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Releases: OneSignal/react-native-onesignal

3.3.1 Release

25 Jul 01:08
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Fix iOS build regression from 3.3.0

  • Fixed issue with missing OneSignal-inAppMessageClicked on RCTOneSignalEventEmitter

3.3.0 Release

23 Jul 01:27
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Android - In-App Messages, Changing AppId, & Other Misc Fixes

  • See the OneSignal In-App quickstart guide for more details.
  • When re-initializing with a different AppId the device registers correctly without requiring an app cold start
    • Dashboard parameters are now correctly refreshed as well from the new app id.
  • Notification Channels / Categories, added invalid format handling to LED colors.
  • Fixed com.onesignal.PrivacyConsent AndroidManifest.xml check when using newest init method.
  • Fixed location permission prompting and session count / time tracking after privacy consent is accepted.
  • Removed rnpm from package.json to fix React Native 0.60 compatibility.
  • Fixed onesignal_app_id via manifestPlaceholders not working if used in defaultConfig.
  • iOS - Added a min for "React" of version of 0.13.0 to ensure the a local copy is being used from node_modules
  • Misc fixes to example projects

3.2.14 Release

21 May 00:13
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Removed .git folder from npm.js tar

3.2.13 Release

14 May 17:44
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Updated Native iOS & Android OneSignal SDKs

  • Updated to Android OneSignal SDK 3.10.8
  • Updated to iOS SDK 2.10.0
  • Fixed iOS fallback pathing in RCTOneSignal.h for OneSignal.h.
  • Android
    • Updated gradle from deprecated 'compile' to 'implementation'.
    • Fixed OSPermissionSubscriptionState properties to be boolean types

3.2.12 Release

20 Dec 01:55
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• This minor update fixes an issue in the previous release where Android calls to setExternalUserId() would result in an undefined function exception, due to a recent merge mistake.
• Fixes #687

3.2.11 Release

07 Dec 19:29
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External User ID Support

• This update adds new methods (setExternalUserId(string) and removeExternalUserId) allowing you to target push notifications using your own custom user ID's instead of having to store OneSignal player ID's.

• Fixes an issue with the previous release that caused iOS apps to crash immediately upon launch due to an undefined method.

3.2.10 Release

06 Dec 23:56
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React-Native 3.2.10

• This is a minor update that includes updates for the native iOS and Android SDK's

Android Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal Android 3.10.5 SDK

    • ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED is invalid, BOOT_COMPLETED is the correct intent action
  • Catches security exception from Job Intent Service

iOS SDK Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal iOS 2.9.4 SDK

  • Small update that includes a fix for an issue that would have caused rare crashes, due to invalid HTTP request bodies being serialized into JSON

3.2.9 Release

06 Dec 22:21
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This release was made in error. Please do not use this version. Instead, please use version 3.2.10


03 Nov 00:27
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React-Native 3.2.8

• This update include a significant number of bug fixes to the iOS and Android native SDK's

Android Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal Android 3.10.3 SDK

  • Notification Restore Improvements (PR #645)
    • Limit number of notification restored to 49
      • This is the max visible limit per app, Android omits displaying any more
      • Helps mitigate issue #644
    • Slowed Restore rate to 5 per second
    • Above 2 changes cleans up NotificationService warnings from the logcat
  • GDPR method fixes
    • Allow calling provideUserConsent before init. PR #648
    • Allow calling add observer methods before provideUserConsent(true) is called. #655
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException thrown from JobIntentService in a specific case
    • Issue was only happening with high priority notifications that had a remote image with an app setup with a NotificationExtenderService and running on Android Oreo+, in some cases.
    • Fixes issue #649
  • Fix for OneSignalSyncServiceUtils throwing IllegalArgumentException when boot permission is removed.
  • Possible fix for rare "Package manager has died" error. PR #658

OneSignal Android 3.10.2 SDK

  • Fixed NPE with ChangeTagsUpdateHandler when a tag update results in no changes. PR #611
  • Fixed FirebaseInstanceIdService IllegalArgumentException exception
  • Fixed rare NPE Bundle error on RestoreJobService.onHandleWork. Issue #591
  • NotificationExtenderService now respects FCM High priority to wake from Dose mode. PR #640
  • Fixed fallback of medium and lower priorities of Notification Channel for pre-Oreo devices. PR #639
  • Fixed issue with disabling enableVibrate or enableSound was not respected.
    • When initializing OneSignal after Application.onCreate.
    • Note, settings only apply to Android 7.0 and older.
    • Methods will be deprecated, please migrate to Android Categories / Channels
  • Cleaned up GCM related warning in logcat when a push is received. #642
    • CANCELLED forIntent { act=... flg=0x10000000 pkg=... }

iOS Fixes & Improvements

OneSignal iOS 2.9.3 SDK

• Fixes an issue with provisional notifications (no git issue) where a user would receive a provisional notification, tap 'Keep', and then tap 'Deliver Prominently', which should cause notifications to be delivered like normal: however in previous releases notifications would have no sound/alert/badge until the app was next restarted.
• Fixes some DSYMUtil warnings developers would see in regards to our framework including debugging information. (#440)

OneSignal iOS 2.9.2 SDK

• This release fixes an iOS 12 issue where enabling "Deliver Quietly" and then opening the app would cause notifications to stop being delivered entirely.


12 Sep 00:57
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react-native-onesignal Improvements

• This minor release updates the version of the native iOS SDK used by react-native-onesignal

iOS 2.8.8 Improvements & Fixes

• This release fixes an issue (#410) where users that add buttons/functionality to a notification by directly using UNNotificationCategory instead of using our API would cause a crash
• Fixes a thread synchronization issue that would have deadlocked the main thread in very rare situations on initialization (#409)
• Fixes an issue where improperly formatted button JSON (from the create notification API) would cause the SDK to insert nil objects into an NSDictionary instance, causing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS (#402)
• Adds an additional dynamic framework/cocoapod for developers who previously encountered 'transitive dependency' errors using our SDK indirectly as a dependency of another cocoapod in Swift projects (#412)
#403 Fixes a bug that only effected wrapper SDK's, such Cordova and React-Native, where calling setLocationShared(false) could still result in location data being sent to OneSignal if the app had location permission in iOS (Cordova SDK issue #406)
#397 Fixes a bug that caused devices to never register with OneSignal if APNS did not respond with a token or failure.