Note: All folders mentioned here are relative to the root folder protocol-specs
The full specification can be found at api/{module_name}/build/{module_name}.yaml
This is an autogenerated file created by compiling multiple sets of components namely,
- Enum: found at
- These are all the enums used in module specification while creating the module artifact
- Examples: found at
- These are the examples created Illustrative use of the specification and embeeded in the yaml
- Structure
- Unresolved YAML: found at
/ (root directory)
|--beckn-core-protocol-specs (git submodule to specific beckn inheritated release)
|--api (contains all the api specific details)
| |--{module_name} (Module/Domain)
| | |--build
| | | |--build.yaml (Built Single YAML with api specification of the module)
| | |--components (contains all components of the specification)
| | | |--enum (contains all enums used in module)
| | | | |--index.yaml (index yaml)
| | | | | | {Group/Theme/Flow}
| | | | | | | content
| | | | | | | {Schema1}:
| | | | | | | $ref: ./{schema1}.yaml
| | | | | | | {Schema2}:
| | | | | | | $ref: ./{schema2}.yaml
| | | | | | | ....
| | | | |--{schema1}.yaml (enum1 yaml)
| | | | | | content
| | | | | | {atttribute}:
| | | | | | - code: ENUM_VALUE1
| | | | | | description: enum description md format
| | | | | | reference: links md format
| | | | | | - code: ENUM_VALUE2
| | | | | | description: enum description md format
| | | | | | reference: links md format
| | | | |--{schema2}.yaml (enum2 yaml)
| | | | | | content
| | | | | | {atttribute}:
| | | | | | - code: ENUM_VALUE1
| | | | | | description: enum description md format
| | | | | | reference: links md format
| | | | | | - code: ENUM_VALUE2
| | | | | | description: enum description md format
| | | | | | reference: links md format
| | | |--examples (conatins examples of the APIs)
| | | | |--(theme/usecase/base/behaviour)
| | | | | |--search (search request examples yaml)
| | | | | | |--example_0.yaml (example_0 yaml)
| | | | | | | | content
| | | | | | | | summary: Search Ride
| | | | | | | | value:
| | | | | | | | context:
| | | | | | | | ....
| | | |--tags (contains Tags all tags used in module)
| | | | |--tag_group.yaml (tag group yaml)
| | | | | | content
| | | | | | {schema}:
| | | | | | | tags:
| | | | | | | - code: TAG_GROUP_TEST1
| | | | | | | description: description md format
| | | | | | | refrence: refrence links
| | | | | | | lists:
| | | | | | | - $ref: "tag.yaml#/{tag_group_name}"
| | | | | | | ....
| | | | | | | ....
| | | | |--tag.yaml (tag yaml)
| | | | | | content
| | | | | | {tag_group_name}:
| | | | | | | tags:
| | | | | | | - code: TAG_GROUP_TEST1
| | | | | | | description: description md format
| | | | | | | refrence: refrence links
| | | | | | | lists:
| | | | | | | - $ref: "tag.yaml#/{tag_name}"
| | | | | | | ....
| | | | | | | ....
| | | |--financial-core-unresolved.yaml (unresolved yaml to build final yaml)
| | | | | changes:
| | | | | - Add module specific examples[if any]
| | | | | - include tags in components section
| | | | | - include enums in components section
| | |--docs
| | | | (Module Introduction & description)
| | | | (API work flow illuration for business)
| | | | (Attribute to business terminology mapping)description)
The compilation flow is illustrated below
- Install the swagger command line tool using
(Note: you may need to use root privileges if installing it globally)
sudo npm install -g swagger-cli
- Run the following command
./build_util ./api/b2b/components/beckn_yaml.yaml ./api/mobility/components/index.yaml {out_file_path}
- If the command runs successfully, you should see an output like this,
Created Created {out_file_path} from ./api/mobility/components/beckn_yaml.yaml
Temporary file deleted