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  • Understand what a JavaScript object is and how to create one
  • Know object properties
    • Keys
    • Values
  • Create and modify properties of an object
  • Iterate through an object


  • objects
  • dot-notation
  • square bracket-notation
  • keys/values
  • properties


An Object is a collection of key/value pairs. The pairs are also known as properties.

{ key: value } // This is a key/value pair

JavaScript is object-based, like many languages (e.g. Python, Ruby, Java). According to Wikipedia, that means the language "uses the idea of encapsulating state and operations inside objects."

In other words, objects are extremely powerful and fundamental to JavaScript. More on that in another lesson, but for now, think of them as similar to real-world objects.

Real-world Example

In English, you might refer to an apple as an object. Similarly to a JavaScript object, an apple has properties, like type (e.g. "Gala", "Honeycrisp"), color, ripeness (e.g. "ripe", "rotten", "unripe") and owner (e.g. "Tomer", "Maria").

You might represent this in JavaScript like so (syntax explained in next section):

  type: 'Gala',
  color: 'red',
  ripeness: 'ripe',
  owner: 'Tomer'

The above JavaScript object represents a single apple. You could represent many apples this way:

  type: 'Gala', 
  color: 'red', 
  ripeness: 'ripe', 
  owner: 'Tomer'
  type: 'Granny Smith', 
  color: 'green', 
  ripeness: 'unripe', 
  owner: 'Daniel'
  type: 'Golden Delicious', 
  color: 'yellow', 
  ripeness: 'rotten', 
  owner: 'Ashley'
  type: 'Honeycrisp',
  color: 'red',
  ripeness: 'ripe',
  owner: 'Maria'


As in the above apple examples, JavaScript objects are often represented using curly braces. The syntax is simple: the pairs are separated by commas, the keys are separated from values by colons, and the entire thing is surrounded by curly braces (Note: an empty object is just {}).

This notation is one common way to declare an object. This is called an object literal.

You can then store the result in a variable. For example:

let person = {
  firstName: "Erika",
  lastName: "Kim",
  age: 25,
  human: true

Programming Example

Are we going to create apples in our apps? Maybe, for example if you wanted to create an app that tracks inventory for a grocery store, or an app that tracks the contents of your refrigerator.

But digital examples can also use objects. For example, a Facebook post could be an object, as could an Airbnb reservation.

It's best to think of an object as a collection of properties that describe something. Like above, we are describing an apple, or a person.

What you imagine some properties these objects might have?

Objects vs. Arrays

If an object is a collection of properties describing an item, then think of an array as a collection of similar items.

Generally you use an array as a list of things. An object is a grouping.

let colors = ["blue","red","green"]

let color = {
  pretty: true,
  visible: "yes",
  name: "blue",

Getting & Setting Properties

Once you have an object, what might you want to do with it? For starters, you may want to create new properties as well as read and update existing ones.

Getting Properties

If you had an object stored in the variable person and wanted to get that person's firstName, you could use dot notation. The syntax looks like this:

// Same object as before
let person = {
  firstName: "Erika",
  lastName: "Kim",
  age: 25,

// 'Erika' will be logged

If you try to get a property that doesn't exist, undefined will be returned.

// 'undefined' will be logged

We've been accessing properties of objects through dot notation, but we can also use bracket notation which works in a similar way to dot notation but with brackets. If we tried to access firstName without quotes around it, we will get an error. Bracket notation is not as easy as dot notation but it does have benefits. For example, if the property you want to access has dashes (-) in it, dot notation will not work. In those cases, bracket notation would be better: add1["another-property"].

let obj = { 
  firstName: "Corey",
  lastName: "Ladovsky"

console.log(obj["firstName"]) // => "Corey"

As long as we pass in something that is a string, we can use bracket notation with variables. Remember that the variable has to be a string or number (which gets converted to a string), or else it will throw an error.

let obj = { 
  firstName: "Corey",
  lastName: "Ladovsky"

let prop = "firstName"
console.log(obj[prop]) // => "Corey"

prop = "lastName"
console.log(obj[prop]) // => "Ladovsky"

Setting Properties

Now that we know how to get an object's properties -- how do we set them? In other words, how do we add or change properties of an object?

Let's revisit our basic person object:

let person = {
  firstName: "Erika",
  lastName: "Kim",
  age: 25,

Just as we could use dot notation to get the property of a person, we can use it similarly to set a property, whether it exists or not.

If it already exists, we can change it like this:

console.log(person.firstName) // Logs 'Erika'

person.firstName = "Jane" // Changes firstName property
console.log(person.firstName) // Logs 'Jane'

// {
//   firstName: 'Jane',
//   lastName: 'Kim',
//   age: 25
//  }

If it doesn't already exist, the same notation adds a property:

  console.log(person.hometown); // Logs 'undefined'

  person.hometown = 'Arkansas'; // Creates and sets hometown property to 'Arkansas'
  console.log(person.hometown); // Logs 'Arkansas'
  // {
 //   firstName: 'Jane',
 //   lastName: 'Kim',
 //   age: 25,
 //   hometown: 'Arkansas'
 //  }

Arrays vs Objects

Arrays and object are closely related to each other. An array is really a special kind of object, where the keys are the numbered indices.

let myArray = ["firstValue", "secondValue"]
console.log(myArray[0]) // Logs 'firstValue'

let myObject = { 0: "firstValue", 1: "secondValue" }
console.log(myObject[0]) // Logs 'firstValue'

Arrays of Objects

What if you wanted a collection of objects (e.g. a collection of films)? One data structure we learned to store a collection is an array -- so we could store an array of objects.

For example, we may want to create an array of films, where each film is an object that contains a name, release year and director.

let films = [
    name: "Psycho",
    director: "Alfred Hitchcock",
    released: 1960,
    name: "Citizen Kane",
    director: "Orson Welles",
    released: 1941,
    name: "The Usual Suspects",
    director: "Bryan Singer",
    released: 1995,

Now, we could access any of the films just as we do any values in an array, and then access that object's properties. In the below example, we access the name of the first film.

// Logs 'Psycho'

So if I wanted to print to the console all of the films I could write a loop like this:

for (let i = 0; i < films.length; i++) {

Objects in Objects

The value of an object can be practically anything; it could even be another object! This is called a nested object.

We can access properties in these objects just like any other object.

let closet = {
  winter: {
    hands: "gloves", 
    head: "beenie" 
  summer: {
    hands: "rings", 
    head: "baseball cap"

console.log(closet["winter"]["hands"]) // => "gloves"
console.log(closet.winter.hands) // => "gloves"

Object Equality Test

Many JavaScript constructs are types of objects (e.g. Arrays fall under the Object class).

For any variable of the object type, the quality operator (i.e. ===) will only return true if both sides refer to the exact same object. It's not enough for them to just look the same.

let firstPerson = { name: "Bob", age: 47 }
let secondPerson = { name: "Bob", age: 47 }

console.log(firstPerson === secondPerson) // false
console.log(firstPerson === firstPerson) // true

let pointer = firstPerson // Create a variable pointing to firstPerson
console.log(pointer === firstPerson) // true

This is similar to how arrays work - we can't compare two arrays just by using ===. They have to be the SAME array, not just contain the same items.

Iterating through Objects

As mentioned earlier, an array is like an object where the keys are consecutive numbers.

Iterating through an array is simple: we only need a loop of some kind that goes, for example, from 0 to array.length - 1, because you know those numbers are keys of the array.

But with an object, you don't know what those keys are. They may not be numbers, but instead may be firstName and age, as in the above examples.

For this, we use the loop. Its syntax is:

for (let key in object) {
  // Code to execute on each each key

For example, to log all the key/value pairs of an object:

let cat = {
  name: "Tom",
  type: "Domestic",

for (let key in cat) {
// Logs: 'name' and then logs 'type'

Okay so that's how we get the keys. How do we get the values? We can simply key into the object.

for (let key in cat) {
  console.log(key + ": " + cat[key])
// Logs 'name: Tom' and then 'type: Domestic'

Get objects keys and values

If I wanted to get all the keys of an object and store them as an array. I can call Object.keys(obj) and pass in obj that I want the keys from.

let cat = {
  name: "Tom",
  type: "Domestic",

let catKeys = Object.keys(cat)
console.log(catKeys) // => ['name', 'type']

I can follow a similar format if I want the values in an array.

let cat = {
  name: "Tom",
  type: "Domestic",

let catValues = Object.values(cat)
console.log(catValues) // => ['Tom', 'Domestic']

Order in Objects

Arrays have order; objects do not. There is a first item in an array, whereas there isn't a "first" item in an object. It might look like it's first, but you should not rely on the order.

let person1 = {
  firstName: "Erika",
  lastName: "Kim",
  age: 25,

let person2 = {
  age: 25,
  firstName: "Erika",
  lastName: "Kim",

// These objects behave the same way. The order in which the properties appear in the creation of the object doesn't matter.

This is a crucial distinction you will learn about more later. It is generally bad practice to depend in any way on the order of attributes within an object.


An object's value can contain anything.

String? Sure

Array? No problem

Another object? you got it

What about a function?

let fakeArray = {
  pop: function() {
    console.log("You've popped")

// You've popped

Everything in javascript is an object. Literally everything. NaN is an object. 10 is an object. Strings are objects.

When you call array.push() you're actually accessing a property called push which is function defined on the global array object.

Same when you do string.toUpperCase() or Math.random(). They're all functions defined on objects. We call these methods.


If you'd like to see an object (or array) printed as a table, simply pass the object as the argument to console.table(obj).

let varObj = {
  corey: "corey",
  matt: "matt",


// OR

console.table(["mango", "strawberry", "banana"])

NOTE: More on console