by Xing Mei, Philippe Decaudin, Bao-Gang Hu 2007
Introduces 'virtual pipe' method.
Does sediment transport with a semi-Lagrangian advection method.
A fundamental problem with the semi-Lagrangian advection method is that it does not conserve mass for fields with divergence.
How this manifests is loss of water and soil/sediment over the course of the simulation.
by Balázs Jákó 2011
Similar to 'Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU' but introduces max talus angle and 'thermal erosion': that is, soil is transported downhill if the hill angle is too large. This is essential for realistic terrain features.
Ondrej Štava, Bedrich Beneš, Matthew Brisbin, Jaroslav Krivánek 2008
Introduces a technique for multiple layers of soil.
There are a bunch of commerical software packages such as World Machine, Gaia and World Creator.
Advanced technique with multiple layers of differing soils, but runs on CPU, so may be relatively slow.
General overview of practical techniques including machine learning.
Nice looking and interactive WebGL code.
Looks like actually rigorous and accurate academic/industrial code.
By Mykhailo Moroz