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Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-iOS-SDK

2.1.12 Release

23 Sep 23:19
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  • Swizzling now works regardless of wether the linker flag -ObjC is present or not.


23 Sep 03:05
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  • OneSignal will now detect and show an error message for 'No Push Token' issues when the Push Notification capability is not enabled for the app target.
  • Fixed an iOS 10 issue where silent notifications fail to load properly when the app is in the foreground.
  • Fixed a 'No Push Token' issue in 2.1.10 that would happen when OneSignal was downloaded through CocoaPods and included other pods that used the -ObjC flag.


20 Sep 00:31
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  • Added support for a 4th key kOSSettingsKeyInFocusDisplay that adds the ability to customize how notifications should appear when the app is in the foreground.
  • Fixed receivedBlock not getting called on iOS10 when the app in foreground and OSInFocusDisplayOption is set to None.
  • Fixed "no push token" issue for projects with no proper -ObjC/-all_load flags set by forcing the UIApplication category to load regardless of the SDK installation method.
  • Enum values were renamed for easier auto-fill and to prevent namespace conflicts.
  • Updated example projects (No need for bridging header / linker flags).


14 Sep 03:32
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  • Carthage fix.


13 Sep 02:12
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  • Dynamic use of iOS 10 UserNotification framework for backwards compatibility.
  • Version skipped & fixed to match CocoaPods.


13 Sep 00:58
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  • Allow launch of inAppAlerts on iOS10.
  • Added NotificationServiceExtension & NotificationContentExtension to the example projects.
  • Swift example upgraded to Swift 3.0.


09 Sep 22:35
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  • Removed call to NSLog


09 Sep 01:36
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  • Modified build script to include symbolic link to module map.
  • Modified stringify method to exclude nil objects.


06 Sep 08:52
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  • Renamed hashing methods so as not to conflict with Apple's private APIs.


03 Sep 03:50
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  • Fixed an issue where receiving two notifications with launchURLs would launch multiple webviews without dismissing currently open ones.
  • Updated device registration login. OneSignal will now wait a few seconds to try to get a device token before registering with OneSignal's servers. This prevents some cases where devices could be duplicated on the dashboard when previous device data had been imported.