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uiua-plot is a data plotting library for the Uiua programming language.

The library requires # Experimental! due to reliance on the layout function for text rendering, reliance on uiua-math, and internal usage of experimental modifiers/functions.

To be able to plot data, you need to turn it into a Data instance. Data wraps raw data with configuration that affects how it is plotted.

To wrap raw data using default configuration values, just call Data directly.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data
Data [2007_2 2008_1 2009_3]

Or use ≡ rows if you have multiple series.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data
≡Data [
  [2007_2 2008_1 2009_3]
  [2007_2 2008_2 2009_4]]

On the other hand, if you want to configure how series are drawn, you can use a builder pattern as follows, using °⊸ to set fields.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data
    New [2007_2 2008_1 2009_3]
    # Color to draw the plot
    °⊸Color 0.33_0.51_0.93
    # Label to use in the plot legend
    °⊸Label "Ice Cream Sales"
    New [2007_2 2008_2 2009_4]
    °⊸Color 0.85_0.32_0.25
    °⊸Label "Shark Attacks"

Scatter/Line plots

Once you have the Data you want to plot (as either a single instance or an array of Data), you can use the Plot function to plot it.

To plot without additional configuration, simply invoke Plot with the data. This will produce an RGBA image.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data Plot
    New [2007_2 2008_1 2009_3]
    # Color to draw the plot
    °⊸Color 0.33_0.51_0.93
    # Label to use in the plot legend
    °⊸Label "Ice Cream Sales"
    New [2007_2 2008_2 2009_4]
    °⊸Color 0.85_0.32_0.25
    °⊸Label "Shark Attacks"
&ims Plot

This code produces the following output:
Example plot without global configuration

However, you will often want to configure specific parts of the actual plot. This can be done by creating a PlotConfig, again using a builder pattern to set fields. In order to pass a PlotConfig to the Plot function, use ⬚ fill.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data Plot PlotConfig
    New [2007_2 2008_1 2009_3]
    # Color to draw the plot
    °⊸Color 0.33_0.51_0.93
    # Label to use in the plot legend
    °⊸Label "Ice Cream Sales"
    New [2007_2 2008_2 2009_4]
    °⊸Color 0.85_0.32_0.25
    °⊸Label "Shark Attacks"
  # Minimum and maximum x bounds
  °⊸XBounds 2006.9_2009.1
  # Minimum and maximum y bounds
  °⊸YBounds ¯0.3_4.3
  # Spacing between gridlines in the x and y directions
  °⊸GridlineInterval 0.5_1
  # Size of the image to produce
  °⊸Size 800_400
  # Whether to draw dots
  # Setting this in `PlotConfig` provides a default for all series.
  # Use the identically-named field in `Data` for individual series.
  °⊸DrawDots 0
  # Label of the x-axis
  °⊸XLabel "Year"
&ims ⬚∘Plot

This code produces the following output (try it online):
Example plot with global configuration

Bar charts

In addition to Plot for creating scatter/line plots, BarChart can be used to create bar graphs.

For instance:

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ BarChart Data PlotConfig
    # Data for bar charts should be lists of scalars,
    # rather than lists of coordinates.
    New 2_1_3
    °⊸Label "Ice Cream Sales"
    New 2_2_4
    °⊸Label "Shark Attacks"
  # Size of the image to produce
  °⊸Size 512_400
  # Gridline spacing in the y direction
  °⊸(⊣GridlineInterval) 1
  # Label of the x-axis
  °⊸XLabel "Year"
  # Label of the y-axis
  °⊸YLabel "Quantity"
  # Labels for each bar cluster
  °⊸BarLabels {"2007" "2008" "2009"}
&ims ⬚∘BarChart

This code produces the following output (try it online):
Example bar chart


The Histogram function takes data and categorizes frequencies of intervals as determined by the x component of the configured GridlineInterval (inferred if unspecified), then makes a histogram. Note that Histogram cannot take multiple data series, and must be passed a single Data instance.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Data Histogram
# Generate 1000 binomial random variables with p=0.8 and N=20
/+<0.8 gen 20_1000 0
&ims Histogram Data

This code produces the following output (try it online):
Example histogram


The Func! macro can be used to plot functions. It takes a function and an x interval and produces a Data instance that can be passed to Plot.

# Experimental!
~ "git:" ~ Func! Plot
# Plot the function x² from -3 to 3
&ims Plot Func!(×.) ¯3_3

This code produces the following output (try it online):
Example function plot

Configuration fields

All available configuration values can be found in the following tables.

In the Data table, "Inherits global" indicates that a field has an analogue in PlotConfig, and if unspecified in Data, will inherit whatever is configured in the PlotConfig being used (the PlotConfig default if unspecified). These global fallback values are indicated in the PlotConfig table with "Global fallback."


Field Shape Description Default
Color [3] or [4] Color with which to plot this data Desmos graph colors
Label string Label to put in the legend ""
DrawDots [] Whether to draw dots (expects 0 or 1) Inherits global
DotSize [] Size with which to draw dots Inherits global
DrawLines [] Whether to draw lines (expects 0 or 1) Inherits global
LineWidth [] Thickness with which to draw lines Inherits global


Field Shape Description Default
XBounds [2] The minimum and maximum x bounds of the plot (overrides Min and Max) Inferred
YBounds [2] The minimum and maximum y bounds of the plot (overrides Min and Max) Inferred
Min [2] The minimum x and y bounds of the plot (overrides XBounds and YBounds) Inferred
Max [2] The maximum x and y bounds of the plot (overrides XBounds and YBounds) Inferred
Size [2] The pixel dimensions of the image to output [512 512]
BgColor [3] or [4] Plot background color [1 1 1]
AxisWidth [] Thickness of the main axes 3
AxisColor [3] or [4] Color of the main axes [0 0 0]
GridlineWidth [] Thickness of the gridlines 1
GridlineColor [3] or [4] Color of the gridlines [0.7 0.7 0.7]
GridlineInterval [2] Spacing between gridlines in the x and y directions Inferred
NumberSize [] Font size to use for axis numbers 15
NumberColor [3] or [4] Font color to use for axis numbers [0.3 0.3 0.3]
XLabel string x-axis label ""
YLabel string y-axis label ""
AxisLabelSize [] Font size to use for axis labels 20
AxisLabelColor [3] or [4] Font color to use for axis labels [0.2 0.2 0.2]
PlotLabelSize [] Font size to use for data series labels 15
PlotLabelColor [3] or [4] Font color to use for data series labels [0.2 0.2 0.2]
BarWidth [] Width with which to draw each bar 40
BarLabels boxed string list Labels to use for each bar/bar cluster {}
BarLabelSize [] Font size to use for bar/bar cluster labels 15
BarLabelColor [3] or [4] Font color to use for bar/bar cluster labels [0.2 0.2 0.2]
DrawDots [] (Global fallback) Whether to draw dots when plotting a series (expects 0 or 1) 1
DotSize [] (Global fallback) Size with which to draw dots 40
DrawLines [] (Global fallback) Whether to draw lines when plotting a series (expects 0 or 1) 1
LineWidth [] (Global fallback) Thickness with which to draw lines 8