cd archives
cd bootloader
make clean && make
The resulting file is named Doppelganger_Bootloader_v0.1.0_SDCC_18f45k50_INTOSC.hex. You can write it into the the PIC using any programmer you want.
Onced flashed, the Doppelganger will boot in bootloader mode (signaled by a LED-R blinking at a fast rate). In this mode, the Doppelganger can be seen from the PC (through USB) as USB device (VID=0x1807, PID=0x55AA).
cd application
make clean && make
The resulting file is named Doppelganger.hex and is available in the hex directory.
cp udev/Doppelganger.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Then reload the udev rules (as root):
udevadm control --reload-rules
cd tools
./ hex/Doppelganger.hex