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go-utils — is a utility library for the Go programming language. It provides convenient generic functions and tools for working with slices, strings, time, and much more.



A package that provides common types for use in other project packages. It generalizes functions and data types to work with various value types.

Main types:

  • Numeric - combines all numeric types like int, float32, uint etc.


The Numeric interface combines all numeric types like int, float32, uint, and others.

Usage example:

func Sum[T Numeric](n []T) T {
    var sum T
    for _, v := range n {
        sum += v
    return sum


A package that provides functions for convenient map operations.

Main functions:

  • Has: Checks if a map contains a given key.
  • Merge: Merges two maps. Values from map "a" take precedence.
  • DiffKeys: Returns map "a" without the elements from map "b".


Checks if a map contains a given key.


  • m — a map of type map[K]V, where K are the keys, and V are the values.
  • key — the key to check for.

Return value:

  • booltrue, if the key is present in the map, otherwise false.

Usage example:

m := map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
exists := maps.Has(m, "two")
// exists: true


Merges two maps. Values from map "a" take precedence.


  • a — first map of type map map[K]V.
  • b — second map of type map[K]V.

Return value:

  • map[K]V is a new map containing the combined elements.

Usage example:

a := map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
b := map[string]int{"two": 3, "three": 4}
merged := maps.Merge(a, b)
// merged: {"one": 1, "two": 3, "three": 4}


Returns map "a" without elements from map "b".


  • a is a map of type map[K]V from which elements will be removed.
  • b is a map of type map[K]V containing the keys to be removed from the map "a".

Return value:

  • map[K]V is a new map containing elements from "a" that are not in "b".

Usage example:

a := map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
b := map[string]int{"two": 2, "four": 4}
diff := maps.DiffKeys(a, b)
// diff: {"one": 1, "three": 3}


Package providing mathematical functions for working with numeric types.

Main functions:

  • Max: Returns the maximum value from the provided arguments.
  • Min: Returns the minimum value from the provided arguments.
  • Sum: Returns the sum of all the provided values.


Returns the maximum value from the provided arguments.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T is the maximum value from the provided arguments.

Usage example:

maxValue := math.Max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// maxValue: 5


Returns the minimum value from the provided arguments.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T is the minimum value from the provided arguments.

Usage example:

minValue := math.Min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// minValue: 1


Returns the sum of all the provided values.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T is the sum of all the provided arguments.

Usage example:

total := math.Sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// total: 15


Package providing functions for working with entities (models).

Main functions:

  • CollectIDs: Returns a slice of identifiers from a slice of entities.
  • CollectIDsFromMap: Returns a slice of identifiers from a map of entities.
  • UniqueValues: Method for collecting unique values from any field of a model into a slice of the desired result type.
  • UniqueValuesFromMap: Method for collecting unique values from any field of a model into a slice of the desired result type, using a map.


Returns a slice of identifiers from a slice of entities.


  • sl is a slice of entities of type T, which have an id.

Return value:

  • []uint is a slice of unique identifiers.

Usage example:

type User struct {
    ID uint 
	// other fields

func (u User) GetID() uint {
    return u.ID

users := []User{{ID: 1}, {ID: 2}, {ID: 1}}
ids := CollectIDs(users)
// ids: []uint{1, 2}


Returns a slice of identifiers from a map of entities that have an id.


  • m is a map where the keys are of type K, and the values are of type T, which have an id.

Return value:

  • []uint is a slice of unique identifiers.

Usage example:

type User struct {
    ID uint
    // other fields

func (u User) GetID() uint {
    return u.ID

userMap := map[string]User{
    "user1": {ID: 1},
    "user2": {ID: 2},
    "user3": {ID: 1},

ids := CollectIDsFromMap(userMap)
// ids: []uint{1, 2}


Method for collecting unique values from any field of a model into a slice of the desired result type.


  • slice is a slice of entities of type S.
  • getter is a function that takes an entity of type S and returns a value of type R, which will be added to the final slice.

Return value:

  • []R is a slice of unique values obtained from the provided slice.

Usage example:

type Product struct {
    ID   uint
    Name string

func GetProductID(p Product) uint {
    return p.ID

products := []Product{
    {ID: 1, Name: "Product A"},
    {ID: 2, Name: "Product B"},
    {ID: 1, Name: "Product C"},

uniqueIDs := UniqueValues(products, GetProductID)
// uniqueIDs: []uint{1, 2}


Method for collecting unique values from any field of a model into a slice of the desired result type, using a map.


  • m is a map where the keys are of type K, and the values are of type V.
  • getter is a function that takes a value of type V and returns a value of type R, which will be added to the final slice.

Return value:

  • []R is a slice of unique values obtained from the provided map.

Usage example:

type User struct {
    ID   uint
    Name string

func GetUserName(u User) string {
    return u.Name

users := map[string]User{
    "user1": {ID: 1, Name: "Alice"},
    "user2": {ID: 2, Name: "Bob"},
    "user3": {ID: 3, Name: "Alice"},

uniqueNames := UniqueValuesFromMap(users, GetUserName)
// uniqueNames: []string{"Alice", "Bob"}


Package that contains utility functions for working with various data types.

Main functions:

  • FirstNonEmpty: Returns the first element with a non-zero value from the provided arguments.


Returns the first element with a non-zero value from the provided arguments.


  • tt is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any type that supports comparison.

Return value:

  • T is the first non-zero element from the provided arguments. If all elements are zero, it returns the default value for type T.

Usage example:

first := other.FirstNonEmpty("", "hello", "world")
// first: "hello"

firstNum := other.FirstNonEmpty(0, 1, 2)
// firstNum: 1

firstNil := other.FirstNonEmpty(nil, nil)
// firstNil: nil


Package providing functions for working with slices.

Main functions:

  • ConvertSlice: changes the type of elements in the slice.
  • FilterNil: returns a slice without empty values (e.g., 0, "", etc.), modifying the original slice.
  • Unique: returns a slice without duplicates, modifying the original slice.
  • Union: combines two slices, excluding duplicates.
  • Cross: returns a slice with values present in both slices.
  • IsEqual: checks if the slices are identical, regardless of the order of elements.
  • Has: checks if the slice contains a given value.
  • TrimStrings: removes spaces from each element of a string slice.
  • ToKeyMap: returns a map with keys equal to the values of the slice.
  • SliceDiff: returns a slice containing elements present in the first slice but absent in others.
  • SliceIntersect: returns a slice with unique values present in all provided slices.
  • Max: returns the maximum value from the provided elements.
  • Min: returns the minimum value from the provided elements.
  • Sum: returns the sum of all values.


Function that changes the type of elements in a slice.


  • s is a slice of elements of type T that needs to be converted.

Return value:

  • []R is a new slice of elements of type R, obtained by converting the elements from the slice s.

Usage example:

newSlice := slices.ConvertSlice[int32, uint]([]int32{1, 2, 3})
// newSlice: []uint{1, 2, 3}


Function that returns a slice without empty values (e.g., 0, "", etc.). Note that it modifies the original slice.


  • sl is a slice of elements of type T from which empty values will be removed.

Return value:

  • []T is a slice containing only non-empty values.

Usage example:

values := []int{0, 1, 2, 0, 3}
filtered := slices.FilterNil(values)
// filtered: []int{1, 2, 3}


Function that returns a slice without duplicates. Note that it modifies the original slice.


  • sl is a slice of elements of type T from which duplicates will be removed.

Return value:

  • []T is a slice containing only unique values.

Usage example:

values := []int{1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4}
uniqueValues := slices.Unique(values)
// uniqueValues: []int{1, 2, 3, 4}


Function that combines two slices, excluding duplicates.


  • sl1 is the first slice of type T.
  • sl2 is the second slice of type T.

Return value:

  • []T is a new slice containing unique values from both input slices.

Usage example:

slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
slice2 := []int{3, 4, 5}
result := slices.Union(slice1, slice2)
// result: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


Function that returns a slice of values present in both input slices.


  • sl1 is the first slice of type T.
  • sl2 is the second slice of type T.

Return value:

  • []T is a new slice containing values that are present in both input slices.

Usage example:

slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
slice2 := []int{2, 3, 4}
result := slices.Cross(slice1, slice2)
// result: []int{2, 3}


Function that checks whether two slices are identical, regardless of the order of elements.


  • sl1 is the first slice of type T.
  • sl2 is the second slice of type T.

Return value:

  • booltrue if the slices are identical (contain the same elements in any order), otherwise false.

Usage example:

slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3}
slice2 := []int{3, 2, 1}
isEqual := slices.IsEqual(slice1, slice2)
// isEqual: true


Function that checks whether a slice contains a specified value.


  • sl is a slice of type T in which to search.
  • n is a value of type T that needs to be found in the slice.

Return value:

  • booltrue if the value is present in the slice, otherwise false.

Usage example:

slice := []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
exists := slices.Has(slice, "banana")
// exists: true


Function that trims whitespace from the beginning and end of each string in a slice of strings.


  • ss is a slice of strings to be processed.

Return value:

  • []string — a slice of strings where each string is trimmed of whitespace.

Usage example:

strings := []string{"  apple  ", " banana ", "cherry  "}
trimmed := slices.TrimStrings(strings)
// trimmed: []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}


Function that converts a slice of values into a map where the keys are the elements of the slice and the values are boolean indicating the presence of these keys.


  • sl is a slice of values of type T to be converted into a map.

Return value:

  • map[T]bool — a map where the keys are the elements from the slice and the values are true.

Usage example:

values := []string{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
keyMap := slices.ToKeyMap(values)
// keyMap: map[string]bool{"apple": true, "banana": true, "cherry": true}


Function that returns a slice containing elements that are present in the first slice but absent in the other provided slices.


  • slices is a variable number of slices of type T from which the difference will be calculated.

Return value:

  • []T — a slice containing elements from the first slice that are not in the others.

Usage example:

slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
slice2 := []int{3, 4, 5}
slice3 := []int{4, 5, 6}

result := slices.SliceDiff(slice1, slice2, slice3)
// result: []int{1, 2}


Function that returns a slice of unique values present in all provided slices.


  • slices is a variable number of slices of type T from which the intersection will be calculated.

Return value:

  • []T — a slice containing unique elements that are present in all of the provided slices.

Usage example:

slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
slice2 := []int{3, 4, 5}
slice3 := []int{4, 5, 6}

result := slices.SliceIntersect(slice1, slice2, slice3)
// result: []int{4}


Function that returns the maximum value from the provided arguments.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T — the maximum value from the provided arguments.

Usage example:

maxValue := slices.Max([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
// maxValue: 5


Function that returns the minimum value from the provided arguments.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T — the minimum value from the provided arguments.

Usage example:

minValue := slices.Min([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
// minValue: 1


Function that returns the sum of all provided values.


  • n is a variable number of arguments of type T, where T is any numeric type supported by the Numeric interface.

Return value:

  • T — the sum of all provided arguments.

Usage example:

total := slices.Sum([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
// total: 15


Package providing functions for working with strings.

Main functions:

  • Truncate: Truncates a string to the specified number of runes.


Truncates a string to the specified number of runes.


  • str — the string to be truncated.
  • maxRunes — the maximum number of runes to truncate the string to.

Return value:

  • string — the truncated string if the length exceeds maxRunes, otherwise the original string.

Usage example:

result := strings.Truncate("Hello, World!", 5)
// result: "Hello"


Package providing functions for working with time values.

Main functions:

  • Midnight: Returns the time corresponding to midnight for the current date in the local time zone.
  • MidnightByLocation: Returns midnight time for the specified location.
  • MidnightByTimeZone: Returns midnight time for the specified time zone.


Returns the time corresponding to midnight for the current date in the local time zone.

Return value:

  • time.Time — the time value corresponding to midnight.
  • error — an error if there was a problem calculating the time (usually does not occur).

Usage example:

midnight, err := time.Midnight()
if err != nil {
    // error handling
// midnight: 2024-09-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC


Returns the midnight time for the specified location.


  • loc — a pointer to a time.Location structure representing the time zone.

Return value:

  • time.Time — the time value corresponding to midnight in the specified time zone.
  • error — an error if there was a problem calculating the time (usually does not occur).

Usage example:

loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Europe/Moscow")
if err != nil {
    // error handling

midnight, err := time.MidnightByLocation(loc)
if err != nil {
    // error handling
// midnight: 2024-09-20 00:00:00 +0300 MSK


Returns the midnight time for the specified time zone.


  • timeZone — a string representing the name of the time zone (e.g., "Europe/Moscow").

Return value:

  • time.Time — the time value corresponding to midnight in the specified time zone.
  • error — an error if there was a problem loading the time zone (e.g., if the specified time zone does not exist).

Usage example:

midnight, err := time.MidnightByTimeZone("Europe/Moscow")
if err != nil {
    // error handling
// midnight: 2024-09-20 00:00:00 +0300 MSK