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188 lines (120 loc) · 5.76 KB

Online Scoreboard

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This project is running live at: against the latest changes on the master branch of this repository

About the project

Read more about this project in the Wiki


Install dependencies

This project uses Yarn workspaces. Do not use Npm for installing dependencies or for running the scripts.

Once the project is cloned on your local machine, just install all the dependencies by running:


Configure your environment

Rename the .env.sample under the packages/client folder and fill the variables according to your environment configuration

Run the project locally

yarn start

This script will launch the client application and watch for file changes on the packages/client folder.

Use this for running E2E tests, develop new features or manual testing

Serving the app

yarn serve

This script will build a distribution version of the app and serve that from your local environment.

Use this script for running E2E tests or manual testing the production version of the app


yarn lint

This script will lint the TypeScript code using ESLint according to the configuration present under the .eslintrc.js file

Unit Test

yarn test

This script will run the unit tests and watch for file changes.

Use this script for local development, write new tests or test your local app.



yarn e2e:local

yarn e2e

Both commands will run all the end-to-end test suites under packages/e2e/features e2e tests, but the second will generate a report.json from which an HTML report can be generated

These scripts requires a local version of the client application to run on the port 3000. You can either use the yarn start or the yarn serve script.

yarn e2e:report will generate a HTML report from the report.json

yarn e2e:lint will run linter for step definition files

Optional Configuration

  • SELENIUM_BROWSER - specify what browser to use. Defaults to chrome
  • HOMEPAGE_URL - specify base URL which will be used to access the online-scoreboard. Defaults to http:localhost:3000

Export those as environment variables or change the default values from the packages/e2e/env-keys.ts file

Cucumber CLI args

--parallel {x} (-p) will run tests in parallel. X determines how many slaves to use.

--tags {x}

x can be the following (keep note of quotes)

  • @smoke runs tests tagged with @smoke
  • "@smoke or @login" will run tests tagged with either
  • "@smoke and @profile" will run only those tests which are tagged with both
  • "not @login" will run everything except tests tagged with @login



World is declared in packages/e2e/typings.d.ts and you are not required to initialize it.

When tests are run, each step has access to world via this keyword. You can treat this.anything as world.anything

Anything stored in world is unique to that particular test and everything stored in world is shared until the end of the test.


When(/^I set variable in world$, () => {
  this.message = 'potato';

Then(/^I can access it$, () => {

Build the app

yarn build

This script will build a production version of the app under the build folder.

It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.

Your app is ready to be deployed!

Backend service

NOTE: The deploy scripts will require a ACCOUNT_ID environment variable to be available. Make sure to export that according to your AWS account information, with:

export ACCOUNT_ID=xxxx

You can read your accountId from

The Backend layer is designed for living on an AWS account.

Make sure Serverless is configured globally with your AWS credentials

yarn prod:deploy # Make sure the ACCOUNT_ID env variable is available with export ACCOUNT_ID=xxxx

This will create a production server side infrastructure under your AWS account

For deploying a staging environment replace prod with stage

yarn workspace online-scoreboard-server deploy:stage

If the service already exists, use the same command to update the service with the latest changes.