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Kay-Michael Würzner edited this page May 17, 2018 · 15 revisions

OCR-D Glossary

Glossary of terms from the domain of image processing/OCR as used within the OCR-D framework

Layout and Typography


A block is a polygon inside a page.

Block type

The semantics or function of a block such as heading, page number, column, print space...



Grapheme Cluster

See Glyph


See TextLine

Reading Order

Reading order is the intended order of regions within a document.


See Region


See Glyph


A TextLine is a block of text without line breaks.


A word is a sequence of glyphs not containing any word-bounding whitespace.


Ground Truth

Ground Truth (GT) in the context of OCR-D is transcriptions in PAGE-XML format in combination with the original image. Significant parts of the GT have been created manually.

We distinguish different usage scenarios for GT:

Reference data

With the term reference data, we refer to data which are intended to illustrate the different stages of an OCR/OLR process on representative materials. They are supposed to enable an assessment of common difficulties and challenges when running certain analysis operations and are therefore completely annotated manually at all levels.

Evaluation data

Evaluation data are used to quantitatively evaluate the performance of OCR tools and/or algorithms. Parts of these data which correspond to the tool(s) under consideration are guaranteed to be recorded manually.

Training data

Many OCR-related tools need to be adapted to the specific domain of the works which are to be processed. This domain adaptation is called training. Data used to guide this process are called training data. It is essential that those parts of these data which are feed to the training algorithm are captured manually.



Binarization means converting all colors in an image to either black or white.

Controlled term: binarized (comments of a mets:file), preprocessing/optimization/binarization (step in ocrd-tool.json)

See Felix' Niklas interactive demo


Manipulating an image in such a way that it is rectangular, all text lines are parallel to bottom/top edge of page and creases/folds/curving of page into spine of book has been corrected.

Controlled term: preprocessing/optimization/dewarping

See Matt Zucker's entry on Dewarping.


Remove artifacts such as smudges, ink blots, underlinings etc. from an image.

Controlled term: preprocessing/optimization/despeckling


Rotate image so that all text lines are horizontal.

Controlled term: preprocessing/optimization/deskewing

Font indentification

Detecting the font type used in the document. Can happen after an initial OCR run or before.

Controlled term: recognition/font-identification

Grayscale normalization


Controlled term:

  • gray_normalized (comments in file)
  • preprocessing/optimization/cropping (step)

Gray normalization is similar to binarization but instead of a purely bitonal image, the output can also contain shades of gray to avoid inadvertently combining glyphs when they are very close together.

Document analysis

Document analysis is the detection of structure on the document level to create a table of contents.

Reading order detection

Detects the reading order of blocks.


Detecting the print space in a page, as opposed to the margins. It is a form of block segmentation

Controlled term: preprocessing/optimization/cropping.

Border removal

--> Cropping


Segmentation means detecting areas within an image.

Specific segmentation algorithms are labelled by the semantics of the regions they detect not the semantics of the input, i.e. an algorithm that detects blocks is called block segmentation.

Block segmentation

Segment an image into blocks. Also determines whether this is a text or non-text block (e.g. images).

Controlled term:

  • layout/segmentation/region (step)

Block classification

Determine the type of a detected block.

Line segmentation

Segment blocks into textlines.

Controlled term:

  • layout/segmentation/line (step)

Word segmentation

Segment a textline into words

Controlled term:

  • layout/segmentation/word (step)

Glyph segmentation

Segment a textline into glyphs

Controlled term: SEG-GLYPH

Data Persistence

Software repository

TODO wrong use of document analysis

The software repository contains all document analysis algorithms developed during the project including tests. It will also contain the documentation and installation instructions for deploying a document analysis workflow.

Ground Truth repository

Contains all the ground truth data.

Research data repository

TODO wrong use of document analysis

The research data repository contains the results of all activities during document analysis. At least it contains the end results of every processed document and its full provenance. The research data repository must be available locally.

Model repository

TODO wrong use of document analysis

Contains all trained (OCR) models for document analysis. The model repository must be available locally. Ideally, a publicly available model repository will be developed.

OCR-D modules

The OCR-D project divided the various elements of an OCR workflow into six modules.

Image preprocessing


Layout analysis


Text recognition and optimization


Model training


Long-term preservation


Quality assurance


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