diff --git a/moabb/paradigms/base.py b/moabb/paradigms/base.py
index 527d51c20..ff5262738 100644
--- a/moabb/paradigms/base.py
+++ b/moabb/paradigms/base.py
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
+from moabb.utils import MoabbMetaClass
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class BaseProcessing(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+class BaseProcessing(metaclass=MoabbMetaClass):
     """Base Processing.
     Please use one of the child classes
     filters: list of list (defaults [[7, 35]])
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ class BaseParadigm(BaseProcessing):
     events: List of str | None (default None)
-        event to use for epoching. If None, default to all events defined in
+        events to use for epoching. If None, default to all events defined in
         the dataset.
diff --git a/moabb/paradigms/motor_imagery.py b/moabb/paradigms/motor_imagery.py
index 657a8e814..117ff13bc 100644
--- a/moabb/paradigms/motor_imagery.py
+++ b/moabb/paradigms/motor_imagery.py
@@ -14,43 +14,8 @@
 class BaseMotorImagery(BaseParadigm):
     """Base Motor imagery paradigm.
-    Please use one of the child classes
+    Not to be instantiated.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    filters: list of list (defaults [[7, 35]])
-        bank of bandpass filter to apply.
-    events: List of str | None (default None)
-        event to use for epoching. If None, default to all events defined in
-        the dataset.
-    tmin: float (default 0.0)
-        Start time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the dataset specific
-        task interval e.g. tmin = 1 would mean the epoch will start 1 second
-        after the beginning of the task as defined by the dataset.
-    tmax: float | None, (default None)
-        End time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the beginning of the
-        dataset specific task interval. tmax = 5 would mean the epoch will end
-        5 second after the beginning of the task as defined in the dataset. If
-        None, use the dataset value.
-    baseline: None | tuple of length 2
-            The time interval to consider as “baseline” when applying baseline
-            correction. If None, do not apply baseline correction.
-            If a tuple (a, b), the interval is between a and b (in seconds),
-            including the endpoints.
-            Correction is applied by computing the mean of the baseline period
-            and subtracting it from the data (see mne.Epochs)
-    channels: list of str | None (default None)
-        list of channel to select. If None, use all EEG channels available in
-        the dataset.
-    resample: float | None (default None)
-        If not None, resample the eeg data with the sampling rate provided.
     def __init__(
@@ -74,9 +39,9 @@ def __init__(
     def is_valid(self, dataset):
-        ret = True
-        if not (dataset.paradigm == "imagery"):
-            ret = False
+        ret = dataset.paradigm == "imagery"
+        if not ret:
+            return ret
         # check if dataset has required events
         if self.events:
@@ -105,78 +70,28 @@ def scoring(self):
         return "accuracy"
-class SinglePass(BaseMotorImagery):
-    """Single Bandpass filter motor Imagery.
-    Motor imagery paradigm with only one bandpass filter (default 8 to 32 Hz)
+class LeftRightImagery(BaseMotorImagery):
+    """Motor Imagery for left hand/right hand classification.
-    ----------
+    -----------
     fmin: float (default 8)
-        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the high pass filter
+        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the high pass filter.
     fmax: float (default 32)
-        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the low pass filter
-    events: List of str | None (default None)
-        event to use for epoching. If None, default to all events defined in
-        the dataset.
-    tmin: float (default 0.0)
-        Start time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the dataset specific
-        task interval e.g. tmin = 1 would mean the epoch will start 1 second
-        after the beginning of the task as defined by the dataset.
-    tmax: float | None, (default None)
-        End time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the beginning of the
-        dataset specific task interval. tmax = 5 would mean the epoch will end
-        5 second after the beginning of the task as defined in the dataset. If
-        None, use the dataset value.
-    baseline: None | tuple of length 2
-            The time interval to consider as “baseline” when applying baseline
-            correction. If None, do not apply baseline correction.
-            If a tuple (a, b), the interval is between a and b (in seconds),
-            including the endpoints.
-            Correction is applied by computing the mean of the baseline period
-            and subtracting it from the data (see mne.Epochs)
-    channels: list of str | None (default None)
-        list of channel to select. If None, use all EEG channels available in
-        the dataset.
-    resample: float | None (default None)
-        If not None, resample the eeg data with the sampling rate provided.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fmin=8, fmax=32, **kwargs):
-        if "filters" in kwargs.keys():
-            raise (ValueError("MotorImagery does not take argument filters"))
-        super().__init__(filters=[[fmin, fmax]], **kwargs)
+        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the low pass filter.
-class FilterBank(BaseMotorImagery):
-    """Filter Bank MI."""
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        filters=([8, 12], [12, 16], [16, 20], [20, 24], [24, 28], [28, 32]),
-        **kwargs,
-    ):
-        """init."""
-        super().__init__(filters=filters, **kwargs)
-class LeftRightImagery(SinglePass):
-    """Motor Imagery for left hand/right hand classification.
-    Metric is 'roc_auc'
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, fmin=8, fmax=32, **kwargs):
         if "events" in kwargs.keys():
             raise (ValueError("LeftRightImagery dont accept events"))
-        super().__init__(events=["left_hand", "right_hand"], **kwargs)
+        if "filters" in kwargs.keys():
+            raise (ValueError("LeftRightImagery does not take argument filters"))
+        super().__init__(
+            filters=[[fmin, fmax]], events=["left_hand", "right_hand"], **kwargs
+        )
     def used_events(self, dataset):
         return {ev: dataset.event_id[ev] for ev in self.events}
@@ -186,63 +101,59 @@ def scoring(self):
         return "roc_auc"
-class FilterBankLeftRightImagery(FilterBank):
-    """Filter Bank Motor Imagery for left hand/right hand classification.
-    Metric is 'roc_auc'
-    """
+class FilterBankLeftRightImagery(LeftRightImagery):
+    """Filter Bank Motor Imagery for left/right hand classification."""
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        filters=([8, 12], [12, 16], [16, 20], [20, 24], [24, 28], [28, 32]),
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
         if "events" in kwargs.keys():
             raise (ValueError("LeftRightImagery dont accept events"))
-        super().__init__(events=["left_hand", "right_hand"], **kwargs)
-    def used_events(self, dataset):
-        return {ev: dataset.event_id[ev] for ev in self.events}
-    @property
-    def scoring(self):
-        return "roc_auc"
+        super(LeftRightImagery, self).__init__(
+            filters=filters, events=["left_hand", "right_hand"], **kwargs
+        )
-class FilterBankMotorImagery(FilterBank):
-    """Filter bank n-class motor imagery.
-    Metric is 'roc-auc' if 2 classes and 'accuracy' if more
+class MotorImagery(BaseMotorImagery):
+    """N-class Motor Imagery.
-    events: List of str
-        event labels used to filter datasets (e.g. if only motor imagery is
-        desired).
+    fmin: float (default 8)
+        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the high pass filter.
+    fmax: float (default 32)
+        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the low pass filter.
+    n_classes: int (default number of available classes)
+        number of MotorImagery classes/events to select.
-    n_classes: int,
-        number of classes each dataset must have. If events is given,
-        requires all imagery sorts to be within the events list.
-    def __init__(self, n_classes=2, **kwargs):
-        "docstring"
-        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+    def __init__(self, fmin=8, fmax=32, n_classes=None, **kwargs):
+        if "filters" in kwargs.keys():
+            raise (ValueError("MotorImagery does not take argument filters"))
         self.n_classes = n_classes
         if self.events is None:
             log.warning("Choosing from all possible events")
-        else:
+        elif self.n_classes is not None:
             assert n_classes <= len(self.events), "More classes than events specified"
+        super().__init__(filters=[[fmin, fmax]], **kwargs)
     def is_valid(self, dataset):
-        ret = True
-        if not dataset.paradigm == "imagery":
-            ret = False
-        if self.events is None:
-            if not len(dataset.event_id) >= self.n_classes:
-                ret = False
-        else:
+        ret = dataset.paradigm == "imagery"
+        if not ret:
+            return ret
+        if self.events is None and self.n_classes:
+            ret = len(dataset.event_id) >= self.n_classes
+        elif self.events and self.n_classes:
             overlap = len(set(self.events) & set(dataset.event_id.keys()))
-            if not overlap >= self.n_classes:
-                ret = False
+            ret = overlap >= self.n_classes
         return ret
     def used_events(self, dataset):
@@ -250,8 +161,8 @@ def used_events(self, dataset):
         if self.events is None:
             for k, v in dataset.event_id.items():
                 out[k] = v
-                if len(out) == self.n_classes:
-                    break
+            if self.n_classes is None:
+                self.n_classes = len(out)
             for event in self.events:
                 if event in dataset.event_id.keys():
@@ -288,120 +199,28 @@ def scoring(self):
             return "accuracy"
-class MotorImagery(SinglePass):
-    """N-class motor imagery.
-    Metric is 'roc-auc' if 2 classes and 'accuracy' if more
+class FilterBankMotorImagery(MotorImagery):
+    """Filter bank N-class motor imagery.
-    events: List of str
-        event labels used to filter datasets (e.g. if only motor imagery is
-        desired).
-    n_classes: int,
-        number of classes each dataset must have. If events is given,
-        requires all imagery sorts to be within the events list.
-    fmin: float (default 8)
-        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the high pass filter
-    fmax: float (default 32)
-        cutoff frequency (Hz) for the low pass filter
-    tmin: float (default 0.0)
-        Start time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the dataset specific
-        task interval e.g. tmin = 1 would mean the epoch will start 1 second
-        after the beginning of the task as defined by the dataset.
-    tmax: float | None, (default None)
-        End time (in second) of the epoch, relative to the beginning of the
-        dataset specific task interval. tmax = 5 would mean the epoch will end
-        5 second after the beginning of the task as defined in the dataset. If
-        None, use the dataset value.
-    baseline: None | tuple of length 2
-            The time interval to consider as “baseline” when applying baseline
-            correction. If None, do not apply baseline correction.
-            If a tuple (a, b), the interval is between a and b (in seconds),
-            including the endpoints.
-            Correction is applied by computing the mean of the baseline period
-            and subtracting it from the data (see mne.Epochs)
-    channels: list of str | None (default None)
-        list of channel to select. If None, use all EEG channels available in
-        the dataset.
-    resample: float | None (default None)
-        If not None, resample the eeg data with the sampling rate provided.
+    n_classes: int (default number of available classes)
+        number of MotorImagery classes/events to select.
-    def __init__(self, n_classes=None, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        filters=([8, 12], [12, 16], [16, 20], [20, 24], [24, 28], [28, 32]),
+        n_classes=None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
         self.n_classes = n_classes
         if self.events is None:
             log.warning("Choosing from all possible events")
         elif self.n_classes is not None:
             assert n_classes <= len(self.events), "More classes than events specified"
-    def is_valid(self, dataset):
-        ret = True
-        if not dataset.paradigm == "imagery":
-            ret = False
-        elif self.n_classes is None and self.events is None:
-            pass
-        elif self.events is None:
-            if not len(dataset.event_id) >= self.n_classes:
-                ret = False
-        else:
-            overlap = len(set(self.events) & set(dataset.event_id.keys()))
-            if self.n_classes is not None and not overlap >= self.n_classes:
-                ret = False
-        return ret
-    def used_events(self, dataset):
-        out = {}
-        if self.events is None:
-            for k, v in dataset.event_id.items():
-                out[k] = v
-            if self.n_classes is None:
-                self.n_classes = len(out)
-        else:
-            for event in self.events:
-                if event in dataset.event_id.keys():
-                    out[event] = dataset.event_id[event]
-                if len(out) == self.n_classes:
-                    break
-        if len(out) < self.n_classes:
-            raise (
-                ValueError(
-                    f"Dataset {dataset.code} did not have enough "
-                    f"events in {self.events} to run analysis"
-                )
-            )
-        return out
-    @property
-    def datasets(self):
-        if self.tmax is None:
-            interval = None
-        else:
-            interval = self.tmax - self.tmin
-        return utils.dataset_search(
-            paradigm="imagery",
-            events=self.events,
-            interval=interval,
-            has_all_events=False,
-        )
-    @property
-    def scoring(self):
-        if self.n_classes == 2:
-            return "roc_auc"
-        else:
-            return "accuracy"
+        super(MotorImagery, self).__init__(filters=filters, **kwargs)
 class FakeImageryParadigm(LeftRightImagery):
diff --git a/moabb/utils.py b/moabb/utils.py
index 04dc3bf83..d5f4fd260 100644
--- a/moabb/utils.py
+++ b/moabb/utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 """Util functions for moabb."""
+import abc
 import inspect
 import logging
 import os
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 import numpy as np
+from docstring_inheritance import NumpyDocstringInheritanceInitMeta
 from mne import get_config, set_config
 from mne import set_log_level as sll
@@ -227,3 +229,7 @@ def depreciated_func(*args, **kwargs):
         return func
     return factory
+class MoabbMetaClass(abc.ABCMeta, NumpyDocstringInheritanceInitMeta):
+    pass