A set of complementary resources to help you explore open models more deeply.
Links to a variety of elements to learn more about these phenomena, to find players in these fields, to get informed, find tools, learn more about current legislation...
In the spirit of contribution, any recommendation that will enrich this list of resources and our collective knowledge will be appreciated, ideally as an issue (or directly as a pull request) on Github.
- Open models and commons
- Open Source
- Open Science
- Open Education
- Open Innovation
- Open Data
- Open Hardware
- Open License
- Open Content
- Open Scholarship
- Open Business
- Open Health
- Open Music
- Open Collaboration
- Open Standard
- Type undetermined
Type of resources:
- 📖 Books
- 📰 Article(s)
- 👩🏽🔬 Research
- 🎥 Video
- 📡 Media
- 🏦 Policy
- 👩🎓 Pedagogical content
- 🕴️ Player
- 🛠️ Tools
- 📚 Database
- Open Work Definition
- Open Design Definition
- 📡 Les communs d'abord
- 📡 👩🏽🔬 Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing (JOCO)
- 📖 Open Models : les business models de l'économie ouverte - coordonné par Louis-David Benyayer
- 📖 The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, James Boyle
- 📖 Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property, Peter Drahos, Gustavo Ghidini, Hanns Ullrich
- 📖 Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century, Pierre Dardot, Christian Laval
- 📖 The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions
- 📖 Free, Fair, and Alive : The Insurgent Power of the Commons
- 🎥 Commun(s), Politikon
- 🎥 Les communs de l'écologie politique #1, Game Of Hearth
- 🎥 Les communs de l'écologie politique #2, Game Of Hearth
- 🎥 De la propriété privée aux communs, Entretien avec Pierre Crétois
- 🎥 "Je propose de dépasser la propriété privée par la propriété sociale et temporaire", Interview Thomas Piketty France Inter
- 🎥 Biens ou bien : une histoire de la propriété, Interview Arnaud-Dominique Houte
- 🎥 The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
- 👩🎓 Creative Commons Wiki, by Creative Commons
- 👩🎓 Boite à Outils des Communs Numériques
- 👩🎓 Tutoriel des Communs Numériques
- 👩🎓 Guide méthodologique des Communs Numériques de la Mobilité, Fabrique de la Mobilité
- 👩🎓 Économie de la contribution et entrepreneuriat - Base de connaissances
- 👩🏽🔬 Les net-up… une nouvelle forme du projet entrepreneurial ?
- Appel pour une société des communs
- copyleft.org
- The Open Definition, by Open Knowldege Foundation
- 👩🏽🔬 Comment faire converger la transition numérique et la transition écologique au Québec dans un horizon de 20 ans ?, Chemins de transition (Montreal University)
- 📰 Podcast Brevets et droits d’auteur : propriétés fragiles, France Culture avec l'Historien Gabriel Galvez-Behar
- 📰 Paradox of Open by Open Future Foundation (answers)
- 📚 Openverse, image and sound bank
- 📚 Unsplash, image bank
- 📚 Pixabay, image, sound and video bank
- 📚 Iconoir, logo library
- 📚 Fontawesome, icons library
- 📚 The Noun Project, icons and photos library
- 📚 Fontello, icons library
- 📚 Iconmonstr, icons library
- 📚 Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
- 🕴️ Fabrique des mobilités, building sustainable mobility via the commons
- 🕴️ Open Future Foundation
- 🕴️ 🇪🇺 OpenForum Europe
- 🕴️ 🇬🇧 OpenUk
- 🕴️ Open Climate, exploring the intersection between the open movement and the climate crisis
- 🕴️ Digital Public Goods Alliance
- 🕴️ International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
- 🕴️ Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE), NSF program to develop new projects ecosystem
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Accélérateur d'Initiatives Citoyennes (DINUM), commons related citizen initiatives accelerator
- 🛠️ inventaire.io, books inventory
- 🏦 🇺🇳 Global Digital Compact, UN project
- 📡 Google Open Source Blog
- 📡 OSPOlogy, TODO group youtube channel
- 📡 Podcast Projets Libres !
- 📖 The Cathedral and the Bazaar - Eric S. Raymond
- 📖 Producing Open Source Software by Karl Fogel
- 📖 The Open Source Way 2.0
- 📖 Open Source 2.0 - O'Reilly Media
- 📖 Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution - O'Reilly Media
- 📖 Open Sources 2.0 : The Continuing Evolution - O'Reilly Media
- 📖 Open Source Innovation The Phenomenon, Participant's Behaviour, Business Implications, C. Herstatt, D. Ehls
- 📖 How Open Source Ate Software: Understand the Open Source Movement and So Much More, G. Haff
- 📖 Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution, G. Moody
- 📖 Économie du logiciel libre, F. Elie
- 📖 Vers une communication numérique plus sociale et solidaire, guide ESS(/SSE)
- 📰 Defining Open Source
- 📰 I hate the term “open source”
- 📰 Github - The readme project: interviews with open source players
- 📰 The Open Source contributor funnel - Mike McQuaid
- 📰 Awesome maintainers - "Talks, blog posts, and interviews about the experience of being an open source maintainer"
- 📰 Time Till Open Source Alternative, André Staltz
- 📰 Projet GPL Violations [inactive/archive]
- 📰 Deconstructing Software copyright, 30 years of bad logic
- 📰 Dossier magazine Swissquote : Les milliards de l'open source
- 📰 The five stages of the Open Source Program Office
- 📰 IBM, Red Hat and Free Software: An old maddog’s view
- 📰 We're living in a post-open source world
- 📰 Open source has a funding problem, the Overflow
- 📰 What it feels like to be an open-source maintainer
- 📰 Wikipedia’s value in the age of generative AI
- 🎥 The Rise Of Open-Source Software - reportage CNBC
- 🎥 Max Stoiber - open source your projects
- 🎥 Max Stoiber - How Open Source Changed My Life
- 🎥 TedX Richard Stallman - Free software, free society
- 🎥 Bryan Ostergaard - Gestion de projet open source
- 🎥 Revolution OS (History of GNU, Linux, Free and Open Source Software)
- 🎥 The Linux Story
- Grace Hopper, "first" open source development with COBOL
- Label Territoire Numérique Libre
- 👩🏽🔬 FOSSEPS study for European Commission -Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services
- 👩🏽🔬 Open Source Program Office 2022 study by TODO group
- 👩🏽🔬 State of the Octoverse, GitHub study
- 👩🏽🔬 Why We Engage in FLOSS: Answers from Core Developers
- 👩🏽🔬 Report on the 2020 FOSS Contributor Survey, Linux Foundation
- 👩🏽🔬 Open Source Maintainers report, Linux Foundation
- 👩🏽🔬 Why Modern Open Source Projects Fail
- 👩🏽🔬 The Role of Foundations in Open Source Projects
- 👩🏽🔬 Why Do Developers Adopt Open Source Software? Past, Present and Future
- 👩🏽🔬 Study about the impact of open source software and hardware on technological independence, competitiveness and innovation in the EU economy
- 👩🏽🔬 Open source software and global entrepreneurship
- 👩🏽🔬 Software Power: The Economic and Geopolitical Implications of Open Source Software, IFRI
- 👩🎓 opensource.dev, Google pedagogical website
- 👩🎓 The Linux Foundation’s training program
- 👩🎓 Best [Security] Practices for OSS Developers, OSSF working group
- 🏦 🇪🇺 European Free and Open Source Software Auditing (EU-FOSSA-2)
- 🏦 🇫🇷 Plan d'action logiciels libres et communs numériques : communs.numerique.gouv.fr
- 🏦 Government Open Source Policies (prior 2010), Center for Strategic & International Studies
- 🕴️ TODO, for organizations committed to Open Source and Open Source Program Offices
- 🕴️ OSPO Alliance
- 🕴️ OSPO++, network for OSPO in universities, governments and civic institutions
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Addulact
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 The Open Source I Trust (TOSIT)
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Conseil National du Logiciel Libre (CNLL)
- 🕴️ 🇩🇪 Open Source Business (OSB) Alliance
- 🕴️ 🇮🇹 Rete Italiana Open Source (RIOS)
- 🕴️ 🇪🇸 Federación ASOLIF
- 🕴️ 🇵🇹 Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas (ESOP)
- 🕴️ 🇪🇺 OW2, European Open Source Software Community
- 🕴️ Open Source Security Foundation
- 🕴️ Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) foundations
- 🕴️ OpenMairie
- 🕴️ Apereo Foundation, Open Source Software Serving the Academic Mission, institutions network
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 ESUP-PORTAIL, community for the development of open source university solutions
- 🕴️ Framasoft
- 🕴️ Open Mainframe Project
- 🕴️ Open Source Observatory (OSOR), European Commission
- 🕴️ Foundation for Public Code
- 🕴️ OpenInfra Foundation
- 🕴️ Open Source Software Capital (OSSC)
- 🕴️ FairOSS, to sustain the production and maintenance of freely shareable intellectual property
- 🕴️ Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF)
- 🕴️ Open Core Ventures
- Public Code, Public Money
- The Open Source Software Security Mobilization Plan (OpenSSF, 2022)
- fedigov.eu, citizen promotion of fediverse for institutions
- 📚 CodeGouv, French government forge
- 📚 🇩🇪 Open CoDE, German government forge
- 📚 Guide to open source softwares, Smile
- 📚 Awesome-Selfhosted
- 📚 (Ex-)Annuaire des principaux logiciels libres & open source, EPFL
- 📚 Comptoir du libre, ADULLACT directory
- 📚 Interministerial (🇫🇷) Free Software Catalog
- 📚 Open Sustainable Technology, directory of sustainability and climate software
- 📚 Open source code: directory of reference and training sites, Thot Cursus
- 📚 Open Source Events
- 📚 Software Heritage, universal open software archive
- 📚 🇫🇷 French COSS business
- 🛠️ GitHub Sponsor
- 🛠️ FundOSS
- 🛠️ Free Software Fund (FSF)
- 🛠️ Copie Publique, company crowdfunding for software brick support
- 🛠️ OSS.Fund, catalog of monetization platforms for open source builders
- 🛠️ NGI Search, Funding the Next Generation of (open source) Web Searching Tools
- 🛠️ Open Collective, legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups
- 🛠️ Open Source JobHub
- 🛠️ ossjobs.dev
- 🛠️ ForgeFed, federation protocol for software forges
- 📡 The Scholarly Kitchen, SSP blog on scholarly publishing
- 📡 Open Science Magazine
- 📖 Opening Science, Sönke Bartling & Sascha Friesike
- 📖 The Turing Way, handbook to reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science
- 📖 Plan S for Shock
- 👩🎓 🇫🇷 Open Science MOOC, by France Université Numérique (FUN)
- 👩🎓 🇫🇷 Passport For Open Science: A Practical Guide for PhD Students
- 👩🎓 The Open Science Training Handbook by Foster open science
- 👩🎓 🇫🇷 Guide on predatory journals, University of Geneva
- 👩🎓 Opensciency, open science curriculum by and for the research community
- 👩🎓 Open Science: A Practical Guide for Early-Career Researchers
- 👩🎓 Mapping Open Science [practices] resources from around the world by discipline and principles
- 👩🎓 CCSD trainings on HAL platform
- 🎥 Open Science : À qui les données de la science appartiennent-elles ?, La Tronche en biais ft. TenL95
- 🎥 Open science avec Célya Gruson-Daniel (HackYourPhD & DRISS) | Probablement?, Science4All
- 👩🏽🔬 Study on Open Access Diamonds Journals
- 👩🏽🔬 Towards an Open Science definition as a political and legal framework
- 👩🏽🔬 The Economic Impacts of Open Science: A Rapid Evidence Assessment
- 👩🏽🔬 Le marché de l'édition scientifique, entre accès « propriétaire » et accès « libre »
- 👩🏽🔬 Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants
- 👩🏽🔬 Point of View: How open science helps researchers succeed
- 👩🏽🔬 Correction of scientific literature: Too little, too late!
- 👩🏽🔬 L’archive ouverte HAL-SHS : Comment ça marche, pourquoi s’en servir ?, [2009]
- 👩🏽🔬 Amplifying the impact of open access: Wikipedia and the diffusion of science
- 👩🏽🔬 Open Science for private Interests? How the Logic of Open Science Contributes to the Commercialization of Research
- 👩🏽🔬 Open access publishing – noble intention, flawed reality
- 🛠️ Core
- 🛠️ oa.mg, open access search engine
- 🛠️ BASE, Bielefeld Academic Search
- 🛠️ Explore OpenAIRE, search engine for open research data
- 🛠️ LA Referencia, open access search engine for latin america
- 🛠️ Sci-Hub
- 🛠️ Libgen, search engine for articles and books
- 🛠️ Sherpa Romeo, analysis of publishers' open access policies
- 🛠️ Unpaywall, browser extension to bypass paywalls
- 🛠️ 🇪🇺 Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data (OpenMinTeD)
- 🛠️ Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
- 🛠️ Invenio, open software for open science publication platform (Zenodo base)
- 🛠️ Prereview, open peer review platform
- 📚 Open Science Framework
- 📚 HAL archive ouverte
- 📚 Open Research Europe, publication platform hosted by the European Commission
- 📚 Theses.fr
- 📚 Open Edition
- 📚 Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN)
- 📚 Science Open
- 📚 Zenodo
- 📚 In&Sight
- 📚 ResearchGate
- 📚 SpringerOpen
- 📚 recherche.data.gouv.fr
- 📚 Academics on Mastodon
- 📚 Open Science Success Stories Database
- 📚 Open Access Publishing Tools, by Radical Open Access
- 📚 Open Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
- 🏦🇺🇸 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, orientation politique du 25/08/2022
- 🏦 🇫🇷 First French National Plan for Open Science
- 🏦 🇫🇷 Second French Plan for Open Science
- 🏦 🇪🇺 EU's open science policy
- 🏦 🇺🇳 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
- 🏦 🇪🇺 Analysis of Open Science Policies in Europe (v7)
- 🏦 🇪🇺 Open Science Monitor of European Commission
- 🏦 🇫🇷 French National Open Science Monitor
- 🏦 🇺🇸 Year of Open Science announcement (2023), Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), White House
- 🏦 🇺🇸 Scientific Integrity Policy (2023), Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), White House
- 🏦 🇺🇸 Transform to Open Science (TOPS), NASA mission
- 🏦 🇺🇸 open.science.gov, Open Science Announcements from U.S. Federal Agencies
- Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002
- Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, 2003
- Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, 2003
- Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, 2024
- Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
- Open Climate Campaign
- Paris Call on Research Assessment (OSEC 2022)
- 🕴️ Directory of Open Access Journals, find open access journals & articles
- 📰 List of preprint repositories
- 📰 « La science ouverte est une nouvelle façon de diffuser les savoirs, et les bibliothèques sont au cœur de cette évolution », interview responsables BU
- 📰 The rise and fall of peer review
- 📰 Se réapproprier la production de connaissance, introduction licence UsageRight
- 🕴️ Peer Community In, organization of researchers offering peer review
- 🛠️ OpenReview
- 🛠️ Licence UsageRight
- 🕴️ Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)
- 🕴️🇫🇷 Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD)
- 🕴️OpenAIRE, create and operate services for Open Science
- 🕴️ Confederation of Open Access Repositories
- 🕴️ European Open Science Cloud
- 🕴️ Public Library of Science (PLOS)
- 🕴️ Ouvrir la science, French Committee for Open Science
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 National Fund for Open Science
- 🕴️ Center For Open Science
- 🕴️ SPARC
- 🕴️ Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL)
- 🕴️ Science Europe
- 🕴️ Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)
- 🕴️ NumFOCUS, support pour logiciels scientifique open source
- 🕴️ Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research (FOSTER)
- 🕴️ International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities (INOSC)
- 🕴️ Radical Open Access
- 🕴️ 🇪🇺 Plan S, coalition (cOAlition S) of public/private research funders
- 🕴️ Open Science portal of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- 🕴️ 🇪🇺 Open Universal Science (OPUS)
- 🕴️ Open Research Funders Group
- 🕴️ Invest in Open Infrastructure
- 👩🎓 Open Education Handbook, Wikibooks, hosted by Wikimedia Foundation
- 📚 🇫🇷 La Forge des Communs Numériques Éducatifs, Association des Enseignant(e)s d'Informatique de France (AEIF) soutenue par l'Éducation Nationale
- 📚 🇧🇪 OER UCLouvain
- 📚 OER Commons
- 📚 MIT OpenCourseWare
- 📚 Databases of Open Educational Ressources, by University of Nevada
- 📚 Openstax, textbooks library
- 📚 LibreTexts, library network for textbooks
- 📚 Open Textbook Library, powered by Open Education Network
- 📚 Open Library, powered by eCampusOntario
- 📚 🇺🇸 OERTX, OER used by higher education institutions in Texas
- 📚 Switch, OER repository in Switzerland
- 📚 Innovation Pédagogique et Transition
- 📚 Open Source Society University
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Délégation Académique au Numérique Éducatif (DANE), AC Paris
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Open Education at Nantes University
- 🕴️ Chair UNESCO RELIA, Open Educational resources and IA, Nantes University
- 🕴️ 🇺🇸 Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER)
- 🕴️ 🇺🇸 OERizona Network
- 🕴️ 🇪🇺 European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education (ENCORE+)
- 🕴️ The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
- 🕴️ Open Education Global
- 🕴️ Open Education Network
- 🕴️ Open Education Resource Foundation (OER Foundation)
- 🕴️ European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Digital Learning Europe
- 🕴️ CC Open Education Platform
- 🕴️ Teaching and Learning on the Open Web
- 🕴️ Open EdTech, designing a global NextGen educational open source platform
- 🕴️ 🇺🇸 MIT Open Learning
- 🕴️ 🇨🇦 eCampusOntario
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques
- 🕴️ FabriqueREL
- 🕴️ Open Digital Competences Training for School Educators (OpenDigCompEdu)
- 🕴️ Moodle Academy
- 🕴️ 🇨🇭 Swiss Digital Skills Academy, swissuniversties initiative promoting open educational resources and platforms
- 🕴️ Open Schools for Open Societies
- 🕴️ Center for Open Education Research (COER), Oldenburg university (🇩🇪)
- 🕴️ 🇬🇧 Open Education Research Hub (OER Hub)
- 📰 Chairs in Open Education (up to 2020)
- 📰 Symmathesy: A Word in Progress
- 👩🏽🔬 🇫🇷 Sondage annuel (depuis 2014) usage numérique chez les enseignants
- 👩🏽🔬 Creating an Online Social Learning Platform: A Model Approach for Open Development, Open Access and Open Education
- 👩🏽🔬 Report on Teaching and Learning with Open Educational Resources, SRI International (2022)
- 👩🏽🔬 Developing Open Source Educational Resources for Machine Learning and Data Science
- 📡 👩🏽🔬 Journal Education Ouverte et Libre - Open Education
- 📡 👩🏽🔬 Open Praxis, journal on open, distance and flexible education.
- 📰 Alternatives to paying for pricey textbooks
- 📰 Students are told not to use Wikipedia for research. But it’s a trustworthy source
- 📰 Poland Is Pioneering the World’s First National Open Textbook Program (2016)
- 📰 A Powerful Model (SAMR) for Understanding Good Tech Integration
- 📖 Handook of Open, Distance and Digital Education
- 📖 L’enseignement à l’ère numérique
- 📖 The Battle for Open, How openness won and why it doesn't feel like victory
- 🏦 🇫🇷 Digital Strategie for National Education (2023-2027)
- 🏦 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (2019)
- 🏦 🇺🇸 Open Education at Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology
- 🛠️ Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS), OER search engine
- 🛠️ The Mason OER Metafinder (MOM), OER search engine
- 🛠️ PressBooks, open book creation platform
- 🛠️ Florilège, French-language OER indexing by manual annotation
- 🛠️ convOERter, convert presentation to OER
- 🎥 Goldcorp Challenge - Rob McEwen
- 📰 4 examples of open innovation at Lego, Nasa, Samsung and General Electric
- 👩🏽🔬 Open Innovation Business Models : the example of living labs in France
- 👩🏽🔬 A Study of Patent Open Source Strategies Based on Open Innovation: The Case of Tesla
- 👩🏽🔬 Intellectual Property and Licensing Strategies in Open Collaborative Innovation
- 🕴️ Open Innovation Network
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 pole-emploi.io, Pôle Emploi's open innovation platform
- 🛠️ RedPajama-Data repository, Open Source Recipe to Reproduce LLaMA training dataset
- 🇫🇷 Pappers for company information, Justice Pappers for court decisions
- 📚 🇪🇺 data.europe.eu
- 📚 data.gouv.fr
- 📚 🇫🇷 api.gouv.fr, API list of public services
- 📚 open.urssaf.fr
- 📚 DataBank, The World Bank
- 📚 Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
- 📚 Radio Garden FM AM, world map of radios
- 📚 🇨🇦 Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), find and share Canadian Resarch Data
- 📚 🇨🇦 Borealis, Canadian Dataverse Repository for research data
- 📚 Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data), overview of existing international repositories for research data
- 📚 Dryad, generalist open data publishing platform and community
- 📚 open Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (openICPSR), self-publishing repository for social, behavioral, and health sciences research data
- 📚 Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), curated repository for social, behavioral, and health sciences research data
- 📰 OpenStreetMap is having a Moment (organisations investment)
- 📰 The world needs a better map: TomTom is making it with its new mapping platform and ecosystem (2022)
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 French Federation of OpenStreetMap Professional
- 🕴️ Overture Maps Foundation, coalition for interoperable map
- 👩🏽🔬 Reports for Open Data Maturity of European countries, European Commission
- 📰 👩🏽🔬 Carto-vandalisme dans OpenStreetMap : mythe ou réalité ? (Mémoire)
- 🏦 🇪🇺 European Data Governance Act
- 🎥 Le libre et l'open source des logiciels et objets - monsieur Bidouille
- 🕴️ Arduino
- 🛠️ Prusa, 3D printers
- Open Source Ecology
- 🕴️ L'Atelier Paysan
- 🕴️ Vhélio, solar bike
- 🕴️ PinePhone
- 🕴️ Open Compute Project
- 🕴️ Hugh Piggott wind turbine
- 📰 List of Open Hardware Projects, Wikipedia
- 📰 "Open Design" or "Open Source Hardware"? Lets talk about what?
- 📰 Abandoned, The human cost of neurotechnology failure
- 📚 Thingiverse
- 👩🏽🔬 Business models for open source hardware
- 🕴️ Ethical Source
- 🛠️ License UsageRight
- 🛠️ The Anti-Capitalist Software License
- 🛠️ SIL Open Font License (SIL OFL)
- 🛠️ The Lens, search engine for free and open patent
- 🛠️ Open Data Commons, legal tools for open data by Open Knowledge Association
- 📰 Ouverture des contenus et des données dans les institutions culturelles : où en sommes-nous ?
- 📚 Paris Musées Collections
- 📚 Unesdoc open access ressources, by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- 🕴️ Open GLAM (Gallerie, Librarie, Archive and Museum)
- 🕴️ 🇬🇧 The Open University
- 🕴️ Open Educational Resources University (OERu)
- 🕴️ 🇫🇷 L'Université Numérique
- 🕴️ 🇸🇳 Université Numérique Cheikh Hamidou Kane
- 🕴️ Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS)
- 🕴️ Alliance for Open Scolarship (All4OS)
- 🕴️ European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)
- The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure
- 🎥 What's an Open University Degree Like?
- 👩🏽🔬 L'ouverture en question : quand des universités ouvertes se redéfinissent à l'ère de la globalisation numérique (Thesis)
- 👩🏽🔬 The open academic: Why and how business academics should use social media to be more ‘open’ and impactful
- 📚 List of open universities, Wikipedia
- 📚 Ubiquity Press, open access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals, books and data
- 🎥 TedX Jim Whitehurst - ex-Red Hat CEO, What I learned from giving up everything I knew as a leader
- 📖 Jim Whitehurst - The Open Organization
- 📖 The Open Organization Workbook
- 🎥 L'homme le plus écouté du monde ! [Kevin MacLeod], SEB
- 🎥 Royalty Free: The Music of Kevin MacLeod
- 📚 Incompetech, Kevin MacLeod website
- 🕴️🎤 Josh Woodward, Songs for people who like things
- 👩🏽🔬 Defining, Understanding and Supporting Open Collaboration: Lessons from the Literature, Andrea Forte, Cliff Lampe
- 👩🏽🔬 Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue, Yochai Benkler, Helen Nissenbaum
- 🕴️ OASIS Open, standardization organism
- 🕴️ Alliance for Open Media
- 🏦 🇪🇺Interoperable Europe Act
- 📚 🇫🇷 schema.data.gouv.fr, index of public data schemas for France
- 📚 Schema.org, create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond
- 🛠️ RISC-V, Instruction Set Architecture (computer architecture)
- 🛠️ OAI-PMH, protocol for metadata harvesting
- 🛠️ Dublin Core, metadata schema for digital resources
- 🛠️ ccREL : The Creative Commons Rights Expression Language
- 📖 Standards Battles in Open Source Software: The Case of Firefox, H. Vries, I. Oshri
- 📖 Swarmwise - Rick Falkvinge
- 📖 Howdy or Hello? Technical and Professional Communication, by a Texas OER Committee