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3. Filter buttons

NikolayHD edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 6 revisions

Filter buttons in top- and right- most window panels


The 7 button groups differ by the card property they correspond to. These buttons filter cards by

  • card abilities (text)
  • type
  • rarity
  • mana symbol in card abilities (text)
  • generated mana
  • converted mana cost
  • mana cost

Checking the button in top row (right column for vertical panel) applies filter with operator AND.

Checking the button in bottom row (left column for vertical groups) applies filter with operator OR.

Filters by different properties are always joined through AND.


Simplified checking / unchecking

When Left clicking a value in some Button filters Mtgdb.Gui applies complicated usability logic. For example when left clicking {R} in filter by ManaCost you also get checked phyrexian red {R/P} and mixed variants {R/2}, {R/W} and so on.

Use Right click to simply check / uncheck a value without affecting other values.


To reset filter buttons group to it's default state click it using middle mouse button.

Combining buttons with other filters


Using Filter buttons and other User Interface elements you can set the following types of filters:

  • Filter buttons
  • Search text
  • Legality filter
  • Filter to cards present in your collection
  • Filter to cards present in your deck

To select between AND / OR operators for those types use the the rightmost buttons group in top panel.

Just like with filter buttons checking in the top row corresponds to AND, in the bottom to OR.

If neither top or bottom is checked, the filter type is ignored when filtering cards.

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