The Boxing Lab APP is an application built to provide a faster and easier way to find objects in the Laboratory. The application was built using AngularJS. It's a SPA consuming a RESTful API. Feel free to report issues and contribute with some PullRequests
- The most upfront (with features being tested) branch is the "master" branch
- The branch currently running into the server is the "production" branch
- This angular app requires a functional RESTful API to work with, the API provides all the data
- You'll find a repo containing the API at
- To make it easier to set up the API we created a Docker Image
- The angular app expects the API to be located on the localhost port 80, this can be changed at app/core/settings.js
- Example of creating and running a container
$ docker run -tid --name boxing-api -p 80:80 lcdporto/boxing-api
- node and npm (dependent on your OS)
- bower
- gulp
- Clone the repository
- Make sure you are in the project root folder (i.e. boxing-app)
- Make sure you have node and npm installed
- Install Dev dependencies with
$ npm install
- Install Bower and Gulp globally with
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g gulp
- Install the APP dependencies with
$ bower install
- Open the file dist/angular/development/settings.js
- If need change the apiUrl property to match your development api url (e.g
- Launch the development server with
$ gulp serve
- Whenever you finish coding something, please try and see if there is conflicts with the most recent version in the branch "master"
- If possible, try to write tests to fully cover your feature
- We have implemented linting with jshint and code style checker with jscs, your contributions must pass these checks
- The jshint rules are defined in .jshintrc, to better understand these rules visit:
- The jscs rules are defined in .jscsrc, to better understand these rules visit:
- Both rule files are considered work in progress, if you have something to say about them open up an issue
- To check your code
$ gulp check
- If you think a jshint rule does not make sense in a specific case, you can hide a warning with a snippet of code
- To that, add the following snippet to your file (/* jshint -W034 */), the -W034 part must match the rule code your trying to hide
- We are currently migrating the project to match John Papa's angular-styleguide
- Use these guidelines as a reference, if you find something in the code that does not match, correct it or open an issue
If you have something to say, feel free to contact:
- Ighor Martins (
- Ricardo Lobo (
You can always come to our Lab too :)
More info at: