OctonautsCli is a utility to manipulate Octopus projects, release, channels on a project group basis as well as some other useful commands.
You can use dotnet tool to install it:
dotnet tool update -g OctonautsCli
Then run it via command line
Octonauts --help
Or use choco
choco upgrade OctonautsCli
then run it via command line
OctonautsCli --help
This tool can be executed with arguments like:
--feature <feature name> --command <command of feature> <arguments for the command>
For example to find a machine by thumbprint:
--feature machine --command find-by-thumbprint --thumbprint CAB8994D6B919C62E7B747FB
For each feature/command, you can use help to find out the required arguments such as:
'--feature release help' to see the commands of the release feature
'--feature release --command create help' to see the required args to create a release
To avoid entering the Server Url and APIKey every time, you can define them as environment variables
OCTOPUS_SERVERURL for the server url
Supported Features:
Supported commands are:
help: Help
create: Create a release for project(s) or project group
delete: Delete a release from project(s) or project group
delete-by-range: Batch delete releases by version range
update-variables: Update variable snapshot for a release for project(s) or project group
promote-to-channel: Promote a release to another channel for project(s) or project group
Supported commands are:
help: shows the available commands
create: Create a channel
delete: Delete a channel
Supported commands are:
help: Help
get-used: Get packages used by project(s) or project group
Supported commands are:
help: Help
delete: Delete environments that matches regex pattern
Supported commands are:
help: Help
deploy-project: Individually deploy a project to machines in an environment
find-by-thumbprint: Find a machine by its thumbprint
list-machines: list machines in an environment
set-roles: set roles of the machine
show above help message