This document describes the data layouts for NcEngine assets and asset file types.
An asset can exist on its own in a .nca file, or as an entry in a .ncp package. The data layout is identical in either case. Each nca consists of a header that is common between all asset types and an asset blob, the layout of which is determined by the asset type.
Name | Type | Size | Note |
magic number | string | 4 | non-null-terminated string identifying the asset type |
compression | string | 4 | NONE until supported |
asset id | u64 | 8 | |
blob size | u64 | 8 | size of the asset blob |
asset blob | - | blob size | unique layout for each asset type |
An asset package is one or more assets bundled together. It consists of a header, lookup table, and one or more .nca files packaged together.
Name | Type | Size | Note |
magic number | string | 4 | always NCPK |
version | string | 8 | semver XX.YY.ZZ |
asset count | u64 | 8 | number of table/asset entries |
look up table | lutEntry[] | asset count * 24 | identifies assets in the package |
assets | nca[] | - | list of nca files |
Name | Type | Size |
asset id | u64 | 8 |
offset | u64 | 8 |
last updated | time_t | 8 |
Magic Number: 'CLIP'
Name | Type | Size |
samples per channel | u64 | 8 |
left channel | double[] | 8 * samples per channel |
right channel | double[] | 8 * samples per channel |
Magic Number: 'CONC'
Name | Type | Size |
extents | Vector3 | 12 |
max extent | float | 4 |
triangle count | u64 | 8 |
triangles | Triangle[] | triangle count * 36 |
Magic Number: 'CUBE'
Name | Type | Size | Note |
face side length | u32 | 4 | |
pixel data | unsigned char[] | face side length ^ 2 * 4 * 6 | 6 faces with 4 8-bit channels packed together |
CubeMap faces in pixel data array are ordered: front, back, up, down, right, left.
Magic number: 'HULL'
Name | Type | Size |
extents | Vector3 | 12 |
max extent | float | 4 |
vertex count | u64 | 8 |
vertex list | Vector3[] | vertex count * 12 |
Magic Number: 'MESH'
Name | Type | Size | Note |
extents | Vector3 | 12 | |
max extent | float | 4 | |
vertex count | u64 | 8 | |
index count | u64 | 8 | |
vertex list | MeshVertex[] | vertex count * 88 | |
indices | int[] | index count * 4 | |
bones data has value | bool | 1 | |
BonesData | BonesData | BonesData |
Name | Type | Size | Note |
vertexSpaceToBoneSpace count | u64 | 8 | |
boneSpaceToParentSpace count | u64 | 8 | |
boneMapping | (u64 + string + u32) * vertexSpaceToBoneSpace count | (12 + sizeof(boneName)) * vertexSpaceToBoneSpace count | |
vertexSpaceToBoneSpace | VertexSpaceToBoneSpace[] | (72 + sizeof(boneName)) * vertexSpaceToBoneSpace count | |
boneSpaceToParentSpace | BoneSpaceToParentSpace[] | (136 + sizeof(boneName)) * vertexSpaceToBoneSpace count |
Magic Number: 'SHAD'
Magic Number: 'SKEL'
Name | Type | Size | Note |
name size | u64 | 8 | |
name | string | name.size() | |
durationInTicks | u32 | 4 | |
ticksPerSecond | float | 4 | |
framesPerBone count | u64 | 8 | |
framesPerBone list | FramesPerBone[] | FramesPerBone |
Name | Type | Size | Note |
name size | u64 | 8 | |
name | string | name.size() | |
position frames size | u64 | 8 | |
position frames | PositionFrames[] | position frames size * 20 | |
rotation frames size | u64 | 8 | |
rotation frames | RotationFrames[] | rotation frames size * 24 | |
scale frames size | u64 | 8 | |
scale frames | ScaleFrames[] | scale frames size * 20 |
Magic Number: 'TEXT'
Name | Type | Size | Note |
width | u32 | 4 | |
height | u32 | 4 | |
pixelData | unsigned char[] | width * height * 4 | Always forced to 4 8-bit channels |