the same directory

You have now installed, launched and logged in to an Ubuntu GNU/Linux OS on your Windows machine. The following commands are all standard Ubuntu GNU/Linux commands.

  1. If you don't have your own data, clone some sample imagery from our repository This could take a while, so it might be better so pick and choose.
sudo apt-get -y install git
cd /vagrant_data/
git clone
  1. Clone the OpenDroneMap application repository
sudo mkdir /odm_app
sudo chown vagrant:vagrant /odm_app/
cd /odm_app/
git clone
  1. Install the OpenDroneMap software:
cd /odm_app/OpenDroneMap/
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..

Wait patiently, on a typical desktop machine ODM App installation will take about 20 minutes.

  1. (optional) With your favorite editor, add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/odm_app/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/odm_app/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild/src/opensfm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/odm_app/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild/install/lib

You'll need to logout and back in again if you do this.

  1. Run the OpenDroneMap App on an odm_data test dataset (or your own).
./ --project-path /vagrant_data/odm_data_bellus/

Wait patiently again, this will take some time.
Outputs will be in:
In your Windows host, these will be at c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vodm_data\odm_data_bellus

  1. If you are done processing imagery datasets, you can logout and shutdown the virutal machine.
sudo shutdown now

To enter the ODM environment again, repeat steps 7, 8 (but don't make the vodm_data directory a second time) Step 13 is all you need to do to run the software on another imagery dataset.

Install MeshLab 1.3.3 or later on your Windows host. Then...

From Meshlab 1.3.3:

* Import dense point cloud:
	* e.g. c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vodm_data\odm_data_bellus\pmvs\recon0\models\option-0000.ply
	* (there may be multiple reconX folders)
* Mesh: 
	* c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vodm_data\odm_data_bellus\odm_meshing\odm_mesh.ply
* Textured Mesh:
	* c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vodm_data\odm_data_bellus\odm_texturing\odm_textured_model.obj
* Orthophoto:
	* c:\users\yourusername\Documents\odm\vodm_data\odm_data_bellus\odm_orthophoto\odm_orthophoto.tif

Celebrate. Now try your own dataset. If you don't have one, saunter over to for DIY balloon advice, or get yourself a nifty quad copter with a commodity camera (preferably not a GoPro for now until we have a routine to calibrate those). Aim for 70-80% overlap between your photos.