$ owi --help=plain
owi - OCaml WebAssembly Interpreter
owi [COMMAND] …
c [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Compile a C file to Wasm and run the symbolic interpreter on it
c++ [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Compile a C++ file to Wasm and run the symbolic interpreter on it
conc [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Run the concolic interpreter
fmt [--inplace] [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Format a .wat or .wast file
instrument [--debug] [--symbolic] [--unsafe] [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Generate an instrumented file with runtime assertion checking
coming from Weasel specifications
opt [--debug] [--output=FILE] [--unsafe] [OPTION]… ARG
Optimize a module
replay [OPTION]… ARG
Replay a module containing symbols with concrete values in a
replay file containing a model
run [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Run the concrete interpreter
rust [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Compile a Rust file to Wasm and run the symbolic interpreter on it
script [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Run a reference test suite script
sym [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Run the symbolic interpreter
validate [--debug] [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Validate a module
version [OPTION]…
Print some version informations
wasm2wat [--emit-file] [--output=FILE] [OPTION]… ARG
Generate a text format file (.wat) from a binary format file
wat2wasm [OPTION]… ARG
Generate a binary format file (.wasm) from a text format file
--help[=FMT] (default=auto)
Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto,
pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain
whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined.
Show version information.
owi exits with:
0 on success.
123 on indiscriminate errors reported on standard error.
124 on command line parsing errors.
125 on unexpected internal errors (bugs).
Email them to <contact@ndrs.fr>.