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What is DbBot MSSQL

DbBot MSSQL - A fork of [DbBot](

Upon completion of Robot test suites, an output.xml file is generated that summarizes the results of the executed tests. This file is difficult to read and manipulate. DbBot MSSQL parses this output.xml file and writes the information into a SQL Server® database. You can then run reports and statistics on various test runs to investigate frequently failing tests and suites. Potentially, the DbBot can be used against any output.xml file generated by an up-to-date version of Robot.


* Python 2.7 installed * [pymssql]( - pymssql is the Python language extension module that provides access to Microsoft SQL Servers from Python scripts Note: Pymssql installer requires a valid python entry in registry 1. Navigate to 2. Download and install [pymssql-2.0.0b1-dev-20130111.win32-py2.7.exe]( * Microsoft SQL Server® Database (tested with SQL Server® 2008) 1. Create an empty MSSQL Server Database [following these steps](

Configure and Run DbBot

Configuring DbBot's Database Properties

  1. Open mssql_dbbot\dbbot\ in a text editor

  2. Locate the command to connect to the database, for example:

     return pymssql.connect(host='', user='exampleuser', password='password', database='RobotDB')
  3. Modify the database details to point to your database

  4. Change the username and password to the appropriate values

  5. Add the MSSQL directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. A valid PYTHONPATH could be:


Run Tests

The following options can be used when running ``:
Option Strings Description
-h, --help Prints help instructions and lists these options
-v, --verbose Be verbose about the operation
-d, --dry-run Do everything except commit to database
-k, --also-keywords In addition, parse suites' and tests' keywords
-c, --clear-database Clear database of existing data before parsing
-m, --log-messages Parse and store messages; Requires keywords to be parsed
-f, --files [output.xml files] One or more Robot Framework output.xml files to parse
  1. Open a command prompt window
  2. Navigate to your mssql_dbbot directory, For example:

cd c:\mssql_dbbot

  1. Perform the following command, changing the last option to point to your output.xml file:

python -f c:\output.xml

  1. Check that the values were loaded into the database specified in mssql_dbbot\dbbot\ (see Configure Database Properties)


What is FailBot

The FailBot script reads the Microsoft SQL Server® database and generates a report on the failing suites, tests, and keywords. It orders these by most failures at the top.

FailBot Prerequisites

* Working installation of Dbbot

Run FailBot

FailBot Options

FailBot can run with the following options:
Option Strings Description
-h, --help Will print help instructions, and a list of these options
-v, --verbose Be verbose about the operation
-o, --output Path to the resulting html file
-n, --name Specify the report name / title

To run FailBot:

  1. Navigate to the mssql_dbbot directory
  2. From this directory, execute the following command:
    python failbot\bin\failbot --name "[report title]" -o [path for output file]
    Replacing [report title] and [path for output file] fields with appropriate values.

Your report should be generated and saved in the location you provided in [path for output file] parameter.

To add a new section to FailBot reports:

1. Navigate to ``failbot/failbot`` 2. Open the file ```` for edit 3. Create a new function: 1. Copy and paste one of the existing functions from one of the existing sections - for example:
		def most_failed_tests(self):
			sql_statement = '''
				SELECT count( as count,,,
				FROM tests, test_status, suites
				WHERE = test_status.test_id
				AND tests.suite_id =
				AND test_status.status = 'FAIL'
				GROUP BY, tests.suite_id,,
				ORDER BY count DESC
			return self._fetch_by(sql_statement)  
  1. Change the function name to something more appropriate

  2. Change the SQL statement stored in the sql_statement variable to the query you wish to execute

  3. Update the HTML writing functionality:

  4. Open failbot/ in a text editor or an IDE

  5. Find the produce function, which aggregates information from various sections of the database:

           def produce(self):
                  self._verbose('- Producing summaries from database')
               output_html = self._full_layout.substitute({
       		'page_title': self._report_title,
       		'time_stamp': self._return_time_string(),
       		'most_failed_suites': self._table_of_most_failed_suites(),
       		'most_failed_tests': self._table_of_most_failed_tests(),
       		'most_failed_keywords': self._table_of_most_failed_keywords()
  6. Add a line to the output_html variable using one of the 'most_*' lines as an example

  7. Create a new function for formatting your new table using an existing one as an example:

       def _table_of_most_failed_tests(self):
       	return self._format_three_column_table_with_suite_name(self._db.most_failed_tests())  

Choose between _format_three_column_table_with_suite_name and _format_two_column_table_with_suite_name, depending on the number of attributes to display - two or three, respectively.

Automated Regression Tests

The automated regression suite provided with DbBot is written in the Robot Framework. It runs the DbBot with various types of test output.xml files.

Regression Requirements

  • Robot Framework

Run Regression Tests

The regression suite is located in: mssql_dbbot/Testdbbot.

  1. Open mssql_dbbot\dbbot\ in a text editor
  2. Locate the command to connect to the database, for example:
    return pymssql.connect(host='', user='exampleuser', password='password', database='RobotDB')
  3. Modify the database details to point to your test database (so as not to affect your actual results)
  4. Navigate to mssql_dbbot/Testdbbot
  5. Execute the following command:
    pybot Testdbbot/DbBot_Output_Tests.txt

The test output.xml files used are stored in the testdata directory.

Add New Tests to the Regression Suite

To add tests of a similar kind to the regression suite:
  1. Save the output.xml you wish to test to testdata/<name of tested area> for example: testdata/large_xml/test_output.xml

  2. Open Testdbbot\DbBot_Output_Tests.txt in a text editor

  3. Create a new Test Case with the following format:

     <<Your Test Case Name>>
     	[Documentation]                                 Input large output file containing 20,000 tests
     	${console_output} =                             Console Output For Output File in Sub-Directory  <<name of the dir your created in the previous steps>>
     	Database Commit Should Have Succeeded           ${console_output}

Note: The final keyword can be replaced with a keyword to check for a parse error -- if this test is expected to fail:

 Parse Error Should Be Present                   ${console_output}

Known Issues

  • Output.xml files that have been generated from two output.xml files, which have been combined with Robot, cannot be processed by DbBot -- automated regression test currently fails.



If FailBot PYTHONPATH Error occurs, despite the PYTHONPATH variable being set correctly: 1. Navigate to: ``failbot\bin\failbot.pyc`` 2. If this file is present, delete it

Integrity Exception on Inserting to Table test_run_errors

If you get an integrity exception, which mentions a unique key violation for the table test_run_errors, you should do the following: 1. Update your MSSQL-DbBot to the latest version 2. Delete your existing 'test_run_errors' table (MSSQL-DbBot will recreate it)
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