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[infra,devops] The 'shiny' container

Ingi Erli edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Start up and log into the container

Start up : docker-compose up

Login in

  1. docker exec -it shiny bash
  2. cd /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/swedishbirdrecoveries/shiny-apps/birdrecoveries

the content of the directory : ~birdrecoveries

  1. global.R
  2. server.R
  3. ui.R
  4. matomo.html (the javascript-snippet for matomo)
  5. dir 'www'

the content of the directory : ~birdrecoveries/www

  1. about_eng.html
  2. about_eng.Rmd
  3. about_swe.html
  4. about_swe.Rmd
  5. birds.jpg
  6. birds.png
  7. favicon.ico
  8. logo-png
  9. nrm-logo.png
  10. nrm-logo-white.png